Research: Development of in situ treatment processes for the sustainable remediation of aquifers contaminated by PFAS
Marta Senofonte is born in Rome on 21/09/91. In December 2016, she attained a bachelor's degree in Chemistry at "La Sapienza" University of Rome in collaboration with "Istituto Superiore di Sanità" (ISS) with a thesis titled "Analytical determination of food preservatives - development of two methods in comparison", under the supervision of Prof. Francesca Buiarelli and Dr. Paolo Stacchini. In December 2018, she finally graduated in Analytical Chemistry at the "La Sapienza" university (110/ 110 cum laude), doing an interniship at the Antidoping Laboratory of Rome, with a thesis titled "Insuln doping: comparison of alternative pretreatment techniques for the determination of recombinant insulins in urine". From march 2019 till december 2021, she worked at the ISS as an early stage researcher at the Department of Environment and Health (tutor: Dr. Beatrice Bocca). From January 2022, she is doing a PhD in "Chemistry processes for the industry and the environment", at "La Sapienza" university, with a research project titled "Development of in situ treatment processes for the sustainable remediation of aquifers contaminated by PFAS" (tutor: Prof. Marco Petrangeli Papini).