Department of Economics and Finance
LUISS ”Guido Carli” University Viale Romania 32, 00197, Roma, Italia Telephone: (+39) 06 8522 5639 Email:
• 1995. Doctoral degree in methodological statistics, University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Italy. Doctoral thesis “Moment problem and linear semi-infinite programming in Bayesian robustness”
• 1991. Bachelor degree cum laude in statistics, University “La Sapien- za” of Rome, Italy;
Employment history
• November 2010–Today. Associate professor, LUISS University “Gui- do Carli”, Department of Economics and Finance, Rome, Italy.
• December 2003–October 2010. Associate professor, University “d’ Annunzio”, Faculty of Economics, Pescara, Italy.
• December 1996–November 2003. Assistant professor, University “d’Annunzio”, Faculty of economics, Pescara, Italy.
Fellowships and Achievements
• April 2018: Italian national habilitation as full professor in ma- thematical methods in economics and in the actuarial and financial sciences.
• October 2017-today. Head of the ”Analytical-Cognitive-Experimental” workgroup for the European Union grant “CREA – Conflict Reso- lution with Equitative Algorithms”. Call: JUST-AG-2016-05. Pro- ject 766463. Duration: 24 months. The projects involves 11 units from 8 European countries: Belgium, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Slovenia.
• 2015-today. Italian Country representative for the SING European meeting on game theory
• 2000. Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.) grant. Title: “Fair division and its application to statistics”. Georgia Institute of Tech- nology. School of Mathematics, Atlanta (U.S.A.). Supervisor: Prof. Theodore P. Hill. September 1, 1999–February 28, 2000.
• 1996. Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.) grant. Title: “Me- trization of epi-convergence”. Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Univeristy of California – Santa Barbara (U.S.A.). Super- visor: Prof. S.T. Rachev. March 18, 1996–July 25, 1996.
• 1991-92. Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (I.N.D.A.M.) grant for the academic year 1991/92.
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Indices of criticality in simple games (with S.Moretti and V.Fragnelli) International Game Theory Review, Vol.21, 2019, 1–21. ISSN: 0219- 1989.
2. Characterization of the Bayesian Posterior Distribution in Terms of Self-information (with T.P.Hill) International Journal of Statistics and Probability Vol.7 (1), 2017, 21-25. ISSN: 1927-7032.
3. The Shapley value in the Knaster gain game (with F.Briata, A.Dall’Aglio and V Fragnelli) Annals of Operations Research Vol.259 (1-2), 2017, 1–19. ISSN: 1572-9338.
4. Finding the Pareto Optimal Equitable Allocation of Homogeneous Di- visible Goods Among Three Players (with C.Di Luca and L.Milone) Operations Research and Decisions Vol.27 (3),2017, 35–50. ISSN 2081- 8858.
5. Orders of Criticality in Voting Games (with V.Fragnelli and S.Moretti) Operations Research and Decisions Vol.26 (2), 2016, 53–67. ISSN 2081-8858.
6. On Finding Optimal Partitions of Measurable Space (with J.Legut, M.Wilczynski) Mathematica Applicanda, Vol.43 (2), 2015, 157–172. ISSN 1730-2668.
7. On bankruptcy game theoretic interval rules (with Rodica Branzei and Stef H. Tijs) International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra Volume 23 (4), 2015, 9–20. ISSN 1060-9881.
8. Bounds for α-optimal partitioning of a measurable space based on se- veral efficient partitions (with Camilla Di Luca). Journal of Mathe- matical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 425, 2015, 854–863. ISSN: 0022-247X.
9. Finding maxmin allocations in cooperative and competitive fair divi- sion (with Camilla Di Luca). Annals Of Operations Research, Vol. 223, 2014, 121–136. ISSN: 1572-9338.
10. Dynamic Collusion and Collusion Games in Knaster’s Procedure. (with Federica Briata and Vito Fragnelli) Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Oe- conomica, Czech Economic Review, Vol. 6, 2012, 199–208. ISSN: 1802-4696.
11. Allocation rules incorporating interval uncertainty (with Rodica Bran- zei), Badania Operacyjne I Decyzje, Vol.19, 2009, 19–28. ISSN: 1230- 1868.
12. Cooperation in dividing the cake (with Rodica Branzei e Stef H. Tijs), Top, Vol. 17, 2009, 19–28. ISSN: 1134-5764.
13. Disputed Lands (with Fabio Maccheroni), Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 66, 2009, 57–77. ISSN: 0899-8256.
14. How to allocate hard candies fairly (with Raffaele Mosca), Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol.54, 2007, 218–237. ISSN: 0165-4896.
15. Fair Division without Additivity (with Fabio Maccheroni), American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.112, 2005, 363–365. ISSN: 0002-9890.
16. Maximin share and minimax envy in fair-division theory (with Theo- dore P. Hill). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 281 (1), 2003, 346–361. ISSN: 0022-247X.
17. Zonoids, Linear Dependence, and Size-Biased Distributions on the Simplex (with Marco Scarsini). Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 35 (4), 2003, 871–884. ISSN 0001-8678.
18. Sensory Rating And Ranking Table Olives Through Permutation Mo- dels (with Giuseppe Di Biase, Vincenzo Marsilio and Mario De An- gelis). Journal of Commodity Science, Vol. 41, 2002, 3–13. ISSN: 1593-2052.
19. When Lorenz met Lyapunov (with Marco Scarsini). Statistics & Probablilty Letters, Vol. 54, 2001, 101–105. ISSN: 0167-7152.
20. The Dubins-Spanier optimization problem in fair division theory. Jour- nal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 130, 2001, 17–40. ISSN: 0377-0427.
21. Metrization of epi-convergence: An application to the strong consisten- cy of M-estimators (with Svetlozar T. Rachev), Journal of Computa- tional Analysis and Applications, Vol.1, 1999, 63–86. ISSN: 1521-1398.
22. Robust statistics: from classical to Bayesian analysis (with C. Co- nigliani, M. Perone Pacifico and G. Salinetti), Metron, Vol.52 (3-4), 1994, 89–109. ISSN: 0026-1424.
Book Chapters/Proceedings
23. Orders of Criticality in Graph Connection Games (with V.Fragnelli and Stefano Moretti), Transactions on Computational Collective In- telligence XXXIV (N. Thanh Nguyen, R. Kowalczyk, J. Mercik, A. Motylska-Kuzma,eds.), 35–46, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN: 9783662605547.
24. Sometimes the computation of the Shapley Value is Simple (with V.Fragnelli and Stefano Moretti), Handbook of the Shapley Value (E. Algaba, V. Fragnelli, J. Sanchez-Soriano, eds.), 441–462, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), ISBN: 9780815374688.
25. Indices of Criticality in Simple Games (with V.Fragnelli and Stefano Moretti), Chapter 28 of Game Theoretic Analysis (L. A. Petrosyan, D. Wing Kay Yeung, eds.), 583–603, World Scientific Publishing, ISBN: 978-981-120-201-8.
26. The Application of Fair Division Systems in Cases involving the Ju- dicial Division of Assets (with G.Morelli and F.Corona) In Internet of Things (E.Schweighofer, F.Kummer, A.Saarenpää eds.), Internationa- les Rechtsinformatik Symposion IRIS, 2019, 369–370. ISBN:9783964437242.
27. CREA Project – Conflict Resolution Equitative Algorithms (with F.Romeo and M.Giacalone) In Dataschutz/Legal Tech, (E.Schweighofer, F.Dolore, A.Saarenpää, B.Schafer eds.), Internationales Rechtsinformatik Sym- posion IRIS, 2018, 251–254. ISBN:9783906940212.
28. Strategic games on defense trees (with Stefano Bistarelli an Pamela Peretti), Chapter 1 (pp. 1-15) in “Formal Aspects in security and trust” (T. Dimitrakos, F. Martinelli P.Y. A. Ryan and S. Schneider, eds.), Vol. 4691/2007 in the “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” series, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. ISBN: 3-540-75226-9.
29. Optimization problems in fair division theory. Chapter 20 in “Hand- book on Analytic-Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics” (G. Anastassiou, ed.). Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, U.S.A., 2000. ISBN: 1-58488-135-6.
30. On Some Applications of LSIP to Probability and Statistics. Chapter 11 (pp. 237–254) in “Semi-Infinite Programming: Recent Advances” (M.A. Goberna e M.A. López, eds.), Vol. 57 in the “Nonconvex Op- timization And Its Applications” series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001. ISBN: 1-4020-0032-4.
31. Ranking and unranking permutations with applications (with Fabio Critani and Giuseppe Di Biase). Innovation in Mathematics (V.Keranen, A. Hietamaki, P. Mitic, eds.). Computational Mechanics Publications, Southhampton, UK, 1997. ISBN: 1-85312-5059.