11573/1683834 - 2023 -
Multi-hazard assessment of increased flooding hazard due to earthquake-induced damage to the natural drainage system Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Giovinazzi, Sonia - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY (Elsevier Applied Science:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl OR usinfo-f@elsevier.com OR forinfo-kyf04035@niftyserve.or.jp, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0951-8320 - wos: WOS:001001586500001 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85159106214 (10)
11573/1690910 - 2023 -
Modelling and Seismic Response Analysis of Italian Pre-Code and Low-Code Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Part II: Infilled Frames Di Domenico, M.; De Risi, M. T.; Manfredi, V.; Terrenzi, M.; Camata, G.; Mollaioli, F.; Noto, F.; Ricci, P.; Franchin, P.; Masi, A.; Spacone, E.; Verderame, G. M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 1534-1564 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000812104800001 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85126038808 (11)
11573/1706635 - 2023 -
Seismic reliability of Italian code‐conforming bridges Franchin, Paolo; Baltzopoulos, Georgios; Biondini, Fabio; Callisto, Luigi; Capacci, Luca; Carbonari, Sandro; Cardone, Donatello; Dall'asta, Andrea; Flora, Amedeo; Gorini, Davide Noè; Marchi, Andrea; Noto, Fabrizio; Perrone, Giuseppe; Iervolino, Iunio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 4442-4465 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:001023679700001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85164520090 (4)
11573/1673389 - 2023 -
Reliability‐based partial factors for seismic design and assessment consistent with second‐generation Eurocode 8 Franchin, Paolo; Noto, Fabrizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. - - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000932679200001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85147897650 (8)
11573/1684374 - 2023 -
Seismic Fragility of Italian Code-Conforming Buildings by Multi-Stripe Dynamic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Structural Models Iervolino, Iunio; Baraschino, Roberto; Belleri, Andrea; Cardone, Donatello; Della Corte, Gaetano; Franchin, Paolo; Lagomarsino, Sergio; Magliulo, Gennaro; Marchi, Andrea; Penna, Andrea; Viggiani, Luciano R. S.; Zona, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 1-34 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000924344500001 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85147576815 (15)
11573/1696882 - 2023 -
Risk‐based optimization of concentrically braced tall timber buildings: Derivative free optimization algorithm Laguardia, Raffaele; Franchin, Paolo; Tesfamariam, Solomon - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 179-199 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:001068740100001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85171851711 (0)
11573/1696883 - 2023 -
Equivalent static methods for seismic design of straight integral abutment bridges Marchi, A.; Franchin, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. - - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:001115879800001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85178931576 (2)
11573/1658945 - 2023 -
On the seismic performance of straight integral abutment bridges: From advanced numerical modelling to a practice‐oriented analysis method Marchi, Andrea; Gallese, Domenico; Gorini, D. N.; Franchin, Paolo; Callisto, Luigi - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 164-182 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000879075600001 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85141508056 (11)
11573/1683835 - 2023 -
Modelling and Seismic Response Analysis of Italian Pre-Code and Low-Code Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Part I: Bare Frames Teresa De Risi, Maria; Di Domenico, Mariano; Manfredi, Vincenzo; Terrenzi, Marco; Camata, Guido; Mollaioli, Fabrizio; Noto, Fabrizio; Ricci, Paolo; Franchin, Paolo; Masi, Angelo; Spacone, Enrico; Verderame, Gerardo M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING (Philadelphia] Taylor & Francis
Singapore: World Scientific Pub.) pp. - - issn: 1559-808X - wos: WOS:000818736700001 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85131095700 (17)
11573/1629776 - 2022 -
Seismic Demand on Mid-Twentieth Century Reinforced Concrete Buildings Founded on Piles: Effect of Soil-Foundation-Structure-Interaction Iovino, M.; Noto, F.; Di Laora, R.; De Sanctis, L.; Franchin, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 1-16 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000761763500001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85125913640 (2)
11573/1629772 - 2022 -
Risk-Based Optimization of Bracing Systems for Seismic Retrofitting of RC Buildings Laguardia, R.; Franchin, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (New York, N.Y. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-) pp. - - issn: 0733-9445 - wos: WOS:000782632800015 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85127344199 (3)
11573/1629780 - 2022 -
Load Path Effect on the Response of Slender Lightly Reinforced Square RC Columns under Biaxial Bending Lucchini, A.; Melo, J.; Arede, A.; Varum, H.; Franchin, P.; Rossetto, T. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (New York, N.Y. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-) pp. - - issn: 0733-9445 - wos: WOS:000742414800014 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85121996902 (11)
11573/1629778 - 2022 -
Non-linear dynamic analysis of buildings founded on piles: Simplified modelling strategies for soil-foundation-structure interaction Noto, F.; Iovino, M.; Di Laora, R.; De Sanctis, L.; Franchin, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 744-763 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000729485200001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85120968580 (6)
11573/1697980 - 2021 -
Reinforced Concrete Columns: Insight on Energy-Based Assessment from Biaxial Tests with Different Load Paths Franchin, P.; Lucchini, A.; Melo, J. M. - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (Springer Singapore) pp. 63-70 - issn: - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85106190662 (0)
congresso: 1st International Workshop on Energy-Based Seismic Engineering (Madrid, Spain)
11573/1501304 - 2020 -
Seismic risk of infrastructure systems with treatment of and sensitivity to epistemic uncertainty Cavalieri, F.; Franchin, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFRASTRUCTURES (Basel : MDPI AG , 2016-) pp. 1-22 - issn: 2412-3811 - wos: WOS:000623643000015 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85097320409 (6)
11573/1294804 - 2019 -
Treatment of and sensitivity to epistemic uncertainty in seismic risk assessment of infrastructures Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13 (Seul, Corea del Sud)
libro: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13 - (979-11-967125-0-1)
11573/1508636 - 2019 -
Surrogate models for the prediction of sfsi relevance in earthquake-induced vibrations of buildings: A case study De Sanctis, L.; Franchin, P.; Iovino, M.; Noto, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (Cape Town, Sud Africa)
libro: Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation - ()
11573/1508638 - 2019 -
Seismic response of pile-supported buildings based on sfsi De Sanctis, L.; Iovino, M.; Aversa, S.; Di Laora, R.; Franchin, P.; Noto, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (Roma, Italia)
libro: Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - (9780429031274)
11573/1508056 - 2019 -
RINTC-E: Towards seismic risk assessment of existing residential reinforced concrete buildings in Italy Ricci, P.; Manfredi, V.; Noto, F.; Terrenzi, M.; De Risi, M. T.; Di Domenico, M.; Camata, G.; Franchin, P.; Masi, A.; Mollaioli, F.; Spacone, E.; Verderame, G. M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2019 (Crete, Greece)
libro: COMPDYN Proceedings - (978-618828446-3)
11573/1324266 - 2019 -
How is collapse risk of RC buildings affected by the angle of seismic incidence? Skoulidou, D.; Romão, X.; Franchin, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons.) pp. - - issn: 1096-9845 - wos: WOS:000481378200001 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85070736910 (26)
11573/1324262 - 2018 -
Modelling uncertainties of Italian code-conforming structures for the purpose of seismic response analysis Franchin, P.; Ragni, Leonardo; Rota, M.; Zona, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 1964-1989 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000461784500007 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85055107989 (40)
11573/1131942 - 2018 -
Research needs towards a resilient community: Vulnerability reduction, infrastructural systems model, loss assessment, resilience-based design and emergency management Franchin, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering - (978-3-319-75740-7; 978-3-319-75741-4)
11573/1131948 - 2018 -
A general model of resistance partial factors for seismic assessment and retrofit Franchin, Paolo; Pagnoni, Tommaso - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Thessaloniki, Greece)
libro: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/1020342 - 2018 -
Improved risk-targeted performance-based seismic design of reinforced concrete frame structures Franchin, Paolo; Petrini, Francesco; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 49-67 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000417098000003 (51) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85021802166 (53)
11573/1130414 - 2018 -
Approximate Bayesian Network Formulation for the Rapid Loss Assessment of Real-World Infrastructure Systems Gehl, Pierre; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY (Elsevier Applied Science:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl OR usinfo-f@elsevier.com OR forinfo-kyf04035@niftyserve.or.jp, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 80-93 - issn: 0951-8320 - wos: WOS:000437961000007 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85047097259 (29)
11573/1122697 - 2018 -
Use of Bayesian Networks as a decision support system for the rapid loss assessment of infrastructure systems Gehl, Pierre; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Negulescu, Caterina; Meza, Kristel - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 16ECEE - 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Thessaloniki; Greece)
libro: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/1111174 - 2018 -
In-plane response of masonry infill walls: Comprehensive experimentally-based equivalent strut model for deterministic and probabilistic analysis Liberatore, Laura; Noto, Fabrizio; Mollaioli, Fabrizio; Franchin, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ENGINEERING STRUCTURES (Elsevier Applied Science:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl OR usinfo-f@elsevier.com OR forinfo-kyf04035@niftyserve.or.jp, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 533-548 - issn: 0141-0296 - wos: WOS:000434238900042 (77) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85046350285 (90)
11573/1508628 - 2018 -
Collapse simulation of RC columns under biaxial cyclic loading Lucchini, A.; Scott, M. H.; Franchin, P. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Los Angeles,California)
libro: Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering - (9781510873254)
11573/1324264 - 2018 -
Modeling and seismic response analysis of Italian code-conforming reinforced concrete buildings Ricci, P.; Manfredi, V.; Noto, F.; Terrenzi, Marco; Petrone, Camilla; Celano, F.; De Risi, M. T.; Camata, Guido; Franchin, P.; Magliulo, G.; Masi, A.; Mollaioli, F.; Spacone, E.; Verderame, G. M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 105-139 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000461784500004 (53) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85056145901 (68)
11573/937795 - 2017 -
Bayesian networks and infrastructure systems. Computational and methodological challenges Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Gehl, Pierre; D’Ayala, Dina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Applications. In Honor of Prof. Armen Der Kiureghian - (978-3-319-52424-5; 978-3-319-52425-2)
11573/924977 - 2017 -
Seismic risk assessment of lifelines in near-fault areas Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Santiago, Cile)
libro: Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/1508111 - 2017 -
Rintc project: Influence of structure-related uncertainties on the risk of collapse of Italian code-conforming reinforced concrete buildings Franchin, P.; Mollaioli, F.; Noto, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, COMPDYN 2017 (Rhodes Island, Greece)
libro: COMPDYN 2017 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - (978-618-82844-3-2)
11573/1087171 - 2017 -
An equivalent linear procedure for probabilistic displacement-based design of RC structures under earthquake Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio; Petrini, Francesco - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: PROCEDIA ENGINEERING (Amsterdam : Elsevier) pp. 3570-3575 - issn: 1877-7058 - wos: WOS:000422868903121 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85029903690 (0)
congresso: 10th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017 (Facoltà ICI, Sapienza Roma)
libro: Procedia Engineering - ()
11573/1001994 - 2017 -
Robustness of a hybrid simulation-based/Bayesian approach for the risk assessment of a real-world road network Gehl, Pierre; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Negulescu, Caterina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (Vienna, Austria)
libro: Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure - (978-3-903024-28-1)
11573/1028435 - 2017 -
Comparative assessment of strut models for the modelling of in-plane seismic response of infill walls Liberatore, Laura; Noto, Fabrizio; Mollaioli, Fabrizio; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Rhodes Island, Greece)
libro: 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/1508137 - 2017 -
GENERATION OF UNIFORM HAZARD FLOOR RESPONSE SPECTRA FOR LINEAR MDOF STRUCTURES Lucchini, A.; Franchin, P.; Mollaioli, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Santiago, Cile)
libro: Proceedings 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - (9781510890084)
11573/1508619 - 2017 -
congresso: ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (Big Island, Hawaii)
libro: Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. Volume 8: Seismic Engineering - ()
11573/966701 - 2017 -
Failure simulation of shear-critical RC columns with non-ductile detailing under lateral load Lucchini, Andrea; Franchin, Paolo; Kunnath, S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 855-874 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000397463400009 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85003972585 (6)
11573/1009904 - 2017 -
Spectrum-to-spectrum methods for the generation of elastic floor acceleration spectra Lucchini, Andrea; Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 04c Atto di convegno in rivista
rivista: PROCEDIA ENGINEERING (Amsterdam : Elsevier) pp. 3552-3557 - issn: 1877-7058 - wos: WOS:000422868903118 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85029900748 (4)
congresso: X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017 (Rome, Italy)
11573/1009905 - 2017 -
Median floor acceleration spectra of linear structures with uncertain properties Lucchini, Andrea; Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons.) pp. 2055-2060 - issn: 1096-9845 - wos: WOS:000409006000008 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85017361741 (12)
11573/938596 - 2017 -
Uniform hazard floor acceleration spectra for linear structures Lucchini, Andrea; Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 1121-1140 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000400776000005 (31) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85006355803 (32)
11573/925227 - 2016 -
Earthquake-altered flooding hazard induced by damage to storm water systems Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Giovinazzi, Sonia - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE (Taylor & Francis) pp. 14-31 - issn: 2378-9689 - wos: WOS:000437556800002 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85045991633 (9)
11573/876187 - 2016 -
Sensitivity of network-level seismic performance measures to the bridge fragility model adopted Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Tesfamariam, Solomon - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: IABMAS2016 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (Foz do Iguaçu (Brasile))
libro: Maintenance, Monitoring, Safety, Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Bridge Networks - (978-1-138-02851-7)
11573/1508597 - 2016 -
Improved gradient-based equivalent linear procedure for probabilistic displacement-based design of rc structures, accounting for damage-induced stiffness degradation Franchin, P.; Mollaioli, F.; Petrini, F. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Proceedings of Italian Concrete Days 2016. ICD 2016. - (978-3-319-78935-4; 978-3-319-78936-1)
11573/826770 - 2016 -
Seismic fragility of reinforced concrete girder bridges using Bayesian belief network Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Noto, Fabrizio; Tesfamariam, Solomon - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 29-44 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000366526300002 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84951877178 (27)
11573/872720 - 2016 -
Probabilistic seismic demand model for nonstructural components Lucchini, Andrea; Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 599-617 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000371632900006 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84959530114 (16)
11573/938604 - 2016 -
Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings: The CNR-DT212 Italian Provisions Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Multi-hazard Approaches to Civil Infrastructure Engineering - (978-3-319-29713-2)
11573/615783 - 2015 -
Seismic Vulnerability of the Italian Roadway Bridge Stock B., Borzi; P., Ceresa; Franchin, Paolo; F., Noto; Calvi, G. M.; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute:499 14th Street, Suite 320:Oakland, CA 94612:(510)451-0905, EMAIL: eeri@eeri.org, INTERNET: http://www.eeri.org, Fax: (510)451-5411) pp. 2137-2161 - issn: 8755-2930 - wos: WOS:000367128300013 (68) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84964038777 (96)
11573/785721 - 2015 -
Probabilistic assessment of increased flooding vulnerability in Christchurch City after the Canterbury 2010-2011 earthquake sequence, New Zealand Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Ko, Su Young; Giovinazzi, Sonia; Hart, Deirdre E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ICASP12 – 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (Vancouver, Canada)
libro: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, Canada, July 12-15 - ()
11573/615779 - 2015 -
Probabilistic assessment of civil infrastructure resilience to earthquakes Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING (Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, c1998-) pp. 583-600 - issn: 1093-9687 - wos: WOS:000356620500007 (124) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84931955204 (146)
11573/1099180 - 2015 -
A Bayesian Network model to assess seismic risk of reinforced concrete girder bridges Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Noto, Fabrizio; Tesfamariam, Solomon - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP 2012 (Canada)
libro: 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP 2015 - (9780888652454)
11573/904761 - 2015 -
Floor acceleration spectra estimation in reinforced concrete frames Lucchini, Andrea; Franchin, Paolo; Mollaioli, Fabrizio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (Prague; Czech Republic)
11573/938611 - 2015 -
Existing Buildings: The New Italian Provisions for Probabilistic Seismic Assessment Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Perspectives on European Earthquake Engineering and Seismology - ()
11573/615786 - 2015 -
Simulation-based seismic risk assessment of gas distribution networks S., Esposito; I., Iervolino; A., D’Onofrio; A., Santo; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING (Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, c1998-) pp. 508-523 - issn: 1093-9687 - wos: WOS:000356620500002 (58) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84931829128 (76)
11573/563607 - 2014 -
Models for Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Power Networks: Comparative Assessment Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; J., Buritica; Solomon, Tesfamariam - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING (Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, c1998-) pp. 590-607 - issn: 1093-9687 - wos: WOS:000340467100003 (56) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84905377022 (62)
11573/777988 - 2014 -
Application to selected transportation and electric networks in Italy Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; P. E., Pinto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: SYNER-G: Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Complex Urban, Utility, Lifeline Systems and Critical Facilities - ()
11573/777987 - 2014 -
Fragility functions of electric power stations Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: SYNER-G: Typology Definition and Fragility Functions for Physical Elements at Seismic Risk - (978-94-007-7871-9)
11573/615782 - 2014 -
Seismic performance-based design of flexible earth-retaining diaphragm walls Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ENGINEERING STRUCTURES (Elsevier Applied Science:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl OR usinfo-f@elsevier.com OR forinfo-kyf04035@niftyserve.or.jp, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 57-68 - issn: 0141-0296 - wos: WOS:000345181200006 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84908222590 (7)
11573/563608 - 2014 -
Performance-based seismic design of integral abutment bridges Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING (Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers) pp. 939-960 - issn: 1570-761X - wos: WOS:000332858900019 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84896055551 (34)
11573/777989 - 2014 -
Framework for seismic hazard analysis of spatially distributed systems G., Weatherill; S., Esposito; I., Iervolino; Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: SYNER-G: Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Complex Urban, Utility, Lifeline Systems and Critical Facilities - ()
11573/659615 - 2014 -
Component Fragilities and System Performance of Health Care Facilities Lupoi, Alessio; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: SYNER-G: Typology definition and fragility functions for physical elements at seismic risk - (978-94-007-7872-6)
11573/659616 - 2014 -
Application to a Network of Hospitals at Regional Scale Lupoi, Alessio; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: SYNER-G: Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Complex Urban, Utility, Lifeline Systems and Critical Facilities - (978-94-017-8835-9)
11573/762324 - 2013 -
A framework for physical simulation of critical infrastructures,
accounting for interdependencies and uncertainty Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ICOSSAR 2013 - 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (New York)
libro: Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures & Infrastructures - (978-1-138-00086-5)
11573/762326 - 2013 -
Performance-based seismic design of flexible earth-retaining structures Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ICOSSAR 2013 - 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (New York)
libro: Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures & Infrastructures - (978-1-138-00086-5)
11573/762327 - 2013 -
Opere di sostegno flessibili: progetto sismico alle prestazioni Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ANIDIS 2013 - L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia (Padova)
libro: XV Convegno ANIDIS - L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia; Padova, 30 Giugno - 4 Luglio 2013 - (978-88-97385-59-2)
11573/762330 - 2013 -
Seismic vulnerability analysis of a complex interconnected civil Infrastructure Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Handbook of seismic risk analysis and management of civil infrastructure systems - (978-0-85709-268-7)
Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Calvi, G. M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PROGETTAZIONE SISMICA (Pavia : EUCENTRE) pp. - - issn: 1973-7432 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/659612 - 2013 -
Seismic resilience of regional health-care systems Lupoi, Alessio; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR 2013 (New York, NY)
libro: Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and Infrastructures - (9781138000865)
11573/762174 - 2012 -
A New Approach to Modeling Post-Earthquake Shelter Demand: Integrating Social Vulnerability in Systemic Seismic Vulnerability Analysis B., Khazai; J. E., Daniell; Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco; B. V., Vangelsten; I., Iervolino; S., Esposito - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Lisbona)
libro: Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/480529 - 2012 -
Quantitative assessment of socio-economic performance measures accounting for seismic damage to buildings and functional interaction with infrastructural systems Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; P., Gehl; B., Khazai - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Lisbona)
libro: Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/461720 - 2012 -
Quantitative assessment of social losses based on physical damage and interaction with infrastructural systems Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Pierre, Gehl; Bijan, Khazai - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 1569-1589 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000307897900011 (39) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84865431217 (47)
11573/480528 - 2012 -
Validating IM-based methods for probabilistic seismic performance assessment with higher-level non-conditional simulation Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco; P. E., Pinto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Lisbona)
libro: Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/376258 - 2012 -
Method for Probabilistic Displacement-Based Design of RC Structures Franchin, Paolo; Paolo Emilio, Pinto - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (New York, N.Y. : American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983-) pp. 585-591 - issn: 0733-9445 - wos: WOS:000303933200004 (28) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84861130299 (31)
11573/480530 - 2012 -
Probabilistic seismic assessment of health-care systems at regional scale Lupoi, Alessio; Cavalieri, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Lisbona)
libro: Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/475594 - 2012 -
Back analysis for earthquake damaged bridges. Part I: General procedure Paolo Emidio, Sebastiani; Petrini, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Bontempi, Franco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 6th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS) (Stresa; Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the six International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS2012) - (9780203103388; 9780415621243)
11573/475595 - 2012 -
Back analysis for earthquake damaged bridges. Part II: Application to a viaduct damaged in the April 6th, 2009 L'Aquila earthquake. Paolo Emidio, Sebastiani; Petrini, Francesco; Franchin, Paolo; Bontempi, Franco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability (Stresa; Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the six International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS2012) - (9780203103388; 9780415621243)
11573/480531 - 2012 -
Seismic Risk Analysis of Lifelines: Preliminary Results for the Case-Study of L’Aquila ENEL Rete Gas S., Esposito; I., Iervolino; F., Silvestri; A., D’Onofrio; A., Santo; Franchin, Paolo; Cavalieri, Francesco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Lisbona)
libro: Proceedings of the Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/225514 - 2010 -
Seismic assessment and design of bridges: selected issues Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering (Roma)
libro: Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering - ()
Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Pathmanathan, Rajeev - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 989-1007 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000281361900003 (53) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77956326971 (60)
11573/225516 - 2010 -
Open issues in the seismic design and assessment of bridges Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Ohrid; Republic of Macedonia)
libro: Earthquake Engineering in Europe - ()
11573/228755 - 2010 -
Issues in the Upgrade of Italian Highway Structures Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 1221-1252 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000282579800004 (30) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77957902069 (45)
11573/225981 - 2009 -
Allowing Traffic Over Mainshock-Damaged Bridges Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 585-599 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000266441000002 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-70349251240 (48)
11573/225932 - 2009 -
libro: 13th Italian Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/225513 - 2009 -
DIRECT PROBABILITY-BASED SEISMIC DESIGN OF RC BUILDINGS Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
11573/224778 - 2009 -
Valutazione e consolidamento sismico dei ponti esistenti Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
11573/226433 - 2008 -
ASSESSING THE ADEQUACY OF A SINGLE CONFIDENCE FACTOR IN ACCOUNTING FOR EPISTEMIC UNCERTAINTY Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Rajeev, P. - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
11573/224812 - 2008 -
Probabilistic seismic assessment for hospitals and complex-social systems Lupoi, G; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Calvi, G. M. - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
11573/227771 - 2008 -
Increased accuracy of vector-IM-based seismic risk assessment? Pathmanathan, Rajeev; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 111-124 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000255598900007 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-42649086795 (19)
congresso: 7th International Rose-School Seminar (Pavia, ITALY)
11573/50147 - 2007 -
Linee guida per le verifiche effettuate dal DISG sugli edifici della Banca d’Italia. Convenzione di Ricerca tra Banca d’Italia e Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica. Roma: DISG Ciampoli, Marcello; Decanini, Luis Domingo; Monti, Giorgio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Vestroni, Fabrizio; Franchin, Paolo; Sorrentino, Luigi; De Sortis C., A; Di Pasquale, G; Lucarelli, V. - 13a Altro ministeriale
11573/236036 - 2007 -
A NONLINEAR DYNAMIC MODEL FOR SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF EARTH-RETAINING DIAPHRAGM-WALLS Franchin, Paolo; Noto, F; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering - (9781402058929)
11573/233493 - 2007 -
TRANSITABILITY OF MAINSHOCK-DAMAGED BRIDGES Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 1st US-Italy Seismic bridge workshop (Pavia)
libro: Seismic design and assessment of bridges - ()
11573/238186 - 2007 -
SEISMIC DESIGN AND ASSESSMENT OF BRIDGE ABUTMENTS Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
11573/57145 - 2007 -
Seismic Hazard Analysis for Alternative Measures of Ground Motion Intensity Employing Stochastic Simulation Method Jalayer, Fatemeh; Franchin, Paolo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 10th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability, ICASP10 (Tokyo; Japan)
libro: 10th Int. Conf. on Applications of Statistics and Probability - (9780415451345)
11573/236073 - 2007 -
A scalar damage measure for seismic reliability analysis of RC frames Jalayer, Fatemeh; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 2059-2079 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000250650100014 (105) - scopus: 2-s2.0-35748932344 (139)
11573/242195 - 2007 -
Structural Modeling Uncertainty in Seismic Reliability Analysis of RC Frames: Use of Advanced Simulation Methods Jalayer, Fatemeh; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: COMPDYN'07 (Rethymno, Crete)
libro: Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. - ()
11573/57146 - 2007 -
Rappresentazione dello stato di un sistema strutturale nella valutazione probabilistica della sicurezza sismica: proposta di una variabile scalare Jalayer, Fatemeh; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: Giornate AICAP 2007 - ()
11573/233702 - 2007 -
Further probing of the suitability of push-over analysis for the seismic assessment of bridge structures Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Rethymno, Crete)
libro: Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/57095 - 2007 -
On the application of nonlinear static analysis to irregular bridges Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 1st US-Italy Seismic bridge workshop (Pavia)
libro: Seismic design and assessment of bridges - ()
11573/57147 - 2007 -
Sull’applicabilità delle analisi statiche non lineari per la valutazione della sicurezza sismica dei ponti Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: Giornate AICAP 2007 - ()
11573/57158 - 2007 -
Valutazione delle prestazioni di sistemi ospedalieri in caso di evento sismico Lupoi, G; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, A; Pinto, P. E. - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: ANIDIS 2007 (Pisa)
libro: L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia - ()
11573/501221 - 2007 -
Valutazione di sistemi ospedalieri in caso di evento sismico Lupoi, G; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Paolo, Pe - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: XII Convegno ANIDIS (Pisa)
11573/234592 - 2007 -
NUMERICAL MODELLING OF SEISMIC RESPONSE OF CANTILEVER EARTH-RETAINING STRUCTURES Rajeev, P; Franchin, Paolo; Lai G., C; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. (Thessaloniki, Greece)
libro: 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. - ()
11573/137630 - 2006 -
Seismic fragility analysis of structural systems Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS (American Society of Civil Engineers / ASCE:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, # A776:Reston, VA 20191:(800)548-2723, (703)295-6210, EMAIL: marketing@asce.org, INTERNET: http://www.pubs.asce.org, Fax: (703)295-6211) pp. - - issn: 0733-9399 - wos: WOS:000236234500005 (67) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33644921959 (81)
11573/234594 - 2006 -
On the role of road networks in reducing human losses after earthquakes Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 1-12 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000237094300002 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33644906439 (52)
11573/235589 - 2006 -
Seismic loss estimation by efficient simulation Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Schotanus M., Ij - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 31-44 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000239008900004 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33646726332 (6)
11573/240779 - 2006 -
Probabilistic assessment of earthquake losses and safety of existing structures Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Schotanus M., Ij - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 2nd fib international congress (Napoli)
libro: 2nd fib international congress - ()
11573/241039 - 2006 -
ASSESSMENT OF SEISMIC PERFORMANCE OF HOSPITAL SYSTEMS Lupoi, G; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: 1st European COnference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology - ()
11573/57092 - 2006 -
Seismic performance assessment of hospital systems Lupoi, G; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: 1st European Conference Earthq. Engng & Seismology - ()
11573/57171 - 2005 -
Seismic fragility analysis of RC structures: use of response surface for a realistic application Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, A.; Schotanus, P. E. Pinto And M. I. J. - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: SPEAR Seismic performance assessment and rehabilitation of existing buildings - ()
11573/232541 - 2005 -
Seismic design of bridges accounting for spatial variability of ground motion Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Monti, Giorgio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 327-348 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000228029100002 (77) - scopus: 2-s2.0-15844389108 (99)
11573/143031 - 2004 -
Reliability of uncertain inelastic structures under earthquake excitation Franchin, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS (American Society of Civil Engineers / ASCE:1801 Alexander Bell Drive, # A776:Reston, VA 20191:(800)548-2723, (703)295-6210, EMAIL: marketing@asce.org, INTERNET: http://www.pubs.asce.org, Fax: (703)295-6211) pp. 180-191 - issn: 0733-9399 - wos: WOS:000188552900006 (32) - scopus: 2-s2.0-1342267808 (37)
11573/237608 - 2004 -
Seismic fragility analysis of RC structures: use of response surface for a realistic application Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Schotanus M., Ij - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
libro: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/233492 - 2004 -
Seismic fragility analysis of structural systems G., Lupoi; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
libro: 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - ()
11573/233672 - 2004 -
Seismic fragility analysis of 3D structures M. I. J., Schotanus; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: STRUCTURAL SAFETY (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 421-441 - issn: 0167-4730 - wos: WOS:000223318500003 (49) - scopus: 2-s2.0-3142765428 (65)
11573/365913 - 2004 -
Seismic fragility analysis of structural systems Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; G., Lupoi - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd Int. Wokshop on Perf.-Based Seismic Design (Bled, Slovenia)
libro: 3rd Int. Wokshop on Perf.-Based Seismic Design - (9780976206002)
11573/235248 - 2004 -
Seismic reliability analysis of structures Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Giannini, R.; Franchin, Paolo - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
11573/58013 - 2004 -
Seismic Reliability Analysis Using Response Surface: A Simplified Approach Schotanus, M. I. J.; Franchin, Paolo - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
libro: 2nd ASRANet Colloquium - ()
11573/143030 - 2004 -
Response sensitivity for nonlinear beam-column elements Scott M., H; Franchin, Paolo; Fenves G., L; Filippou, F. C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (Madras: Structural Engineering Research Centre.) pp. 1281-1288 - issn: 0970-0137 - wos: WOS:000223287400001 (56) - scopus: 2-s2.0-1342322877 (68)
11573/1099275 - 2003 -
Relevance of spatial variability of ground motion on seismic design of bridges Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Monti, Giorgio; Pinto, Paolo E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2003 fib Symposium on Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions (grc)
libro: Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2003: Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions - ()
11573/252822 - 2003 -
Response surface for seismic fragility analysis of RC structures Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Schotanus, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
libro: 9th International conference on application of statistics and probability - (9059660048)
11573/251358 - 2003 -
Seismic fragility of reinforced concrete structures using a response surface approach Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Schotanus, M. I. J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 45-78 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000183813900004 (31) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0038337895 (28)
11573/254953 - 2003 -
Seismic risk evaluation of RC bridge structures Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; M., Ij Schotanus - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 1275-1290 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000183741100007 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0037997501 (42)
11573/469912 - 2003 -
Relevance of site effect on seismic response of bridges Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Monti, Giorgio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: fib Symposium Concrete Structures in Seismic Regions (Athens)
11573/218582 - 2003 -
Seismic design of bridges accounting for spatial variability of ground motion Pinto, P. E.; Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Monti, G. - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: Seismic Bridge Design and Retrofit for Earthquake Resistance (La Jolla, California)
libro: ACI 2003 International Conference - ()
11573/469925 - 2003 -
Seismic design of bridges accounting for spatial variability of ground motion Pinto, Paolo Emilio; Lupoi, Alessio; Franchin, Paolo; Monti, Giorgio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ACI Conference (San Diego, USA)
11573/143865 - 2002 -
Methods of seismic risk analysis: State-of-the-Art versus advanced State-of-the-Practice Franchin, Paolo; Lupoi, Alessio; Pinto, P. E. - 01a Articolo in rivista
London: Imperial College Press.) pp. 131-155 - issn: 1363-2469 - wos: WOS:000175867700007 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0036014412 (3)
11573/143866 - 2002 -
Model correction factor method for reliability problems involving integrals of non-Gaussian random fields Franchin, Paolo; Ove, Ditlevsen; Armen Der, Kiureghian - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICS (Elsevier Applied Science:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl OR usinfo-f@elsevier.com OR forinfo-kyf04035@niftyserve.or.jp, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 109-122 - issn: 0266-8920 - wos: WOS:000174766300001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0036531948 (12)
11573/143867 - 2001 -
On the accuracy of simplified methods for the analysis of seismically isolated bridges Franchin, Paolo; Monti, Giorgio; Pinto, Paolo Emilio - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (John Wiley & Sons Limited:1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, P022 9SA United Kingdom:011 44 1243 779777, EMAIL: cs-journals@wiley.co.uk, INTERNET: http://www.wiley.co.uk, Fax: 011 44 1243 843232) pp. 363-382 - issn: 0098-8847 - wos: WOS:000167078800004 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0035279475 (38)
11573/396220 - 2000 -
Post-buckling analysis of corrugated panels in the presence of multiple interacting modes Pignataro, Marcello Pantaleo; Pasca, Monica; Franchin, Paolo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES (Elsevier Applied Science:An Imprint of Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1GB United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl OR usinfo-f@elsevier.com OR forinfo-kyf04035@niftyserve.or.jp, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 47-66 - issn: 0263-8231 - wos: WOS:000085812200003 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-0033896883 (24)
11573/151702 - 1999 -
Post-buckling analysis of V-stiffened corrugated sheets under compression Pasca, Monica; Pignataro, Marcello Pantaleo; Franchin, Paolo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Stability and ductility of steel structures - (9780080430164)
11573/199460 - 1999 -
Analisi post-critica di lamiere grecate con rinforzi a V soggette a compressione Pasca, Monica; Pignataro, Marcello Pantaleo; Franchin, Paolo - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: AIMETA 1999 (Como)
libro: AIMETA 1999 - ()
11573/209675 - 1999 -
The influence of interaction modes on post-buckling behaviour of V-stiffened corrugated panels under compression Pasca, Monica; Pignataro, Marcello Pantaleo; Franchin, Paolo - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
congresso: XIV Congresso AIMETA (Como)