Full professor

phone: 06 49766405


- Full Professor of Business Economics and Management (SECS-P/08) at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics.
- Director of the Master in Marketing Management (MUMM) at Sapienza University of Rome.
- Council Member of the “Società Italiana Marketing” (Italian Marketing Association) and Delegate for Communication.
- Delegate for Placement and Internships at the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
- Member of the Teaching Board of the PhD program in "Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences" at the Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome (since the academic year 2012-2013).
- Member of the Cultural Scientific Committee of the Ateneo Impresa Foundation.


- Digital Marketing Course (9 ECTS, Master's Degree, Business Management Course).
- Marketing Research Course (6 ECTS, Master's Degree, Business Management Course).
- Coordinator of the Didactic Areas "Corporate & Marketing Communication," "Digital Marketing," and "Management Tools" of the Master MUMM.


- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Branding
- Consumer brand engagement
- Digital Marketing
- Artificial Intelligence and Marketing
- Metaverse and brand experience
- Neuromarketing


- 1998 Sapienza University of Rome, Bachelor's Degree in Economics (110 cum Laude).
- 1999-2000 LUISS, Master in Marketing.
- 2000-2003 Sapienza University of Rome, PhD in Economics and Finance in Business Governance (XV cycle).
- 2001 AIDEA Summer School (Italian Academy of Business Economics) in Research Methodology.
- 2008 Summer School "Multivariate Analysis for Social Research" at the University of Calabria – SDIPA
- 2009 Summer School "Structural Equation Models – Advanced
Course" at the University of Calabria – SDIPA.
- 2010 Summer School "Structural Equation Models – Advanced
Course" at the University of Calabria – SDIPA.
- 2011 International School on "Introduction to Text Analysis and Methods and Models of Text Mining" at Sapienza University of Rome – Department of Methods and Models for Economics and Finance.
- 2013 Advanced Econometrics Course – Department of Management.
- 2021 “How to write great papers in less time” – University of Vienna.


Journal Articles

1. Vernuccio M., Boccalini S., Patrizi M. (forthcoming), “User engagement with the VR-based metaverse in the brand experience: A consumer perspective”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management.
2. Patrizi M., Šerić M., Vernuccio M. (2024, published online 5 Dec 2023), “Hey Google, I trust you! The consequences of brand anthropomorphism in voice-based artificial intelligence contexts”, Journal of Retailing and
Consumer Services, Vol. 77 (forthcoming), 103659, ISSN 0969-6989, pp. 1-
10., IF 10.4, Fascia A Anvur.
3. Barbarossa C., Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Di Poce M.C., Pastore A. (2023), “The resistance toward COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A study of psychological reactance among young adults in Italy”, Health Policy, in press, ISBN 0168-8510, IF: 3,3, Fascia A Anvur.
4. Barbarossa C., Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Di Poce M.C. (2023), “Exploring young adults’ unwillingness to adopt COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A mixedmethod study”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 41, n. 2, pp. 271293, ISSN 0393-5\108.
5. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M. (2023), “How does Generation Z relate to brands through vocal dialogue? Four-types relationships in the field of voice assistants”, Micro & Macro Marketing, 2/August, pp. 255-280, ISBN: 978-8815-38495-9.
6. Vernuccio, M., Patrizi, M., & Pastore, A. (2023). Delving into brand anthropomorphisation strategies in the experiential context of namebrand voice assistants. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 22(5), 1074– 1083. IF 4.3.
7. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Šerić M. (2022), “The perceptual antecedents of brand anthropomorphism in the name-brand voice assistant context”, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 30, n. 4, pp. 302-317 ISSN: 1350-231X (print), ISSN: 1479-1803 (electronic). IF: 4.905, Fascia A Anvur.
8. Šerić M., Vernuccio M. (2022), “Challenges in Marketing Communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic: insights from Tourism and Hospitality Managers”, in Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 70(4), pp. 694-706. ISSN: 1332-7461 (Print), ISSN 1849-1545 (Online).
9. Vernuccio M., Cesareo L., Pastore A., Kitchen P. (2022), “Managerial and
Organizational Perspectives on Online-Offline Integration within Integrated Marketing Communication: Toward a Holistic Conceptual Framework”, International Journal of Advertising, 41(3), pp. 519-540, doi. 10.1080/02650487.2021.1897432, Online ISSN: 1759-3948, IF 5,888 (201920), Fascia A Anvur.
10. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2021), “‘Hey, voice assistant!’ How do users perceive you? An exploratory study”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 39(1), pp. 173-192, ISSN 0393-5\108.
11. Vernuccio, M., Patrizi, M. and Pastore, A. (2021), "Developing voicebased branding: insights from the Mercedes case", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 726-739. IF 4,333. Fascia A Anvur.
12. Šerić M., Vernuccio M. (2020), “The impact of IMC consistency and interactivity on city reputation and consumer brand engagement: The moderating effects of gender”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 23, Issue 17, pp. 2127-2145 (published online on 11 July 2019, pp. 1-19). Print
ISSN: 1368-3500. Online ISSN: 1747-7603. DOI
10.1080/13683500.2019.1637403. IF 7,578, Fascia A di ASN Anvur.
13. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., Mattiacci A. (2019), “The evolution of agency-client relationships within the communication network in Italy: The perspective of communication partners”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 63-83, ISSN 0393-5\108.
14. Raimondo M.A., Vernuccio M., Miceli N. (2019), “The effects of native advertising on consumer responses. Some experimental evidences on the interaction between content type and brand awareness”, Mercati & Competitività, n. 3, pp. 149-168. ISSN 1826-7386.
15. Vernuccio M. (2018), “What happens to the brand?”, Mercati & Competitività,
n. 4, pp. 7-13, ISSN 1826-7386.
16. Vernuccio M., Qualizza G., Buratti A., Ceccotti F. (2018), “Strategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management. Vol. 36, n. 106, pp. 81-107. ISSN 0393-5\108.
17. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F. (2017), “Creative crowdsourcing e dinamiche relazionali nella comunicazione di marketing. Il caso del network di Zooppa”, Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, Vol. 35, n. 103, pp. 57-80. ISSN 0393-5108.
18. Vernuccio M., Vescovi T. (2016), “Branding in the digital era”, Mercati & Competitività, n. 4, pp. 15-22, ISSN 1826-7386.
19. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F. (2015), “Strategic and organizational challenges in the integrated marketing communication paradigm shift: A holistic vision”. European Management Journal, Vol. 33, n. 6, pp.438-449. ISSN 0263-2373. IF 6,11, Fascia A di ASN.
20. Vernuccio M., Pagani M., Barbarossa C., Pastore A. (2015), “Antecedents of brand love in online network-based communities. A social identity perspective”, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 24, n. 7, pp.706 – 719. IF 4,333. ISSN 1061-0421. Fascia A Anvur.
21. Vernuccio M., Latorre A., Pastore A. (2015), “Le imprese e il social commerce: opportunità e sfide manageriali”, Mercati & Competitività, n. 1, pp. 173-195, ISSN 1826-7386.
22. Latorre A., Vernuccio M. (2014), “ll social ed il mobile commerce secondo gli esperti di digital marketing. Un’analisi qualitativa”, Micro&Macro Marketing, n. 1, pp. 127-144. ISSN: 1121-4228.
23. Vernuccio M. (2014) “Communicating Corporate Brands through Social Media: An Exploratory Study”, in Journal of Business Communication, Vol. 51(3), pp. 211-233. ISSN: 23294884. IF 2,605. Fascia A Anvur.
24. Latorre A., Vernuccio M. (2013), “Ridurre il rischio percepito e generare fiducia nello shopping online attraverso gli User Generated Content”, in Mercati e Competitività, n. 1, pp. 145-165. ISSN 1826-7386.
25. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F., Pastore A. (2012), “L’innovazione nella comunicazione di marketing secondo gli attori del network. Una lettura con le mappe cognitive”, in Sinergie, n. 88 (May-August), pp. 93-113, ISSN 03935108.
26. Vernuccio M., Barbarossa C., Giraldi A., Ceccotti F. (2012), “Determinants of the e-brand attitude. A structural modeling approach”, in Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 19, 6, pp. 500–512, doi: 10.1057/bm.2011.5. IF 4.905. ISSN: 1350-23IX. Fascia A Anvur.
27. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F., Barbarossa C., Giraldi A. (2010), “I driver percettivi dell'atteggiamento verso la marca digitale. Un'indagine empirica”, in Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, n. 4, 2010, pp. 119-159, ISSN: 1593-2230.
28. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A., Michelini L. (2010), “An exploratory analysis of marketing, logistics, and ethics in packaging innovation”, in European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 13, n. 3, pp. 333-354, ISSN: 14601060. Fascia A Anvur, IF: 4,750.
29. Vernuccio M. (2010), “I Social Media e il loro impiego nelle strategie di Corporate branding: un’indagine esplorativa”, in Micro&Macro Marketing, n. 2, pp. 183- 207, ISSN: 1121-4228.
30. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A., Michelini L. (2008), “Marketing, logistica ed etica nell’innovazione di packaging”, in Mercati & Competitività, n. 2, pp. 143-171, ISSN: 1826-7386.
31. Vernuccio M., Silenzi M. (2007), “La pubblicità interattiva nella televisione digitale. Profili di un’innovazione tecnologica e comunicativa”, in Mercati & Competitività, n. 4, 2007, pp. 131-157, ISSN: 1826-7386.
32. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A. (2006), “Tipicità e branding collettivo: il caso della mozzarella di bufala campana”, in AA.VV., Le Marche Collettive per il territorio ed i Cluster di Imprese. Modelli, Casi e Strategie di Sviluppo Competitivo, in Sinergie Rapporto di ricerca, n. 23, pp. 250-272, ISSN: 0393-5108.
33. Vernuccio M. (2006), “Turismo e branding collettivo: il caso Toscana Mare”, in AA.VV., Le Marche Collettive per il territorio ed i Cluster di Imprese. Modelli, Casi e Strategie di Sviluppo Competitivo, in Sinergie Rapporto di ricerca, n. 23, 134-149, ISSN: 0393-5108.
34. Vernuccio M. (2005), “Politiche di marca”, in AA.VV., Identificazione delle linee guida del piano di sviluppo della pesca e dell’acquacoltura per la Regione Lazio, in Sinergie Rapporto di Ricerca, n. 18 – July, pp. 106-113, ISSN 03935108.
35. Vernuccio M. (2005), “Politiche di marca collettiva”, in AA.VV., Identificazione delle linee guida del piano di sviluppo della pesca e dell’acquacoltura per la Regione Lazio, in Sinergie Rapporto di Ricerca, n. 18 – July, pp. 223-225, ISSN 0393-5108.
36. Vernuccio M. (2005), “I consumi di prodotto ittico” in AA.VV., Identificazione delle linee guida del piano di sviluppo della pesca e dell’acquacoltura per la Regione Lazio, in Sinergie Rapporto di Ricerca, n. 18 – July, pp. 86-98, ISSN 0393-5108. 37. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2004), “Il packaging nel processo di consumo: prospettive di analisi tra Semiotica e Marketing”, in Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, n. 3, pp. 108-137, ISSN: 1593-2230.
38. Vernuccio M. (2002), “Marketing territoriale e turistico in rete”, in Economia e diritto del terziario, n. 2, pp. 601-628, ISSN: 1593-9464.
39. Pastore A., Ricotta F., Vernuccio M. (2002), “Lo start-up del processo di sviluppo della Valle dell’Aniene”, in Esperienze d’impresa, Serie Speciale1, pp. 105-126, ISSN 1971-5293.
40. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2002), “La comunicazione di marketing e i new media. L’internet advertising”, in Industria & Distribuzione, n. 2, pp. 29-45, ISSN 1591-6243.
41. Vernuccio M. (2002), “Leva finanziaria, rischio, valore”, in Esperienze d’impresa, n. 1, pp. 149-167, ISSN 1971-5293.
42. Cuomo G., Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2000), “Internet Marketing e Comunità virtuali”, in Industria & Distribuzione, n. 3, pp. 23-34, ISSN 1591-6243.


1. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M. (2022), Innovazione nel branding e assistenti vocali.
Dare voce e umanità alla marca, McGraw-Hill Education, pp. 1-128, ISBN-13: 9788838657542.
2. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2009), La distribuzione dei farmaci PHT. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio, Aracne, Roma, pp. 1-108, ISBN 9788854825291.
3. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2008), Impresa e comunicazione. Principi e strumenti per il management – Seconda edizione (rivista e aggiornata), Apogeo, Milano, pp. 1-625, ISBN 9788850327645.
4. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2006), Impresa e comunicazione. Principi e strumenti per il management, Apogeo, Milano, pp. 1-425, ISBN 885032474X.
5. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2004), Marketing, Innovazione e Tecnologie digitali. Una lettura in ottica sistemica, Cedam, Padova, pp. 1-325, ISBN 8813250940.

Edited books

1. Pastore A., Vernuccio M., edited by (2010), L’impresa farmacia. Evoluzione del contesto e dinamiche reddituali. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio, Aracne, Roma, pp. 1-130, ISBN 9788854835375.
2. Vernuccio M., edited by (2009), Casi di marketing (volume 5), Collana Giorgio Eminente, Franco Angeli, Milano pp. 1-196, ISBN 9788856807004.

Book Chapters

1. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F., Patrizi M. (2023), “Meccanismi, caratteristiche e comunicazione dei negative brand”, in Dagnino G.B., Lo Presti L. (edited by), Negative brand e strategie di comunicazione. Fenomenologia dei mafia brands, FrancoAngeli, in press.
2. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2021), “Gli strumenti della comunicazione di marketing”, in Mattiacci A., Pastore A., Marketing. Il Management orientato al mercato, Hoepli, second edition, ISBN 978-88-306-0512-3.
3. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2021), “Gli obiettivi e le metriche”, in Mattiacci A., Pastore A., Marketing. Il Management orientato al mercato, Hoepli, second edition, ISBN 978-88-306-0512-3.
4. Rossi M.V., Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F., Pastore A. (2020), “In-store technologies e millennials italiani: quale impatto sull’esperienza nel punto vendita e sulla fedeltà all’insegna?”, Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli, Rogiosi editore, Napoli, pp. 1324-1338. ISBN: 978-88-6950-393-1.
5. Šerić M., Vernuccio M. (2018) “Communication strategies for building a strong destination brand”, in The Routledge Handbook of Destination Marketing, Eds.: Dogan Gursoy and Christina G. Chi, by Routledge, 2 Park Square, and by Routledge, 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN, pp. 193-204. ISBN 978-1-138-11883-6
6. Vernuccio M. (2017), “Il divenire della marca ai tempi della rivoluzione digitale”, in Mattiacci A., Ceccotti F. (edited by), Non esiste più il marketing di una volta, Cedam, pp. 275-286, ISBN 978-8813362201.
7. Vernuccio M. (2013), “La comunicazione di marketing digitale”, in Mattiacci A.,
Pastore A., Marketing. Il Management orientato al mercato, Hoepli, pp. 455460. ISBN 978 88 203 5706 1
8. Vernuccio M. (2013), “La rivoluzione digitale”, in Mattiacci A., Pastore A., Marketing. Il Management orientato al mercato, Hoepli, pp. 55-72. ISBN 978 88 203 5706 1
9. Vernuccio M. (2011), “La marca negli studi di management: una panoramica”, in Mattiacci A., Militi A., TV Brand. La rivoluzione nel marketing televisivo, Fausto Lupetti editore, pp. 126-133, ISBN 9788895962764.
10. Vernuccio M. (2011) “Nuove prospettive per il branding digitale”, in Pratesi C.A. (edited by) Casi di Marketing (Volume VII), Collana Giorgio Eminente, Franco Angeli, pp. 164-174, ISBN 9788856836417.
11. Vernuccio M. (2010), “Indagine qualitativa sulla redditività delle farmacie nel Lazio”, in A. Pastore e M. Vernuccio (Eds), L’impresa farmacia. Evoluzione del contesto e dinamiche reddituali. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio, Aracne, Roma, pp. 79-123, ISBN 9788854835375.
12. Vernuccio M. (2009), “L’e-commerce”, in Cristini G. (edited by), Marketing, Sole 24 Ore editore, pp. 497-502, ISBN 9788863450699.
13. Vernuccio M. (2009), “I costi di distribuzione”, in Cristini G. (edited by), Marketing, Sole 24 Ore editore, Milano, pp. 503-505, ISBN 9788863450699.
14. Vernuccio M. (2008), “Forum: il Marketing nell’era della convergenza”, in “Casi di Marketing – Vol. 4”, edited by G. Iasevoli, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 150152, ISBN 9788846498434.

Conference Proceedings

1. Boccalini S., Patrizi M., Vernuccio M. (2024), “Psychological discomfort during the brand experience in VR-based metaverses: The role of brand attitude ex ante”, International Marketing Trends Conference, Ca’ Foscari University, 1810 January 2024, Venice.
2. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Boccalini S., Scrimieri C., Pastore A.
(2024), “Made in Italy values ‘meet’ sustainability: The E. Marinella case”,
International Marketing Trends Conference, Ca’ Foscari 18-10 January 2024, Venice.
3. Vernuccio M., Boccalini S., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2023), “Virtual reality engagement ed esperienza di marca nel metaverso”, in Proceedings SinergieSIMA Annual Conference, 29-30 June 2023 – LUM University and the University of Bari (Italy). ISBN.
4. Vernuccio M., Boccalini S., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2023), “Deepening Branding Opportunities in VR-based Metaverses. A Qualitative Study”, Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, Fourth International Conference 2023, June 28th-29th, Barcellona, Spain, pp. 37-45. ISBN 978-3-031-31835-1
5. Vernuccio M., Boccalini S., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2023), “Exploring branding strategies in metaverses. A qualitative study”, 16th Global Brand Conference May 3rd-5th, 2023, University of Bergamo, Italy
6. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., Patrizi M. (2022), “Il ‘nuovo’ Chief Marketing Officer:
come evolve il ruolo nell’era della trasformazione digitale del marketing?, XIX Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, University of Salerno, 20 - 21 October 2022. ISBN 978-88-943918-8-6
7. Šerić M., Vernuccio. M. (2022), “Managing Marketing Communications in
Tourism and Hospitality during the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of Croatia”.
10th International Scientific Conference “Finance, Economics and Tourism - FET 2022” 22nd -24th September 2022, Pula, Istria, Croatia.
8. Šerić M., Vernuccio. M. (2022), “Communication Strategies for Mitigating the Pandemic in Tourism. The Integrated Marketing Communications Approach”. 13th Annual Global Business Conference, September 21st–24th, 2022, Dubrovnik (Croatia).
9. Šerić M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2022), “Online and Offline Communication Sources: Exploring Tourist Information Search during the Pandemic”, 38th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference, 12-14 January, University of Warsaw, Poland, ISBN: 978-605-80042-8-3.
10. Barbarossa C., Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Di Poce M.C., Pastore A. (2021), “The failure of COVID-19 contact tracing apps: A psychological reactance theoretical perspective”, EMAC Regional Conference 2021, Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland, September 23-24, 2021, pp. 1-10. ISSN 27091589.
11. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M. (2021), “Who Is a Digital Agency? Delving into the
Value Proposition”, in Francisco J. Martínez-López & David López López
(Eds), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, Second International Conference 2021, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, pp. 225235, ISBN 978-3-030-76519-4, ISBN 978-3-030-76520-0 (eBook).
12. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2021), “Talking to voice assistants:
exploring negative and positive users’ perceptions”, in Francisco J. MartínezLópez & David López López (Eds), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, Second International Conference 2021, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, pp. 24-34, ISBN 978-3-030-76519-4, ISBN 978-3030-76520-0 (eBook).
13. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M. (2021), “Non chiamatele solo agenzie digitali! Un’analisi empirica sui ‘nuovi attori’ della comunicazione”, in Proceedings of abstracts, Sinergie-SIMA XXXIII Annual Conference, University of Palermo. ISBN 97888943937-9-8.
14. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2021), “Benefici e rischi nell’interazione con gli assistenti vocali. Un’indagine esplorativa in Italia”, in Proceedings of abstracts, Sinergie-SIMA XXXIII Annual Conference, University of Palermo. ISBN 97888943937-9-8.
15. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2021), “Interacting with voice-based artificial intelligence technologies: user perceptions of the dark side and the bright side”, European Marketing Academy Conference, ESIC Business & Marketing School, May 25-28, 2021. ISSN: 2709-1589.
16. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2021), "'Ok, Google!' Are my data safe? The mediated effect of perceived privacy risk on brand trust", in Proceedings 20th International Marketing Trends Conference, Ca' Foscari University, Venice (Italy), 14-16 January, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-2-490372-11-9.
17. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., Mattiacci A., Pastore A. (2020), “Trasformazione digitale ed evoluzione dei business model delle agenzie tradizionali in Italia:
un’analisi esplorativa sui professionisti della comunicazione”, in Proceedings XVII Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, LIUC – Cattaneo University of Castellanza, 28 - 30 October 2020. ISBN 978-88-943918-4-8.
18. Patrizi M., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2020), “Gli assistenti vocali agli occhi dei Millennials: un’indagine esplorativa”, in Proceedings of abstratcs, SinergieSIMA XXXII Annual Conference, University of Pisa. ISBN 97888943937-6-7.
19. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2020), “Brand anthropomorphisation and brand voice: the role of the name-brand voice assistant”, in F.J. MartínezLópez & S. D'Alessandro (Eds), Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, pp. 31-39, Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-47594-9.
20. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2019), “Developing voice-based branding. Insights from Mercedes Case”, 2019 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, 20-22 June, University of Roma Tre.
21. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2019), “L’assistente vocale di marca: quali implicazioni per il branding? Evidenze dal caso Mercedes”, in Proceedings of abstracts, Sinergie-SIMA XXXI Annual Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, ISBN 97888943937-1-2.
22. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2019), “Artificial Intelligence and Brand

Anthropomorphisation: The Role of Voice Assistants”, 48th European Marketing Academy Conference, University of Hamburg, Germany, 27-28 May, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-3-9821146-0-6.
23. Šerić M., Vernuccio M. (2018), “How University Students perceive different learning techniques: A study in Spain and Italy”, the 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville (Spain), 12th-14th November, 2018, pp. 5945-5952. ISBN 978-84-09-05948-5.
24. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2018), “Evoluzione del brand tra antropomorfismo e intelligenza artificiale: il ruolo della voce”, XV Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, The identity paths of Marketing, 18-19 October, University of Bari, pp. 1-7, ISBN 978-88-943918-2-4.
25. Raimondo M.A., Vernuccio M., Miceli N. (2018), “Gli effetti del native advertising sulle risposte dei consumatori. Alcune evidenze sperimentali”, XV Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, The identity paths of Marketing, 18-19 October, University of Bari, pp. 1-7, ISBN 978-88-943918-24.
26. Vernuccio M., Šerić M. (2018), “Integrated Marketing Communication e consumer brand engagement di tipo comportamentale: il caso di Roma”, XV Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, The identity paths of Marketing, 18-19 October, University of Bari, pp. 1-7, ISBN 978-88-943918-24.
27. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., Mattiacci A. (2018), “L’evoluzione delle relazioni tra agenzia e cliente nel communication network. La prospettiva dei partner di comunicazione”, in Proceedings dei full paper, Sinergie-SIMA XXX Annual Conference, “Strategie in trasformazione e nuovi modelli per la creazione di valore”, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, 14-15 June. ISBN 97888943937-0-5.
28. Rossi M.V., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2018), “I millennials italiani e le nuove in-store technologies. Un’indagine esplorativa nel fast fashion, in Proceedings of abstracts, Sinergie-SIMA XXX Annual Conference, “Strategie in trasformazione e nuovi modelli per la creazione di valore”, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, 14-15 June. ISBN 97888943937-2-9
29. Šerić M., Vernuccio M. (2018), “Integrated marketing communications, destination reputation and consumer brand engagement in a tourism context”, 47th European Marketing Academy Conference, “People make Marketing”, May 29-June 1, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. ISBN 978-1-52721911-3.
30. Qualizza G., Vernuccio M. (2017), “Consumer engagement e local brand. Indagine esplorativa in un territorio di frontiera”, XIV Annual Conference of
Italian Marketing Society, Successful Marketing. Businesses, entities and people, 26-27 October, University of Bergamo, pp.1-7. ISBN 978-88-9076629-9.
31. Vernuccio M. (2017), “Digitisation and branding evolution: An integrative conceptual framework”, in Book of Proceedings, 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, “Global and national business theories and practice: bridging the past with the future”, Eds. Vrontis D., Weber Y., Tsoukatos E., 13-15 September, Sapienza University of Rome, published by Euromed Press. ISSN: 2547-8516; ISBN 978-9963-711-56-7.
32. Vernuccio M., Qualizza G., Buratti A., Ceccotti F. (2017), “Strategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione”, Sinergie-SIMA XXIX Annual Conference, Value co-creation: management challenges for business and society, 15-16 June 2017 – University of Naples Federico II. ISBN 97888907394-8-4.
33. Vernuccio M., Cesareo L., Pastore A., Michelini L. (2017), “La gestione dell’integrazione tra online e offline nella comunicazione di marketing: evidenze empiriche nelle grandi imprese”, Sinergie-SIMA XXIX Annual Conference, Value co-creation: management challenges for business and society, 15-16 June 2017 – University of Naples Federico II. ISBN 97888907394-9-1.
34. Vernuccio M., Pagani M., Barbarossa C., Pastore A. (2016) The Role of Social-Interactive Engagement and Social Identity in the Development of Brand Love Through Facebook Fan Page. In: Obal M., Krey N., Bushardt C. (eds) Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham, 978-3-319-11814-7
35. Vernuccio M. (2016), “Rivoluzione digitale versus evoluzione del branding”,
XIII Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, Marketing & Retail in Changing Markets, 20-21 October 2016, University of Cassino. ISBN 978-88907662-6-8.
36. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F. (2016), “Creative crowdsourcing e dinamiche relazionali nella comunicazione di marketing. Il caso del network di Zooppa”, pp. 341-358, XXVIII Sinergie Annual Conference, Management in a Digital World. Decisions, Production, Communication, 9-10 June 2016 – University of Udine. ISBN 97888907394-6-0.
37. Vernuccio M., Qualizza G., Buratti A., Ceccotti F. (2016), “Consumer-brand engagement. Delving into the managerial perspectives”, 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, 24-27 May 2016, Oslo, Norvegia. ISBN 97882-8247-285-2.
38. Vernuccio M., Qualizza G., Buratti A. (2015), “Consumer-brand engagement: imprese ed agenzie a confronto”, XII Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, Marketing at the service of cities. Cultural heritage and urban revitalisation., 22-23 October, University of Turin, ISBN 978-88-907662-4-4.
39. Vernuccio M., Cesareo L., Michelini L., Pastore A. (2015), “Online and offline integration in marketing communication. Delving into the business perspective”, 44th European Marketing Academy Conference, 26-29 June 2015, Leuven, Belgio, ISBN 978-90823-8330-0.
40. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., (2014), “L’architettura del communication network: criticità relazionali e dinamiche evolutive secondo i professionisti della comunicazione di marketing”, XI Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, Food Marketing: markets, supply chains, sustainability and brand strategies, 18-19 September, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. ISBN 978-88-907662-2-0.
41. Vernuccio M., Pagani M., Barbarossa C., Pastore A. (2014), “The effects of Social-Interactive Engagement and Social Identity on Brand Love in Online
Network-based Communities”, 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, 5-6 June 2014, Valencia, Spagna. ISBN 978-84-370-9453-3
42. Vernuccio M., Pagani M., Barbarossa C., Pastore A. (2014), “The role of social-interactive engagement and social identity in the development of brand love through facebook fan page”, Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era: 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)
Annual Conference, 21-23 May 2014, Indianapolis, US. ISBN 978-3-31911814-7
43. Latorre A., Vernuccio M., Pastore A. (2013), “Social Commerce: managerial challenges and marketing opportunities. A qualitative study”, 42nd European
Marketing Academy Conference, 4-7 June 2013, Istanbul, Turchia. ISBN 9789944-380-10-2
44. Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M. (2013), “The Communication Network Evolution: A Qualitative Study on Emerging Relational Issues and Future Architectures”, 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, 4-7 June 2013, Istanbul, Turchia. ISBN 978-9944-380-10-2.
45. Latorre A., Vernuccio M. (2012), “Le nuove frontiere del commercio elettronico: il social ed il mobile commerce. La prospettiva degli esperti di digital marketing”, IX Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, 20-21
September 2012, University of Benevento (ISBN: 978-88-907662-0-6).
46. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F. (2012), “Managerial challenges toward the integrated marketing communication (r)evolution. A qualitative study”, 41th
European Marketing Academy Conference, 22-25 May 2012, Lisbona, Portogallo (con ISBN: 978-989-732-004-0).
47. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F., Pastore A. (2011), “L’innovazione nella comunicazione integrata di marketing. Un’indagine empirica sulle percezioni degli attori del network”, XXIII Sinergie Conference, Sinergie-EUPRERA Conference, “Corporate Governance and Strategic Communication”, 10-11 November 2011, IULM University, Milano.
48. Pilotti L., Vernuccio M., Ganzaroli A. (2011), “Il ruolo del territorio nella crescita: complessità, creatività e governance in emergenti ecologie del valore”, XXXIV AIDEA Annual Conference, “Aziende di servizi e servizi per le aziende”, 13-14 October 2011, Perugia.
49. Latorre A., Vernuccio M. (2011), “Ridurre il rischio percepito e generare fiducia nello shopping online attraverso gli User Generated Content”, con Annaluce Latorre, VIII Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, 22-23 September 2011, Sapienza University of Rome.
50. Barbarossa C., Vernuccio M. (2011), “Deepening the complexity of green purchasing behaviour: a structural modeling approach”, con Camilla Barbarossa, VIII Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, 22-23 September 2011, Sapienza University of Rome.
51. Vernuccio M. (2011), “New Strategic Approaches in Corporate Brand Communication through Social Media. An exploratory study”, 10th European
Advertising Academy – International Congress on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), June 23rd-25th 2011, Berlin, Germany.
52. Vernuccio M. (2011), “New communication approaches towards corporate brand-building via social media: An empirical study”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, 24-27 May 2011, Ljubljana University, Slovenia, pp. 17, ISBN 9789612402112.
53. Vernuccio M., Ceccotti F. (2011), “Una mappa del futuro”, Marketing Talkshow – “New Media. Il web è morto?”, 8 November 2011, Luiss Business School, Roma.
54. Vernuccio M., Giraldi A., Barbarossa C., Ceccotti F. (2010), “Drivers of e-brand attitude. A structural modeling approach”, “The six senses, The essentials of Marketing”, 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, 1-4 June 2010, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, pp. 1-7, ISBN 9788792569011.
55. Vernuccio M. (2010), “Nuove prospettive per il branding digitale”, MUMM Conference Day, Sapienza University of Rome, 28 May 2010, Roma.
56. Vernuccio M. (2009), “Innovare la comunicazione di marca nel web 2.0: il Social Corporate Branding”, Top Management Forum “Performance migliori e sostenibili”, 2-3 December 2009, Milan.
57. Vernuccio M. (2009), “La comunicazione del Corporate Brand nel contesto dei Social Media”, Fashion Marketing, VI Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, 6-7 November 2009, Florence.
58. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A., Michelini M. (2008), “Packaging innovation projects toward marketing, logistics, and ethics integration”, Conference Proceedings “Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought”, 37th European Marketing Academy Conference, 27-30 May 2008, University of Brighton, UK, pp. 1-8, ISBN 9781905593422.
59. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A., Michelini M. (2008), “Prospettive di innovazione del packaging tra marketing, logistica ed etica. Verso un approccio integrato”, 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice, 17-19 January 2008, published on Conference Proceedings, pp. 1-37, ISBN 9782953281125.
60. Vernuccio M. (2005), “La Business Identity nel sistema delle relazioni tra Industria, Distribuzione e Consumo” at the Conference “La distribuzione tra
Industria e Consumo o il Consumo tra Industria e Distribuzione?”, held on 21 October 2005 at the University of Salerno
61. Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2003), “Il ruolo del packaging tra marketing e consumo. Una lettura degli insiemi percettivi e dei vettori valoriali”, 7th
International Congress Marketing Trends, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia 2829 november 2003”, published in the Proceedings edited by Collesei U. and Andreani J.-C., pp. 1-20, ISBN 9782953281125.
62. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A., Michelini L. (2007), “Marketing, logistica ed etica nell’innovazione di packaging. Tendenze evolutive e orientamenti manageriali”, IV Annual Conference of Italian Marketing Society, Rome, 5-6 October 2007.
63. Vernuccio M., Cozzolino A., Michelini L. (2007), “Packaging innovation project towards marketing, logistics and ethics integration: evidences from case studies”, 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, Dallas, Texas, 4-7 May 2007.
64. Pastore A., Golinelli C.M., Ricotta F., Vernuccio M. (2002), “Il marketing per lo sviluppo turistico e territoriale. I progetti Rural Tourism Network e Rural Market Place nella X Comunità Montana dell’Aniene”, International Congress. Marketing Trends, ESCP-EAP, Paris on 25-26 January 2002, published in Conference Proceedings, p. 1-28, ISBN 9782953281125.
65. Cuomo G., Pastore A., Vernuccio M. (2000), “Internet, Marketing e comunità virtuali”, Conference “La frontiera del commercio elettronico” della Rivista “Industria & Distribuzione” held at University of Parma, on 21 October 2000, published in the volume of the “Atti del Convegno”, ISBN 8873038409.

Managerial articles
1. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2019), “Marketing, attenti alla rivoluzione se ora il brand ha anche il suono”, in Affari & Finanza, 11 february.
2. Vernuccio M., Raimondo M.A., Miceli N. (2020), “Native advertising: l’engagement senza distrazioni”, in Mark Up, n. 286, february.
3. Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A. (2020), “Branding innovation: dare voce e umanità al brand”, in Mark Up, n. 290, june.
4. Vernuccio M. (2020), “L’universo femminile online. Oltre il gender gap”, in Mark up, n. 295.


Project PNRR – PE11_Spoke 7: "New and consumer-driven
- 2023- business models for resilient and circular supply chains _ Customer-based strategies for the Sustainable and Circular Made in Italy". Co-Principal Investigator.
Project "Digital transformation and evolution of marketing
- 2022 organization: how the role of the Chief Marketing Officer changes?" Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome, based on a competitive peer-reviewed call. Investigator.
Project "Risks and benefits in interactions with voice
- 2021 assistants. A multi-method study across generations", Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome, based on a competitive peer-reviewed call. Investigator.
Project "Consumer and voice-enabled Artificial Intelligence
- 2020 technologies. A causal study on brand anthropomorphism" Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome, based on a competitive peer-reviewed call. Principal Investigator.
Research Project (Medium Equipment) "Big Data, Internet, and Empirical Research: A hardware system for acquiring and
- 2019
processing large numerical and textual datasets", Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome, based on a competitive peer-reviewed call. Investigator.
Project "The digital transformation of traditional agencies in the 'new' market of marketing communication services", - 2019
Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome.
Project "Integrated marketing communication and destination
- 2018 branding. A quantitative research", Research funded by
Sapienza University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
Project "Destination marketing: Integrated Marketing
Communications and brand outcomes". International research
- 2018-2022 funded by the University of Valencia as part of a "Visiting
Professor" program (03-07-2018/04-09-2018). Principal
Project "Learning innovative and intercultural methodologies generated by university students: A gender approach".
International research funded by the University of Valencia
- 2019 involving the University of Valencia, Sapienza University of Rome, InHolland University of Applied Sciences. Scientific Responsible - Sapienza unit.
The evolution of actors in integrated marketing communication: what business models for agencies of
- 2017-2018 tomorrow? An analysis of communication professionals, Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome.
Consumer-brand engagement. Delving into the managerial
- 2016-2017 perspectives, Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
The impact of Integrated Marketing Communications on Consumer-Brand Engagement in the Context of Tourism
Destination, International research funded by Sapienza - 2016-2017
University of Rome in the "Visiting Professor" program (Prof. Maja Seric, University of Valencia, Spain; May-July 2018). Principal Investigator.
Digitization of integrated marketing communication. An
- 2015-2016 exploratory analysis. Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Investigator.
Analyzing customer-to-customer e-WOM interactions. An
- 2014-2015 empirical study. Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Investigator.
Integrated marketing communication between offline and
- 2013-2014 online: new challenges for Advertisers, Research funded by CERMES (Bocconi University). Principal Investigator.
Consumers and social media: analysis of the influence of engagement on brand value creation, Research funded by
- 2012-2013 Sapienza University of Rome with an annual research grant
under the 'Projects under 40' funding line. Principal
The new frontiers of e-commerce: social and mobile
- 2012-2013 commerce. The perspective of digital marketing experts, Research funded by the Faculty of Economics - Sapienza University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
The new frontiers of e-commerce: an exploratory investigation
- 2012 into the potential of social commerce - Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
Innovation of branding strategies online. An empirical investigation into the new determinants of consumer attitude
- 2011-2012
towards the digital brand, Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Investigator.
Divine Project: "Development of innovative distribution formats
- 2011-12 for the marketing of Italian wine on the international consumer market", CUEIM research funded by the Ministry of Economic Development. Investigator.
Evolution of the scenario and economic analysis of the pharmacy company. A focus on the Lazio Region, Research
- 2009-2010
funded by Assiprofar Federfarma Roma. Principal
Corporate Branding and Social Media. New directions in
- 2009 corporate communication, Research funded by Sapienza
University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
The distribution of PHT drugs in direct and 'on behalf of'
- 2008-2009 channels. Comparative evaluations and service levels in the Lazio Region, Research funded by Assiprofar Federfarma Roma. Principal Investigator.
Marketing, logistics, and ethics in packaging innovation,
- 2008 Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Principal
Digital television and interactive advertising. Technological
- 2007 and marketing perspectives, Research funded by Sapienza
University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
Systemic-territorial analysis of the extended Italian wine
- 2007-2008 supply chain: in search of the specific value of the Italian model, CUEIM research funded by Federvini. Investigator.
Feasibility study for the definition of the Strategic Plan and for
- 2006-2007 the establishment of the Study Center and School of Training, Research funded by Assiprofar Federfarma Roma.
- 2006 The governance of business identity, Research funded by Sapienza University of Rome. Principal Investigator.
Analysis of economic trends for the Conservation and
- 2006 Restoration sector of works of art and for the fishing sector, CUEIM research funded by the Ministry of Finance.
- 2006 Communication strategies of commercial enterprises, CERMES research (Bocconi University).
- 2005 Positioning and development potential of the commercial brand, CERMES research (Bocconi University).
The development of distribution formats, CERMES research - 2004
(Bocconi University).
- 2004 Tourism and territorial marketing: Models, Cases, and Managerial Implications, CUEIM research funded by IBM.
The development potential of brand policies for business
- 2004 clusters. Models, Cases, and Economic Evaluations, CUEIM research funded by IBM.
- 2003 Software Selection of the integrated management information system (ERP), Research funded by Gentilini srl.
Identification of guidelines for the development plan of fishing
- 2003-2004 and aquaculture for the Lazio Region, CUEIM research funded by the Lazio Region.
- 2002 Study for the elaboration of the development strategy, CUEIM research funded by Gentili srl.
Immigration of foreigners in Lazio: occupational problems and
- 2002 economic integration, CUEIM research funded by the Lazio Region.
- 2000 Study for the elaboration of the development plan of the modern retail distribution network in the Campania region, Research funded by Unioncamere.
Study for the elaboration of the development plan of the
- 1999 modern retail distribution network in the Calabria region, Research funded by Unioncamere.

- NOTE 1. Project "Digital transformation and evolution of marketing organization: how the role of the Chief Marketing Officer changes?" Research funded by Sapienza University of
Rome, based on a competitive peer-reviewed call.
2. Presentation as the head of the operational unit of the FIRB 2008 project entitled "Ethics and product innovation: new managerial models for European companies": following a blind international peer review, it obtains a score of 38/40.


- 2024 Co-track chair Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Marketing Analytics – 21st International Marketing Trends Conference.
- 2022 Co-track chair Digital Marketing – International Marketing
Trends Conference 2024, Ca’ Foscari University, 18-20
January, Venice (Italy).
- Since 2021 Member of the Editorial Board of the Italian Journal of Marketing.
- 2020 Winner of the "Best Paper in the Digital Marketing section" award for "Trasformazione digitale ed evoluzione dei business model delle agenzie tradizionali in Italia: un’analisi esplorativa sui professionisti della comunicazione" by Ceccotti F., Vernuccio M., Mattiacci A., Pastore A. (2020), XVII Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society, LIUC - Cattaneo University of Castellanza, October 28-30, 2020. ISBN to be defined.
- 2020 Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Management Series" by McGraw-Hill Education.
- Since 2020 Member of the "Program Committee" of the "Digital Marketing & eCommerce Conference 2020," University of Barcelona.
- 2020 Winner of the "Marketing Trends Awards 2020" awarded by the Scientific Committee of the International Marketing Trends Conference, ESCP Business School, January 24, 2020, Paris (France).
- Since 2019 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Sinergie Italian Journal of Management.
- 2019 Winner of the "Visiting Professors University Call -
Teaching" as Proponent (visiting professor Maja Šerić, University of Valencia, Spain) for the development of a teaching module on Qualitative Research Methodology for the PhD in "Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences" at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, Department of Management.
- 2018 Winner of the "Best paper in Marketing communication & Branding section" for "Evoluzione del brand tra antropomorfismo e intelligenza artificiale: il ruolo della voce" by Vernuccio M., Patrizi M., Pastore A., XV Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society, Paths of Marketing Identity, University of Bari, October 18-19.
- 2017 Winner of the "Conference Highly Commended Paper
Award" for "Digitisation and branding evolution: An integrative conceptual framework, 10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, September 13-15, Sapienza University of Rome.
- 2017 Winner of the "Selected paper Award" for "Consumer-brand engagement strategies. The point of view of companies and communication agencies" by Vernuccio M., Qualizza G., Buratti A., Ceccotti F., Sinergie-SIMA XXIX Annual Conference, Value co-creation: management challenges for business and society, June 15-16, 2017 – University Federico II of Naples.
- 2016 Winner of the "Best Paper Award" for "Creative crowdsourcing and relational dynamics in marketing communication. The case of the Zooppa network" by Vernuccio M and Ceccotti F., XXVIII Annual Conference of Sinergie, Management in a Digital World.
Decisions, Production, Communication, June 9-10, 2016 - University of Udine.
- 2016 Guest editor with Vescovi T. of the special issue "Branding in the digital era" of Mercati e Competitività, n. 4/2016.
- From 2016 Responsible for the "Internet & Digital Marketing" thematic to 2021 section of the Annual Conference of the Italian Marketing Society.
- 2015-16 Track chair for SIMA "New models of communication in the digital age: managerial problems, challenges, and solutions" for the XXVIII Annual Conference of Sinergie "Management in a Digital World: Decisions, Production, Communication," organized by Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, University of UdineCUEIM, June 9-10, 2016.
- Since 2015 Member of the Association for Business Communication - ABC (US).
- 2015 Winner of the "2015 Outstanding Article in the International Journal of Business Communication Award" for the article: "Communicating corporate brands through Social Media: An exploratory study.
- From 2015 Member of the Italian Society of Management (SIMA).
- to Winner of the "Best Referee 2013 Award" for Mercati e
Competitività, FrancoAngeli.
- From 2014 Member of the editorial board (Editorial board member) of the to 2020 journal "International Journal of Electronic Marketing and
Retailing," Inderscience.
- Since 2014 Member of the Italian Society of Management (SIMA).
- Since Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mercati e 2013-2019 competitività", FrancoAngeli.
- Since Responsible for the "Product & Brand Management" 2013-2015 thematic section of the Annual Conference of the “Società Italiana Marketing” (Italian Marketing Association) (with Prof. Tiziano Vescovi).
- Since 2012 Referent of the “Società Italiana Marketing” (Italian Marketing Association) for Sapienza University of Rome.
- 2012 Scientific Committee "MUMM Conference Day-Centromarca," Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Economics, May 7, 2012.
- Since 2011 Research evaluation activities:
-Registered in the register of reviewers for the evaluation of ministerial research programs (ERC sectors: SH1_8; SH2_10; SH1_7).
-Evaluator of university research projects funded by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
- Since 2011 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Best in Class - Marketing Cases Series published by Franco Angeli (since 13/07/2011).
- Since 2010 Member of European Advertising Academy (EAA).
- 2009 Winner of the AIDEA 2009 Award for the best paper:
"Corporate Branding and Social Media," Proceedings of the Conference "Immaterial resources in the companies' economy," 32nd AIDEA Conference, Ancona, September 24-25, 2009.
- Since 2008 Member of the “Società Italiana Marketing” (Italian Marketing Association) (SIMkt).
- Since 2008 Member of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC).
- Since 2007 She conducts refereeing and tutoring activities in the research activities of doctoral students for the Ph.D. program "Management, Banking and Commodity Sciences". In particular, she has been the PhD tutor for:
− Marta Maria Montella, XXII cycle, Thesis: “Musei di impresa quali strumento per la creazione di valore”.
− "Massimiliano Silenzi, XXIII cycle, Thesis: "Mobile remote payments: critical success factors".
− - Annaluce Latorre, XXVI cycle, Thesis: "Social Commerce: characteristics, opportunities, and managerial challenges"
− - Marco Valerio Rossi, XXXI cycle, Thesis: "Towards smart retailing. An exploratory study between demand and supply in the Italian context"
− - Michela Patrizi, XXXIV cycle, Thesis: "Branding innovation: brand voice and brand anthropomorphism
in the voice assistants experiential context" − - Sara Boccalini, XXXVIII cycle.
- Last 5 Reviewer for:
years − Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Elsevier);
− European Management Journal (Elsevier);
− European Journal of Marketing (Emerald);
− Journal of Brand Management (Palmgrave);
− Journal of Product and Brand Management (Emerald);
− European Journal of Innovation Management (Emerald);
− Technological Forecasting & Social Change (Elsevier);
− Journal of Creative Communications (Sage);
− International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (Emerald);
− International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (Inderscience);
− Journal of Small Business Management (Wiley);
− Management Research Review (Emerald);
− Sinergie Italian Journal of Management (AIDEA accredited journal)
− Micro&Macro Marketing (AIDEA accredited journal, Il Mulino)
− Finanza, Marketing e Produzione (AIDEA accredited journal, Egea);
− Mercati e Competitività (AIDEA accredited journal, FrancoAngeli) – fino al 2019;
− European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC);
− American Marketing Science Conference (AMS)
− European Association for Education and Research in the Commercial Distribution Conference (EAERCD);
− Marketing Trends (International Congress)
− Sinergie-SIMA Conference;
− European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM);
− Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of the Culturale Heritage (AIDEA accredited journal, University of Macerata)
− Esperienze d’impresa (Rivista accreditata AIDEA).

I authorize the processing of my personal data in accordance with Legislative Decree June 30, 2003, No. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”.

Research products

11573/1710554 - 2024 - Psychological discomfort during the brand experience in VR-based metaverses: The role of brand attitude ex ante
Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Marketing Trends Conference 2024 – VENICE 2024 (Venice, Italy)
book: Proceedings of the International Conference Marketing Trends 2024 - (978-2-490372-18-8)

11573/1713049 - 2024 - Lights and Shadows of Consumer Experience in the VR-Based Metaverse: An Exploratory Study
Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce, Fifth International Conference, 2024 - (978-3-031-62134-5)

11573/1710033 - 2024 - Traditional agencies on bridges: How is digital transformation changing business models?
Ceccotti, F.; Vernuccio, M.; Mattiacci, A.; Pastore, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE (-Netherlands: Springer Netherlands -Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers) pp. 1-39 - issn: 1385-3457 - wos: WOS:001221376600001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85192711745 (0)

11573/1713415 - 2024 - Brand Anthropomorphization on Social Media: The Role of Human Tone of Voice
Ceccotti, F.; Vernuccio, M.; Torti, F. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. Fifth International Conference, 2024 - (978-3-031-62135-2)

11573/1710555 - 2024 - Made in Italy values “meet” sustainability: The E. Marinella case
Ceccotti, Federica.; Vernuccio, Maria.; Patrizi, Michela.; Boccalini, Sara.; Scrimieri, Chiara.; Pastore, Alberto. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Marketing Trends Conference 2024 – VENICE 2024 (Venice, Italy)
book: Proceedings of the International Conference Marketing Trends 2024 - (978-2-490372-18-8)

11573/1726913 - 2024 - Delving into sustainability and Made in Italy fashion brands: Perspectives from Generation Z
Ceccotti, Federica; Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sinergie SIMA Management Conference 2024 (University of Parma)
book: Management of sustainability and well-being for individuals and society - ()

11573/1714892 - 2024 - Resident perspectives unveiled: The role of a sustainable destination image in shaping pro-sustainable responses
Seric, Maja; Patrizi, Michela; Ceccotti, Federica; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES (Butterworth Heinemann Publishers:Linacre House Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 314569, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1865 314569) pp. - - issn: 0969-6989 - wos: WOS:001386479600001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85198192126 (1)

11573/1705186 - 2024 - Revising the basic principles of integrated marketing communications during a health-related crisis. The case of Croatian tourism and hospitality industry
Seric, Maja; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS (-Bradford, United Kingdom: Emerald -Bradford : MCB University Press, 1996-) pp. 1-22 - issn: 1356-3289 - wos: WOS:001168057400001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85186256511 (1)

11573/1730414 - 2024 - Inclusive branding approaches: a conceptual framework
Vernuccio, M.; Ceccotti, F.; Patrizi, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Brands and Purpose in a changing era (Università IULM Milano)
book: Brands and Purpose in a changing era - (978-88-947829-1-2)

11573/1717653 - 2024 - User engagement with the VR-based metaverse in the brand experience: A consumer perspective
Vernuccio, Maria; Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 37-60 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1729750 - 2024 - “Being” with the brand in the metaverse: Strengthening brand anthropomorphism to foster brand love
Vernuccio, Maria; Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES (Butterworth Heinemann Publishers:Linacre House Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 314569, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1865 314569) pp. 1-10 - issn: 0969-6989 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1728583 - 2024 - Meccanismi, caratteristiche e comunicazione dei negative brand
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica; Patrizi, Michela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo

11573/1687517 - 2023 - Exploring young adults’ unwillingness to adopt COVID-19 contact tracing apps. A mixed-method study
Barbarossa, Camilla; Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Di Poce, Maria Carmen - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 271-293 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85176399325 (0)

11573/1686106 - 2023 - The resistance toward COVID-19 contact tracing apps. A study of psychological reactance among young adults in Italy
Barbarossa, Camilla; Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Di Poce, Maria Carmen; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: HEALTH POLICY (Elsevier Science Ireland Limited:PO Box 85, Limerick Ireland:011 353 61 709600, 011 353 61 61944, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 353 61 709114) pp. - - issn: 0168-8510 - wos: WOS:001052746800001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85166982736 (0)

11573/1695362 - 2023 - Hey Google, I trust you! The consequences of brand anthropomorphism in voice-based artificial intelligence contexts
Patrizi, Michela; Seric, Maja; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES (Butterworth Heinemann Publishers:Linacre House Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP United Kingdom:011 44 1865 314569, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1865 314569) pp. - - issn: 0969-6989 - wos: WOS:001133621700001 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85179073814 (11)

11573/1685111 - 2023 - How does Generation Z relate to brands through vocal dialogue? Four-types relationships in the field of voice assistants
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MICRO & MACRO MARKETING (Bologna Italy: Societa Editrice il Mulino Spa) pp. 255-279 - issn: 1121-4228 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85186587821 (0)

11573/1679957 - 2023 - Deepening branding opportunities in VR-based metaverses. A qualitative study
Vernuccio, Maria; Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in digital marketing and ecommerce. Fourth international conference, 2023. - (978-3-031-31835-1)

11573/1689244 - 2023 - Virtual reality engagement ed esperienza di marca nel metaverso
Vernuccio, Maria; Boccalini, Sara; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sinergie SIMA Conference, Rediscovering local roots and interactions in management (Bari, Italy)
book: Rediscovering local roots and interactions in management - (9788894713633)

11573/1578889 - 2023 - Delving into brand anthropomorphisation strategies in the experiential context of name-brand voice assistants
Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR ([London] : Henry Stewart Publications, 2001-) pp. 1074-1083 - issn: 1479-1838 - wos: WOS:000691453000001 (23) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85113933823 (19)

11573/1663486 - 2023 - The perceptual antecedents of brand anthropomorphism in the name‑brand voice assistant context
Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela; Seric, Maja; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT (-London : Henry Stewart, 1993- -Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan) pp. 302-317 - issn: 1350-231X - wos: WOS:000906335100001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85145164164 (7)

11573/1662799 - 2022 - Il “nuovo” Chief Marketing Officer: come evolve il ruolo nell’era della trasformazione digitale del marketing?
Ceccotti, Federica; Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: NEXT GENERATION MARKETING People, Planet, Place: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketing (Salerno)
book: NEXT GENERATION MARKETING People, Planet, Place: cooperation & shared value for a new era of critical marketing - (978-88-943918-8-6)

11573/1659659 - 2022 - Innovazione nel branding e assistenti vocali. Dare voce e umanità alla marca
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1533574 - 2022 - Managerial and organizational perspectives on online-offline integration within integrated marketing communication. Toward a holistic conceptual framework
Vernuccio, Maria; Cesareo, Ludovica; Pastore, Alberto; Kitchen Philip, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING (World Advertising Research Center:Farm Road, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire RG9 1EJ United Kingdom:011 44 1491 411000, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1491 418600) pp. 519-540 - issn: 0265-0487 - wos: WOS:000634142200001 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85103286273 (6)

11573/1676140 - 2022 - Challenges in Marketing Communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic: insights from Tourism and Hospitality Managers
Vernuccio, Maria; Seric, Maja - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TOURISM (Zagreb: Institute for Tourism Croatian National Tourist Board.) pp. 694-706 - issn: 1332-7461 - wos: WOS:000901828100010 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85150460185 (2)

11573/1604113 - 2021 - The failure of COVID-19 contact tracing apps. A psychological reactance theoretical perspective
Barbarossa, Camilla; Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Di Poce, Maria Carmen; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: EMAC Regional 2021 Conference (Warsaw, Poland)
book: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy - ()

11573/1575685 - 2021 - Who Is a Digital Agency? Delving into the Value Proposition
Ceccotti, F.; Vernuccio, M. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce - (978-3-030-76519-4)

11573/1579170 - 2021 - Non chiamatele solo agenzie digitali! Un’analisi empirica sui “nuovi attori” della comunicazione
Ceccotti, F.; Vernuccio, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice (Palermo)
book: Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice - (97888943937-9-8)

11573/1569881 - 2021 - Gli strumenti della comunicazione di marketing
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Marketing. Il management orientato al mercato - (978-88-360-0512-3)

11573/1569885 - 2021 - Gli obiettivi e le metriche
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Marketing. Il management orientato al mercato - (978-88-360-0512-3)

11573/1507966 - 2021 - “Ok, Google!” are my data safe? The mediated effect of perceived privacy risk on brand trust
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 20th International Marketing Trends Conference 2021 (Venice, Italy)
book: Proceedings of 20th International Marketing Trends Conference 2021 Venice, ed. Jean-Claude Andreani and Umberto Collesei, Paris-Venice Marketing Trends Association - (978-2-490372-11-9)

11573/1548981 - 2021 - “Hey, voice assistant!” How do users perceive you? An exploratory study
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 173-192 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85112737027 (19)

11573/1560010 - 2021 - Talking to Voice Assistants: Exploring Negative and Positive Users’ Perceptions
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce. Second International Conference, 2021 - (978-3-030-76519-4; 978-3-030-76520-0)

11573/1578881 - 2021 - Interacting with voice-based artificial intelligence technologies: user perceptions of the dark side and the bright side
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: EMAC 2021 Annual Conference (ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid, Spain)
book: Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy, 50th - ()

11573/1578886 - 2021 - Benefici e rischi nell’interazione con gli assistenti vocali. Un’indagine esplorativa in Italia
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sinergie-SIMA 2021 Conference. Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice. (University of Palermo)
book: Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice. - (9788894393798)

11573/1463061 - 2021 - Developing voice-based branding: insights from the Mercedes case
Vernuccio, M.; Patrizi, M.; Pastore, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT & BRAND MANAGEMENT (Emerald:60 62 Toller Lane, Bradford BD8 9BY United Kingdom:011 44 1274 777700, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1274 785202) pp. 726-739 - issn: 1061-0421 - wos: WOS:000663798600006 (13) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85087609654 (21)

11573/1465218 - 2020 - Trasformazione digitale ed evoluzione dei business model delle agenzie tradizionali in Italia: un'analisi esplorativa sui professionisti della comunicazione
Ceccotti, Federica; Vernuccio, Maria; Mattiacci, Alberto; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Il marketing per una società migliore (LIUC - Università Cattaneo di Castellanza Varese)
book: Proceedings XVII Sim conference. Il Marketing per una società migliore - (978-88-943918-4-8)

11573/1461951 - 2020 - Gli assistenti vocali agli occhi dei millennials: un’indagine esplorativa
Patrizi, Michela; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: The 2020 Sinergie – SIMA Conference (Pisa; Italy)
book: Grand challenges: companies and universities working for a better society. - (9788894393767)

11573/1400306 - 2020 - In-store technologies e millennials italiani: quale impatto sull’esperienza nel punto vendita e sulla fedeltà all’insegna?
Rossi, Marco Valerio; Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica; Pastore, Alberto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli - (978-88-6950-393-1)

11573/1396071 - 2020 - Brand anthropomorphisation and brand voice: the role of the name-brand voice assistant
Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce - (978-3-030-47594-9)

11573/1373602 - 2019 - The evolution of agency-client relationships within the communication network in Italy. The perspective of communication partners
Ceccotti, F.; Vernuccio, M.; Mattiacci, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 63-85 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85125275061 (2)

11573/1322113 - 2019 - The effects of native advertising on consumer responses. Some experimental evidences on the interaction between content type and brand awareness
Raimondo, Maria Antonietta; Vernuccio, Maria; Miceli, Gaetano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 149-168 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1322109 - 2019 - The impact of IMC consistency and interactivity on city reputation and consumer brand engagement. The moderating effects of gender
Šerić, Maja; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM ([Abingdon] : Routledge -Clevedon : Channel View) pp. 1-19 - issn: 1747-7603 - wos: WOS:000476219700001 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85068798803 (20)

11573/1322115 - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Brand Anthropomorphisation: the role of voice assistants
Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 48th European marketing academy conference (Hamburg, Germany)
book: 48th EMAC annual conference. Proceedings - (978-3-9821146-0-6)

11573/1329383 - 2019 - L’assistente vocale di marca: quali implicazioni per il branding? Evidenze dal caso Mercedes
Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sinergie-SIMA Management Conference 2019 (Roma)
book: Management and sustainability: creating shared value in the digital era - (9788894393712)

11573/1188110 - 2018 - Gli effetti del native advertising sulle risposte dei consumatori. Alcune evidenze sperimentali
Antonietta Raimondo, Maria; Vernuccio, Maria; Nino Miceli, Gaetano - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing (Bari)
book: I Percorsi Identitari del Marketing - (978-88-943918-2-4)

11573/1178641 - 2018 - L’evoluzione delle relazioni tra agenzia e cliente nel communication network. La prospettiva dei partner di comunicazione
Ceccotti, F.; Vernuccio, M.; Mattiacci, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Sinergie- SIMA 2018 Conference Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation (Venezia)
book: Convegno Sinergie-SIMA 2018 Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation 14-15 june 2018 - Ca’ Foscari University Venice (Italy) - Referred Electronic Conference Proceedings - (97888943937-0-5)

11573/1176037 - 2018 - I millennials italiani e le nuove in-store technologies. Un’indagine esplorativa nel fast fashion
Rossi, Marco Valerio; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Convegno Sinergie-SIMA 2018 (Venice, Italy)
book: Conference Proceedings del Convegno Sinergie-SIMA 2018 - (9788894393729)

11573/1111522 - 2018 - Communication strategies for building a strong destination brand
Seric, Maja; Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: The Routledge Handbook of Destination Marketing - (978-1-138-11883-6)

11573/1204892 - 2018 - How university students perceive different learning techniques: a study in Spain and Italy
Seric, Maja; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 11th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (Seville)
book: ICERI2018 Proceedings - (978-84-09-05948-5)

11573/1112556 - 2018 - Integrated marketing communications, destination reputation and consumer brand engagement in a tourism context
Šerić, Maja; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: European Marketing Academy Conference (Glasgow, University of Strathclyde (UK))
book: People Make Marketing - (978-1-5272-1911-3)

11573/1208507 - 2018 - What is happening to the brand?
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 7-13 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1188093 - 2018 - Evoluzione del brand tra antropomorfismo e intelligenza artificiale: il ruolo della voce
Vernuccio, Maria; Patrizi, Michela; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno annuale Società Italiana Marketing (Bari)
book: I Percorsi identitari nel Marketing - (978-88-943918-2-4)

11573/1188131 - 2018 - Integrated Marketing Communication e consumer brand engagement di tipo comportamentale: il caso di Roma
Vernuccio, Maria; Šerić, Maja - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing (Bari)
book: I Percorsi Identitari del Marketing - (978-88-943918-2-4)

11573/1144778 - 2017 - Consumer engagement e local brand. Indagine esplorativa in un territorio di frontiera.
Qualizza, G.; Vernuccio, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XIV Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing (Bergamo)
book: Il Marketing di successo. Imprese, enti e persone - (978-88-907662-9-9)

11573/1405453 - 2017 - Creative crowdsourcing e dinamiche relazionali nella comunicazione di marketing. Il caso del network di Zooppa
Vernuccio, M.; Ceccotti, F. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 57-80 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1098969 - 2017 - Strategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione
Vernuccio, M.; Qualizza, G.; Buratti, A.; Ceccotti, F. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Value co-creation: le sfide di management per le imprese e per la società (Napoli - Università Federico II)
book: Convegno Sinergie-SIMA Value co-creation: le sfide di management per le imprese e per la società 15-16 giugno 2017 Università di Napoli Federico II - (97888907394-8-4)

11573/1111530 - 2017 - Digitisation and branding evolution: An integrative conceptual framework
Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, Euromed 2018 (Roma)
book: Global and national business theories and practice: bridging the past with the future - (978-9963-711-56-7)

11573/958231 - 2017 - Il divenire della marca ai tempi della rivoluzione digitale
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Non c'è più il marketing di una volta. Scritti in ricordo di Gennaro Cuomo - (978-8813362201)

11573/932672 - 2016 - Rivoluzione digitale versus evoluzione del branding
Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Marketing & Retail nei mercati che cambiano (Cassino)
book: Marketing & Retail nei mercati che cambiano - (978-88-907662-6-8)

11573/932670 - 2016 - Creative crowdsourcing e dinamiche relazionali nella comunicazione di marketing. Il caso del network di Zooppa
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 341-358 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
conference: Management in a Digital World. Decisions, Production, Communication (Udine)
book: Management in a Digital World. Decisions, Production, Communication - (97888907394-6-0)

11573/966406 - 2016 - Consumer-brand engagement. Delving into the managerial perspectives
Vernuccio, Maria; Qualizza, Gabriele; Buratti, Andrea; Ceccotti, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Marketing in the age of data (Norwegian Business School Oslo)
book: Marketing in the age of data - (978-82-8247-285-2)

11573/932661 - 2016 - Branding in the digital era
Vernuccio, Maria; Vescovi, Tiziano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 15-22 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: WOS:000389249400031 (2) - scopus: (0)

11573/863847 - 2015 - Strategic and organisational challenges in the integrated marketing communication paradigm shift: A holistic vision
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010 University Connection, Strategy & Marketing Consultants GmbH) pp. 438-449 - issn: 0263-2373 - wos: WOS:000367492300003 (37) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84947447677 (41)

11573/787759 - 2015 - Online and offline integration in marketing communication. Delving into the business perspective
Vernuccio, Maria; Cesareo, Ludovica; Michelini, Laura; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Collaboration in research (Leuven, Belgium)
book: Collaboration in research - (978-90823-8330-0)

11573/863849 - 2015 - Le imprese e il social commerce: opportunità e sfide manageriali
Vernuccio, Maria; Latorre, Annaluce; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 173-195 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/863848 - 2015 - Antecendents of brand love in online network-based communities. A social identity perspective
Vernuccio, Maria; Pagani, M.; Barbarossa, C.; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF PRODUCT & BRAND MANAGEMENT (Emerald:60 62 Toller Lane, Bradford BD8 9BY United Kingdom:011 44 1274 777700, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1274 785202) pp. 706-719 - issn: 1061-0421 - wos: WOS:000370146800004 (125) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84947446441 (151)

11573/655478 - 2014 - L'architettura del communication network: criticità relazionali e dinamiche evolutive secondo i professionisti della comunicazione di marketing
Ceccotti, Federica; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Food marketing: mercati, filiere, sostenibilità e strategie di marca, XI Convegno Società Italiana di Marketing (Modena)
book: Food marketing: mercati, filiere, sostenibilità e strategie di marca, XI Convegno Società Italiana di Marketing - (9788890766220)

11573/512503 - 2014 - ll social ed il mobile commerce secondo gli esperti di digital marketing. Un’analisi qualitativa
Latorre, Annaluce; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MICRO & MACRO MARKETING (Bologna Italy: Societa Editrice il Mulino Spa) pp. 127-144 - issn: 1121-4228 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/529855 - 2014 - Communicating Corporate Brands Through Social Media: An Exploratory Study
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE JOURNAL OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION ([Urbana, Ill. : American Business Communication Association, c1973-) pp. 211-233 - issn: 0021-9436 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84900986628 (80)

11573/583622 - 2014 - The role of social-interactive engagement and social identity in the development of brand love through facebook fan page
Vernuccio, Maria; M., Pagani; Barbarossa, Camilla; Pastore, Alberto - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (Indianapolis, US)
book: Let's Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era: 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference - (9783319118147)

11573/583618 - 2014 - The effects of Social-Interactive Engagement and Social Identity on Brand Love in Online Network-based Communities
Vernuccio, Maria; Pagani, M.; Barbarossa, Camilla; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Paradigm shifts and interactions (Valencia)
book: Paradigm shifts and interactions - (9788437094533)

11573/528711 - 2013 - The communication network evolution: A qualitative study on emerging relational issues and future architectures
Ceccotti, Federica; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 42° European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (Istanbul)
book: Lost in translation. Marketing in an interconnected world - (9789944380102)

11573/512498 - 2013 - Ridurre il rischio percepito e generare fiducia nello shopping online attraverso gli user generated content
Latorre, Annaluce; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 143-163 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/512504 - 2013 - Social Commerce: managerial challenges and marketing opportunities. A qualitative study
Latorre, Annaluce; Vernuccio, Maria; Pastore, Alberto - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 42° European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (Istanbul)
book: Lost in translation. Marketing in an interconnected world - (9789944380102)

11573/528820 - 2013 - La rivoluzione digitale
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Marketing. Il Management orientato al mercato - (9788820357061)

11573/529622 - 2013 - Comunicazione di marketing digitale
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Marketing. Il Management orientato al mercato - (978 88 203 5706 1)

11573/489390 - 2012 - Le nuove frontiere del commercio elettronico: il social ed il mobile commerce. La prospettiva degli esperti di digital marketing
Latorre, Annaluce; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IX Convegno della Società Italia Marketing - Marketing internazionale ed effetto country of origin (Benevento)
book: IX Convegno della Società Italia Marketing - Marketing internazionale ed effetto country of origin - (9788890766206)

11573/429129 - 2012 - Determinants of e-brand attitude: A structural modeling approach
Vernuccio, Maria; Camilla, Barbarossa; Angelo, Giraldi; Ceccotti, Federica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT (-London : Henry Stewart, 1993- -Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan) pp. 500-512 - issn: 1350-231X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84858661665 (10)

11573/449841 - 2012 - Managerial challenges toward the integrated marketing communication (r)evolution. A qualitative study
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 41° European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (Lisbona (Portogallo))
book: Marketing to citizens. Going beyond customer and consumers - (9789897320040)

11573/489297 - 2012 - L’innovazione nella comunicazione integrata di marketing secondo gli attori del network. Una lettura con le mappe cognitive
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica; Pastore, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 93-113 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/393191 - 2011 - Deepening the complexity of green purchasing behaviour: a structural modeling approach
Barbarossa, Camilla; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VIII Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing (Roma, Sapienza)
book: La mobilità nel rispetto dell'ambiente - ()

11573/415710 - 2011 - Il ruolo del territorio nella crescita: complessità, creatività e governance in emergenti ecologie del valore
L., Pilotti; Vernuccio, Maria; A., Ganzaroli - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: XXXIV Convegno annuale AIDEA (Perugia)
book: Aziende di servizi e servizi per le aziende - (978-88-15-24077-4)

11573/393082 - 2011 - Ridurre il rischio percepito e generare fiducia nello shopping online attraverso gli user generated content
Latorre, Annaluce; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VIII Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing (Roma)
book: Atti VIII Convegno annuale Società Italiana Marketing - ()

11573/354517 - 2011 - Nuove prospettive per il branding digitale
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Casi di Marketing - (9788856836417)

11573/355412 - 2011 - New communication approaches towards corporate brand-building via social media: An empirical study
Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 40th European Marketing Academy Conference (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
book: Proceedings of 40th European Marketing Academy Conference - (9789612402112)

11573/393173 - 2011 - La marca negli studi di management: una panoramica
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: TV Brand. La rivoluzione del marketing televisivo - (9788895962764)

11573/393178 - 2011 - New strategic approaches in corporate brand communication through social media. An exploratory study
Vernuccio, Maria - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: International Congress on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) (Berlino)
book: The 10th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) - ()

11573/64187 - 2010 - L’impresa farmacia. Evoluzione del contesto e dinamiche reddituali. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 06a Curatela
book: L'impresa farmacia. Evoluzione del contesto e dinamiche reddituali. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio - (9788854835375)

11573/132817 - 2010 - I social media e il loro impiego nelle strategie di corporate branding. Un’indagine esplorativa
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MICRO & MACRO MARKETING (Bologna Italy: Societa Editrice il Mulino Spa) pp. 183-207 - issn: 1121-4228 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/357986 - 2010 - I driver percettivi dell'atteggiamento verso la marca digitale. Un'indagine empirica
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica; Barbarossa, Camilla; Giraldi, Angelo - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FINANZA MARKETING E PRODUZIONE (Milan Italy Giuffre Editore Spa) pp. 119-159 - issn: 1593-2230 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/228361 - 2010 - An exploratory analysis of marketing, logistics, and ethics in packaging innovation
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra; L., Michelini - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT (MCB University Press) pp. 333-354 - issn: 1460-1060 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77955071144 (51)

11573/226414 - 2010 - Drivers of e-brand attitude. A structural modeling approach
Vernuccio, Maria; Giraldi, Angelo; Barbarossa, Camilla; Ceccotti, Federica - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 39^ European Marketing Academy Conference (COPENHAGEN)
book: The six senses, The essentials of Marketing - (9788792569011)

11573/167648 - 2009 - La distribuzione dei farmaci PHT. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: La distribuzione dei farmaci PHT. Un focus sulla Regione Lazio - (9788854825291)

11573/170750 - 2009 - L'e-commerce
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Marketing - (9788863450699)

11573/170772 - 2009 - I costi di distribuzione
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Marketing - (9788863450699)

11573/208352 - 2009 - Corporate branding e social media. Nuovi orientamenti nella comunicazione d'impresa
Vernuccio, Maria - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: 32° Convegno annuale dell'Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (Ancona)
book: Atti del Convegno “Le risorse immateriali nell’economia delle aziende”, 32° Convegno AIDEA - ()

11573/63565 - 2009 - Casi di Marketing - Vol. 5
Vernuccio, Maria - 06a Curatela

11573/184235 - 2008 - Impresa e comunicazione. Principi e strumenti per il management
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Impresa e comunicazione. Principi e strumenti per il management - (9788850327645)

11573/153699 - 2008 - Forum: il Marketing nell’era della convergenza
Vernuccio, Maria - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Casi di Marketing - ()

11573/175867 - 2008 - La comunicazione istituzionale
Vernuccio, Maria; Ceccotti, Federica; Paolo, Musso; Laura Sanchez E., Massimo Barbieri - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Impresa e comunicazione - (9788850327645)

11573/224539 - 2008 - Packaging innovation projects toward marketing, logistics, and ethics integration
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra; L., Michelini - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: EMAC (Brighton (UK))
book: 37th European Marketing Academy Conference - (9781905593422)

11573/226664 - 2008 - Prospettive di innovazione del packaging tra marketing, logistica ed etica. Verso un approccio integrato
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra; L., Michelini - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VII International Marketing Trends Congress (Venezia)
book: Proceedings VII International Marketing Trends Congress - (9782953281125)

11573/230622 - 2008 - Marketing, logistica ed etica nell'innovazione di packaging
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra; L., Michelini - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 143-171 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/234466 - 2007 - Marketing, logistica ed etica nell’innovazione di packaging. Tendenze evolutive e orientamenti manageriali
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra; L., Michelini - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: IV Convegno annuale della Società Italiana Marketing (ROMA)
book: Atti del IV Convegno annuale della società italiana marketing - ()

11573/236286 - 2007 - Packaging innovation project towards marketing, logistics and ethics integration: evidences from case studies
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra; L., Michelini - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: 18th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (DALLAS, TEXAS (U.S.A.))

11573/128687 - 2007 - La pubblicità interattiva nella televisione digitale. Profili di un’innovazione tecnologica e comunicativa
Vernuccio, Maria; M., Silenzi - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MERCATI E COMPETITIVITÀ (Franco Angeli editore, Milano) pp. 131-157 - issn: 1826-7386 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/235293 - 2006 - Impresa e comunicazione. Principi e strumenti per il management
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/128684 - 2006 - Turismo e branding collettivo: il caso Toscana mare
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 134-149 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/128683 - 2006 - Tipicità e branding collettivo: il caso della mozzarella di bufala campana da "Casi di studio sulle esperienze italiane di marche collettive" in "Nuove tecnologie e modelli di e-business per le piccole e medie imprese nel campo dell’ICT – Le marche collettive per il territorio ed i cluster d’imprese. Modelli, casi e strategie di sviluppo"
Vernuccio, Maria; Cozzolino, Alessandra - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 250-272 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/128680 - 2005 - I consumi di prodotto ittico
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 86-98 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/128681 - 2005 - Politiche di marca
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 106-114 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/128682 - 2005 - Politiche di marca collettiva
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SINERGIE (-Verona Italy: Cueim Comunicazione Srl) pp. 223-225 - issn: 0393-5108 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/233372 - 2004 - Il packaging nel processo di consumo: prospettive di analisi tra semiotica e marketing
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FINANZA MARKETING E PRODUZIONE (Milan Italy Giuffre Editore Spa) pp. 108-137 - issn: 1593-2230 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/238010 - 2004 - Marketing, innovazione e tecnologie digitali. Una lettura in ottica sistemica
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Marketing, innovazione e tecnologie digitali - (9788813250942)

11573/208348 - 2003 - Il ruolo del packaging nel processo di consumo: prospettive di analisi tra marketing e semiotica
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: III International Marketing Trends Conference (Venezia)
book: Proceedings III International Marketing Trends Conference - (9782953281125)

11573/208347 - 2002 - Il marketing per lo sviluppo turistico e territoriale. I progetti Rural Market Place e Rural Tourism Network nella X Comunità Montana dell'Aniene
A., Pastore; M. C., Golinelli; Ricotta, Francesco; Vernuccio, Maria - 04a Atto di comunicazione a congresso
conference: International marketing trends conference (Parigi)
book: Proceedings International marketing trends conference - (9782953281125)

11573/130980 - 2002 - Lo start-up del processo di marketing turistico e territoriale nella Valle dell’Aniene
Pastore, Alberto; Ricotta, Francesco; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA (Roma: Carocci editore Milano: Franco Angeli -Salerno: Editore: Centro Studi di teciche aziendali ARNIA -[Salerno] : Boccia) pp. 105-126 - issn: 1971-5293 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/253773 - 2002 - Comunicazione di marketing e new media. L'internet advertising
Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INDUSTRIA & DISTRIBUZIONE (Franco Angeli Riviste SRL:viale Monza 106, I 20127 Milan Italy:011 39 02 2895762, 011 39 02 289562, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 02 2891515) pp. 29-45 - issn: 1591-6243 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/128631 - 2002 - Marketing territoriale e turistico in rete
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECONOMIA E DIRITTO DEL TERZIARIO (Franco Angeli Riviste SRL:viale Monza 106, I 20127 Milan Italy:011 39 02 2895762, 011 39 02 289562, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 02 2891515) pp. 601-628 - issn: 1593-9464 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/128685 - 2002 - Leva finanziaria, rischio, valore
Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ESPERIENZE D'IMPRESA (Roma: Carocci editore Milano: Franco Angeli -Salerno: Editore: Centro Studi di teciche aziendali ARNIA -[Salerno] : Boccia) pp. 149-167 - issn: 1971-5293 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/250529 - 2001 - Internet marketing e comunità virtuali
Cuomo, Gennaro; Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno annuale delle rivista Industria e Distribuzione (Parma)

11573/252629 - 2000 - Internet marketing e comunità virtuali
G., Cuomo; Pastore, Alberto; Vernuccio, Maria - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INDUSTRIA & DISTRIBUZIONE (Franco Angeli Riviste SRL:viale Monza 106, I 20127 Milan Italy:011 39 02 2895762, 011 39 02 289562, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 02 2891515) pp. 23-34 - issn: 1591-6243 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma