Matteo Puttilli

Associate professor


MATTEO PUTTILLI is Associate professor of Geography (M-GGR/01) at the Department of History, Archaeology,

Geography, Fine and Performing Arts, where he teaches subjects related to Urban geography, Political

geography and Geography education.

His research interests lie at the intersection of social, political and environmental geography, with a specific focus

on urban spaces. His research interests in the field of urban studies include:

- Urban transformations, with a specific focus on the touristification of historical centres and related socio-spatial


- Socio-environmental conflicts, with a specific focus on perceived urban marginality and socio-spatial justice;

- Emotional geographies and children geographies, with a specific focus on the perception of urban change

across different cultural contexts.

From the methodological point of view, his activity is empirically and action-research oriented; he makes use of

both quantitative and qualitative methods, including visual and multimedia research tools and participatory

research. He has conducted fieldwork in different countries and cultural contexts. He is involved in international

and national research networks, and his work has been published by refereed journals and publishers in Italy and


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