In 2016 he received a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, presenting a thesis in History of Theological Doctrines titled “Passione di traduzione. A partire da Des tours de Babel di Jacques Derrida” which covers an analysis of the biblical roots of derridean thinking.
In 2019 he achieved a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, presenting a thesis in Phenomenology of Religion entitled “Economie dell’impossibile. A partire da Violenza e metafisica di Jacques Derrida”, which establishes a comparison between the derridean and levinasian perspectives on the concept of history, starting from the notion of economy.
In academic year 2019-2020 he attended a Doctorate Preparatory Year at Paris EHESS History Department, aimed at the study of the work of Michel de Certeau.
In 2020 he pursued a doctorate in History, Anthropology, Religions at Università di Roma “La Sapienza” and is currently working on a doctoral research project titled “Storiografia, mistica, psicanalisi. Michel de Certeau e l’archeologia religiosa della modernità”.
The research focuses on the relationship between historiographical operation and modern mystic, highlighting the centrality of psychoanalytic methodology in Certeau’s thinking.