PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: perezroa.michaeledgardo@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof. Antonio Zuorro

Research: A study of an innovative process for the valorization of cellulose from agro-food waste

2011∽2016 ❧ Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering at "Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander" Cúcuta, Colombia.
⊱ Research Project: Removal of organic pollutants from San Pablo farm wastewater using a pilot-scale biological treatment.

2017 ∽ 2018 ❧ Colombian Young Research Program at "Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander" Cúcuta, Colombia.
⊱ Research Project: Treatment of acid mine drainage through the cultivation of micro-algae and the simultaneous obtaining of metabolites of high industrial interest.

2019 ❧ Research Laboratory Assistant/Teaching at "Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander" Cúcuta, Colombia.

2020 ∽ 2022 ❧ Environmental engineer as part of the executing team of the project "strengthening the scientific-technological capacities of the molecular biology laboratory UFPS as a tool for the diagnosis of high-risk biological agents for human health in Cúcuta"

2021 ∽ 2023 ❧ Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering at "Universidad Industrial de Santander" Bucaramanga, Colombia.
⊱ Research Project: Evaluation of AS and UASB pilot systems for the use of treated effluents from domestic wastewater from Cúcuta (Norte de Santander) in 𝘊𝘩𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘴𝘱. cultures, using the life cycle analysis methodology.

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