Research: Onlife: Truth, Forms of Power and Critique. A philosophical investigation starting out with Michel FoucaultThe purpose of the research is to examine the rationality at the basis of the phenomenon that has recently been defined as “algorithmic governmentality”, through Michel Foucault’s thought. The question from which the work takes its lead regards the status of truth in the age of the dominance of the "intelligence" and the predictive power of algorithms. Furthermore, such a work cannot be separated from a research on the processes of subjectivation in contemporary societies. Specifically, taking inspiration from the Foucauldian idea of “pastoral government”, the analysis aims to examine the at the same time individualizing and totalizing effects caused by the use of data in the most recent technologies related to the development of artificial intelligence, with the intent of identity possible and incisive forms of critique and resistance.
Truth, Subjectivation, Michel Foucault, Pastoral Power, Governmentality, Algorithms