PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

Research: Women's Poetry Education in Late Qing Dynasty --A Case Study of Shi Shuyi (1876-1945), and Lü Meisun (1879-1945) (provisional title)


My research focuses on the so-called "poetry education" of women in the late Qing period. In other words, it delves into the relationship between female education and classical poetry, centering on those groups of educated women from the late Qing dynasty who received traditional Chinese education but were also influenced by new ideas from outside. Figures like Shi Shuyi and Lü Meisun, who studied classical poetry from their childhood and showcased their talent by composing classical poems, were able to access social networks. They taught in various women's schools, where they wrote many compositions, promoting the idea of "poetry education". Hence, they were both poets and educators. The research questions I aim to answer are: What kind of poetry education did they receive? How did poetry assist them in building their social networks? What was the relationship between the women's schools and the teaching of poetry?

11/2023 - now: PhD Candidate in Asian and African Civilizations at the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome
09/2014-07/2017: Master's degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Hunan University (China)
09/2009-07/2013: Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature, Chi Zhou University (China)

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