PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXV

supervisor: prof. Ivan Foletti e prof.ssa Manuela Gianandrea
joint PhD: Masarykova Univerzita, Brno (CZE)


Sabina Rosenbergová is a PhD. student of History of Art in a cotutel at the Masaryk University of Brno (CZE) and Sapienza, University of Rome. In her thesis, directed by Ivan Foletti and Manuela Gianandrea, she focuses on an artistic production in Rome in the tenth century, with a special focus on the historiographical issues of this period and on the monasteries and female convents and cultural exchange at this epoch.
She graduated at the Masaryk university (bachelor studies, 2016) with a thesis on a relic of Cathedra Petri studied from a longue durée perspective. She participated on a project Migrating Art Historians (2016–2018), directed by Ivan Foletti, dedicated to the art on the medieval pilgrimage routes. From this project, her master thesis on the perception by medieval pilgrims of Mont-Saint-Michel in Normandy flourished and was discusses at the Masaryk university (2018).
During her studies, she spent periods as Erasmus student at Sapienza, Università di Roma (2015) and Université de Poitiers (2017) and did an internship at the Tanja Michalsky’s department of the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte (2016, 2018).
The (provisory) title of the thesis: Between the Medieval Renaissances: The Art of the City of Rome in the “Dark Period” (900–1049).

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