Programmed study plan for the academic year 2020/2021

List of courses / activities for the first year

Methodological course: bibliographic research 2
Methodolocal course: bibliographic resources available at the Department of Oriental Studies 2
Methodolocal course: how to write an academic curriculum 1
Tutoring activity and supplementary teaching according to DM 45/2013 5
International Phd Student Workshop (due in September 2021) 2
Foreign language (advanced course, optional) 12

More information

Teaching activities in December 2020 for Doctoral students of the 36th cycle

The seminars constitute an introduction to bibliographic research (Prof. B. Lo Turco), and are intended for the construction of a scientific bibliography concerning the research project of each student. Besides, Dr. Fallerini shall illustrate the bibliographic resources (repositories, online catalogs and the like) - general and area - accessible at the Library of the Department of Oriental Studies. A seminar (Dr.ssa V.B. Lanza) is dedicated to the drafting of a curriculum that highlights the skills of the doctoral students and that can be enriched over time with publications, experiences, courses and seminars - according to individual interests and activities .

Details of the courses:
4 dicembre 2020 ore 13-17 (Aula riunioni 1 – Complesso Marco Polo):
“Come redigere un curriculum vitae et studiorum” - Dr.ssa Valentina Bella Lanza, “Sapienza” Università di Roma"
“Le risorse della Biblioteca di Studi Orientali” - Dr.ssa Antonella Fallerini, “Sapienza” Università di Roma (trasversale ai curricula)
“Le risorse della Biblioteca di Studi Orientali per il curriculum Studi arabi, iranici e islamici”. Dr.ssa Antonella Fallerini, “Sapienza” Università di Roma

11 dicembre 2020, ore 13-17 Aula riunioni 1 – Complesso Marco Polo
“Le risorse della Biblioteca di Studi Orientali per il curriculum Asia Orientale”. Dr.ssa Antonella Fallerini, “Sapienza” Università di Roma
"Breve corso di Bibliografia" - parte I Prof. Bruno Lo Turco, “Sapienza” Università di Roma

18 dicembre 2020, ore 13-17 Aula riunioni 1 – Complesso Marco Polo
“Le risorse della Biblioteca di Studi Orientali per il curriculum Subcontinente Indiano e Asia Centrale”. Dr.ssa Antonella Fallerini, “Sapienza” Università di Roma
"Breve corso di Bibliografia - parte II" Prof. Bruno Lo Turco, “Sapienza” Università di Roma

These courses, specific for the first year of the course and compulsory, will be followed by attendance at the teaching activities organized by the individual curricula and transversal to each year, including thematic seminars, conferences and in-depth meetings on specific issues pertaining to the relevant curriculum.
To better harmonize attendance requirements with the needs of research and mission abroad, the remaining teaching activity is organized in two blocks (January-February and May-June).

No credits are granted from courses / seminars provided for PhD students, but attendance is compulsory.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The subject of the thesis is outlined starting from the project that the candidate presented for admission. Once admitted to the PhD course, the candidate shall discuss the project with the tutor with whom he further arranges the scope of the research and the methodology.

Admission to the second year

The assessment consists of two phases:
- First phase: Monitoring of the first semester
The material required for verification for firts-year candidates consists of: an analytic bibliography compared to that already presented initially with the research project, possibly accompanied by other optional materials.
Second phase: end of the second semester
The material required for admission to the following year consists of a report on the state of research and the training activities carried out.
The report consists of 4 sections - as follows:
Section 1: Progress of the research work
In this section, the student can first briefly describe their research project, then focusing on the research developments that took place in the academic year just ended and on the different phases of the same, especially for the periods spent abroad. Especially in the case of those who pass from the 1st to the 2nd year, any changes that the project has undergone with respect to the form in which it was presented at the time of admission to the doctorate can be described; this aspect can be explained by arguing the path of the study that has been produced up to that moment also through references - for example - to new studies and new bibliographic sources that are added to those presented in the initial project, comparisons made with other scholars or the outcome of any missions abroad.
For greater clarity, this section can be divided into several sub-sections.
Section 2: Training activities
In this section you can proceed with the listing and brief description of the training activities carried out in the academic year just passed, such as, for example, participation in conventions, conferences, workshops or other, both as speaker and listener; participation in methodological lessons and any curriculum lessons; teaching support activities and more.
Section 3: bibliographic section that reports in more detail any references cited in Section 1.
Section 4: Approval and signature (including electronic) of the tutor
The last part of this report must be reserved for a note of approval signed by the tutor.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Phd Candidates present their research - first part (Curriculum SAII) 2
Phd Candidates present their research - second part (Curriculum SAII) 2
Workshop: "What is Islam" 2
Workshop on the concept of "falsity" (Curriculum SAII) 29 01 2021 1
Workshop: "Come ci guardavamo: la Cina e il numero de Il ponte 65 anni dopo" (Curriculum AO) 1
Workshop "La ritrattistica presso la corte Mughal" (Curriculum SIAC) 05 03 2021 1
Workshop on the concept of "falsity" (Curriculum AO) 05/0372021 1
Workshop on "Tibetan feminism", Françoise Robin (Inalco) 15 06 2021 (Curriculum SIAC) 1
Tutoing activity and supplementary teaching according to DM 45/2013 5
International PhD student workshop (all curricula), due in September 2021, Con Heildelberg e Venezia 4
Attendance to scientific events chosed by PhD candidates 2

More information

No credits are granted from courses / seminars provided for PhD students, but attendance is compulsory.

Method of preparation of the thesis

During the second yea, doctoral candidates are expected to proceed collecting materials relevant for their research (translations, interviews, lexicons, databases, etc.); this shall constitute the starting point for writing the dissertation in the following year. Research stays abroad in libraries (bibliographic research) or field missions to collect various types of material in the countries of interest are also envisaged. Doctoral students participate in autonomously chosen seminars as well as in doctoral teaching scheduled for the second year (compulsory).

Admission to the third year

The assessment consists of two phases:
- First phase: Monitoring of the work done in the first semester
The material required for verification for firts-year candidates consists of: an unpdated analytic bibliography, possibly accompanied by other optional materials.
Second phase: end of the second semester
The material required for admission to the following year consists of a report on the state of research and the training activities carried out during the second year..
The report consists of 4 sections, as follows:
Section 1: Progress of the research work
In this section, the student can first briefly describe their research project, then focusing on the research developments that took place in the academic year just ended and on the different phases of the same, especially for the periods spent abroad. Especially in the case of those who pass from the 1st to the 2nd year, any changes that the project has undergone with respect to the form in which it was presented at the time of admission to the doctorate can be described; this aspect can be explained by arguing the path of the study that has been produced up to that moment also through references - for example - to new studies and new bibliographic sources that are added to those presented in the initial project, comparisons made with other scholars or the outcome of any missions abroad.
For greater clarity, this section can be divided into several sub-sections.
Section 2: Training activities
In this section you can proceed with the listing and brief description of the training activities carried out in the academic year just passed, such as, for example, participation in conventions, conferences, workshops or other, both as speaker and listener; participation in methodological lessons and any curriculum lessons; teaching support activities and more.
Section 3: bibliographic section that reports in more detail any references cited in Section 1.
Section 4: Approval and signature (including electronic) of the tutor
The last part of this report must be reserved for a note of approval signed by the tutor.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Workshop on the concept of "falsity" (Curriculum AO) 05/0372021 1
Workshop on the concept of "falsity" (Curriculum SAII) 29 01 2021 1
Workshop "What is Islam" (Curriculum SAII) 2
Workshop "La ritrattistica presso la corte Mughal" (Curriculum SIAC) 05 03 2021 1
Workshop: "Come ci guardavamo: la Cina e il numero de Il ponte 65 anni dopo" 1
Phd Candidates present their research - first part (Curriculum SAII) 2
Phd Candidates present their research - second part (Curriculum SAII) 2
Workshop on "Tibetan feminism", Françoise Robin (Inalco) 15 06 2021 (Curriculum SIAC) 1
Tutoring activity and supplementary teaching according to DM 45/2013 5
International PhD student workshop (all curricula), due in September 2021, Con Heildelberg e Venezia 2

More information

No credits are granted from courses / seminars provided for PhD students, but attendance is compulsory.

Method of admission to the final examination

The assessment consists of two phases:
- First phase: Monitoring of the first semester
The material required for verification for third-year candidates consists of: at least one chapter of the thesis, together with a table of the cocontents (which can be still modified), as well as other supplementary materials (other chapters, translations, dyagrams...). Essays which have already been published or shall be published are welcome.
Second phase: end of the second semester
The material required for admission to the following year consists of a report on the state of research and the training activities carried out.
The report consists of 4 sections - as follows:
Section 1: Progress of the research work
In this section, the student can first briefly describe their research project, then focusing on the research developments that took place in the academic year just ended and on the different phases of the same, especially for the periods spent abroad. Especially in the case of those who pass from the 1st to the 2nd year, any changes that the project has undergone with respect to the form in which it was presented at the time of admission to the doctorate can be described; this aspect can be explained by arguing the path of the study that has been produced up to that moment also through references - for example - to new studies and new bibliographic sources that are added to those presented in the initial project, comparisons made with other scholars or the outcome of any missions abroad.
For greater clarity, this section can be divided into several sub-sections.
Section 2: Training activities
In this section you can proceed with the listing and brief description of the training activities carried out in the academic year just passed, such as, for example, participation in conventions, conferences, workshops or other, both as speaker and listener; participation in methodological lessons and any curriculum lessons; teaching support activities and more.
Section 3: bibliographic section that reports in more detail any references cited in Section 1.
Section 4: Approval and signature (including electronic) of the tutor
The last part of this report must be reserved for a note of approval signed by the tutor.

Final examination

Ø by October 31st, the doctoral students must deliver the thesis to the external evaluators;
Ø by 15 December the external evaluators must formalize their judgment to allow admission to the final exam and the discussion of the thesis or postponement up to a maximum of 6 months from that date;
Ø by February 28, doctoral students must discuss the thesis and obtain the title of PhD.

If the doctorate has doctoral students with career suspensions or who have been postponed by external evaluators following a negative judgment, for a period equal to or less than 6 months, it is decided to provide for an extraordinary session to be held by 30 September each year.
Ø by June 15th, the doctoral students must deliver the thesis to the external evaluators;
Ø by 31 July, the external evaluators will have to formalize their judgment to allow admission to the final exam and the discussion of the thesis;
Ø by 30 September, PhD students must discuss the thesis and obtain the title of Doctor of Research

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