Associate professor

email: raffaele.delloioio@uniroma1.it

Family name, First name: Dello Ioio, Raffaele
Italian Mother Tongue
English Fluent
German Basic
2009 PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology , Supervisor: Prof.Sabrina Sabatini, University of
Rome Sapienza , Italy
2005 Laurea (Italian degree, M.Sc. equivalent) in Biology, major in Biotechnology. Final mark: 110
/110 cum laude
1999 High school Degree, major in Classical studies (Diploma di Maturità Classica), Rome, Italy
2022-present Associate Professor, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome, IT
2019-2022 RTDB, Researcher Type B, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome, IT
2017-2018 Research Fellow, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome, Italy
2014-2017 RTDA, Researcher Type A, Young Principal Investigator Italian Equivalent, University
of Rome Sapienza , Rome, IT
2013-2014 Post-doc position in the Lab of Prof. Tsiantis, Dept. of Comparative Development and
Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany
2009-2013 Post-doc Fellow in the Lab of Prof. Tsiantis, Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of
Oxford, Oxford, UK
2008-2009 Post-Doc position in the Lab of Prof. Sabrina Sabatini, Dept. of Genetics and Mol.
Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome, Italy
2005-2008 PhD student in the Lab of Prof. Sabrina Sabatini, Dept. of Genetics and Mol. Biology,
University of Rome Sapienza , Rome, Italy
2003-2005 Undergraduate student research experience in Prof. Sabrina Sabatini Lab, department of
Genetics and Molecular Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Rome, Italy
2019- Premio Feltrinelli giovani- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
2014-2017 FIRB (Futuro in Ricerca) for young researcher, Indipendent Principal Investigator,
2009-2012 FEBS - Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Long Term fellowship
2009 Human Frontier Science Program Short term Fellowship
2009 Travel Grant Development
2008-2009 Fellowship for excellence, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
2008- Award to attend to the EPSO conference, Toulon, France
2004-2005 Fellowship for excellence in academic performance, Dept. of Cell &Dev. Biology,
University of Rome Sapienza , Italy

2003-2004 Fellowship for excellence in academic performance, Dept. of Animal and Human
Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2002-2003 Fellowship for excellence in academic performance, Dept. of Animal and Human
Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
H-Index: 15 (Scopus)
Citations: 2257 (Scopus)
Number of Papers: 26 (Scopus)
Lazio Innova 2021, participant
Progetto Ateneo 2020, participant
Progetto Ateneo 2019, coordinator
FIRB (Futuro in Ricerca) 2013, MIUR- Coordinator
Progetto Ateneo 2015, participant

Since 2019 Professor, Molecular techniques for food control and improvement , University of
Rome Sapienza , Italy
Since 2019 Professor, Plant Stem Cells , University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
Since 2019 Professor, Molecular Mechanisms in Plant Development , University of Rome
Sapienza , Italy
2021 Lecture at the Stem Cells Master School, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2021 Lecture at the Genetic and Molecular Biology PhD School, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2017 Lectures in Animal and Plant Stem Cells, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2017 Lectures in Cell Differentiation, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2017 Lectures in Molecular Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2016 Lectures in Model Systems Molecular and Developmental Biology, University of Rome
Sapienza , Italy
2015 Lecture at the Genetic and Molecular Biology PhD School, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2014 2015 Lectures in Plant Developmental Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2007-2008 Lectures in Plant Developmental Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2008 Lectures in Molecular Biology, University of Rome Sapienza , Italy
2019-Now Member of the Advisory committee of the Genetic and Molecular Biology PhD school,
University of Rome Sapienza .
2017-2021 Member of the PhD Thesis Advisory Committees (TAC) at the Max Planck Institute for
Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany.
2010 2011 Organiser of the Internal Seminar, Post Doc Seminar, Department of Plant Science, Oxford
University, Oxford, UK
25/01/2022 Lezioni a Palazzo, Palazzo delle Esposizioni,Rome, It- invited speaker
29/06/2021-08/07/2021 SEB annual meeting, online- selected speaker
20/06/2019 Epigenetic and RNA-mediated regulation in plant development and stress response, Conegliano,

Tv, It-invited speaker
15-17/02/2017- 1 st COST iPLANTA Conference, Rome, IT -invited speaker
14-15/11/2016-Mechanism of Asymmetric Cell Division Symposium-Royal Society. Kavli Royal Society
Centre, Chicheley Hall, UK-invited speaker
23/10/2015-Minisymposium on plant form and modulation-Anfiteatro Admar Cervellini
Piracicaba, Brasil-invited speaker
4-9/9/2012-22 nd IUBMB congress, Cadiz, Spain-invited speaker
8-10/05/2012- Signals and Regulatory Networks in Early Plant Embryogenesis (SIREN)
symposium, Haigerloch, Germany -invited speaker
24/06/2008-4 th EPSO conference, Toulon, France-selected for oral presentation

16/03/2017- University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
20/01/2017-Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, IT
26/08/2016-University of Wageningen, Wageningen, NL
16/04/2015-Scuola Superiore Sant Anna, Pisa, IT
29/08/2012-Science Day, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Editor - Plants
Associate Editor- Frontiers in Plant Science
2010-2014 Member of the Faculty of 1000 biologist
2009-2012 Member of the Società Italiana di Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare
Liu S, Strauss S, Adibi M, Mosca G, Yoshida S, Dello Ioio R, Runions A, Andersen TG, Grossmann G, Huijser P, Smith RS, Tsiantis M. (2022)
Cytokinin promotes growth cessation in the Arabidopsis root. Curr Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.03.019.
Bertolotti G, Scintu D, Dello Ioio R. (2021) A small cog in a large wheel: crucial role of miRNAs
in root development. Journal of Experimental Botany. Aug 5:erab332. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erab332.
Online ahead of print.
Bertolotti G, Unterholzner S.J , Scintu D , Salvi E., Svolacchia N , Di Mambro R, Ruta V , Linhares
Scaglia F , Vittorioso P , Sabatini S, Costantino P, Dello Ioio R. (2021) A PHABULOSA-
Controlled Genetic Pathway Regulates Ground Tissue Patterning in the Arabidopsis Root. Curr
Biol. 31, 420 426
Cesarino I*, Dello Ioio R*, Kirschner GK*, Ogden MS*, Picard KL*, Rast-Somssich MI*,
Somssich M. (2020) Plant Science s Next Top Models. Ann Bot. 2020:
10.1093/aob/mcaa063. Online ahead of print. Joint authors.
Salvi E, Rutten JP, Di Mambro R, Polverari L, Licursi V, Negri R, Dello Ioio R, Sabatini S, Ten
Tusscher K. (2020) A Self-Organized PLT/Auxin/ARR-B Network Controls the Dynamics of Root
Zonation Development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Dev Cell. 53(4):431-443.e23. doi:

Di Mambro, R., Dello Ioio, R. (2020) Root stem cells: how to establish and maintain the eternal
youth. Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei . https://doi.org/10.1007/s12210-020-00893-y

Salvi E.*, Dello Ioio R.*, Moubayidin L.* (2019)Meristems, Stem Cells, and Stem Cell Niches in
Vascular Land Plants. Chapter in " Deferring Development"CRC press.
Hajheidari M, Wang Y, Bhatia N, Vuolo F, Franco-Zorrilla JM, Karady M, Mentink RA, Wu A,
Oluwatobi BR, Müller B, Dello Ioio R, Laurent S, Ljung K, Huijser P, Gan X, Tsiantis M. (2019)
Autoregulation of RCO by Low-Affinity Binding Modulates Cytokinin Action and Shapes Leaf
Diversity. Curr Biol 16;29(24):4183-4192.e6.
Ruta V, Longo C, Boccaccini A, Madia VN, Saccoliti F, Tudino V, Di Santo R, Lorrai R, Dello
Ioio R, Sabatini S, Costi R, Costantino P, Vittorioso P.(2019) Inhibition of Polycomb Repressive
Complex 2 activity reduces trimethylation of H3K27 and affects development in Arabidopsis
seedlings. BMC Plant Biol. 19(1):429.
Kierzkowski D, Runions A, Vuolo F, Strauss S, Lymbouridou R, Routier-Kierzkowska AR,
Wilson-Sánchez D, Jenke H, Galinha C, Mosca G, Zhang Z, Canales C, Dello Ioio R, Huijser P,
Smith RS, Tsiantis M (2019) A Growth-Based Framework for Leaf Shape Development and
Diversity. Cell. 177(6): 1405 1418
Pierdonati E, Unterholzner SJ, Salvi S, Svolacchia N, Bertolotti G, Dello Ioio R, Sabatini S, Di
Mambro R (2019) Cytokinin-Dependent Control of GH3 Group II Family Genes in the Arabidopsis
Root Plants (Basel) 8(4): 94.
Di Mambro R, Svolacchia N, Dello Ioio R, Pierdonati E, Salvi E, Pedrazzini E, Vitale A, Perilli S,
Sozzani R, Benfey PN, Busch W, Costantino P, Sabatini S (2019) The Lateral Root Cap Acts as an
Auxin Sink that Controls Meristem Size. Curr Biol. 29(7):1199-1205
Di Mambro R, Sabatini S, Dello Ioio R (2018) Patterning the Axes: A Lesson from the Root. Plants
Di Ruocco G, Di Mambro R, Dello Ioio R. (2018) Building the differences: a case for the ground
tissue patterning in plants. Proc Biol Sci. 285(1890).
Salvi E, Di Mambro R, Pacifici E, Dello Ioio R, Costantino P, Moubayidin L, Sabatini S.
SCARECROW and SHORTROOT control the auxin/cytokinin balance necessary for embryonic
stem cell niche specification. Plant Signal Behav. 2018;13(8):e1507402
Pacifici E, Di Mambro R, Dello Ioio R, Costantino P, Sabatini S. (2018) Acidic cell elongation
drives cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis root. EMBO J. 37(16).
Di Ruocco G, Bertolotti G, Pacifici E, Polverari L, Tsiantis M, Sabatini S, Costantino P, Dello Ioio
R. (2018). Differential spatial distribution of miR165/6 determines variability in plant root
anatomy. Development.. 145(1)
Gan, X, Hay A, Kwantes M, Haberer G, Hallab A, Dello Ioio R, Hofhuis H, Pieper B., Cartolano
M., Neumann U, Nikolov LA, et al. (2016). Cardamine hirsuta genome offers insight into the
evolution of morphological diversity. Nature Plants 2:16167.

Rast-Somssich MI, Broholm S, Jenkins H, Canales C, Vlad D, Kwantes M, Bilsborough G, Dello
Ioio R, Ewing RM, Laufs P, Huijser P, Ohno C, Heisler MG, Hay A, Tsiantis M. (2015) Alternate
wiring of a KNOXI genetic network underlies differences in leaf development of A. thaliana and C.

hirsuta. Genes Dev. 29:2391-404.
Vlad D, Kierzkowski D, Rast MI, Vuolo F, Dello Ioio R, Galinha C, Gan X, Hajheidari M, Hay A,
Smith RS, Huijser P, Bailey DB, Tsiantis M. (2014) Leaf shape evolution through duplication,
regulatory diversification and loss of a growth-repressing homeobox gene. Science. 343:780-3.
Hay A, Pieper B, Cooke E, Mandáková T, Cartolano M, Tattersall A, Dello Ioio R, McGowan S,
Barkoulas M, Galinha C, Rast M, Hofhuis H, Then C, Plieske J, Ganal , Mott R, Martinez-Garcia J,
Carine M, Scotland R, Gan X, Filatov D, Lysak M, Tsiantis M. (2014) Cardamine hirsuta: a
versatile genetic system for comparative studies. Plant J 78: 1-15.

Moubayidin L, Di Mambro R, Sozzani R, Pacifici E, Salvi E, Terpstra I, Bao D, van Dijken A, Dello
Ioio R, Perilli S, Ljung K, Benfey P, Heidstra R, Costantino P, Sabatini S. (2013). Spatial
coordination between stem cell activity and cell differentiation in the root meristem. Dev Cell,
Kougioumoutzi E, Cartolano M, Canales C, Dupré M, Bramsiepe J, Vlad D, Rast M, Dello Ioio R,
Tattersall A, Schnittger A, Hay A, Tsiantis M. (2013) SIMPLE LEAF3 encodes a ribosome-
associated protein required for leaflet development in Cardamine hirsuta. Plant J, ISSN: 0960-7412,
doi: 10.1111/tpj.12072.
Dello Ioio R, Galinha C, Fletcher AG, Grigg SP, Molnar A, Willemsen V, Scheres B, Sabatini S,
Baulcombe D, Maini PK, Tsiantis M. (2012) A PHABULOSA/Cytokinin Feedback Loop Controls
Root Growth in Arabidopsis. Cur Bio, 22:1699-704
Dello Ioio R*, Moubayidin L*, Perilli S*, Di Mambro R, Costantino P, Sabatini S. (2010) The rate
of cell differentiation controls the Arabidopsis root meristem growth phase. Cur Bio, 20:1138-43. *
Joint authors
Dello Ioio R, Nakamura K, Moubayidin L, Perilli S, Taniguchi M, Morita MT, Aoyama T,
Costantino P, Sabatini S. (2008) A genetic framework for the control of cell division and
differentiation in the root meristem. Science 28;322:1380-4.
Dello Ioio R, Linhares FS, Sabatini S. (2008) Emerging role of cytokinin as a regulator of cellular
differentiation. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 11:23-7.
Dello Ioio R, Linhares FS, Scacchi E, Casamitjana-Martinez E, Heidstra R, Costantino P, Sabatini
S. (2007) Cytokinins determine Arabidopsis root-meristem size by controlling cell differentiation.
Curr Biol. 17;17:678-82.

Research products

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