Full professor

phone: +33607893092

DATE OF BIRTH : April 14th 1958, Paris, France.
Medical Doctor (1986). University Paris 6, Saint-Antoine Medical School, Paris, France. Title: Two contributions to learn Diabetes Mellitus with audio-visual technics: Cellular action of insulin in Diabetes (for medical students); How to take good care of himself (for diabetic patients). Laureate of the Saint-Antoine Medical School, Silver Medallist.
Medical Residency (1983-1989): Specialty in Endocrinology, Nutrition and Diabetes
D.E.A. (Master Degree) of Nutrition (1985). Université Paris 7, France. Title: Effect of Insulin Immunization on Glucose Tolerance in Normal Rats. Mention Bien.
Ph.D. (Doctorat es Sciences, specialty: Human Biology, physiology and pathophysiology of human nutrition (1991), Université Paris 7, (Title: Prevention and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: utilization of molecular biology and biomedical ingeneering in clinical and experimental diabetolology). First class honours, with distinction.
Diplôme "d'habilitation à diriger des recherches - HDR" (Director of Research) of Paris 7 University (1995).

1989-1993: Assistant Professor (Chef de Clinique) in the Endocrinology department of Saint-Louis Hospital (Lariboisière-Saint-Louis medical school, Paris 7 University, France).
1990-1994: Director of the CEPH (Human Polymorphism Study Center) laboratory of Genetics of Non Insulin Dependent (type 2) Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity, and responsible for the constitution of the CEPH DNA collections.
1993-1994: Co-Director of the Hospital Saint-Louis-CEPH laboratory for Genetic diagnosis.
1993-2000: Maitre de Conférences des Universités-Praticien Hospitalier (Associate Professor in Genetics and Endocrinology, Tenure position) at University Paris 7, Lariboisière Medical School (1993-1996), and 1996-2000 at the University Lille 2 and Medical School.
1999-2000: Invited Professor of Genetics of the University of Lausanne.
2000-2003: Professor of Molecular Genetics & Experimental Diabetes at Queen Mary & Wesfield College, University of London, Director of The Bart and The London Genome Center.
2001-2004: Member of the Italian Telethon Scientific Committee
2001-2009: Head of Section of Genomic Medicine – Imperial College Theme Leader in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
2003: Professor of Genomic Medicine, Imperial College, London, UK.
2005-2009: Adjunct Professor (part time) at the McGill University in Montreal
2009- Professor of Endocrinology, University Lille North of France Hospital
2009-2014 Director of the CNRS/Lille University/Pasteur Institute unit “Genomics and metabolic Diseases”
2010: Chair of the Department of “Genomics of Common Disease”, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK
2010- 2019 Director of the Research Federation FR3508 E.G.I.D. (European Genomic Institute for Diabetes, Laboratory of Excellence_labEx), Lille, France
2011-2020: Director of the Equipment of Excellence Lille Integrated Genomic Network for Personalized Medicine (LIGAN-PM)
2012-2015 Chairman of the Scientific Board of the French Speaking Association for Diabetes (SFD)
2015-2020 Director of the CNRS/Lille University/Pasteur Institute unit UMR8199 “Integrative Genomics and Metabolic Diseases Modeling”
2020-2025 Director of the INSERM/CNRS/Lille University/Pasteur Institute/Lille CHU unit UMR1283/8199 “Functional genomics and mechanistics of diabetes and related diseases”
2020-2025 Director of the E.G.I.D. 2 labEx programme
2020-2025 Director of the French National Center for Diabetic Precision Medicine (IHU2)

1985 & 1988: Recipient of the grants for research of the "Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale”
1989: Silver medalist of "Paris Internat" (award for residents).
1989: Recipient of the Lipha drugs company grant for research in diabetes.
1990 & 1991: Recipient of the grants for research of Paris Hospitals.
1992: "Generation 2000" award (award for young French medical researchers, attributed by the Medec medical meeting board and the Health Insurance Company "Mutualité Française").
1992: René Fauvert Award of Paris Hospitals (attributed by the Scientific Committee of Paris' professors of Medicine).
1993-1995: Career Development Award (Juvenile Diabetes Foundation).
1994: Award of the French charity "Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale"
1995: Apollinaire Bouchardat Award (attributed by the board of French Association for the study of Diabetes, ALFEDIAM)
1997: Minkowski Prize of the European Association of the Study of Diabetes.
1999: Nestle Prize on Human Nutrition
2000: 10th Poll Visiting Scholar Professor of the University of Washington (Seattle, USA).
2007: Elected Fellow of the British Academy for Medical Sciences
2007: Kroc Visiting Professor of the University of Chicago, USA
2008: Barbara Davies Award of Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
2011: Emily Valori Price of the French Academy of Science
2012: European Research Council Advanced Award
2017: Roger Assan career achievement prize of the French Speaking Diabetes Society

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