PhD Graduate

PhD program:: XXXV

supervisor: Prof. S. Tortorella e Prof. D. Palombi

Thesis title: Aqua Virgo tra età antica e contemporanea. Testimonianze archeologiche, studi storico archivistici e considerazioni sulla tutela, sulla conservazione, sulla valorizzazione e la fruizione della struttura

Aqua Virgo has left few visible traces on the surface, however the underground channel has ensured its continuous activity and preserved it from the test of time. On one hand, even if the visual impact of the Virgo is inevitably much lower than that of the aqueducts with monumental arches, it has consistently represented a significant element of the landscape and played a strategic role for the water supply of Rome throughout the centuries. On the other hand, the almost entirely underground route, as well as the constant presence of water, has made access into the aqueduct either challenging or impossible. Hence, even when previous inspections were conducted, the aim was to investigate the general state of the channel and to ensure regular maintenance. Consequently, Aqua Virgo has usually been studied in relation to its practical and technological qualities instead of its archaeological and historical aspects. However, in the past two decades, a more interdisciplinary approach has developed, which has ensured that the Roman aqueducts are researched both as important pieces of infrastructure as well as monuments worthy of admiration. Besides, new technologies facilitate the ability to investigate these channels in ways that have previously been deemed unfeasible. It is within this multidisciplinary framework that the following thesis intends to analyse in a systematic way the Aqua Virgo from its initial construction in the I century B.C. until modern days. The attention is focused both on underground stretches and on superficial remains in order to distinguish the original parts still standing from those restored and transformed throughout time. Through the study of literary and antiquarian sources, the analysis of archival and archaeological documents, combined with field walking surveys and speleological inspections of the channel, it has been possible to acquire a better topographical awareness of the aqueduct, its water intake systems, and its route towards Rome. Furthermore, with the application of geoarchaeological, geophysical, and archaeometric methods, a deeper and more whole comprehension of the diachronic transformations of Aqua Virgo has been achieved.

Research products

11573/1684587 - 2023 - Between Past and Present: Aqua Virgo through the Time
Amadasi, Maria Elisa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: VIII AACCP (Architecture, Archaeology and Contemporary City Planning) Symposium. Cities in Evolution. Diachronic Transformations of Urban and Rural Settlements (Istanbul)
book: Cities in Evolution. Diachronic Transformations of Urban and Rural Settlements, I. VIII AACCP Symposium, Proceedings - (978-1-4710-8630-4)

11573/1688915 - 2023 - Aqua Virgo: first characterization of mortars and plasters from the inner duct
Calzolari, L.; Amadasi, M. E.; Medeghini, L.; Mignardi, S - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: The Geoscience paradigm: Resources, Risks and future perspectives, congresso congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Potenza)
book: Abstract book: Congresso SIMP-SGI-AIV-SOGEI 2023 - ()

11573/1698845 - 2023 - Insights on the mortars of ancient roman aqueducts. Aqua Virgo and Aqueduct Y, Rome (Italy)
Calzolari, Laura; Amadasi, Maria Elisa; Medeghini, Laura; Mignardi, Silvano - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BUILDINGS (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International) pp. - - issn: 2075-5309 - wos: WOS:001151779800001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85183387286 (0)

11573/1587555 - 2021 - Acquedotto Traiano. Dall'identificazione del condotto antico alla formazione della coscienza archeologica
Amadasi, Maria Elisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Aqua Traiana. Le indagini fra Vicarello e Trevignano Romano. Nuove acquisizioni e prospettive di studio sull'acquedotto Traiano-Paolo - (9788849241129)

11573/1600966 - 2021 - Between past and present: Aqua Virgo through the time
Amadasi, Maria Elisa - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: VIII AACCP (Architecture, Archaeology and Contemporary City Planning) symposium CITIES IN EVOLUTION. DIACHRONIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF URBAN AND RURAL SETTLEMENTS (Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey (online dued Covid 19 restrictions))
book: Cities in evolution. Diachronic transformations of urban and rural settlements. Book of abstracts VIII AACCP (architecture, archaeology and contemporary city planning) symposium, 2021 - (978-1-716-22187-3)

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