Associate professor

phone: 06 49917877
building: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Via dei Marsi 78
room: 114


Actual position: Associate professor of General Psychology , Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; Telephone: :+39 3386409918; +39 0649917665; email:
Nationality: Italian

RESEARCH INTEREST:Personality development; adolescents' prosocial behavior and social adjustment, personality individual differences and aggressive behavior, self-efficacy beliefs as determinants of youths' adjustment, evaluation of preventive intervention and national services

1997 Master degree in Developmental and educational Psychology (five years) University of Palermo (Italy)
2000 Professional License for psychologist Ordine Psicologi del Lazio
2002 Professional Certification Program in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (4 years) Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva [School of Cognitive Psychotherapy], Rome
2006 PhD in Prosociality, Innovation, and Collective Efficacy in Organizational and Educational Contexts. Interuniversity Center for Research on Genesis and Development of Prosocial and Antisocial Motivations (CIRMPA), Sapienza University of Rome
2014 National Academic Qualification for Associate professor

Academic appointments.
1.02.2017 Present Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Associate Professor
14.11.2008 31.01.2017 Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Assistant professor

Institutional responsibilities:

December 2017 PresenT,Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Responsible for International Academic Mobility of students of Bachelor degrees in Psychology

March 2015 October 2016, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome,Member of the Faculty Committee as Representative of Assistant professors of the Department of Psychology

April 2014-October 2016, Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome,Member of the internal committee for the evaluation of the research laboratories of the Department
July 2014 -Octorber 2016 , Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Delegate of the Department as member of the technical working group between Local Council of Psychologist and Universities of Lazio
February 2014-October 2016,Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome,Member of the Department Committee, as Representative of assistant professors

Teaching activities:
2009- present: Professor of Personality Psychology, (Bachelor), Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome
2009-2016: Professor of Psychology at Superior School of Police, Rome
2005-2008 Professor of "Psychology of violent and aggressive behavior" for the Academic Masters of II level of Investigative, Juridical and Penitentiary Psychology "at Sapienza University of Rome (2006-2007) and at University of Cassino (2005-06;2007-08)..
2003-04 Contract Professor of Personality Psychology (advanced course), Faculty of Psychology, Second University of Naples

2012 Competition-based assignment of a post-doc position as Scientific Responsible. Award to scientific publications among young assistant professor of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome.

2008 Competition-based post-doc position (one year)for the Interuniversity Center for Research on Genesis and Development of Prosocial and Antisocial Motivations, Sapienza University of Rome. Project: Pathological dependence from adolescence to early adulthood" . Funding: Minister of Social Solidarity. P.I. Concetta Pastorelli

2003 Competition-based post-doc position (4 years) at Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome. Project: Development of Self:Family relations and vocational choices in adolescence. Funding: Sapienza Unviersity of Rome

PI in funded projects
2017-presente: 114 Emergency Service Dipartimento delle Pari Opportunità a S.O.S Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus
2016- 2018- Coordinator Safer Internet Centre III - Generazioni Connesse (CEF- 2O15-1T-IA-0O22), European Commission
2015-Being good and doing well at school: The unique contribution of adolescents' prosocial behavior to academic achievement at the end of middle school, Progetto Ateneo, Sapienza Università di Roma
2015-2016, coordinator Safer Internet Centre Italy-II (CEF-TC-2014-1018) European Commission
2013-“Learn from prosociality: teaching prosocial skills in school” of the Lazio Region. (Grant n. G05009). "Italian Local Government (Regione Lazio)

Research products

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