PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Maria Chiara Giorgi
co-supervisor: Caterina Botti

Research: Democratic participation and health policies. Health between social initiatives and ethics of care

Health as a fundamental social right. Between theory and practice, the research project intends to follow two axes: on the one hand, an ethical-political reflection on the paradigm of care; on the other hand, the study of health policies and specific cases of social initiatives that, by encouraging health from below, promote the improvement of the quality of health through the direct participation of citizenship. Since the 1980s, the ethics of care has developed as a feminist critical perspective on traditionally understood morality and politics. As an alternative to neoliberalism, this paradigm highlights a different way of thinking about subjectivity and forms of associated living, rearticulating concepts of democracy, welfare and justice. In Italy, cuts in public spending on healthcare, the privatisation of social and health services and the commodification of care have led to the weakening of an important milestone for the Italian welfare state: the National Health Service (SSN, 1978). The result of an unprecedented transformative season from below that changed the way of understanding illness, scientific knowledge and medical practices, the SSN made the right to health a substantial right. By bringing the analysed cases into tension with the theory, the aim is to reconstruct Italian policies and experiences, past and recent, and to evaluate measures included in the PNRR. Offering strategies to strengthen public, territorial, participatory health and retracing approaches to social medicine, as well as expanding studies on the ethics of care, demonstrating its moral and public ethics value, are among the main objectives of the research, which also looks at emblematic European initiatives.

ethics and politics of care; feminist philosophies; social initiatives; medicine; public policy; health; welfare state; theories of justice

Research products

11573/1729697 - 2024 - Babelonline print. Vol. 11: Postmoderno o ipermoderno? Naufragi e speranze dopo la modernità
Carbone, Guelfo; Felli, Norma - 06a Curatela

11573/1713205 - 2024 - Stimilli, Elettra (2023), Filosofia dei mezzi. Per una nuova politica dei corpi, Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 223 pp.
Felli, Norma - 01d Recensione
paper: AG-ABOUT GENDER (Genova : Università di Genova) pp. 378-384 - issn: 2279-5057 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1729698 - 2024 - Care and the crisis of the paradigms of modernity. Feminist approaches to subjectivity and social justice
Felli, Norma - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: B@BELONLINE (Roma : RomaTrE-press ; Università degli studi Roma Tre) pp. 81-92 - issn: 2531-8624 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1690976 - 2023 - Prefazione
Felli, Norma - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Percorsi in genere. Contronarrazioni femministe tra arte, scrittura e buone pratiche - (9788894773309)

11573/1691030 - 2023 - Percorsi in genere. Contronarrazioni femministe tra arte, scrittura e buone pratiche
Felli, Norma; Braconi, Flavia - 06a Curatela

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma