PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII

supervisor: Candida Carella
co-supervisor: Nunzio Allocca
co-supervisor (2): Tiziana Pangrazi (Napoli L'Orientale)

Research: Philosophy and Mathematics in the Debate on late 16th Century Music: Galilei versus Zarlino

Graduated in Modern Literature (History of Medieval Christianity) and in Philosophy (History of Medieval Philosophy), at the University of Messina, I currently teach Philosophy and History at "La Farina Basile" (a secondary school focused on classical and artistic studies) in Messina. The aim of the research project is the investigation of the philosophical sources of early modern music treatises. More specifically, two fundamental texts of Italian musical aesthetics of the second half of the 16th century are analysed, namely, 'Gioseffo Zarlino’s Istitutioni Harmoniche and Vincenzo Galilei’s Dialogo della musica antica et della moderna. The purpose of the research is a redefinition and deepening of the current status quæstionis, with regards to the Zarlino-Galilei argument, through the analysis of the most cited philosophical auctoritates and philosophical traditions of reference.

Vulgar sixteenth-century treatises; musical treatises; philosophical dialogue; natural philosophy; musical aesthetics; Platonism; Aristotelianism; empiricism; scientific revolution.

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