PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: 3273877571

supervisor: Roy Cerqueti
advisor: Prof. Andrea Ciarini
co-supervisor: Assunta Viteritti

Research: Analisi dell’organizzazione scientifica del lavoro e della produzione prodotta dal management algoritmico nelle Lean Platform in Italia e Spagna. Genesi storica, caratteristiche, tentativi di regolazione, tipologizzazione dei platform workers.

PERSONAL INFORMATION De Minicis Massimo born in Rome on 15-07-1972

viale del Caravaggio, 67 Rome



06/07/2001-to date INAPP researcher in the labour market department, PhD student at La Sapienza University of Rome DISSE department.
INAPP (National Institute for Public Policy Analysis), Rome (Italy)
Summary of main activities:
- INAPP Social shock absorbers project manager. INAPP Triennial Institutional Plan (PTA) Thematic Core 6 (2021-2023)
- INAPP project manager Platform work and the wage labour crisis. Perspectives on digital platforms of Work. INAPP three-year institutional plan (PTA) 2023-2025
- Scientific contact person for INAPP scientific collaboration framework agreement between the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome and the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis for participation in the international project Fairwork
- Member of the board of researchers of the Fairwork project
- Member of the working group for the realisation of an agreement between INAPP - Catholic University of Milan - CECAP. Subject of the convention was the international analysis of the reform of short work schemes in some international contexts in the pandemic phase.
- Member of the working group of the PON FSE INAPP activity "La riforma degli ammortizzatori sociali in Italia".
- Member of the working group of the PON FSE INAPP activity The economy of work platforms. Sample survey on enterprises using work platforms in Italy.
- Member of the working group for the realisation of the MOSPI project (modernising social protection system in Italy). INAPP - Ministry of Finance, Treasury Department - Giacomo Brodolini Foundation
- Membo of the working group for the realisation of the INAPP - PLUS 2024 report. With particular reference to the drafting of the section on digital platform workers in Italy and the section on international experiences of integration between active policies and Job Guarantee.
- Membo of the working group for the realisation of the INAPP - PLUS 2023 report. With particular reference to the drafting of the section concerning digital platform workers in Italy and of the section concerning the impact of the RdC (citizenship income) on beneficiaries' welfare.
- Drafting of the INAPP 2022 annual report with reference to the sections concerning: 1) the implementation dynamics and the reform of the CIG during and after the pandemic phase 2) the phenomenon and evolution of platform work in Italy.
- Member of the technical support group for the realisation of the G20 2021 coordinated by the Italian government (Ministry of Labour and Social Policies) providing technical assistance for the following topics: 1) modernisation of social protection systems for workers 2) definition of a regulatory system for digital platform workers
- Participation in the working group for the realisation of the Italian plan for the extension of the social protection system for self-employed and non-standard workers - INAPP - Ministry of Labour and Social Policies - Drafting of the report
- Member of the Caritas technical group for minimum income reform in Italy
- Organiser of the international INAPP conference Social protection for workers at the crossroads Rome, 6 December 2023
- Lecturer and tutor on contract with Sapienza University of Rome in the Department of Social and Economic Sciences (Disse) 14/02/2024 - 31/12/2024
 Engaged in the specific implementation of the following activities:
 Elaboration and definition of the technical tools of the survey on the economics of digital platforms in Italy INAPP
 Elaboration and definition of the technical tools for the INAPP survey - PLUS section Gig economy
 Analysis of the social insurance and social security system
 Analysis of the organisation of production and work in Platform work
 Analysis of the forms of techno-regulation in the digital labour market
 Quantitative-qualitative analysis of digital platform workers
 Analysis of the Labour Market, Welfare, Industrial Relations System
 Analysis of social security forms: guaranteed minimum income, basic income
 Impact evaluation of Citizenship Income in Italy (First Hypotheses: counterfactual experimental method)
 Analysis, study, monitoring and evaluation of Employment Services delivery systems in different regional contexts
 Analysis, study, monitoring and evaluation of regional Accreditation models for Employment Services
 Analysis and study of the implementation at Community level of the Community initiative Youth Guarantee
 Hypothesis for the definition of the first national accreditation model for employment services

Research groups:
 INAPP Annual Report, 2022
 INAPP- PLUS Report, 2022
 IO Plan IO Plan Operation I/8i/8.5.6/2 "The economy of digital platforms: roles and regulatory models".
 IO Plan Operation IV/11i/11.1.4/3 "The Economics of Digital Platforms in Italy".
 Scientific Collaboration Agreement between Inapp and the Catholic University "The reform of social safety nets at the international level".
 Analysis, classification and impact of social security reforms at international level, analysis of conditionality policies. (Coordination activities)
 Definition of survey instruments and analysis of INAPP-PLUS survey data 2018-2022
 MOSPI project (Modernizing Social Protection Systems in Italy) partnership formed by INAPP, Ministry of Finance-Treasury Department and Giacomo Brodolini Foundation
 Household indebtedness as a new metric for analysing the post-industrial labour market
 Social Inequalities and Labour Market Institutions
 Monitoring of the EU Youth Guarantee Initiative
 ISFOL Survey, School-to-Work Transitions, 2016
 ISFOL Labour Market Monitoring Report 2016
 ISFOL Labour Services Monitoring Report 2015
 ISFOL Labour Market Monitoring Report 2014
 ISFOL Labour Market Monitoring Report 2013
 Regional Labour Service Standards (Regional SPI Master Plans), 2015/2016
 Support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies in defining the minimum criteria, standards and accreditable services of the new national Accreditation model for labour services (legislative decree 150 2015)
 Analysis and study of the Implementation of the Individual Relocation Allowance dlgs 150 2015, art.23, 2016

Year 2001- 2008 Training
Research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of labour policies, human capital training at the ISFOL Structural and Human Resources of Training Systems Area. With the realisation of the following activities:
 Elaboration, engineering and definition of the new national system of "Accreditation of training structures for the quality of services" (Intesa Stato Regioni March 2008).
 Elaboration and definition of the ISFOL and Marche Region Convention for the development of the quality of the regional training system with particular reference to the fulfilment of the compulsory education - right/duty to education and training November 2008.
 Member of the Examination Commission of the Region of Tuscany of the course: "Specific training of the certification managers of the Tuscan system of recognition and certification of competences and verification of the acquired competences" in the framework of the entrustment of the first application service of the devices for the diffusion of the culture of competences, training and updating of the operators of the integrated system of education, training, work. Decree of the Region of Tuscany no. 3323 of 15.06.2007.
 Member of the technical-scientific committee for the organisation of the conference "L'Accreditamento: dispositivo per la qualità dei servizi formativi nella programmazione FSE 2007-2013" ISFOL , Rome 29-30 May 2008.
 Member of the Technical Table and the Steering Committee for the definition of SISTAF (Statistical System on Vocational Training) promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (DG POF).
 Responsible for the definition of the SISTAF (Statistical System on Vocational Training) survey sheet concerning the collection of data on the quantitative-qualitative characteristics of the training organisations, operational centres and operators involved in the supervision of the organisation and delivery processes of the interventions.
 Member of the Inter-institutional Table "Accreditation of training structures" set up at the Ministry of Labour (DG POF) which saw the participation of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of University and Research, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the Coordination of the Regions, Tecnostruttura, ISFOL and the Social Partners for the definition of new minimum standards for the 2nd generation national accreditation system.
 Member of the Technical Group constituted by the Coordination of Regions, Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Isfol and Tecnostruttura for the definition of minimum standards for the new national accreditation system starting from the revision of Ministry of Labour Decree no. 166 of 2001.
 Analysis and qualitative research activities for the drafting of hypotheses for the redefinition of the accreditation criteria: Infrastructural and logistical resources, Economic and financial reliability, Management skills and professional resources, Effectiveness and efficiency, Relations with the territory.
 Analysis and qualitative research activities for the drafting of in-depth technical-regulatory studies useful for the definition of additional minimum standards in the new national accreditation system (in relation to thematic areas concerning the new compulsory education system, interprofessional funds, apprenticeships, employment services, special users, adult education) for the Inter-institutional Table "Accreditation of training structures".
 Responsible for research and analysis activities for the elaboration of the proposal of criterion B (Economic and financial reliability) and the comparative analysis of regional accreditation systems presented to the Technical Group for the definition of minimum standards of the new national accreditation system.
 Participation in the working group for the elaboration of the "Proposal for the definition of a new accreditation system" approved by the Education, Labour, Innovation and Research Commission of the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces on 5 July 2007.
 Responsible for analysis and research activities for the elaboration of a "Technical Assistance" project for the completion and redefinition of the accreditation system of the Campania Region.
 Elaboration of the proposal for the definition of criterion A "Infrastructural and logistic resources" of the new accreditation system of the Calabria region.
 Participation in the editorial committee of the quarterly newsletter "Accreditation Information. Filodiretto con le Task Forces" Quarterly news letter on the implementation and evolution of the Accreditation System Action" of the Structures.
 Analysis and research activities to support the drafting of the 2007-2008 Isfol Activity Plan for the implementation of PON Convergence 2007-2013 and PON CRO 2007-2013.
 Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation of regional accreditation models in particular: Responsible for the engineering and implementation of the first National Database of Accreditation of Training and Guidance Structures (DBNA).
 Elaboration of qualitative research tools and forms for collecting quantitative data on accredited centres and bodies and implementation of national monitoring on the state of implementation of accreditation systems.
 Responsible for analysis and research activities for the elaboration of a "Technical Assistance" project for the completion and redefinition of the accreditation system of the Region of Calabria
 Speaker at the meeting of the working group on the evolution of quality in the Italian vocational education and training system within the CEDEFOP PROGRAME Study Visit for European Training Professionals, Rome 24-26 October 2007
 Responsible for thematic and territorial animation activities related to accreditation systems in Objective 1 regions.
 Elaboration of survey instruments and analysis and monitoring activities within the framework of the realisation of a Research-intervention for the analysis of the impact of the regional accreditation devices on the implementing subjects and on the structure of the training offer system
 Organisation and management of national and international technical-scientific working tables on specific areas relating to the quality of vocational training
 Management of inter-institutional communication (Ministry/Isfol/Regions) regarding the System Action Accreditation of structures
 Analysis and monitoring activities for the drafting of quarterly technical documents for the Ministry of Labour and Social Security on the evolution of the Accreditation System Action in the Objective 1 Regions
 Study, analysis and research activities for the realisation of the Training Unit "Orientamento e Bilancio delle competenze nei servizi per l'Impiego" Isfol 2005, within the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare project coordinated by Isfol "SPF ONLINE" (Permanent online training system)
 Preparation of technical-scientific documents for the meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the NOP Technical Assistance and System Actions for Objective 1 regions (CSF 2000-2006) on the definition of tools and procedures for the Internalisation of skills.
 Responsible for the elaboration and definition of the new quarterly survey form of the PON ATAS Ob.1 for the competent ADG (Managing Authority), in relation to the progress of the activities and products related to the "System Action Accreditation of the Structures".
 Technical assistance activities, territorial animation, promotion of networks, realisation of awareness-raising meetings and drafting of preliminary studies and technical documents for the definition of quality standards at all the Ob.1 Regions within the framework of ISFOL support to the development of quality systems for training services.
 Analysis, study and monitoring activities for the realisation of thematic textual comparisons between the five criteria envisaged in the National Accreditation Model of Ministerial Decree 166/2001 and the operational declination of these criteria in the individual regional accreditation devices (Management and logistical resources, Economic situation, Professional skills, Effectiveness and Efficiency, Relations with the territory)
 Analysis, study and monitoring activities of the ROPs and the Programming Complements of the Objective 1 Regions for the 2000-2006 programming period with regard to the implementation of interventions for the quality of Education-Training systems
 Technical-scientific co-ordination of the research project "The accreditable operational headquarters within university structures" Isfol - Calabria Region
 Analysis and monitoring activities for the realisation of thematic and textual comparisons between the identification of the subject addressee of accreditation in the National Accreditation Model of Ministerial Decree 166/2001 and the operational declination of the subject addressee in the individual regional accreditation devices (Particular attention was paid to the identification of the subject addressee of accreditation for Universities within the regional devices)
 Preparation of reports and technical documents for the PON ATAS Monitoring Committees regarding the implementation of the "Accreditation System Action
 Drafting of technical materials and scientific organisation of the conference "Reference models for the management of a quality system of a training and guidance centre accreditable on the basis of Ministerial Decree 166 /2001 and certifiable according to ISO 9001: 2001".
 Member of the Technical Group (constituted by ISFOL, Regions, Tecnostruttura) for the definition of a system of minimum standards for the certification of the competences of vocational training operators in the implementation of the pathway defined in Ministerial Decree 166/2001 and on the basis of Attachment 2.3 of the Ministerial Decree.
 Responsible for the activities and the drafting of monitoring reports on the implementation and set-up of the regional accreditation arrangements in the Objective 1 regions (start-up/implementation phase)
 Activities of technical assistance, territorial animation, promotion of networks, realisation of awareness-raising meetings and drafting of preliminary studies and technical documents for the definition of quality standards in all Objective 1 regions within the framework of ISFOL support for the development of quality systems for training services.

Research products

De Angelis, Marina; De Minicis, Massimo; De Vincenzi Roberto, ; Manuel, Marocco; Luppi, Matteo - 06a Curatela

11573/1700650 - 2023 - l lavoro su piattaforma in Italia: informalità, discriminazioni e rischi di lavoro povero
De Minicis, Massimo; Marocco, Manuel - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QUADERNI DI RASSEGNA SINDACALE. LAVORI (Ediesse, Roma) pp. 25-43 - issn: 1590-9689 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1700649 - 2023 - Lo Stato come Employer of last resort
De Minicis, Massimo; Zabatta, Lucia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. 164-176 - issn: 2611-6332 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684293 - 2022 - Il lavoro operaio digitalizzato. Inchiesta nell’industria metalmeccanica bolognese
De Minicis, M - 01d Recensione
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. 102-103 - issn: 2532-8549 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684202 - 2022 - Consistenza, caratteristiche e bisogni dei lavoratori delle piattaforme. Quali strategie regolative alla luce della proposta di Direttiva?
De Minicis, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LAVORO, DIRITTI, EUROPA (Milano: Guerini next, 2018-) pp. - - issn: 2611-3783 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684206 - 2022 - Il lavoro su piattaforma in Italia: informalità, discriminazioni e rischi di lavoro povero
De Minicis, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: QUADERNI DI RASSEGNA SINDACALE. LAVORI (Ediesse, Roma) pp. 25-43 - issn: 1590-9689 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1645475 - 2022 - Technological changes, labour market transformations, industrial and labour policies. Additional essays
Lauande Rodrigues, Priscila; Massimo De, Minicis. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. 112-125 - issn: 2532-8549 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684205 - 2021 - Digital and algorithmic technology: the impact on employment and the workforce
De Minicis, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. 112-125 - issn: 2532-8549 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684212 - 2021 - Shelter from the Storm: crisi e welfare in Italia negli anni Duemila
De Minicis, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. 84-99 - issn: 2532-8549 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1617228 - 2021 - Plataformas, Sociedade e Estado: A Organização do Trabalho e Produção nas Plataformas Digitais de Trabalho
Lauande, Priscila; De Minicis, Massimo. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: REVISTA DIREITO DAS RELAÇÕES SOCIAIS E TRABALHISTAS (Brasília, DF: Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal) pp. 83-104 - issn: 2446-8908 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684200 - 2020 - Il lavoro online in Italia: Gig o Sharing economy?
De Minicis, Massimo; Manuel, Marocco; Donà, Silvia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINAPPSI (Soveria Mannelli CZ: Rubbettino) pp. 112-132 - issn: 2532-8549 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684294 - 2019 - Genesi, affermazione e crisi del welfare capitalistico finanziario
De Minicis, M; Bergamante, F - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECONOMIA & LAVORO (Roma : Carocci Editore Donzelli Venice Italy: Marsilio Editori) pp. 101-118 - issn: 0012-978X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684209 - 2019 - Lo scambio di plusvalore nel Capitalismo delle Piattaforme
De Minicis, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECONOMIA E POLITICA (Milano : Tribooo [SL]: [sn]) pp. - - issn: 2281-5260 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684213 - 2019 - Il lavoro oggi: fra informazione scientifica e discorso populista
De Minicis, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CAMBIO (Firenze: DISPO Università di Firenze Firenze: Università di Firenze) pp. 1-20 - issn: 2239-1118 - wos: WOS:000543250300006 (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1684295 - 2018 - Precari e capitale, socializzazione e contingenza della forza lavoro
De Minicis, M - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECONOMIA & LAVORO (Roma : Carocci Editore Donzelli Venice Italy: Marsilio Editori) pp. 121-130 - issn: 0012-978X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/930083 - 2015 - L’immigrazione nella trasformazione dei contesti urbani: il caso siciliano, l’esigenza del recupero culturale ed il rifiuto della marginalizzazione
M., Cherif Bassiouni; Enver, Hasani; Carlo, Paterniti; Daniela, Damigella; Orazio, Licciardello; Alessandro, Tomaselli; Fontana, Chiara; Massimo De, Minicis; Bargiacchi, Paolo; Marco, Marucci; Chiara, Talamo; Salvatore, Augello; Nancy De, Leo; Isidoro, Barbagallo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Foundation of International Studies, La Valletta (Malta)) pp. 165-190 - issn: 1027-4375 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma