Full professor

building: RM062
room: 334

Mauro Sarrica, Ph.D in Personality and Social Psychology.

My research is mainly focused on lay interpretation and co-construction of social reality, facing changes and novelties.

I'm currently conducting research on social representations of energy, energy transition, and environmental conflicts. WP leader in the H2020 project TIPPING+ Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (grant agreement No 884565)

Scientific coordinator of 'FIRB Futuro in ricerca 2010' ACCESI - Socio-constructivist analysis of sustainable energy communities in Italy .

Further lines of research include sustainability and transdisciplinarity in universities.

In peace psychology, I examined the social representations of peace, war and conflict. Recent research examined communication of war crimes committed by italians during colonialism.

In the field of ICTs, I've been involved in several international and interdisciplinary researches on Internet and Communication Technologies. In these fields I studied the social representations of ICTs, the impact of Internet on journalist's practices, the use of online forum to motivate and coordinate collective actions.

In the ICT for development field, I'm currently involved in research on slum tourism and on the use of smartphons in rural Bangladesh.

My methodological skills include the use of software for the qualitative and quantitative analyses of textual data.


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