Research: Empirical Reality and Transcendental Conditions: The Role of Anthropology after the Re-discovery of «the Other Kant»Over the last thirty years, Kantian scholarship has rediscovered «the other Kant»: an acute observer of the empirical reality of human existence. The publication of his lectures and manuscript notes spurred a renewed awareness of the nature of his philosophy. At the same time, new issues emerged. Among these, the profound hiatus between the actual conditions of possibility of men and women, Europeans and other «races», young and adults, stands puzzlingly. My research aims to investigate some open questions within this field of study. First, I intend to identify the human being's formal structure in Kantian philosophy. This model allows us to understand how the empirical and the transcendental dimension can coexist while maintaining a stark difference between empirical reality and the a priori form of experience. Secondly, I aim to shed light on the ambiguous relationship between anthropological knowledge and critical philosophy. I will, therefore, study its historical development, by tracing it especially across the lectures' notes. Thirdly, I want to point out a line of influence of Kantian anthropology within contemporary philosophy, specifically in the works of Michel Foucault and Judith Butler. In the light of anthropological research, human experience - as seen by Kant - seems to display an open and historical feature. By stressing the influence of Kantian anthropology in those philosophical views upholding the historical nature of the transcendental field, we can therefore shed light on the inner tension towards history that lies at the heart of critical philosophy.
parole chiave
Kant, Butler, Foucault, History of Metaphysics, Classical German Philosophy, Gender Studies, Anthropology, Transcendental Philosophy, Critical Philosophy, History of Contemporary Philosophy