Curriculum Vitae MARIA CHIARA FASTAME CURRENT ADDRESS: Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy University of Cagliari Via Is Mirrionis 1 09123 Cagliari, Italy Email: Phone +39 070 6757502 CURRENT POSITION: Full professor of Developmental Psychology at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy. DEGREES: 21/06/1999: M.Sc. in Psychology, University of Padua, Italy: dissertation thesis about the relationship between the development of visuo-spatial working memory and drawing abilities in childhood. 24/01/2003: Post-graduate Learning Disabilities Master course, University of Padua, Italy 01/12/2003: Ph.D. in Psychology: University of Pavia, Italy. Mechanisms underpinning immediate serial order recall EXPERIENCE: 15/ 09/ 1999 - 14/03/2000: University of Gent, Belgium. Post graduate internship sponsored by Socrates- Erasmus Programme in Developmental and Experimental Psychology (supervisors: Professor Andrè Vandierendonck and Herbert Royers). Study of working memory functions in adulthood and developmental pervasive disorders. 15/ 03/ 2000 - 14/09/2000: University of Padua, Italy. Post graduate internship at the LIRIPAC- Laboratory for the study and research on Learning Disabilities (supervisors: Professor Cesare Cornoldi). 15/ 10/ 2001 – 31/07/2002: Visiting Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of York, UK. Experimental research on the mechanism underpinning memory for order (supervisor: Prof. Graham Hitch). 2002-2003: Scientific coordinator of the research project ‘Cognitive models about memory for order’. 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2006: post-doctoral research fellow, University of Pavia, Italy. Verbal and visuo-spatial serial information processing. 2005-2006: temporary lecturer in Experimental Psychology, University of Pavia, Italy. 2006-2010: temporary lecturer in Experimental Psychology, University of Sassari, Italy 2008-2010: temporary lecturer in Experimental Psychology, University of Pavia, Italy. 01/09/2009 - 14/01/2010: post-doctoral research fellow, Laboratory of Human Physiology. University of Milan, Italy. Cognitive mechanisms underpinning the H-reflex. 15/01/2010 – 15/01/2012: post-doctoral research fellow, University of Cagliari, Italy. Metacognition, psychological well-being and working memory efficiency in late adulthood. 31/10/2012-30/10/2015: researcher (‘ricercatore tipo A’) in Developmental Psychology at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy of the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy. 30/12/2015-29/12/2018: researcher (‘ricercatore tipo B’) in Developmental Psychology at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy of the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy. 2011-now: scientific coordinator of the post-graduate Master course on Learning Disabilities, University of Cagliari, Italy. 2011-now: lecturer in Developmental Psychology, Master degree in Psychology, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy. HONORS and AWARDS Academic year 2002-2003: early career research grant sponsored by University of Pavia, Italy. (role: Principal Investigator) Academic year 2003-2004: scientific award sponsored by the Scuola Avanzata di Formazione Integrata (Advanced School of Integrated Education) of the University of Pavia (Italy) for the paper “The problem of serial order encoding: the contribution of associative connectionist models” (role: Principal Investigator) 2004: special mention for the best Ph.D. thesis by the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association of Psychology - Experimental Psychology Division. 2007: research award for the best poster presentation at the Italian Association of Psychology - Experimental Psychology Division. Title of the contribution: ‘Mechanisms underlying immediate serial recall: amodal or modality-specific processes?” (role: Principal Investigator) 15/01/2010-15/01/2012: research grant promoting early research career sponsored by the Sardinian Regional Government. Research project: “Working memory efficiency and memory believes in the senescence” (role: Principal Investigator). 20/03/2017: 2017 World Congress Travel Stipend award sponsored by the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) to attend the 21st IAGG World Congress in San Francisco, 23-27 July 2017. 26/08/2017: Invited Speaker at the National Congress of the Japanese Society of Cognitive Psychology to present “Ageing well in Sardinia: evidence from the elderly people of the longevity area”. 25/09/2021: award assigned by the Italian Association for the Study of Learning Disabilities (AIRIPA) for the presentation of a new metaphonological test called PASTA. PUBLICATIONS (PAPERS) Brandas, B., & Fastame, M. C. (2023). Marker psicologici dell’invecchiamento di successo nelle Blue Zone: Evidenze sperimentali e prospettive future. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 50(4), 699-728. Fastame, M. C., Brandas, B., & Pau, M. (2023). Cognitive Reserve, Physical Reserve, and Cognitive Efficiency of Older People Living in the Sardinian Blue Zone. An Exploratory Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Fastame, M. C., Brandas, B., & Pau, M. (2023). Is Cognitive Reserve a Determinant of Functional and Mental Health in Older People of the Sardinian Blue Zone? A Mediational Approach. Psychiatric Quarterly, 94(4), 617-632. Fastame, M. C., & Carta, V. (2023). Do cognitive reserve and executive functions matter to perform the reading the mind in the eyes test in late lifespan? Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 30(6), 696-674. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., Putzu, V., Asoni, V., Viale, D., Mameli, I., & Pau, M. (2023). Does motor functioning mediate the relationship between executive functions and psychological well-being of atypically developing older adults? Current Psychology, 42(17), 14237-14249. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., Putzu, V., Asoni, V., Viale, D., Mameli, I., & Pau, M. (2023). The contribution of motor efficiency to drawing performance of older people with and without signs of cognitive decline. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 30(3), 360-367. Fastame, M. C., Spada, E., Cimmino, D., Leban, B., Porta, M., Arippa, F., Casu, G., & Pau, M. (2023). Motor and cognitive skills implicated in the motor observation questionnaire for teachers (MOQ-T): A multidisciplinary approach. Heliyon, 9(6), e16659. Cardis, A., & Fastame, M. C. (2023). Phonemic awareness of schoolers test assessment (PASTA): A pseudoword blending task for Italian pupils. Psychology in the Schools, 60(8), 2744-2761. Porta, M., Cimmino, D., Leban, B., Arippa, F., Casu, G., Fastame, M. C., & Pau, M. (2023). Smoothness of Gait in Overweight (But Not Obese) Children Aged 6–10. Bioengineering, 10(3), 286. Fastame, M. C. (2022). Are subjective cognitive complaints associated with executive functions and mental health of older adults?. Cognitive Processing, 23(3), 503-512. Fastame, M. C. (2022). Well-being, food habits, and lifestyle for longevity. Preliminary evidence from the Sardinian centenarians and long-lived people of the Blue Zone. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 27(3), 728-733. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., Putzu, V., Asoni, V., Viale, D., Mameli, I., & Pau, M. (2022). Executive and Motor Functions in Older Individuals with Cognitive Impairment. Behavioral Sciences, 12(7), 214. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., Putzu, V., Asoni, V., Viale, D., Mameli, I., & Pau, M. (2022). Motor proficiency as a correlate of coping in late adult lifespan. An exploratory study. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 35(6), 687-700. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., Putzu, V., Asoni, V., Viale, D., Mameli, I., & Pau, M. (2022). The efficiency of activities of daily living (ADLs) skills in late adulthood: A mediational approach. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., & Ruiu, M. (2022). Associations between migration experience and perceived mental health in optimal ageing: Evidence from the Sardinian Blue Zone. International Journal of Psychology, 57(2), 271-278. Fastame, M. C., Ruiu, M., & Mulas, I. (2022). Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being in Late Adulthood: Lessons From Sardinia’s Blue Zone. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(2), 713–726. Ruiu, M., Carta, V., Deiana, C., & Fastame, M. C. (2022). Is the Sardinian Blue Zone the New Shangri-La for mental health? Evidence on depressive symptoms and its correlates in late adult life span. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34(6), 1315-1322. Fastame, M. C. (2021). Life Satisfaction in Late Adult Span: The Contribution of Family Relationships, Health Self-Perception and Physical Activity. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 1683-1698. Fastame, M. C. (2021). Visuo-spatial mental imagery and geometry skills in school-aged children. School Psychology International, 42(3), 324-337. Fastame, M. C., & Manca, C. (2021). The enhancement of visuospatial abilities through pencil-and-paper or computer-aided training: what is more effective in 7-year-old pupils? International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 9(supl), S1-S9. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., & Pau, P. (2021). Mental health and motor efficiency of older adults living in the Sardinia’s Blue Zone: a follow-up study. International Psychogeriatrics, 33(12), 1277-1288. Fastame, M. C., Mulas, I., Putzu, V., Asoni, V., Viale, D., Mameli, I., & Pau, M. (2021). The Impact of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and its Lockdown Measures on the Mental and Functional Health of Older Individuals. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92(4), 1759-1769. Fastame, M.C., Ruiu, M. & Mulas, I. (2021). Mental Health and Religiosity in the Sardinian Blue Zone: Life Satisfaction and Optimism for Aging Well. Journal of Religion and Health, 60(4), 2450-2462. Mulas, I., Ruiu, M., & Fastame, M. C. (2021). The Role of Cognitive Reserve as Mediator for Addition and Multiplication Skills in Late Adulthood. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33,1377-1382. Fastame, M. C. (2020). The contribution of motor functions to academic achievement in primary school: State of the art and future directions. School Psychology International, 41, 522-542. Fastame, M. C. (2020). Visual and spatial working memory skills implicated in copying and drawing from memory of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure: What relationship in school-aged children? Cognitive Development, 53, 100826. Fastame, M. C., & Melis, S. (2020). Numeracy Skills, Cognitive Reserve, and Psychological Well-Being: What Relationship in Late Adult Lifespan? Behavioral Sciences, 10, 176. Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., & Hitchcott, P. K. (2020). Psychological markers of longevity in Sardinian centenarians: the impact of developmental factors and social desirability. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 32, 107-114. Fastame, M. C., Penna, M. P., & Hitchcott, P. K. (2020). SODA: a new questionnaire for the assessment of life satisfaction in late life span. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 32, 513-533. Hitchcott, P. K., Penna, M. P., & Fastame, M. C. (2020). Age trends in well-being and depressive symptoms: the role of social desirability. Psychiatric Quarterly, 91, 463-473. Manca, C., Mulas, I., Ruiu, M., & Fastame, M. C. (2020). L’impatto delle abilità numeriche sulla salute dell’anziano: una rassegna. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 2, 543-566. Fastame, M. C., Hitchcott, P. K., Corona, F., Pilloni, G., Porta, M., Pau, M., & Penna, M. P. (2019). Memory, subjective memory and motor functioning in non-demented elders with and without Parkinson’s disease. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 15(2), 404-420. Fastame, M. C., & Manca, C. (2019). La valutazione delle abilità visuo-spaziali e di calcolo da parte degli insegnanti. [The assessment of visuo-spatial and mathematic skills from the teachers]. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 23(1), 143-148. Fastame, M. C., Manca, C., Penna, M. P., Lucangeli, D., & Hitchcott, P. K. (2019). Numeracy Skills and Self-Reported Mental Health in People Aging Well. Psychiatric Quarterly, 90(3), 629-635. Fastame, M.C., & Pilia, A. (2019). Enhancing visuospatial skills in second graders: An exploratory follow-up study. Psychology in the Schools, 56(8), 1318-1327. Hitchcott, P. K., Fastame, M. C., Corona, F., Pilloni, G., Porta, M., Pau, M., Conti, R., & Penna, M. P. (2019). Self-reported physical and mental health and motor functioning in elders with and without Parkinson’s disease. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 24(7), 788-798. Lucangeli, D., Fastame, M. C., Pedron, M., Porru, A., Duca, V., Hitchcott, P. K., & Penna, M. P. (2019). Metacognition and errors: the impact of self-regulatory trainings in children with specific learning disabilities. ZDM- International Journal on Mathematics Education, 51(4), 577-585. Mascia, M. L., Fastame, M. C., Agus, M., & Penna, M. P. (2019). Numeracy skills empowerment from preschool. 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2019, 425-428. ISBN: 978-989-8533-93-7. Bailey, C. A., Corona, F., Pilloni, G., Porta, M., Fastame, M. C., Hitchcott, P. K., ... & Côté, J. N. (2018). Sex- dependent and sex-independent muscle activation patterns in adult gait as a function of age. Experimental Gerontology, 110, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2018.05.005 Fastame, M.C., Cardis, A., & Callai, D. (2018). Assessing phonological awareness in Italian children with and without developmental dyslexia: The contribution of a new pseudo-word blending task. School Psychology International. doi: 10.1177/0143034318791214 Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., Mulas, I., Ruiu, M., & Penna, M.P. (2018). Resilience in Elders of the Sardinian Blue Zone: An Explorative Study. Behavioral Science, 8(3), 30. doi:10.3390/bs8030030 Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Penna, M.P. (2018). The impact of leisure on mental health of Sardinian elderly from the 'Blue Zone': Evidence for ageing well. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 169-180. 10.1007/s40520-017-0768-x. DOI: 10.1007/s40520-017-0768-x Hitchcott, P.K., Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P. (2018). More to Blue Zones than long life: positive psychological characteristics. Health, Risk & Society, 20, 163-181. doi: 10.1080/13698575.2018.1496233 Porta, M., Pilloni, G., Corona, F., Fastame, M. C., Hitchott, P. K., Penna, M. P., & Pau, M. (2018). Relationships between objectively assessed functional mobility and handgrip strength in healthy older adults. European Geriatric Medicine, 9, 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/s41999-018-0025-7 Hitchcott, P. K., Fastame, M. C., Langiu, D., & Penna, M. P. (2017). Cognitive failures in late adulthood: The role of age, social context and depressive symptoms. PLoS ONE, 12, e0189683. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189683 Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Penna, M.P. (2017). Does social desirability influence psychological well- being: perceived physical health and religiosity of Italian elders? A developmental approach. Aging & Mental Health, 21, 348-353. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2015.1074162 ISSN: 1360-7863 Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Penna, M.P. (2017). Does social desirability influence psychological well- being: perceived physical health and religiosity of Italian elders? A developmental approach. Aging & Mental Health, 21, 348-353. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2015.1074162 ISSN: 1360-7863 Hitchcott, P. K., Fastame, M. C., Langiu, D., & Penna, M. P. (2017). Cognitive failures in late adulthood: The role of age, social context and depressive symptoms. PLoS ONE, 12, e0189683. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0189683 Agus M, Mascia, M. L., Fastame, M. C., Napoleone, V., Porru, A.M., Siddu, F., Lucangeli, D., e Penna, M. P. (2016). Comparing the effects of combined numerical and visuospatial psychoeducational trainings conducted by curricular teachers and external trainers. Preliminary evidence across kindergarteners. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 772, 012038. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/772/1/012038 Agus, M., Mascia, M.L., Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M. P. (2016). Difficoltà matematiche: percorsi di potenziamento delle abilità numeriche e visuo-spaziali [Mathematics difficulties: empowering numerical and visuo-spatial abilities]. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2, 29-37. Fastame, M.C., Cardis, A., Campus, G., Grispu, S., A., Melinu, Urru, P., & Zanetti, M. A. (2016). Prova di Fusione Fonemica di Non-Parole: un nuovo strumento per la valutazione della consapevolezza fonologica dei bambini dislessici. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2, 69-79. Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., Penna, M.P., & Murino, G. (2016). Does institutionalization influence perceived metamemory, metacognition, psychological well-being and working memory efficiency in Italian elders? A preliminary study. Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics, 7, 6-11. doi: 10.1016/j.jcgg.2015.07.001 ISSN: 2210-8335 Fastame, M. C., Pessa, E., Penna, M. P., & Hitchcott, P. K. (2016). The immediate retrieval of verbal sequences in late-life span: a developmental approach. The Journal of General Psychology, 143(1), 49-66. doi: 10.1080/00221309.2015.1118368 Hitchcott, P.K., Penna, M.P., Fastame, M.C., & Agus, M. (2016). Do elderly people fake in the assessment of their mental health? 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2016 – Proceedings. doi: 10.1109/MeMeA.2016.7533771 ISBN: 978-146739172-6 Mascia, M.L., Fastame, M.C., Agus, M., Lucangeli, D., & Penna, M. P. (2016). Numerical acuity enhancement in kindergarten: How much does material presentation form mean? Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2016, 111-118. Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Penna, M.P. (2015). Does education influence visuo-spatial and verbal immediate serial recall in healthy older adults? Quality and Quantity, 49, 2155-2167. doi: 10.1007/s11135- 014-0099-3 ISSN: 0033-5177 Fastame, M.C., & Callai, D. (2015). Empowering visuo-spatial ability in primary school: Results from a follow- up study. Educational Psychology in Practice, 31, 86-98. doi: 10.1080/02667363.2014.989315 ISSN: 0266- 7363 Fastame, M.C., Cherchi, R. & Penna, M.P. (2015). The Shortened Visuo-Spatial Questionnaire for Children: A New Tool to Identify Students with Low Visuo-Spatial Abilities. International Journal of School and Educational Psychology, 3, 49-54. doi: 10.1080/21683603.2014.917061 ISSN: 2168-3603 Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Penna, M.P. (2015). Do self-referent metacognition and residential context predict depressive symptoms across late-life span? A developmental study in an Italian sample. Aging & Mental Health, 19, 698-704. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2014.962003 ISSN: 1360-7863 Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., & Hitchcott, P.K. (2015). Mental health in late adulthood: What can preserve it? Applied Research in Quality of Life, 24, 241-244. doi: 10.1007/s11482-014-9323-5 ISSN: 1871-2584 Agus, M., Mascia, M. L., Fastame, M. C., Melis, V., Pilloni, M.C., & Penna, M.P. (2015). The measurement of enhancement in mathematical abilities as a result of joint cognitive trainings in numerical and visual-spatial skills: A preliminary study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 588, 012041. doi: 10.1088/1742- 6596/588/1/012041 ISSN: 1742-6596 Agus, M., Mascia, M.L., Fastame, M. C., Penna, M. P., Napoleone, V., Porru, A.M., Pessa, E. (2015). The measurement of treatment effects in mathematical abilities: Comparing trainings in pencil-and-paper and computerised formats. 21st IMEKO World Congress on Measurement in Research and Industry. Code 116100 Mascia, M. L., Agus, M., Fastame, M. C., Penna, M. P., Sale, E., & Pessa, E. (2015). The development and empowerment of mathematical abilities: The impact of pencil and paper and computerised interventions for preschool children. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2015, 59-66. ISBN: 9789898533432 Fanari, R., Fastame, M.C., & Loi, P. (2014). Phonological priming and tip-of-the-tongue state: evidence from young and older Italian adults. Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 14, 73-88. ISSN: 1592-1328 Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., & Hitchcott, P.K. (2015). Life satisfaction and social desirability across the late life span: What relationship? Quality of Life Research, 24, 241-244. doi: 10.1007/s11136-014-0750-4 ISSN 0962- 9343 Mascia, M.L., Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P. (2015). Quando i software didattici aiutano il potenziamento delle funzioni cognitive: la multimedialità al servizio dell’apprendimento e della metacognizione [When psychoeducational software help the empowerment of cognitive functions: multimedia help learning and metacognition]. Difficoltà di Apprendimento e Didattica Inclusiva, 2, 261-270. ISSN: 2283-3188 Fastame, M.C. (2014). Recupero in... abilità visuo-spaziali: efficacia di un training multimediale per il potenziamento delle abilità non verbali nella scuola primaria [Recovery in... visuo-spatial abilities: Efficacy of a training empowering non-verbal ability in primary school]. DDA Disturbi dell’Apprendimento e Didattica Inclusiva, 1(3), 325-334. ISSN: 2283-3188 Fastame, M.C. (2014). Exploring the effect of depressive symptoms and ageing on metamemory in an Italian adult sample. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 19(2), 127-135. doi:10.1080/13548506.2013.802360 ISSN: 1354-8506 Fastame, M.C., Cherchi, R., & Penna, M. P. (2014). Individuare i disturbi visuo-spaziali a scuola: quali fattori influenzano i punteggi nei questionari SVS-insegnante e SVS-bambino? [The individuation of visuo-spatial deficits at school: Which factors influence the scores in SVS-insegnante and SVS-bambino questionnaires?] Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 291-300. doi: 10.1449/77639 ISSN: 1824-078X Fastame, M.C. & Penna, M.P. (2014). Psychological Well-being and Metacognition in the Fourth Age: an Explorative Study in an Italian Oldest Old Sample. Aging & Mental Health, 18, 648-652. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2013.866635 ISSN: 1360-7863 Fastame, M.C. & Penna, M.P., & Rossetti, E. S. (2014). Perceived cognitive efficiency and subjective well-being in late adulthood: The impact of developmental factors. Journal of Adult Development, 21, 173-180. doi: 10.1007/s10804-014-9189-7 ISSN: 1068-0667 Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P, Rossetti, E.S., & Agus, M. (2014). The effect of age and socio-cultural factors on self-rated well-being and metacognitive and mnestic efficiency among healthy elderly people. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 9, 325-334. doi: 10.1007/s11482-013-9238-6 ISSN: 1871-2584 Bottiroli, S., Cavallini, E., Fastame, M.C., & Hertzog, C. (2013). Cultural differences in rated tipicality and perceived causes of memory changes in adulthood. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 57(3), 271-281. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2013.03.005 ISSN: 0167-4943 Cavallini, E., Bottiroli, S., Fastame, M.C., & Hertzog, C. (2013). Age and subcultural differences on personal and general beliefs about memory. Journal of Aging Studies, 27(1), 71-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jaging.2012.11.002 ISSN: 0890-4065 Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P, Rossetti, E.S., & Agus, M. (2013). Perceived well-being and metacognitive efficiency in life course: A developmental perspective. Research on Aging, 35(6), 736-749. doi:10.1177/0164027512462411 ISSN: 0164-0275 Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P. (2012). Does social desirability confound the assessment of self-reported measures of well-being and metacognitive efficiency in young and older adults? Clinical Gerontologist, 35(3), 239-256. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2012.660411 ISSN: 1545-2301 Fastame, M.C., & Cavallini, E. (2011). Working memory functions in healthy elderly people: The impact of institutionalization and advancing age on mnestic efficiency. Clinical Gerontologist, 34(3), 207-219. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2011.555909 ISSN: 1545-2301 Fastame, M.C. (2010). Sindrome di Tourette a scuola: cosa fare? [Tourette syndrome at school: what can we do?] Psicologia e Scuola, 8, 33-39. ISSN: 0392-680X Vandierendonck, A., Kemps, E., Fastame, M.C., & Szmalec, A. (2004). Working memory components of the Corsi blocks Task. British Journal of Psychology, 95, 57-79. doi: 10.1348/000712604322779460 ISSN: 2044- 8295 Cavallini, E., Fastame, M.C., Palladino P., Rossi, S., & Vecchi, T. (2003-2004). Visuo-spatial span and cognitive functions: A theoretical analysis of the “Corsi” task. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 27(2 & 3), 217- 224. doi: 10.2190/HWQ6-35GU-C9VA-WVHA ISSN: 0276-2366 Hitch, G.J., Fastame, M.C., & Flude, B. (2003). How is the serial order of a verbal sequence coded? Some comparisons between models. Memory, 13, 247-258. doi: 10.1080/09658210344000314 ISSN: 0965-8211 (BOOKS) Fastame, M. C. e Antonini, R. (2011). RECUPERO IN... abilità visuo-spaziali [CD-ROM training for the empowerment of visuo-spatial abilities in children]. Trento, Italy: Edizioni Erickson. Fastame, M. C. e Antonini, R. (2011). RECUPERO IN... abilità visuo-spaziali [training composed of pencil-and- paper activities for the empowerment of visuo-spatial abilities in children]. Trento, Italy: Edizioni Erickson. (pp. 222). Fastame, M. C. (2009). La sindrome di Tourette [Tourette syndrome]. Roma: Carocci-Faber (pp.152). (CHAPTERS) Fastame, M.C. (2016). Empowering visuo-spatial abilities among Italian primary school children: From theory to practice. In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Visual-spatial Ability in STEM Education: Transforming Research into Practice (pp. 125-141). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44385-0 ISBN: 978-3-319-44384-3 Mascia, M.L., Agus, M., Fastame, M.C., & Addis, A. (2015). Enhancement in Mathematical Abilities: a System Approach. In G. Minati, M. Abram ed E. Pessa (a cura di), Towards a Post-Bertalanffy Systemics. Contemporary Systems Thinking (pp. 243-249). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24391-7_25 ISSN: 1568-2846 ISBN: 978-3-319-24389-4 Penna, M. P., Hitchcott, P. K., Fastame, M.C., & Pessa, E. (2015). Emergence in Neural Network Models of Cognitive Processing. In G. Minati, M. Abram ed E. Pessa (a cura di), Towards a Post-Bertalanffy Systemics. Contemporary Systems Thinking (pp. 117-126). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24391-7_11 ISSN: 1568-2846 ISBN: 978-3-319-24389-4 Frigerio E., Fastame M. C. e Vecchi T. (2009). Approccio clinico e riabilitativo alle disabilità neuropsicologiche [clinical and approach and rehabilitation to neuropsychological disabilities]. In G. N. Valobra, R. Gatto e M. Monticone (a cura di). Trattato di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione (volume IV). Torino: Utet (2427-2454). Fastame M.C., Frigerio E. e Vecchi T. (2008). Il ruolo della Psicologia nella riabilitazione [The role of Psychology in Rehabilitation]. In G.N. Valobra, R. Gatto, M. Monticane (eds.). Trattato di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione. Volume I. Torino: Utet (pp. 169-184). Fastame M. C., Mammarella, I.C., Carretti, B. e Meneghetti, C. (2008). The Continuous Architecture of Working Memory: Evidence from Learning Disabilities and Genetic Syndromes. In N.B. Johansen (Ed.). New Research on Short-Term Memory. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. Huntinghton (pp. 283- 313). Cattaneo, Z., Fastame, M.C., Vecchi, T. & Cornoldi, c. (2006). Working memory, imagery and visuo-spatial mechanisms. In T. Vecchi and G. Bottina (Eds.), Imagery and Spatial Cognition: Methods, Models and Cognitive Assessment). Amsterdam and Philadelphia, The Netherlands/USA: John Benjamins Publishers (pp. 101-137) Cattaneo, Z., Cavallini, E., Fastame, M.C., Palladino, P., & Vecchi, T. (2004). Mantenimento e elaborazione in memoria di lavoro: Procedure sperimentali e implicazioni teoriche [Maintenance and processing in working memory: Experimental paradigms and theoretical implications]. In M.A. Zanetti & A. Pagnin (eds.), Saggi in onore di Ornella Andreani. Pisa: ETS . Cornoldi, C., Fastame, M.C. & Vecchi, T. (2003). Congenitally blindness and spatial mental imagery. In Y. Hatwell, A. Streri and E. Gentaz (Eds.), Touching for knowing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (pp.173-187). Cavallini, E., Fastame, M.C., Cattaneo, Z., Palladino P., & Vecchi T. (2002). Theoretical and practical aspects of working memory. In S.P. Shohov (Ed.), Perspectives on Cognitive Psychology. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. Huntinghton. (pp. 69-91). Fastame M.C., Cavallini E., Vecchi T (2002). The evaluation of processing functions in working memory. In S.P. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Huntinghton. (pp. 3- 27). (PAPER PRESENTATIONS at INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES) Hitchcott, P.K., Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P. Resilience and Optimism in Old Age: Influence on Successful Ageing in the Longevous Population of the Sardinian Blue Zone. 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Consortium of Centenarians Studies (ICC). University of California, Santa Cruz, 19-22 July 2017. Fastame, M. C., Hitchcott, P.K., Pau, M., Corona, F., & Penna, M.P. Psychological well-being in Italian elders with and without Parkinson disease: a preliminary study. 21st IAGG World Congress. San Francisco, 23-27 July 2017. Hitchcott, P.K., Fastame, M. C., Desogus, S., Conti, R., & Penna, M. P. Sardinian elders: successful ageing and psychosocial correlates despite response bias. 21st IAGG World Congress. San Francisco, 23-27 July 2017. Agus M, Mascia, M. L., Fastame, M. C., Napoleone, V. Comparing the effects of combined numerical and visuospatial psychoeducational trainings conducted by curricular teachers and external trainers. Preliminary evidence across kindergarteners. IMEKO JOINT SYMPOSIUM 2016. Berkeley, 3-5 August 2016. Hitchcott, P.K., Fastame, M. C., & Penna, M. P. Psychological factors contributing to active aging in Sardinia. 22nd International Centenarian Consortium Annual Meeting (ICC), Porto (Portugal), 15-19 June 2016. Hitchcott, P.K., Penna, M.P., Fastame, M. C., Agus, M. Do elderly people fake in the assessment of their mental health? International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Benevento, Italy, 15-18 May 2016. Mascia, M.L., Agus, M, Fastame, M.C., Penna, M. P., Sale, E., & Pessa. E.. The development and empowerment of mathematical abilities: the impact of pencil and paper and computerised interventions for preschool children. 12th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age. 24 – 26 October 2015. Maynooth, Greater Dublin, Ireland Agus, M., Mascia, M.L., Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., Melis, V., Napoleone, V., Porru, A.M.. The measurement of treatment effects in mathematical abilities: comparing trainings in pencil-and-paper and computerized formats. XXI IMEKO World Congress “Measurement in Research and Industry”. 30 Augusto-4 September 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. Mascia, M.L., Agus,M., Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P.. The effectiveness of pencil-and-paper and computer- assisted cognitive trainings of numerical abilities: a comparison. 14° European Congress of Psychology (ECP). Milan, 7-10 July 2015. Fastame, M.C.. How to assess phonological awareness in Italian children with and without reading difficulties: a preliminary study using new tools. 5th Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. Osaka (Japan), 26-29 March 2015. Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Penna, M.P.. The power of active aging in Italy: What Sardinian elders teach us about mental health. 5th Asian Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. Osaka (Japan), 26-29 March 2015. Agus, M., Mascia, M.L., Fastame, M.C., Melis, V., Pilloni, M.C., & Penna, M.P.. The measurement of enhancement in mathematical abilities as a result of joint cognitive trainings in numerical and visuo-spatial skills: A preliminary study. IMEKO Joint Symposium, Madeira (Portugal), 3-5 September 2014. Fastame, M.C., Cardis, A., Campus, G., Grispu, S., Melinu, A., & Urru, P.. How to screen phonological awareness in primary school: Preliminary results from Italian native speakers. 36th Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA). Kaunas (Lituania), 15-18 July 2014. Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P., Callai, D., & Penna, M.P.. How can we enhance non verbal abilities in the classroom? Results from a follow up study. 36th Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA). Kaunas (Lituania), 15-18 July 2014. Fastame, M.C., Agus, M., Penna, M.P., & Mascia, M.L.. A pilot study on joined cognitive training programs of numerical and visual-spatial abilities. 22nd World Congress on Learning Disabilities. Southampton (UK), 24-25 April 2014. Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P., Cherchi, R., & Penna, M.P.. How to screen early students with low visuo-spatial abilities: The Shortened Visuo-Spatial Questionnaires. 22nd World Congress on Learning Disabilities. Southampton (UK), 24-25 April 2014. Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P.. Active aging in Sardinia: How to prevent depressive symptoms among the elders. 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry. Munich (Germany), 1-4 March 2014. Fastame, M.C., Hitchcott, P.K., & Callai, D.. How to enrich visuo-spatial functions in students of the primary school. 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry. Munich (Germany), 1-4 March 2014. Agus, M., Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., & Mascia, M.L.. Combined cognitive enrichment programs of the numerical and visual-spatial abilities as method of primary prevention of learning difficulties in mathematics: An explorative study. 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry. Munich (Germany), 1-4 March 2014. Fastame, M.C.. Does the development of children visuo-spatial working memory influence the development of drawing abilities? 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Lausanne (Switzerland), 3-7 September 2013. Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P.. SVS Questionnaire: A reliable tool for the early screening of the low visuo- spatial abilities in the Sardinian rural schools. 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Lausanne (Switzerland), 3-7 September 2013. Fastame, M.C.. The effect of depressive symptoms, gender and ageing on memory beliefs in adulthood. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry. Nice (France), 6-9 April 2013. Fastame, M.C., & Penna, M.P.. Shortened Visuo-spatial Questionnaire: an useful tool for the early identification of children with non verbal syndrome living in rural areas. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry. Nice (France), 6-9 April 2013. Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., Agus, M., Rossetti, E.S., & Leone, B.. Depression and metacognitive efficiency in early and late adulthood: A developmental perspective. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry. Nice (France), 6-9 April 2013. Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., Rossetti, E.S., & Leone, B.. Psychological well-being and metacognitive efficiency in late adulthood: The impact of cross-cultural factors on the Italian elderly population. 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology. Copenhagen (Denmark), 10-13 June 2012. Fastame, M.C., Penna, M.P., Pessa, E. The problem of serial order: How to explain the immediate recall of verbal sequences in the senescence. 5th International Conference on Memory (ICOM 5). York (UK), 31 July-5 August 2011. Fastame, M.C., Penna, Leone, B., Puddu, C. The role of social desirability in the assessment of mnestic and metacognitive efficiencies in adulthood: A preliminary study. XIX Congress of the European Psychiatry Association. Wien (Austria) 12 -15 March 2011. Fastame, M.C., Vecchi, T. e Palladino, P. Visuo-spatial Working Memory and drawing abilities: a developmental approach. XII European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC). Helsinki (Finland), 16-19 June 2010. Bottiroli, S., Fastame, M.C, Cavallini, E. e Hertzog, C.. Metamemory in aging: the role of cultural differences. XVI conferenza della European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Cracovia (Poland), 2-5 September 2009. Fastame, M.C, Hitch, G.J & Vecchi, T. Is Immediate serial order recall driven by modality-specific mechanisms? 3rd European Working Memory Symposium (EWOMS-3). Genoa (Italy), 7-9 June 2006. Fastame, M.C & Hitch, G.J. Is serial information ordered during input presentation or output retrieval? XV conferenza della European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Leiden (Nederland), 31 August-3 September 2005. Fastame, M.C & Hitch, G.J. The problem of serial order: Which computational model can explain how a verbal sequence is coded? Second European Working Memory Symposium (EWOMS-2). Beaune (France), 22-24 April 2004. Fastame, M.C., & Hitch, G. Computational models of serial information processing: Can they explain memory for verbal sequences? XIII conferenza della European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP). Granada (Spain), 17-20 September 2003. Fastame, M.C., & Vecchi, T. Visuo-spatial Working Memory and aging: The role of the interference processes. European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC). Pavia (Italy), 25-27 April 2003. Vandierendonck, A., Kemps, E., Fastame, M.C. & Szmalec, A. Working memory components of the Corsi blocks task. European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC). Pavia (Italy), 25-27 April 2003. Hitch, G., Flude, B, & Fastame, M.C. How is the serial order of a verbal sequence coded? Some comparisons between models. International Meeting on Short Term Memory. Quebec City, 18-23 July 2002. Hitch, G. & Fastame, M.C. An Investigation of Short Term Memory in serial Order Recall. Working Memory Discussion Meeting, Parcevall Hall (UK), 15-17 July 2002. Fastame M.C., Cornoldi C., & Vecchi T. Working memory and drawing in childhood. Eight European Workshop on Imagery and Cognition (EWIC). Saint-Malo (France), 1-3 April 2001. Kemps, E., Vandierendonck, A., & Fastame, M.C. Theoretische beschouwingen aangaande de onderliggende cognitieve verwerkingsmechanismen van de Corsi blokken taak. 7de Wintercongres van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie, Egmond aan Zee, Nederland, 17-18 December, 1999 (Considerazioni teoriche sul coinvolgimento dei meccanismi della memoria di lavoro visuo-spaziale nel test di Corsi. 7° congresso invernale psiconomico, Egmond aan Zee, Nederland, 17-18 December 1999).