Associate professor

phone: +3949766544
building: RM09 Dipartimento SBAI, Via A. Scarpa 16.
room: 16

- July 1999: Degree in Materials Engineering, Università di Roma la Sapienza.
- April 2000: Abilitazione all’Albo Professio-nale degli Ingegneri dal 15/4/2000
- April 2003: PhD: Materials Engineering (Ingegneria dei Materiali, delle Materie Prime, Metallurgia e Controllo Ambientale XV ciclo).
-December 2012: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Bando 2012 (DD n. 222/2012): Professore Associato per il settore concorsuale 02/B1 Fisica sperimentale della materia.
- November 2017: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Bando 2016-2018 (DD n. 1532/2016): Professore Associato per il settore concorsuale 02/B1 Fisica sperimentale della materia.

Academic Appointments
-2004- 2012 Several Post Doc fellowship, Dipartimento di Scienze di Base ed Applicate per l’Ingegneria (SBAI).
-January 2013- March 2017 Post Doc Fellowship (Ricercatore a tempo determinato–tipologia A). Studio e sviluppo di filtri ottici passivi e attivi nel vicino infrarosso
-March 2017: Tenure tack position (Ricercatore a tempo determinato–tipologia B).

Research Activities:
Infrared radiation manipulation: managing and tuning the radiative properties of structures and material surfaces in the infrared (IR) wavelength range (3–12 micron) is an challenging task for several applications, such as thermal radiation control, including the control of IR radiation polarization and/or temporal and spatial coherence, as well as IR sensing. In particular, for thermal shielding applications, we investigated and characterized the infrared emissivity of smart textiles containing conductive elements such as steinless steel fibers or carbon nanotubes. For infrared radiation manipulation, we are studying artificial electromagnetic materials, i.e. so called metamaterials, composed by periodically or randomly arranged, subwavelength elements. The typical dimensions of the constitutive elements of a metamaterials are assumed to be smaller than the interaction wavelengths, so that they behave as an effective medium and may give rise to peculiar electromagnetic properties, such as the excitation of collective oscillations of the lattice ions (polaritons) in polar materials.

Second and third order nonlinear optical materials:
Experimental activity on second harmonic generation from several experimental configurations (in transmission mode, in reflection mode, as a function of incidence angle; as a function of pump beam intensity; using one pump beam; using two pump beams; ..). Investigation of several nonlinear optical Chi(2) materials and structures: single films (ZnO, GaN, AlN), multilayer structures (GaN/AlGaN..), metallo/dielectric (Cu/Ta2O5) multilayer structure, chiral materials (Bacteriorhodopsin films).
Study of third order optical nonlinearities of nonlinear materials, as two-photon absorption and reverse saturable absorption, to get nonlinear optical transmission in both visible and infrared range, for optical limiting applications.

A significant part of the research activity was carried out in the frame of international collaborations:
2000-2008: several (10) short visits (lasting from two to three weeks) to the Charles M. Bowden Research Center RDECOM, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama (USA), Dr. Mark J. Bloemer, for sample growth and preparation (radio frequency sputtering) for nonlinear optical experimental applications. 2004: Visiting academic guest (invited) at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETH Zurich (Ch), Laboratorium fur nichtlineare Optik (Professor Peter Günter) for experimental activity on second and third harmonic generation from ZnO and nonlinear polymers.

Teaching experience:
-2005-2018: teaching of several Physics courses ((Fisica I, Fisica II, Fisica generale) for Ing. Meccanica (Latina), Ing. per l’Ambiente e il Territorio (Latina), Ing. Civile, Ing. Elettronica, Ing. Chimica, Ing. Informatica e Automatica, Ing. Gestionale, Ing. Clinica e Biomedica, for a total amount of 67 CFU .
At present: teaching Fisica I (canale P-Z) for Ingegneria Clinica (L-9).

2010 International Patent (WO/2010/058432): Optical Logic Gate - PCT/IT2008/000724.
2010 International Patent (WO/2010/113190): Method and system for determining second order
nonlinear optical coefficients - PCT/IT2009/000131.

Co-author of about 70 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, 4 book chapters, 2 patents, 25 oral presentations at international conferences (2 invited talk).
Papers [international] 89 (2002-2019 Scopus, Isiweb)
Books [scientific] 4 (chapters)
Patents [international] 2 (Patentscope, Iris)
Total Citations 1094
Hirsch (H) index 22

Research products

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma