Associate professor

phone: 081283996

Renato Capozzi was born in Naples in 1971, where he graduated in Architecture in 1997 with a thesis in Architectural Design –on the east area of Naples (professor supervising of the thesis Alberto Ferlenga ). In 2004 obtained the title of Doctor of Research in Architectural Composition at the IUAV of Venice, in 2005, at the University of Studies of Naples “Federico II”, he attainted the Specialization In Urban and Architectural Design. Since the academic year 2006 – 2012 he is teacher by contract of Faculty of Architecture of the University of Studies of Naples “Federico II” to which he holds the teaching of Theory of contemporary project linked to the degree course in Architecture 5UE. From 2012 to 2015 he was a researcher in Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples "Federico II" and as associate professor, has held courses in Theory of contemporary architectural research and the Laboratory of Architectural Design . He is currently associate professor of Architecture and Urban and holds the Course of Design Theory and the Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Composition 1 at the CdS single cycle 5UE and the Final Synthesis Laboratory in Architectural Design in CdS MAPA. He participated to a lot of competitive examinations of design, among which: National competitive examination of Architecture “Piazza Mercato” 1st prize ex aeqo classified; National Competitive examination of Architecture for the Architectural Re-settlement of Carlo Maria Carafa Square at Grammichele ( CT ); International competition for Granatello Harbour and coastline redevelopment in Portici, 1st prize classified; International competition for “Città dei Bambini” a Frattamaggiore (Naples) 3th prize; PRU_Programma di Recupero Urbano rione Sant’Alfonso in Naples. He has built some buildings such as, for instance: Polyfunctional hall, Hotel in open court, both in Castelvolturno, Caserta and has under a “kindergarten” in Naples. Has made and produced numerous exhibitions and conferences as in 2012, the International Conference of Studies "Architecture and Realism" co-sponsored by the University of Naples, Turin Polytechnic and the Polytechnic of Milan at the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies of Naples. He has directed the Research and Activities Department of the International Foundation for Advanced Studies in Architecture in Naples and he is a member of the editorial staff of the web-journal FA Magazine. He is the editor with Federica Visconti thematic area "Architecture of Reason: between tradition and history the city" of magazini EdA_Esempi di Architettura. He was a member of the board of teachers of the DoARC PhD in Architecture (Theme 1 - The Architectural project for the city, landscape and environment) in the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples "Federico II" currently (from XXXIII cycle) is part of the board of teachers of the DRACo PhD in Architecture and Construction, part of the Doctorate School in Architectural Sciences of "La Sapienza" University of Rome.

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