Piergiuseppe Morone

Full professor

email: piergiuseppe.morone@unitelmasapienza.it
phone: 00390699580177
building: Piazza Sassari, 4
room: 210

Piergiuseppe Morone is Full Professor of Economic Policy at Unitelma Sapienza with a strong interest in green innovation and sustainable circular bioeconomy pushing his research at the interface between innovation economics and sustainability transitions, an area of enquiry that has attracted growing attention over the last decade. His work regularly appears in prestigious innovation and environmental economics journals. In 2023 published with Cambridge University Press a textbook on The Circular Bioeconomy - Theories and Tools for Economists and Sustainability Scientists.
He is the coordinator of the Bioeconomy in Transition Research Group (BiT-RG) and the director of the School of Sustainability Studies and Circular Economy (SUSTAIN). Moreover, he is/was involved in several European projects (including: H2020, BBI-JU, Life, Erasmus+, COST, Horizon Europe and CBE-JU) acting as scientific coordinator, vice-chair and WP Leader. He was Economic advisor to the Italian Minister of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection, till February 2021.
Piergiuseppe is Editor in Chief of Societal Impacts (ELSEVIER) and Associate Editor of Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy (ELSEVIER), member of the Editorial Boards of Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (ELSEVIER) and Open Agriculture (De Gruyter Open) and acts as Guest Editor for various journal including the Journal of Cleaner Production (ELSEVIER).
Since April 2022 Piergiuseppe is the vice-chair of the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) Scientific Committee.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma