PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII

supervisor: Marta Marchetti
advisor: Paul Geyer
joint PhD: Università di Bonn

Research: Prison Theatre - Adaptation practice in Italy and Germany

The PhD project provides, firstly, an overview of the "Prison Theater" phenomenon at a European level. Secondly, it investigates the Italian and German theater practice; moreover, two plays staged by two theater prison companies will be the object of analysis. These are the high security company G12 of Rebibbia, Rome and the aufBruch-Theater in Berlin.
The research focuses on the textual adaptation process and aims to analyze both exemplary works of Italian and German literature, on which the plays are based and the respective script and performance. The observation of the rehearsals, the mise-en-scène of the plays and the analysis of the videos of the performances are of fundamental importance to the project.

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