PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Geologia - Mineralogia
room: 324

supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Bozzano
co-supervisor: Prof. Carlo Esposito
co-supervisor (2): Dott. Alessandro Brunetti

Research: Zonation of multi-hazard interacting with linear infrastructures

Ph.D. student in Earth Sciences with a research on the interaction of multi-hazard with linear infrastructure, in collaboration with NHAZCA (spin-off Sapienza). Bachelor's degree in Geological Sciences in 2019. Master's degree in Applied Geology in 2021 with a grade of 110 with honors, with the thesis "Scenario analysis for landslide seismic induction in the Campotosto Lake basin (AQ)." Awarded excellence grant in the year 2020/2021 with a project related to the application of LEM for monitoring topographic parameters in the province of Lorestan. From March 2022 to September 2022, I did an extracurricular internship at Acea Elabori in the area of data digitization in enterprise GIS.

Research products

11573/1715982 - 2024 - Integrative Approach to Multi-Hazard Risk Management for Linear Infrastructure
Di Renzo, Maria Elena; Esposito, Carlo; Bozzano, Francesca; Mazzanti, Paolo; Mastrantoni, Giandomenico; Brunetti, Alessandro - 04f Poster
conference: 8° Congresso AIGA (Naples, Italy)
book: 8° Congresso AIGA - ()

11573/1715648 - 2024 - Snow preparation in landslide scenarios under multi-hazard perspective: experiences from Lake Campotosto (Italy)
Ferrarotti, Matteo; Di Renzo, Maria Elena; Marmoni, Gian Marco; Esposito, Carlo; Martino, Salvatore - 04f Poster
conference: EGU 2024 (Vienna)
book: EGU 2024 - ()

11573/1710196 - 2023 - Reconstruction of earthquake-induced landslide scenarios though the PARSIFAL approach in the high-seismicity Lake of Campotosto area
Di Renzo, M. E.; Bozzano, F.; Esposito, C.; Marmoni, G. M.; Martino, S.; Mita, M. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 6th World Landslide Forum (Florence (Italy))
book: 6th World Landslide Forum - ()

11573/1627763 - 2022 - 2D simplified landslide models inferred by statistical analyses on existing landslide databases for multi-hazard analysis: an application to the Campotosto Lake basin (Central Apennines, Italy)
Mita, Mara; Elena Di Renzo, Maria; Bourdeau, Celine; Fiorucci, Matteo; Marmoni, Gian Marco; Antonielli, Benedetta; Esposito, Carlo; Lenti, Luca; Martino, Salvatore - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: EGU General Assembly 2022 (Vienna & Online)
book: EGUSphere - EGU General Assembly - ()

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