Renata Samperi

Associate professor

phone: 3384256193

Renata Samperi, architect, Associate Professor of Architectural History at the University of Ferrara since 2018, earned her PhD in Architectural History in 1992 (Sapienza University, Rome). At the Sapienza she obtained two scholarships (1995-97, 2003-2005), was Assistant Professor from 2006 to 2017, and from 2000 to 2017 led the courses in Garden and Landscape History, Building Technique History, Ancient and Medieval Architectural History, Modern Architectural History, and Tools and Methods for Historical Research. She has worked with cultural institutions, such as the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura “Andrea Palladio” in Vicenza, and the “Roma nel Rinascimento” association. She has spoken at international conferences and contributed to exhibition catalogues. She received her professional license in Rome in 1986 and has gained professional experience as an architect especially in plans for historical centers. Her research activity spans the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, centering on selected topics of Roman architecture and on the work of architects such as Leon Battista Alberti, Giuliano da Sangallo, Baldassarre Peruzzi, Andrea Palladio, and Francesco Borromini. The central focus of her research on buildings, gardens, and urban areas has been the reconstruction of the complex architectural processes based on the cross-analysis of data from archival documents, surveys and direct observation. This research has brought to light significant passages in the construction development of the studied works, establishing new and precise dating and clarifying the contribution of patrons, architects and craftsmen. Her current research concerns, in particular, the architectural language in Ferrara between the fifteenth and the sixteenth century.

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