PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: micaela.abruzzese@uniroma1.it
phone: 3206124163
building: CU014
room: 023

supervisor: Prof. Marco Petrangeli Papini

Research: "Ecological and digital transition in the redevelopment of polluted sites: development of guidelines and vademecum for public administration"

Micaela Abruzzese è was born in Rome on 19/07/1997. In October 2020, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry, discussing a thesis entitled "Analysis of techniques for the remediation of chlorinated solvent-contaminated aquifers and innovative biological approaches" under the supervision of Prof. Marco Petrangeli Papini, with a vote of 10/110 cum laude. In October 2023 she earned a master's degree in Industrial Chemistry (Environment Resources Energy Safety curriculum) with a vote of 110/110 , defending a thesis entitled ""Innovative approaches for the remediation of trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater: reductive biological dechlorination supported by polyhydroxyalkanoates combined with adsorption on innovative materials" under the supervision of Prof. Marco Petrangeli Papini. Since November 2023 he holds a doctoral scholarship in "Chemical Processes for Industry and Environment" at the Department of Chemical Engineering of "La Sapienza" University in Rome. The research concerns the study of processes for the remediation of chlorinated solvent-contaminated aquifers, with a focus on combined technologies and in particular on biological processes combined with chemical-physical processes that exploit waste materials to sustain microbial activity. It also establishes in the landscape of ecological and digital transition in the redevelopment of polluted sites, and development of guidelines and vademecum for public administration.

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