Risa Permandeli

email: permana@sr-indonesia.org
phone: +62816778757

Risa Permanadeli is a social psychologist working with the Social Representations perspective.

She founded and is currently the Director of Indonesian Center of Social Representations Studies since 2008.

She disseminates the theory of Social Representations on her teachings and seminars at the Universities in Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia-Jakarta, Universitas Airlangga-Surabaya, Universitas Katholik Atmajaya-Jakarta, Institut Kesenian Jakarta, Universitas Sanata Dharma-Yocyakarta, Kosorsium Psikologi Kultural Indonesia-Jakarta, etc.) to develop insight on culture and social thinking of non-modern societies. She focuses her research on themes such as power, women, urban culture, oral tradition, and belief system. She is a member of the Reseaux Mondial Serge Moscovici of the Foundation of Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, France, and member of International Task Force of Indigenous Psychology of APA

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