Mihai Curelaru

Associate professor

email: mihai.curelaru@uaic.ro

Mihai CURELARU is Associate Professor in the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Alexandru I. Cuza University of Iași, Romania. He holds a PhD in Psychology, with a thesis on Social Representations (entitled Social Representations, Practices, and Context, 2003), and he published 19 articles in national and international journals on social representations. Since 2003, he has taught a Research Methods in Psychology course at the Department of Psychology, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Also, he has authored two books in the field of social representations, Reprezentări Sociale – Teorie și metodă (Representations – Theory and Method) (2001, Erota) and Reprezentări sociale (Social Representations) (2006, Polirom) as a solo author. Scientific expertise fields: social representations research (e.g., Evoc2000 software), attitudes research, research design (e.g., surveys, interviews), instrument development (questionnaires, interview guides), instrument validation (measurement scales), sampling, interview techniques, quantitative data analysis (SPSS software), structural equation modeling (AMOS software), and qualitative data analysis (Tropes, Atlas.ti).

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