PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Emiliano Morreale

Research: "History of a forgotten literary genre: historical-stylistic reconstruction of the birth and evolution of the cinematographic screenplay in Italy"

Student of the phd course in Musica e Spettacolo, curriculum "Theatre studies, performing arts, cinema and technologies for digital entertainment", XXXIX cycle. The research project, which is entitled "History of a forgotten literary genre: historical-stylistic reconstruction of the birth and evolution of the cinematographic screenplay in Italy", aims to record the evolution and consolidation of some structural elements of the cinematic writing, focusing on the main stylistic features of the genre and also attempting to trace some points of contact between the development of this textual typology and the rest of the contemporary literary panorama. Graduated in January 2023 from the master's degree course in Modern Philology (LM-14) at Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis entitled "The screenplay as a literary genre", with a grade of 110 cum laude. In 2019 she obtained a three-year degree in the course of "Literature, Music and Entertainment" with a thesis on the literary influences in the work of Bernardo Bertolucci, with a grade of 110 cum laude.

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