Paola Cotticelli is full professor at the University of Verona, Department of Cultures und Civilisations.
She graduated in Lettere at the University of Pavia in 1985.
In 1990 she received a PhD in Comparative Linguistics at the University of Munich (Germany).
In 1985-1986 she was awarded an exchange scholarship for Lectures at the University of Mainz (Germany) at the Institute of Romance Philology.
From 1988 to 1994 she was Researcher at the Hittite Dictionary Project (DfG Project: “Hethitisches Wörterbuch”) at the University of Munich.
Since 1994 she is author and member of the scientific and editorial board of Hethitisches Wörterbuch.
In 1994 she received the qualification of Ricercatore (Assistant Professor) at the University of Verona.
2000-2011 she has been Associated Professor of Historical and Comparative Linguistics at the University of Verona.
In 2002 she got in Vilnus (Lithuanian) a scientific prize from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences for her work in Baltic Linguistics.
Since 2007: Foundation and direction of the research centre "Laboratorio del Lessico di Linguistica" dealing with the development of a Digital Metalinguistical Archive, bibliographical repertories (by the software Endnote), metalinguistic concordances (english, german, french, italian) and with studies and projects on epigraphic and writing systems (Old Greek alphabets, runes, Anatolian writing systems by the software BASP). See home page at:
Since 2008 she is vice Director from the Language Center (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) at the University of Verona.
2009-2010 direction of a jointed Villa Vigoni - DAAD Research Project with the University of Eichstätt (Germany) in the humanities and social sciences.
Since 2011: direction of the Unit in Verona of a PRIN Project about metalanguage of linguistics.
Since 2012, October, she is Director of the Language Center at the University of Verona.
2014-2016: Principal Investigator of a by von Thyssen Stiftung funded reasearch on syntax of Ancient Indo-European languages. (Project nr., Titel: „Konkurrierende Ausdrucksformen in der indogermanischen Syntax: Die Syntax des Partizips nach seiner Morphologie, die Syntax des Satzes nach seinen Konstituenten“).
Since 2015: Member of Studienkreis Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft
2015-2017: Principal Investigator of a Marie Curie Grant, Horizon 2020 (Fellow Dr. Federico Giusfredi.)(project nr. 655954, Acronym SLUW)
Since a.y. 2017-2018: coordinator of a I-level master for Italian as foreign/ second language
Since 2017-2018: Director of the Master for "Teaching Italian as Second Language"
Since 2018: member of the ASN 2018-2020.
Since 2018 (-2022): Partner of the project FAMI/IMPACT, scientific supervisor in the SSD L-LIN/01 for the researches: “Per una mappatura dei livelli di competenza dell’Italiano L2” (2019-2020); Per un modello di formazione ed inclusione linguistica sul territorio (2020-2021).
Since January 2020: PI of the project PRIN 2017 (funded since January 2020): Parts of speech meet rhetorics: searching for syntax in the continuity between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age.
Since 2017-2018: Director of the Specialization programm for "Scuola amica del plurilinguismo"
2021-2023: Scientific supervisor of the project H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 Particles in Greek and Hittite as Expression of Mood and Modality(project-nr. 101018097, 'Paghemmo' ) (Fellow Dr. Filip De Decker).
Since 2021-: Director of CISPELS (Coordinamento Intersocietario per lo Studio del Pensiero Linguistico e Semiotico)