PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII
email: mi.bianchi@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof.ssa Dina Nencini

Research: Metamorphoses of the architectural space from house to city. Architectural wordings of the Casa Albero by Giuseppe Perugini

Born in Rome in 1992, graduated with a classical high school diploma and graduated with honors in architecture from Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis on the area of ​​the former Mira Lanza factory in Rome. He is an Architect and a third-year PhD student of the PhD in Architecture and Construction - DRACo, curriculum in Architectural and Urban Composition, at the Department of Architecture and Design of Sapienza University of Rome. His research interests focus on the principles and methods of construction of the architectural space and the topic of his research addresses the metamorphoses of architectural space from house to city, as a principle of formal construction that rises to an ideal scale while maintaining unchanged its identity. He is co-author of a monograph that collects the results of a initiate research project on the privileged relationship between built and open space, where the changes that occurred in the Aniene Garden City in Rome are analyzed and a transformative hypothesis is proposed. He recently won the third prize in the international design competition for the new humanities library of the University City of Rome and the first prize in the design competition for the extension of the primary school of Orosei. He is currently tutor in the Architectural Design Laboratory of Professor Dina Nencini.

Research products

11573/1705886 - 2024 - Restoring the fundamental values to face the critical issues of contemporary architecture. The development of a method
Bianchi, Michele - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Relevance of Doctoral Research in Architecture 2023 (Cambridge; UK)
book: Relevance of Doctoral Research in Architecture - (9781912319084)

11573/1733140 - 2024 - Città Giardino Aniene. Il rapporto privilegiato tra costruito e spazio aperto
Bianchi, Michele; Ogliani, Elena - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1700752 - 2024 - La centralità del progetto in tempi di crisi
Ogliani, Elena; Bianchi, Michele - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: New Togetherness - (9788833655567)

11573/1682755 - 2023 - Standard funzionali e nuove qualità per l'architettura
Bianchi, Michele - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Edifici e servizi residenziali per la formazione. Sperimentazione progettuale e didattica - (9788891656063)

11573/1682756 - 2023 - La sperimentazione didattica nella residenza universitaria. Cinque temi per dieci tesi
Bianchi, Michele - 06a Curatela

11573/1669805 - 2022 - Città Giardino Aniene. A persistent experience of quality in urban design.
Ogliani, Elena; Bianchi, Michele - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 6th ISUFitaly International Conference - MORPHOLOGY AND URBAN DESIGN - new strategies for a changing society. (Bologna)
book: 6th ISUFitaly International Conference | Bologna, 8-10 June 2022 - MORPHOLOGY AND URBAN DESIGN - new strategies for a changing society. Book of Abstract - ()

11573/1649066 - 2021 - Un tetto ecoefficiente
Bianchi, Michele; Bigiotti, Stefano; Ciafrei, Dario - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: L'architettura degli scarti. teorie e pratiche per la progettazione sostenibile dei centri di riciclo e riuso - (9788899836382)

11573/1599136 - 2021 - Lo spazio pubblico, l’edificio e la tecnologia per ri-abitare la città | Team Roma3131
Clemente, Carola; Palmieri, V.; Agresta, A.; Bianchi, Michele; Reale, Luca; Mancini, Francesco; Milardi, M.; Metta, A.; Bianchi, C; Mangiatordi, Anna; Nigro, Silvia; Proietti, A.; Grillo, E.; Bonacci, F.; Botti, L.; Fulli, G.; D'orazi, J.; Donini, Elisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Architettura e Tecnologia per l’abitare Upcycling degli edifici ERP di Tor Bella Monaca a Roma - (978-88-916-46392)

11573/1648862 - 2020 - Architettura e pandemia: cinque prospettive per cinque temi; Architecture and pandemic: 5 visions on 5 issues
Bianchi, Michele; Barnocchi, Asia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: A & A (Roma: Orienta, 2016- Roma: Palombi, [2003]-) pp. 64-71 - issn: 2533-0713 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1368204 - 2020 - Un approccio integrato per un progetto di riconfigurazione urbana. Team CarbonaRo
Clemente, Carola; Baratta, Adolfo Francesco Lucio; Civiero, Paolo; Magarò, Antonio; Altamura, Paola; Bianchi, Michele; Cellurale, Marilisa; Giancotti, Alfonso; Finucci, Fabrizio; Metta, Annalisa; Palmieri, Valerio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Progettare in vivo la rigenerazione urbana - (978-88-916-3877-9)

11573/1649134 - 2019 - FAO. Le origini del complesso
Bianchi, Michele - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Dentro la FAO. Storia di un forum globale - (9789251313619)

11573/1649141 - 2019 - FAO. The origins of the complex
Bianchi, Michele - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Inside FAO: A truly global forum - (9789251314807)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma