Marina Clerico

Associate professor


Since the beginning of her university career, the undersigned has dealt with the impacts of various anthropogenic activities on the surrounding environment, first of all on the working environment and then on the external living and natural environment.
The impacts on the anthropogenic receptors of activities, which are also of anthropogenic origin, manifested and propagated on the inhabited areas and natural spheres, are analysed so that they can be described, hazard factors identified and modelled with parametric studies.
Site activities, i.e. the construction of planned works and the operation and maintenance of service networks, are among the most difficult sources of danger to manage due to their diversification in the field. The study of these dynamics has allowed for a greater in-depth study of simplified safety protocols in the manufacturing industry as well.
The evaluation of emissions in the workplace and the external environment has been the subject of study for many years, and it is essential to be able to complete the risk analysis with a correct evaluation of the individual hazard factors.
The characterisation of the state of air quality (as well as of water and soil) and the possibility of measuring increasingly smaller quantities of pollutants, has in recent years allowed the development of studies aimed at investigating the INDOOR-OUTDOOR interaction, i.e. the difficult correlation that is emerging in man-made and metropolitan areas between outdoor source and indoor receptor.
The study of occupational and environmental safety and the resulting social impacts has been the focus of research, teaching and contractual activities, as evidenced by publications, courses and theses, and research contracts.
From the study of the effects and impacts on the territories of the various anthropogenic actions that take place, the undersigned has also visualised, analysed and deepened the issues of alteration of the quality of life of the population that many times occur and the consequent discomfort and social damage with the generation or worsening of economic-social conflicts. Technical engineering skills are necessary both for the preventive identification of risks and negative impacts, and for a competent critical reading of the existing conditions and the necessary ameliorative actions, which are the basis for conflict mitigation and peace building.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma