Associate professor

phone: 24387
building: CU013
room: 356

Naurang Saini is Associate Professor of Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at the Department of Physics of the Sapienza University. He has obtained a Masters degree in Physics in 1987 (Jaipur, India) and obtained a PhD in Physics in 1992. He has participated in national and international research projects (PRIN, MNP, JSPS). He has visited various scientific institutions as a visiting researcher/professor, including Chalmers (Gothenberg), University of Tokyo (Tokyo), ETL/AIST (Tsukuba). Author of more than 350 research publications with more than 330 in international journals and invited speaker in more than 50 international conferences.

His research theme is focussed on to understand the fundamental properties of functional materials with particular attention to the correlation between the atomic structure and the fundamental electronic structure. The ultimate goal is to develop materials with advanced functions through 'control and manipulation' of structure-function in complex and heterogeneous materials. He has long experience in studying complex materials with functional properties (high critical temperature superconductors, transition metal oxides and other highly correlated materials including binary and ternary alloys with diverse functions ranging from superconductivity, colossal magneto-resistance, ferroelectricity, metal-insulator transitions and fluctuating valence) exploiting advanced laboratory and synchrotron radiation techniques.

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