PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

advisor: prof.ssa Luisa Ferro

Maria Vittoria Carosi was born in Varese in 1995. She attended the Liceo Classico "E. Cairoli" in Varese and, after graduation, enrolled in the degree course in Architectural Design at the Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on the problems of conservation and reconnection of archaeological areas in the city of Fiesole with Prof. Chiara Dezzi Bardeschi. She later obtained her master's degree in Construction Architecture at the same university with a thesis entitled "Archaeological Areas and Architectural Design. Piazza Missori in Milan: the Racchetta on the traces of the ancient" with Prof. Luisa Ferro. During university activity, she served as an editorial trainee in the magazine "Gizmo - Architectural Review," directed by Prof. Marco Biraghi, and in the magazine "Ananke," directed by Prof. Dezzi Bardeschi. In July 2020 obtained the license to practice as an architect at the Milan Polytechnic. The following year she enrolled in the International Master's Degree in Architectural Restoration and Heritage Cultures at the University of Roma Tre, concluding in 2022 with the discussion of a thesis on the protection and enhancement of Villa Rivaldi in Rome. Concomitantly with her studies in Architecture, she has developed, since childhood, an interest in music, earning a bachelor degree in Violin at the "E.R. Duni" Conservatory of Matera under the guidance of M° Claudio Andriani and carrying out intense artistic activity, among others, with the historically informed ensambles "Italico Splendore" and "Festa Rusitca," with which she has participated in recordings for Tactus and Da Vinci Classics. Since 2021 she has been collaborating in architectural design research activities on archaeological areas - including Pompeii, Rome, Milan and Athens - led by Prof. Ferro at the Milan Polytechnic. She carried out professional activities at the architectural studio "Carnelli" in Turate (CO) following projects of construction of the new and conservation of the existing. She is currently attending the Doctorate in Architecture and Construction at the Sapienza University in Rome.

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