Associate professor

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Marina Guglielmi is associate professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari, Department of Literature, Languages ​​and Cultural Heritage. In 2020 she obtained the National Scientific qualification as full professor of Literary criticism and comparative literature. In 1989 she graduated in Comparative Literature at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (thesis: L’idea di Europa in Paul Valéry e Eugenio Montale. Summa cum laude); in 1990 she obtained a Master Degree in Translation Studies at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven; in 1998 she earned the PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari (Phd Thesis: Virginia, ti rammenti… Bernardin de Saint-Pierre’s Paul et Virginie rewritings). At the same university she has been research fellow (1999-2003), assistant professor (2004-2018), and faculty member of the PhD program in Philological and Literary Studies (2009- 2017). She is faculty member of the international board at CPMR - Center de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires Multilingues / Langues, espaces et mondialisation - Paris X Nanterre (2020-) and faculty member of the PhD program in Italianistica, Sapienza University, Rome (2020-). She is founder and co-director of "Between. Journal of the Italian Association for the Theory and
Comparative History of Literature" ( (2011-) and director of the essay series "Trame", Armando Press (1998-). She is on the scientific board of the journal “Linguae et. Rivista di lingue e culture moderne” and of the literary criticism series “Sagittario”, Cesati Press.

Her research fields are literary translation and transmediality, women studies, literary representation of spaces, psychiatry and psychoanalysis related to imagination, publishing history and open access. She has been P.I. for the scientific projects: Sisters and sisterhood in literature and the arts; Identity and otherness in intersemiotic and multimedia translation; The representation of space in literature and art; Memory, identity and otherness in contemporary post-traumatic narratives (all funding RAS-Autonomous Region of Sardinia). She is on the scientific board for the projects: Writing impotence. Gender crisis in modern and contemporary literature (funding RAS-Autonomous Region of Sardinia, 2020-2022) and the RAS L7 Research Project of the University of Sassari (2018-2020) Shame in literature and the arts.

Authored books: Virginia, ti rammenti… Le riscritture di Paul et Virginie, Armando, 2002; Le discontinuità del racconto. Riscritture, manipolazioni, traduzioni, Lithos 2012; with P.P. Argiolas, A. Cannas, G.V. Distefano, Le Grandi Parodie ovvero i Classici fra le nuvole, Nicola Pesce Editore, 2013; Raccontare il manicomio. La macchina narrativa di Basaglia fra parole e immagini, Cesati, 2018. Edited volumes: with D. Caocci Idee di letteratura, Armando, 2010; with M. Pala, Frontiere Confini Limiti, Armando, 2011; with G. Iacoli, Piani sul mondo. Le mappe nell’immaginazione letteraria, Roma-Macerata, Quodlibet 2012; with L. Hutcheon, M. Fusillo, Adaptation. The Transformations of Stories Through Code-Switching, «Between», II, 4, 2012 (; with C. Cao, Sorelle e sorellanza nella letteratura e nelle arti, Cesati, 2017; with G.V. Distefano, L. Quaquarelli, Spazi tra le nuvole. Lo spazio nel fumetto, «Between», VIII,15, 2018 (

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