Associate professor

phone: 06.49913806

Dr. Maria Carmela Benvenuto received her doctoral degree in Historical Linguistics from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 2004, with a Ph.D. dissertation entitled ‘Etimologie mediopersiane. Orientamenti metodologici e prassi degli ultimi decenni’. From 2006 to 2008 she held a post-doc fellowship at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and since then she has been a Lecturer of Linguistics at the Department of Document Studies, Linguistics and Geography, now Department of Letters and modern Cultures, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. She held National Scientific Habilitation in Linguistics (Glottologia e Linguistica 10/G1), in 2013 (Bando 2012 DD n. 222/2012) and again in 2018 (Bando 2016 V -D.D. 1532/2016).
She was visiting student at the Institut der Vergleichende Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft und Indo-iranistik of Saarbrücken (2003) and at the Seminar für Vergleichende und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft of Berlin (2004) where she attended several courses at the Indo-European Summer School. She was visiting scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where participate to Workshop Middle Persian Dictionary. She attended Summer School “Sprachen und Schriften der Sogder und Türken an der Seidenstraße” organized by Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin (2006). Since 2009 she has been on the PhD board of Historical Linguistics and the Linguistic History of Italian (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’), then Linguistics and at present is involved in several historical research projects, mainly concerning the effects of contact and interference in linguistic change. She is treasurer of SIE (Societas Iranologica Europea) and a member of SIG (Società Italiana di Glottologia), SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea), Sodalizio glottologico milanese and ISMEO (Associazione Internazionale di Studi sul Mediterraneo e l’Oriente). Her research interests range from historical linguistics, in particular topics regarding problems of language change and linguistic reconstruction with special emphasis on Iranian etymology, through morphosyntax, in particular the issues regarding case systems, grammatical relations and argument coding, to cognitive and functional linguistics, with special focus on the expression of possession. She has presented papers at national and international conferences and seminars. Her publications include several articles in specialist journals and edited works on Iranian etymology and Ancient Greek and Old Iranian morphosyntax.

Research products

11573/1723769 - 2024 - Notes on the Bactrian Personal Name Σανδο
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EAST AND WEST (Roma: ISIAO Roma: ISMEO Roma: Herder Editrice e Libreria) pp. 13-20 - issn: 0012-8376 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1723890 - 2024 - Possession
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Mertyris, Dionysis - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online - ()

11573/1723913 - 2024 - Genitive
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Mertyris, Dionysis - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online - ()

11573/1723776 - 2023 - On Predicative Possessive Constructions in Avestan
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Bichlmeier, Harald - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Conference Delbrück Colloquium on Historical and Comparative Syntax of Indo-European (Verona on November 9–12, 2022)
book: Berthold Delbrück, Historical and Comparative Indo-European Syntax 1922–2022 - (978-3-7520-0773-2)

11573/1636962 - 2022 - Identity and the choice of writing system in the Achaemenid world
Benvenuto, M. C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL SOCIOLINGUISTICS (Berlin de Gruyter 2015, 2015-) pp. 1-25 - issn: 2199-2908 - wos: WOS:000812330000001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85128882355 (1)

11573/1655565 - 2022 - Zum Ausdruck prädikativer Possessivität im Altavestischen
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Bichlmeier, Harald - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Συντακτικός. Studien zur historischen Syntax, Pragmatik und Etymologie der indogermanischen Sprachen. Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Hettrich - (978-3-935536-40-0)

11573/1665142 - 2022 - Zu den Umlauterscheinungen im Baktrischen. Lautgesetz oder Tendenz?
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Bichlmeier, Harald - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MUNCHENER STUDIEN ZUR SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT (Verlag Dr JH Roell:Wuerzburgerstrasse 16, D 97337 Dettelbach Germany:011 49 9324 99770, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 49 9324 99771) pp. 7-32 - issn: 0077-1910 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1651595 - 2022 - On Bactrian umlaut
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Bichlmeier, Harald Hubert - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDI E SAGGI LINGUISTICI (Giardini Editori Stampatori:via Santa Bibbiana 28, 56127 Pisa Italy:011 39 50 934242, Fax: 011 39 50 934200) pp. 81-109 - issn: 0085-6827 - wos: WOS:000871401800003 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85134820020 (1)

11573/1666386 - 2022 - La lingua degli antichi Persiani
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1569024 - 2020 - An Iranian Loanword for Clothing in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Convegno internazionale Word formation, grammar and lexicology in a multilingual context: between comparative-historical, theoretical, and computational corpus linguistics. (Roma)
book: Word formation, grammar and lexicology. Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in co-operation with the Multilingualism Research Group (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, and the Norwegian Institute of Philology, Rome, February 6-8, 2019 - (978-3-935536-27-1)

11573/1571412 - 2020 - Word formation, grammar and lexicology. Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in co-operation with the Multilingualism Research Group (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, and the Norwegian Institute of Philology, Rome, February 6-8, 2019
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Braarvig, Jens E.; Pompeo, Flavia; Rossi Adriano, V.; Sadovski, Velizar - 06a Curatela

11573/1425134 - 2020 - Towards a Morphosyntax of Old Persian Cases. The Genitive
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1455076 - 2020 - Preface
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia; Sadovski, Velizar - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Word formation, grammar and lexicology. Contrastive, multilingual and comparative-historical perspectives. Proceedings of the International Conference organized by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, in co-operation with the Multilingualism Research Group (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences, ISMEO – The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, and the Norwegian Institute of Philology, Rome, February 6-8, 2019 - (978-3-935536-27-1)

11573/1426805 - 2019 - Iranian Color Terms in Aramaic Documents from Ancient Bactria
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Iranian Studies in Honour of Adriano V. Rossi - (978-88-6719-171-0)

11573/1342918 - 2019 - Some remarks on the accusative in Old Persian
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: VICINO ORIENTE (Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma) pp. 81-93 - issn: 2532-5159 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1143782 - 2018 - Linguistica, filologia e storia culturale. In ricordo di Palmira Cipriano
Alfieri, Luca; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Ciancaglini, Claudia Angela; De Angelis, Alessandro; Milizia, Paolo; Pompeo, Flavia - 06a Curatela

11573/1144850 - 2018 - Textiles in aramaic documents from ancient Bactria
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Linguistica, filologia e storia culturale. In ricordo di Palmira Cipriano - (978-88-98640-30-0)

11573/967957 - 2017 - Presentación
Alvarez Pedrosa Nunez, Juan Antonio; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
book: Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida - (978-84-17134-22-8)

11573/968062 - 2017 - Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida
Álvarez Pedrosa, Juan Antonio; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 06a Curatela

11573/1033307 - 2017 - Abstract Possession and Experiential Expression. Some Preliminary Remarks
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (Roma)
book: Ancient Greek Linguistics. New Approaches, Insights, Perspectives - (978-3-11-055175-4)

11573/967956 - 2017 - Linguistic representations of identity in the Achaemenid World. Case studies
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Del Indo al Egeo. Relaciones culturales y lingüísticas en el interior del Imperio aqueménida - (978-84-17134-22-8)

11573/880359 - 2016 - Appunti sulla rappresentazione linguistica dell’identità dell’aristocrazia dominante nella Frigia Ellespontica achemenide
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
paper: LINGUARUM VARIETAS (Pisa ; Roma : Fabrizio Serra) pp. 25-38 - issn: 2239-6292 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
book: Dinamiche sociolinguistiche in aree di influenza greca. Mutamento, variazione e contatto, Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 22–24 settembre 2014, - (978-88-6227-888-1)

11573/891139 - 2016 - Multilingualism and the Linguistic Representation of Identity in the Historical Contexts of Achaemenid Hellespontine Phrygia
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Languages & Linguistics Abstracts 9th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics (Athens, Greece)
book: Languages & Linguistics. Abstracts 9th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics, 4–7 July 2016, Athens, Greece. - (978-960-598-094-8)

11573/645143 - 2015 - Prime applicazioni GIS per la sociolinguistica storica dell’area iranica antica
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Lucidi, Lavinia; Pompeo, Flavia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Modelli epistemologici, metodologie della ricerca e qualità del dato. Dalla linguistica storica alla sociolinguistica storica - (9788891714916)

11573/832903 - 2015 - Linguaggi per un nuovo umanesimo
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Martino, Paolo - 06a Curatela

11573/785044 - 2015 - Verbal Semantics in Ancient Greek Possessive Constructions with eînai
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF GREEK LINGUISTICS (LEIDEN: Brill Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : Benjamins) pp. 3-33 - issn: 1566-5844 - wos: WOS:000356711500002 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84930896056 (2)

11573/831840 - 2015 - The Old Persian Genitive. A study of syncretic case
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Studies on the Iranian World I. Before Islam - (9788323339243)

11573/851241 - 2015 - The multilingual urban environment of Achaemenid Sardis
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia; Pozza, Marianna - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDI E SAGGI LINGUISTICI (Giardini Editori Stampatori:via Santa Bibbiana 28, 56127 Pisa Italy:011 39 50 934242, Fax: 011 39 50 934200) pp. 245-269 - issn: 0085-6827 - wos: WOS:000446197900012 (1) - scopus: (0)

11573/63610 - 2014 - Ad ulteriores gentes. The Christians in the East (1st-7th c.), Rome March 13-14, 2009
Bais, Marco; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Cereti, Carlo Giovanni - 06a Curatela
paper: NAMAH-I IRAN-I BASTAN (Markaz-i nashr-i dānishgāhī, Tihrān: 2001 Iran University Press) pp. 1-326 - issn: 1735-3912 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/354015 - 2014 - Il parlato accademico: aspetti informativi e pragmatici della lezione universitaria
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Una bianca corteccia che si sfoglia. Incontri con la cultura russa - (978-88-548-5338-6)

11573/618625 - 2014 - Possession
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics - (978 90 04 22597 8)

11573/618657 - 2014 - Greek and Iranian
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics - (9789004225978)

11573/643858 - 2014 - Genitive
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online - (978 90 04 22597 8)

11573/624635 - 2014 - Preface
Cereti, Carlo Giovanni; M., Bais; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NAMAH-I IRAN-I BASTAN (Markaz-i nashr-i dānishgāhī, Tihrān: 2001 Iran University Press) pp. 3-8 - issn: 1735-3912 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/395596 - 2012 - Self-discipline and the exercise of power. Linguistic evidence in the Royal Achaemenid Inscriptions (DNb and XPl)
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: DARIOSH Studies II. Persepolis and his Settlements. Territorial System and Ideology in the Achaemenid State - (9788867190348)

11573/395592 - 2012 - Expressions of predicative possession in Ancient Greek: “εἶναι plus dative” and “εἶναι plus genitive” constructions
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ANNALI DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI LETTERARI, LINGUISTICI E COMPARATI. SEZIONE LINGUISTICA (Napoli: Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale) pp. 77-103 - issn: 2281-6585 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/497548 - 2012 - Il sincretismo di genitivo e dativo in persiano antico
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela; Pompeo, Flavia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: VICINO ORIENTE (Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma) pp. 151-165 - issn: 2532-5159 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/402189 - 2011 - Il genitivo in persiano antico. Un caso esemplare di categoria polisemica
Pompeo, Flavia; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STUDI E SAGGI LINGUISTICI (Giardini Editori Stampatori:via Santa Bibbiana 28, 56127 Pisa Italy:011 39 50 934242, Fax: 011 39 50 934200) pp. 75-124 - issn: 0085-6827 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/142610 - 2010 - Riflessi indoeuropei nella terminologia iranica della vanga
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI. CLASSE DI SCIENZE MORALI, STORICHE E FILOLOGICHE (Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei) pp. 65-80 - issn: 0391-8181 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/142609 - 2008 - Indoeuropeità e sostrato nell’etimologia iranica
Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI. CLASSE DI SCIENZE MORALI, STORICHE E FILOLOGICHE (Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei) pp. 563-582 - issn: 0391-8181 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/406784 - 2008 - Dal significante al contesto. Saggi sull'interpretazione di forme e strutture
Pompeo, Flavia; Benvenuto, Maria Carmela - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico
book: Dal significante al contesto. Saggi sull'interpretazione di forme e strutture - (9788881013937)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma