Manfredi Merluzzi

Full professor


Manfredi Merluzzi, DL and MA (Sapienza University of Rome), PhD (University of Genoa), is professor of Early Modern History at University of Roma Tre, where is Head of the Department of Humanities and Director of the Advanced program in Historical Communication: multimedia and digital languages. He is member and leader of several international research group.

Member of steering committee in many international projects as Primed (2021-2021), REDIF (since 2020), Transcribir America (2022-2023), Elitesit (2017-2021), Cliohworld (2009-2011), Cliohnet2 (2005-2008), Director of CRISA (2016-2018), Coordinator of the project: Frontiere: modelli politici e culturali di integrazione e conflitto in Europa e in America in età moderna e contemporanea (2012-2013)

His main research interests are: history and representations of power between Europe and America in the Spanish Monarchy; the role of Religion in the process of construction of viceregal colonial societies. Within his publications are: Gobernando los Andes. Francisco de Toledo virrey del Perú 1569-1581 (2014); Para la Quietud del Reino. Negociación y gobierno en el Perú (1533- 1581) (2019); Conoscenza, governo e narrazione del potere nelle Monarchie Iberiche (secoli XVI-XVIII), with Sabatini and Tudini (2020); La Vergine contesa: Roma, l’Immacolata Concezione e l’universalismo della Monarchia Cattolica (2022), with Sabatini and Tudini. He also published: «La costruzione letteraria della capitale: Bernabé Cobo e la Historia de la fundación de Lima (1639)», in Quaderni-Mediterranea-Ricerche storiche (2020), pp. 63-94; «Alzarse con la tierra»: Rebelión, lenguaje e imaginario político en la revuelta peruana de 1543- 1548, in A. Hugon, A. Merle, Soulèvements, révoltes, révolutions dans la monarchie espagnole au temps des Habsbourg (2016), pp. 11-31.

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