Maria Teresa D’Alessio is currently Full Professor in Methods of archaeological research at the Dept. of Science of Antiquities, Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia, Rome Sapienza University. where she teaches Methodology of archaeological research and Pompeain Archaeology. Member of the ASN National Committee 2023-2025 for the National Scientific Qualification in the in the field of 10/A1-ARCHEOLOGIA. Her scientific interests are mainly focused on the study of roman public and private architecture (with a special attention to Rome and Pompeii), ancient cults and related ritual objects, Roman topography (Rome: region IX Circus Flaminius), land use trends in ancient landscapes (suburbium of Rome and Auditorium villa site), the foundation of Rome and the development of agrarian and urban landscapes. She has many research projects and she is also coordinator of excavations, surveys and workshops in Rome, Pompeii and Veii. Currently she is the Scientific Director of the Research and excavation project on the north-east slope of the Palatine in Rome (Parco Archeologico del Colosseo) and the Coordinator of a research project on Pompeii called "Architetture e paesaggi urbani a Pompei. Un Sistema Informativo per l'analisi, la conoscenza e la gestione del patrimonio archeologico: il contesto Regio VII", funded by Sapienza University.
From 2015 to 2022 Associate Professor in Classical Archaeology, Dept. of Science of Antiquities, Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia, Rome Sapienza University and 2004-2015 Researcher in Classical Archaeology in the same Dept. Maria Teresa D’Alessio earned her Italian degree in Greek and Roman Archaeology and History of Art from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Her thesis was about the reconstruction of ancient landscapes in the north-east suburbium of Rome (1995). In the same University she attended the Specialization School in Classical Archaeology and achieved her Ph.D. degree (XIV cycle). She also won the 1997 scholarship entitled to Daniela Fusaro. In the same academic year Maria Teresa D’Alessio began to collaborate to the didactic activity of Prof. A. Carandini. She worked to the organization of several exhibits ("Roma. Romolo, Remo e la fondazione della città", Rome, Terme di Diocleziano 2000 - "Veio, Cerveteri, Vulci. Città d’Etruria a confronto", Rome, Villa Poniatowski 2001) and of the Archaeological Museum in the Auditorium’s foyer, Rome. Her scientific interests are mainly devoted to the study of roman private architecture (with a special attention to Pompeii), of ancient cults and related ritual objects, of the foundation of Rome and, generally, of the evolution of urban landscapes.