PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Ex Vetrerie Sciarra - Via dei Volsci, 122
room: 10

supervisor: Prof. Paolo Carafa

Research: Public monuments and private patronage in Roman Etruria.

PhD School in Archaeology (Classical Archaeology)

The project is part of the topic (PNRR fund) “Dalle banche dati ai sistemi informativi territoriali: analisi, gestione e comunicazione dei Beni Culturali”. I have chosen to start from a case study on a regional scale to highlight how the use of tools such as GIS are functional not only to the management of the cultural heritage but also to its enhancement and communication. The research aims at the definition of a systematic picture of the presence of public monuments and private patronage in the area of the Augustan Regio VII (Etruria) between the fourth century B.C. and the third century A.D. and the study of the trends that have characterized their architecture.

Since 2017, I have been a member of the research group involved in the "Lazio Antico" project (scientific direction: Prof. P. Carafa) as responsible for the survey of archaeological evidence and the reconstruction of ancient landscape and monuments in the Suburbium of Rome and in Latium Vetus.

In 2023 I have been a member of the project “Archeologia urbana, lo scavo di un sito pluri-stratificato nel cuore di Roma antica. Stratigrafia, architetture e paesaggi alle pendici del Palatino: Foro Romano (Regio VIII), Palatino (Regio X) e Valle del Colosseo (Regio III)” finanziamento Grandi Scavi Sapienza 2023. Scientific direction: Prof.ssa M.T. D’Alessio.

In 2021 I took part in the project "Complesso di Villa Gregoriana: nuove tecnologie per la conservazione, valorizzazione, gestione e fruizione sostenibili”, led by FAI-Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano, as leader of the archaeological survey.

In 2019 I have been a member of the project “Urban archaeology and excavation of a multi-layered site in the centre of ancient Rome: stratigraphy, architecture and changing landscapes at the foot of Palatine hill: Roman Forum (Regio VIII), Palatium (Regio X) and valley of the Colosseum (Regio III)”. Scientific direction: Prof. P. Carafa.

January 2021: Post-graduate degree cum laude in Beni Archeologici at Sapienza University of Rome. Dissertation: “Analisi archeologica e ricostruzione del paesaggio antico di un settore del Suburbio di Roma compreso tra il Tevere e il IX miglio della via Cassia”. Supervisor: Prof. P. Carafa.

January 2018: MA degree cum laude in Archaeology at Sapienza University of Rome. Dissertation: “Analisi archeologica e ricostruzione del paesaggio antico di un settore del Suburbio di Roma compreso tra le Mura Aureliane e il IX miglio delle vie Nomentana e Tiburtina”. Supervisor: Prof. P. Carafa; co-supervisor: Prof.ssa M.T. D’Alessio.

April 2014: BA degree in Classics at Milan State University. Dissertation: “Apollodoro di Damasco architetto romano. Fonti e opere”. Supervisor: Prof. F. Slavazzi.

During my education I had the opportunity to attend to several excavations:
2013: Sorgenti della Nova, VT (Scientific direction: Prof.ssa N. Negroni Catacchio).
2014: Calvatone, CR (Scientific direction: Prof.ssa M.T. Grassi).
2015: Rome, Palatine hill, north-eastern slope (Scientific direction: Prof.ssa C. Panella).
2016-2018: Rome, Palatine hill, northern slope (Scientific direction: Prof. P. Carafa).
2018-2021, 2023-present: Rome, Palatine hill, southern slope (Scientific direction: Prof. P. Carafa).

Research products

11573/1697680 - 2023 - Loc. Santa Palomba (Roma), la villa cd. di Fontanile di Palazzo
Cattaneo, Matteo - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Tetti degni di un dio. Fantasie e delizie dell’architettura abitativa dei Romani - (978-88-17-18245-4)

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