Marina Morbiducci

telefono: 06 8837 8053
edificio: Marco Polo
stanza: 328

Marina Morbiducci - Curriculum vitae Associate Professor in English Language, Linguistics and Translation (L-LIN12), Oriental Studies Dept., Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. Research Areas: English as a Lingua Franca (ELF in Critical Contexts, ELF and Creativity, ELF and Translation, ELF and Teacher Education, ELF and Transient International Groups); Translation Studies (Pure and Applied) and Post-Translation Studies; Corpus Linguistics (Parallel Corpora); Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, English as a Foreign Language, Interactional Sociolinguistics; Assessment and Evaluation (Cambridge Assessment English Certification); Teacher Training and Development (TESOL). Memberships: Member of AIA (Associazione Italiana Anglisti) since 2009 Member of AISNA (Associazione Italiana Studi Nord-Americani), National Secretary (2013-16), Board of Directors (2016-2019) since 1997 Member of IASA (International American Studies Association) since 2007 Member of Board of Presidents, and Executive Committee TESOL-Italy (up to date), President of TESOL-Italy (2008-2010), since 1994 Academic Profile: Associate Professor at Oriental Studies Dept., Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, SC 10/L-1, SSD L-LIN/12. Courses taught at Sapienza University: Linguistics/Sociolinguistics; English as a Lingua Franca; Translation and Translation Studies: Theories, Methodologies and Applications; Corpus Linguistics and Parallel Corpora. Member of research group: “HEALTH EMERGENCY IN ASIA AND AFRICA: SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS, NARRATIVES ON MEDIA, POLITICAL ISSUES” (prot. RG120172B8F16875) Member of group research: PRIN 2015 (3-year national project approved by the Ministry of Research and Education on Sept. 20, 2016) with three other Italian Universities (Verona, Roma3 and Lecce): “English as a Lingua Franca in domain-specific contexts of intercultural communication. A Cognitive- functional Model for the analysis of ELF accommodation strategies in: unequal migration contexts, digital-media virtual environments, and multicultural ELF classrooms”. 2021 Member of international research Prot. RG120172B8F16875 2017 Research grant, Sapienza Prot. C26V17XJW4 2015 Member of PRIN Prot. 2015REZ4EZ_003 2015 Research grant, Sapienza Prot. AI2615HLFZ Academic Career: Ph. Doctorate in Anglo-American Studies, University of Chieti-Pescara, March 2003 (excellent); Post-Lauream Master in Philology and Modern Foreign Languages, University of Macerata, 70/70 cum laude, February 1981; Credits for Master of Arts in English, English Dept., State University of New York at Binghamton, New York, 1978; Master of Arts in English Language and Literature, University of Macerata, 110/110 cum laude, November 1977; Fulbright-Hays scholarship, Graduate Assistantship at English Dept., State University of New York at Binghamton, New York, 1976-78. Institutional roles: Member of NextGeneration Sapienza development group for Sapienza University within PNRR action frame (Feb. 2023); Member of group research for “HEALTH EMERGENCY IN ASIA AND AFRICA: SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS, NARRATIVES ON MEDIA, POLITICAL ISSUES” (prot. RG120172B8F16875); Erasmus Referent for International Bilateral Agreement between Sapienza University, Rome and Malta University, Malta; Scientific Referent of International Exchange with Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Kope, Japan; CEM Cambridge English Language Assessment, IT461, Center at Sapienza University (Director) since 2009; Member of TFA/MIUR Committee (Teachers Development, in- and pre-service up to year 2014); Organizer and lecturer at “ASL” (Alternanza Scuola Lavoro) Sapienza Project 0040 “Creativity Wins” (2017); International projects: Research member of project: “HEALTH EMERGENCY IN ASIA AND AFRICA: SOCIETAL IMPLICATIONS, NARRATIVES ON MEDIA, POLITICAL ISSUES” (prot. RG120172B8F16875); Research member with Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Kobe, Japan (Prof. Donna Tatsuki) on “ELF and Pragmatics”; Research member of MUST, Translation Studies, University of Louvain, Belgium ( Recent academic activities: Convenor of “Indicibile & Dintorni” (14-15 April, 2023), ISO Dept., Sapienza University Rome) (forthcoming) Convenor of IN-TRADUCIBILE, Translation Studies project for the dissemination and improvement of translation of difficult literary texts, inter-university and international action, with research, didactic and third mission goals (since Jan. 2023); Organizer and convenor of master class by Sara Laviosa (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro), on ”Parallel Corpora in Empirical Translation Studies” (Jan. 23rd, 2023); Invited speaker at SELLT, DSEAI PhD program, Sapienza University, lesson on “An Introduction to the Multifaceted Scenario of ‘Specialized’ Linguistics” (Jan 12th, 2023); Convenor and organizer of conference “On the Way to Words: Oracy, Debate and Public Speaking”, at ISO Dept., Sapienza University (23rd Sept., 2022); Convenor and organizer of 3rd Sapienza ELF International Symposium, with H. Widdowson, B. Seidlhofer, M.L. Pitzl, K. Kohn, M.G. Guido, D. Tatsuki, P.L. Iaia, L. Lopriore, M.R. Provenzano, A. Cannelli, V. Fiasco, Aula degli organi collegiali, Rectorate, Sapienza University (19-20-21 Oct., 2021); Speaker at (selection): 2023 SELLT PhD program: “An Introduction to the Multifaceted Scenario of ‘specialized’ Linguistics” (Jan. 12th, 2023) 2022 Master class at University of Bergamo, lesson on “Tendering Stein” (Nov. 3rd, 2022) 2021 Invited speaker at Ca’ Foscari Venice, conference on Gertrude Stein and Modernisms: “So much depends upon… a red box” (Dec. 13th, 2022) Invited speaker at Ca’ Foscari Venirce, book launch of Mena Mitrano’s “The Delectable Reader”, Cafoscarina 2022 (Dec. 13th, 2022) Plenary Speaker (in remote) at American Embassy in Rome, LIC program, title of presentation: “The Notion of Time in Bob Dylan”, (April 28th, 2021) 2020 Speaker at TESOL-Italy Annual Conference, paper presented: “TIES & TRICK: The Bond of Translation” (15.11.2020 online) Invited Speaker at TIES – Translation, Inclusivity and Educational Settings Conference, L’Orientale University, Naples, paper presented “Connecting Languages and Cultures: the TIES Trial” (27.02.2020) Speaker at PRIN prot. 2015REZ4EZ/Roma 3 round up conference: "Teachers’ attitudes and beliefs from the PRIN survey:findings and challenges for an ELF-aware approach in ELT", (20.01.2020) 2019 “The Role of international certification in empowering ELT and motivation”, CLA seminar, Tor Vergata University (Feb. 22nd, 2019) “ELF, Affect and Attitudes in Model United Nations Simulations”, Bilingualism Conference, University of Malta (March 25th, 2019) “ELF and Changing English”, seminar at ISO Dept., Sapienza University (July 10, 2019) AIA conference, Padova, "EXploring ELF-aware inspired teaching practices: What implications in the classroom?” (Sept. 6th, 2919). Publications (selection): Books: Marina Morbiducci, Gertrude Stein in T/tempo: declinazioni temporali nella poetica steiniana, Sapienza Università Editrice, Roma, 2019; M/Other, scansioni d'alterità, (ed. with Cristina Giorcelli), Guida, Napoli, 2015; Gertrude Stein, Sollevante Pancia (Lifting Belly), Liberilibri, Macerata, December 2010; Gertrude Stein, Opere Ultime e Drammi (Last Operas and Plays), Liberilibri, Macerata, June 2010; Stein Quartet, Four Critical Essays on Gertrude Stein, University of Malta, 2006; Gertrude Stein, Teneri Bottoni (Tender Buttons), ed. with E. G. Lynch, Liberilibri, Macerata, 2006, second edition; Oliver Friggieri, L’indecisione dell’onda, collection of Maltese haikus, Libro Italiano, Ragusa, 2004; Kathleen Fraser, Pagine Etrusche (Etruscan Pages), Marauder Press, Rome, 2003. Black Mountain, Poesia & Poetica, (ed. with Annalisa Goldoni), La Goliardica, Roma, 1987. Essays and volume contributions: 2023 Merope, 77 ANNO XXXII, Gennaio 2023 - nuova serie - ISSN 1121-0613, contribution in monograph: “PER CHARLES TOMLINSON (1927-2015) - In memoriam (ed. Francesco Marroni): Marina Morbiducci, Charles Tomlinson: An Englishman & the Others, 73-94. 2022 (Forthcoming): LE LATITUDINI DEL MODERNISMO (PARLANDO DI STEIN, MENA MITRANO E MARINA MORBIDUCCI IN CONVERSAZIONE) Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione, ISSN 2284-4473. 2021 Marina Morbiducci, with Donna Tatsuki (2021).”Mini MUN Simulation in ELF Contexts”. In Model United Nations Simulations and English Lingua Franca: New Perspectives on Best Practices. Donna Tatsuki (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Marina Morbiducci, with Donna Tatsuki (2021). “ELF, MUN & TIGs: Three Realities in a CLIL Context”. In CLIL, Learning Technologies, Innovation. Alba Graziano (Ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Marina Morbiducci (2021). “Charles Tomlinson: Converging Borders”. In The Guests of Chance: Travel poetry. Michela Landi (Ed.) Semicerchio, Rivista di poesia comparata, n. 63. Marina Morbiducci (2021). “Connecting Languages and Cultures - The TIES Trial”. In TIES - Translation, Inclysivity and Educational Settings. Liliana Landolfi, Jacqueline Aiello, Rosella Latorraca (Eds.). Amsterdam: Benjamins Publishing. 2020 Marina Morbiducci (2020). “Exploring ELT practices, teachers' professional profile and beliefs. Analysing data from the PRIN survey and envisaging pedagogical projections”. LINGUE E LINGUAGGI, p. 295-319, ISSN: 2239-0359. Marina Morbiducci with Donna Tatsuki (2020). “ELF, Affect and Attitudes in Model United Nations Simulations”. In Comparative Studies in Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. Ed. Lydia Sciriha. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 217-231. 2019 Marina Morbiducci (2019). Gertrude Stein in T/tempo. Declinazioni temporali nell’opera steiniana. pp. 1-250, Roma:Sapienza Università Editrice, ISBN: 978-88-9377-129-0, doi: 10.13133/9788893771290. A. Cannelli, M. Morbiducci (2019). “ELT current practices, professional profile and beliefs: exploring implications within a global and ELF-aware perspective”. RILA, RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA, p. 43-58, ISSN: 0033-9725 2017 Marina Morbiducci (2017), “Reflecting on English Lingua Franca today. Expanding scenarios and growing dilemmas. Some introductory remarks”, in English as a Lingua Franca: Expanding Scenarios and Growing Dilemmas”. (Ed.) M. Morbiducci, Lingue e Linguaggi, University of Salento, Lecce, Special issue, 24, Winter 2017, “A” ranked journal, pp. 7-22. Marina Morbiducci (2017), (Ed.) English as a Lingua Franca. Expanding Scenarios and Growing Dilemmas. Lingue e Linguaggi, University of Salento, Special issue, 24, Winter 2017, “A” ranked journal, p. 1-260. Marina Morbiducci (2017), Forum on “Black Mountain College: Revisiting Projections, 60 years after” with an interview to Joseph Bathanti, RSA Journal, vol. 28, Fall 2017 “Touring Texts: Tourism and Writing in US Culture”, (Eds.) Carlo Martinez and Simone Francescato, pp. 91-99 + 215-222. Marina Morbiducci (2017), “In honor of Kathleen Fraser” in Dear Kathleen: On the Occasion of Kathleen Fraser’s 80th Birthday, Susan Gevirtz and Stephen Motika (Eds.), The Poet’s House, New York, March 2017, pp. 49-57. 2016 Marina Morbiducci, (2016) “Elf and creativity: the role of idioms in international students’ interactional exchanges via social networks. A case study from Sapienza University, Rome”. In Lydia Sciriha, (ed.). International Perspectives on Bilingualism. Proceedings of the International Conference on Bilingualism, University of Malta, La Valletta – Malta, 22-25 March 2015, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2015 Marina Morbiducci, “The ‘Ripple Effect’ of Literary Texts: Researching, Translating, Applying”. In Donna Tatsuki, (ed.) Storytelling: Repositioning Literary Texts in Language Teaching, Annals of Foreign Studies, vol. 90, 2015, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, pp. 15-35; Marina Morbiducci, “Scansioni d’alterità: un’introduzione”. In Cristina Giorcelli, Marina Morbiducci, (a cura di) M/Other: Scansioni d’alterità, Guida Editore, Napoli, pp. 1-19, 2015; Marina Morbiducci, “ELF and creativity: idioms and metaphors as language boosters”. In: Liliana Landolfi (ed.) Living Roots / Living Routes. Proceedings of the International Conference, Naples, L’Orientale, Nov. 27-28, 2014. Napoli, Il Torcoliere – Officine Grafico-Editoriale d’Ateneno, Università degli Studi di Napoli, pp. 137-152. Marina Morbiducci, “Introduction” in Forum: Voices in American Experimental Poetry, RSAJournal, vol. 24/2012, June 2015, pp. 89-118;. Marina Morbiducci, “Review” of The New Objectivists. Nouveaux objectivistes (a cura di C. Giorcelli e L. Magno, Loffredo Editore, Napoli, 2013), in Iperstoria, n. 5/ Spring 2015, pp. 222-225; 2014 Marina Morbiducci, “Idioms and emotions from an ELF perspective” in Crossroads. Languages in (E)motion, a cura di Liliana Landolfi, Edizioni university press, Napoli, 2014, pp. 105-113; Marina Morbiducci, “L’inedito”. “Introduction to Aldon Nielsen’s seven unpublished poems” in RSAJournal, vol. 23 /2012, Turning In and Out of the American Century, Emil di Odoya, Bologna, 2014, pp. 161-181. 2013 Marina Morbiducci, “From How to write (1931) to Brain versioning 1.0 (2008), and back: transmutations at work”, in: Giovanna Covi, Lisa Marchi, eds. Democracy and difference: the US in multidisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Papers from the 21st AISNA Conference. vol. 145, Editrice Temi, Trento, 2013, pp. 223-228. (selection)

Produzione scientifica

11573/1694498 - 2023 - Introduction
Milanetti, Giorgio; Miranda, Marina; Morbiducci, Marina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
libro: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and Africa. Societal Implications, Narratives on Media, Political Issues. Volume I: Culture, Art, Media - (978-88-9377-299-0)

11573/1695363 - 2023 - The COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and Africa. Societal Implications, Narratives on Media, Political Issues. Volume I: Culture, Art, Media
Milanetti, Giorgio; Miranda, Marina; Morbiducci, Marina - 06a Curatela

11573/1695367 - 2023 - The COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and Africa. Societal Implications, Narratives on Media, Political Issues. Volume II: Society and Institutions
Milanetti, Giorgio; Miranda, Marina; Morbiducci, Marina - 06a Curatela

11573/1677667 - 2023 - Charles Tomlinson: An Englishman & the Others
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: MEROPE (Marino Solfanelli editore) pp. 73-94 - issn: 1121-0613 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1697746 - 2023 - English as a Lingua Franca and the International Pandemic Discourse: Investigating the BA First-Year Students’ Questionnaire Data Gained at Dept. of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University, Rome
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: The COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and Africa. Societal Implications, Narratives on Media, Political Issues. vol. 1: Culture, art, media - (978-88-9377-299-0)

11573/1681230 - 2022 - Le latitudini del modernismo. Parlando di Stein: Mena Mitrano e Marina Morbiducci in conversazione
Morbiducci, Marina; Mitrano, Mena - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: TICONTRE (Trento:Università degli Studi di Trento Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Trento) pp. 1-16 - issn: 2284-4473 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1560161 - 2021 - ELF, MUN, & TIGs: three realities in a CLIL context
Morbiducci, Marina; Tatsuki, Donna Lee Hurst - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Pedagogical and technological innovations in (and through) Content and Language Integrated Learning - (978-1-5275-6855-6)

11573/1443472 - 2020 - Exploring ELT practices, teachers' professional profile and beliefs. Analysing data from the PRIN survey and envisaging pedagogical projections
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: LINGUE E LINGUAGGI (Lecce : Università del Salento, Coordinamento SIBA) pp. 295-319 - issn: 2239-0359 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1544939 - 2020 - Charles Tomlinson: Converging borders
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SEMICERCHIO (Pisa: Pacini editore Firenze: Le Lettere.) pp. 91-100 - issn: 1123-4075 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1652304 - 2020 - Connecting Languages and Cultures. The TIES Trial
Morbiducci, Marina - 04h Atto di convegno in rivista scientifica o di classe A
rivista: ANGLISTICA AION AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL (Napoli : Università degli Studi di Napoli "L' Orientale") pp. 43-57 - issn: 2035-8504 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
congresso: Translation, Inclusivity and Educational Settings (TIES) (Napoli)

11573/1484338 - 2020 - ELF, affect, and attitudes in Model United Nations simulations
Morbiducci, Marina; Tatsuki, Donna Lee Hurst - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Comparative studies in bilingualism and bilingual education - (978-1-5275-5594-5)

11573/1361343 - 2019 - ELT current practices, professional profile and beliefs: exploring implications within a global and ELF-aware perspective
Cannelli, Alessandra; Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA (Rome Italy: Bulzoni Editore Srl) pp. 43-58 - issn: 0033-9725 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1361322 - 2019 - Gertrude Stein in T/tempo. Declinazioni temporali nell’opera steiniana
Morbiducci, Marina - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1027567 - 2017 - Forum - Black Mountain College: revisiting projections, 60 years after. Introduction
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RSA JOURNAL (Bologna: I libri di Emil Venezia : [s.n.] Firenze : Mozzon Giuntina SPA) pp. 91-99 - issn: 1592-4467 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1027568 - 2017 - An Interview with Joseph Bathanti
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RSA JOURNAL (Bologna: I libri di Emil Venezia : [s.n.] Firenze : Mozzon Giuntina SPA) pp. 215-222 - issn: 1592-4467 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1082680 - 2017 - Reflecting on English Lingua Franca today: Expanding scenarios and growing dilemmas. An overview with introductory notes
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: LINGUE E LINGUAGGI (Lecce: Pensa multimedia, [2008]-) pp. 7-22 - issn: 2239-0367 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1082684 - 2017 - English Lingua Franca: Expanding scenarios and growing dilemmas
Morbiducci, Marina - 06a Curatela

11573/953495 - 2017 - In honor of Kathleen Fraser
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Dear Kathleen. On the occasion of Kathleen Fraser's 80th birthday. - (978-1-937658-68-7)

11573/909557 - 2016 - Rivisitando lo scenario poetico del Black Mountain College: sessant'anni dopo
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Il paesaggio americano e le sue rappresentazioni nel discorso letterario - (9788879167802)

11573/953494 - 2016 - ELF and creativity: the role of idioms in international students' interactional exchanges via Social Networks. A case study from Sapienza University, Rome
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: International perspectives on bilingualism - (978-1-4438-9012-0)

11573/1027662 - 2015 - Scansioni di alterità: alcune premesse
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: M/Other - (978-88-6866-138-0)

11573/1027669 - 2015 - The "Ripple effect" of literary texts: researching, translating, applying
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: KOBE-SHI GAIKOKUGO DAIGAKU GAIKOKUGAKU KENKYU (Kōbe: Kōbe-shi Gaikokugo Daigaku. Gaikokugaku Kenkyūjo 1975) pp. 15-35 - issn: 0289-9256 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1141715 - 2015 - ELF and creativity: idioms and metaphors as language boosters
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Living roots living routes - (978-88-6719-112-3)

11573/818871 - 2015 - New Objectivists. Nouveaux Objectivistes. Nuovi Oggettivisti
Morbiducci, Marina - 01d Recensione
rivista: IPERSTORIA (Verona) pp. 222-225 - issn: 2281-4582 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/820754 - 2015 - Introduction to the Forum "Voices in American Experimental Poetry"
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RSA JOURNAL (Bologna: I libri di Emil Venezia : [s.n.] Firenze : Mozzon Giuntina SPA) pp. 89-116 - issn: 1592-4467 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/639437 - 2014 - "L'inedito". Introduction to Aldon Nielsen's seven unpublished poems
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: RSA JOURNAL (Bologna: I libri di Emil Venezia : [s.n.] Firenze : Mozzon Giuntina SPA) pp. 161-181 - issn: 1592-4467 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/639439 - 2014 - Idioms and emotions from an ELF perspective
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Crossroads. Languages in (E)motion - (978 88 6682 644 6)

11573/471324 - 2013 - From How to write (1931) to Brain versioning 1.0 (2008), and back: transmutations at work
Morbiducci, Marina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Democracy and difference: the US in mutlidisciplinary and comparative perspectives (Trento)
libro: Democracy and difference: the US in multidisciplinary and comparative perspectives. Papers from the 21st AISNA conference - (9788884434913)

11573/471323 - 2012 - "An Interview with Dr. Janet Zadina"
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: perspectives - (9788873466604)

11573/476946 - 2012 - Inglese Lingua Franca: nuovi scenari e implicazioni didattiche.
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: "Una scuola che parla". - (9788854836778)

11573/354435 - 2011 - Marry Nettie e Gertrude Stein, improbabile connubio
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SEMICERCHIO (Pisa: Pacini editore Firenze: Le Lettere.) pp. 56-60 - issn: 1123-4075 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/423607 - 2010 - L'Aquila Action Notebook
A., Rosa Iraldo; Morbiducci, Marina; Beth A., Boyle - 06a Curatela

11573/415860 - 2010 - Sollevante Pancia / Lifting Belly
Morbiducci, Marina - 03e Traduzione di libro
libro: Sollevante Pancia - Lifting Belly - Gertrude Stein (9788895481586)

11573/415888 - 2010 - Gertrude Stein. Opere ultime e Drammi
Morbiducci, Marina - 03b Edizione Critica
libro: Opere ultime e Drammi - Gertrude Stein (9788895481500)

11573/423604 - 2010 - Introduzione a "Sollevante Pancia" di Gertrude Stein
Morbiducci, Marina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
libro: Sollevante Pancia - (9788895481586)

11573/424089 - 2010 - "Introduzione" a G. Stein: Opere ultime e Drammi.
Morbiducci, Marina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
libro: Opere ultime e Drammi - (9788895481500)

11573/424093 - 2010 - Note di traduzione a: G. Stein, Sollevante Pancia
Morbiducci, Marina - 02b Commentario
libro: Sollevante Pancia (Lifting Belly) - (9788895481586)

11573/424290 - 2010 - Note di traduzione e commento a: G. Stein, Opere ultime e Drammi
Morbiducci, Marina - 02b Commentario
libro: Opere ultime e Drammi - (9788895481500)

11573/147184 - 2009 - La traduzione come coacervo di attraversamenti
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: LETTERATURE STRANIERE & (Roma: Aracne Roma: Carocci) pp. 103-115 - issn: 2038-6389 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/147185 - 2009 - Translation and the (Re)Location of the Poetical Surface. Kathleen's Fraser's examplum
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: TRADUTTOLOGIA (-Pescara: Tracce, 2005- -Roma: Rendina) pp. 5-21 - issn: 2037-4291 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/416083 - 2009 - The times they are a'changin'. A hypothesis of a parallel corpora approach to translating Bob Dylan's repertoire (1974-1980)
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Corpora, Discorso e Stile /Corpora, Discourse & Style - (9788854829633)

11573/417767 - 2009 - Gertrude Stein, tra il 1890 e il 1910: "la differenza s'espande".
Morbiducci, Marina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Minori e minoranze tra Otto e Novecento (Cagliari)
libro: Minori e minoranze tra Otto e Novecento - (9788884675675)

11573/417970 - 2009 - The Times, Are They A-Changin'?
Morbiducci, Marina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: USA: Identities, Cultures, and Politics in National, Transnational and Global Perspectives. (Macerata)
libro: USA: Identities, Cultures, and Politics in National, Transnational and Global Perspectives. - (9788860562302)

11573/417830 - 2008 - Il doppio femminile. Emma bifronte: Luci e ombre in Monte Ignoso di Paola Masino.
Morbiducci, Marina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Il doppo nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana (Dubrovnik)
libro: Il doppio nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana - (9789531752626)

11573/1148542 - 2007 - Francesco Marroni. Nelle vene del tempo
Morbiducci, Marina - 01d Recensione
rivista: Itinerari (Lanciano) (Editrice Itinerari ) pp. 137-141 - issn: 2036-9484 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/417788 - 2007 - Land/escape. Gertrude Stein's Ida: An Instance of Land&scape
Morbiducci, Marina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: American Solitudes. Individual, National, Transnational (Bari)
libro: American Solitudes - ()

11573/417702 - 2006 - Stein Quartet
Morbiducci, Marina - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
libro: Stein Quartet - (9789990945393)

11573/498444 - 2006 - Teneri Bottoni Tender Buttons
Morbiducci, Marina; E. G., Lynch - 03e Traduzione di libro

11573/142788 - 2005 - - “Qualcosa sul tradurre la poesia di Robert Creeley”, Traduttologia, nuova serie, 1:1, 35-53, 2005.
Morbiducci, Marina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: TRADUTTOLOGIA (-Pescara: Tracce, 2005- -Roma: Rendina) pp. 35-53 - issn: 2037-4291 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/424723 - 2005 - 'Un tempo che passa un tempo che permane', postfazione a "Dialogo con le comete"
Morbiducci, Marina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
libro: Dialogo con le comete - (9788882412029)

11573/1148557 - 2004 - La tradizione dell'haiku
Morbiducci, Marina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
libro: L'indecisione dell'onda - (88-7355-685-X)

11573/424717 - 2004 - L'indecisione dell'onda. Una raccolta di haiku
Morbiducci, Marina - 06a Curatela
libro: L'indecisione dell'onda. Una raccolta di haiku - (9788873556855)

11573/471320 - 2003 - " 'Having it having the being being there': the garden in Gertrude Stein /Gertrude Stein in the garden".
Morbiducci, Marina - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Riscritture dell'Eden. Il giardino nell'immaginazione letteraria angloamericana - (8820734362)

11573/499051 - 1995 - Stanze
Annalisa, Goldoni; Morbiducci, Marina; A., Cura Di - 03e Traduzione di libro
libro: Stanze - Robert Creeley (9788885303218)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma