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Marco Crescenzi - CURRICULUM VITAE




Nato a Roma il 12/4/1958.


Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia il 21/10/1983 con 110/110 e lode, Università “La Sapienza”, Roma.


Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisiopatologia pediatrica conseguito nel giugno 1991.





1983 - 86         Dapprima studente interno, poi medico volontario presso la Cattedra di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” diretta da F. Aiuti.

Attività clinica (ambulatorio e corsia):

Immunodeficienze primitive e secondarie, malattie autoimmuni, neoplasie ematologiche, medicina interna, gastroenterologia.

Attività di ricerca:

Eziologia e patogenesi dell’atassia-teleangectasia.

Patogenesi e trattamento delle immunodeficienze primitive.

Leucemie linfatiche croniche.


1987    Guest Researcher presso il laboratorio di S. J. Korsmeyer allo Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, U.S.A.

Attività di ricerca:

Diagnosi ad elevata sensibilità di linfomi.

Traslocazioni cromosomiche.

Reazione a catena della polimerasi (PCR).


1988 - 90         Visiting Fellow presso il Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology diretto da S. A. Aaronson al National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, U.S.A.

Attività di ricerca:

Studio dell’effetto antiproliferativo di geni coinvolti nell’induzione del differenziamento muscolare (MyoD). 

Costruzione di vettori per clonazione ed espressione genica da utilizzare per lo screening funzionale di librerie di cDNA.


1991 - 94         Laboratorio di F. Tatò presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e dello Sviluppo dell'Università degli Studi "La Sapienza" di Roma.

Attività di ricerca:

Riattivazione del ciclo cellulare in cellule terminalmente differenziate.

Interferenza fra trasformazione cellulare indotta da oncogeni e programmi differenziativi.

Analisi di promotori di geni muscolo-specifici.


1994 - 97         Consulente presso gli I.F.O. (Istituto Tumori Regina Elena)

Attività di ricerca:

Riattivazione del ciclo cellulare in cellule terminalmente differenziate mediante infezione con adenovirus naturali e ricombinanti.

Produzione e sperimentazione di vettori retrovirali per la trasduzione di p53 in cellule tumorali.

Terapia genica dei tumori.

Messa a punto e sviluppo di metodologie per la creazione di adenovirus ricombinanti.


1997-2021       Primo Ricercatore presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Dipartimento Ambiente e connessa Prevenzione Primaria, poi Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare e Neuroscienze, poi Servizio Grandi Strumentazioni e Core Facilities

Attività di ricerca:

Riattivazione del ciclo cellulare nel differenziamento terminale ed in altri stati di non proliferazione; applicazioni alla medicina rigenerativa in vitro e in vivo.

Studi in vivo sulla relazione fra difetti della riparazione del DNA, cancerogenesi chimica e risposta a farmaci antitumorali.

Spettrometria di massa e proteomica applicata.

Ricerca metagenomica di nuovi agenti eziologici infettivi in tumori umani


dal 2021         Dirigente di Ricerca presso l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Servizio Grandi Strumentazioni e Core Facilities





2006 - 11         Professore a contratto, Corso di Oncologia per la Laurea specialistica in Biologia ed evoluzione umana, Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN., Università di Tor Vergata, Roma.


2006 - 11         Docente del Master di I livello "Le scienze della vita nel giornalismo e nei rapporti politico-istituzionali".


2014 - 23         Professore a contratto, corso “Metodologia della ricerca scientifica” per la Laurea magistrale in Biologia cellulare e molecolare e Scienze biomediche, Macroarea di Scienze MM. FF. NN., Università di Tor Vergata, Roma.


2017 - 22         Docente, corso "Il metodo scientifico ed applicazioni in biologia" per la Laurea magistrale in Biologia e Tecnologie Cellulari, Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN., Università Sapienza, Roma.





2015    Cosa rimarrà – Testo di divulgazione scientifica in chiave di racconto – Amazon


2016    Metodologia della ricerca scientifica per la biologia cellulare e molecolare – Libro di testo – Amazon


2017    Metodologia della ricerca scientifica per la biologia cellulare e molecolare (2° edizione) – Amazon


2024 – Più in alto degli dèi – Testo di divulgazione scientifica – Mondadori





1987    Borsa di studio per l’estero (un anno) dell’Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro.


1988 - 90         Fogarty International Fellowship (tre anni) presso i National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA.


1991 - 93         Borsa di studio postdottorato in Biologia Evoluzionistica (due anni) presso l’Università "La Sapienza", Roma.


2010 - 16         Direzione del reparto Biomarcatori nelle malattie degenerative, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma.


2017 - Direzione del Servizio Grandi strumentazioni e Core facilities, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma.


2017 -  Membro dell'Accademia Medica di Roma




Marco Crescenzi - PUBBLICAZIONI 


1.         Tonietti, G, Mercalli, ME, Crescenzi, M, and Perricone, R (1982). Fumo di sigaretta e risposta immune. Progr Med 38: 649-652.


2.         Tonietti, G, Crescenzi, M, and Pavan, A (1983). Recenti acquisizioni sugli effetti collaterali della terapia immunosoppressiva. Folia Allergol Immunol Clin 30: 124-137.


3.         Aiuti, F, Bonomo, R, Russo, G, and Crescenzi, M (1984). Treatment of congenital immunodeficiency with transplantation or thymic hormones. EOS 4: 97-98.


4.         Bonomo, G, Crescenzi, M, Bonomo, R, and Mezzaroma, I (1984). Impiego di terreni sintetici (senza siero) nelle colture cellulari. Immunol Clin sper 3: 305-310.


5.         Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, Bonomo, R, Ensoli, B, Soddu, S, and Cafaro, A (1984). Esperienza clinica con gammaglobuline endovena (Endobulin). Quad Med Chir 67: 151-153.


6.         Fiorilli, M, Russo, G, Crescenzi, M, Papetti, C, Carbonari, M, Bonomo, G, and Paganelli, R (1984). Hypogammaglobulinemia with hyper-IgM, severe T-cell defect and abnormal recirculation of OKT4 lymphocytes. In: Griscelli, C and J Vossen (eds). Progress in immunodeficiency Research and Therapy I. Elsevier Science. pp 207-209.


7.         Tonietti, G, Crescenzi, M, Giacomelli, R, and Squarcia, O (1984). Neoplasie e sistema immune. Fed Med 37: 197-204.


8.         Aiuti, F, Mezzaroma, I, Cherchi, M, Crescenzi, M, Cafaro, A, Ensoli, B, and Le Moli, S (1985). Molecular Basis of Pathogenesis and Treatment of Primary T Cell Immunodeficiencies. In: Miescher, PA, L Bolis and M Ghione (eds). Immunopharmacology, vol. 23. Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press: New York. pp 161-169.


9.         Cafaro, A, Napolitano, M, Crescenzi, M, Luciani, M, Chistolini, A, Cherchi, M, and Pandolfi, F (1985). Immunità cellulare e anticorpi anti HTLV-III in emofilici senza AIDS. Clot Hematol Malig 2: 62-66.


10.       Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, Mezzaroma, I, Napolitano, M, Soddu, S, and Aiuti, F (1985). Sperimentazione clinica e caratterizzazione biochimica di varie preparazioni di gammaglobuline per uso endovenoso. Therapeutika 2: 83-87.


11.       Crescenzi, M, Pulciani, S, Carbonari, M, Tedesco, L, Russo, G, Gaetano, C, and Fiorilli, M (1985). DNA-Mediated Gene Transfer into Ataxia-Telangiectasia Cells. In: Aiuti, F, F Rosen and MD Cooper (eds). Recent Advances in Primary and Acquired Immunodeficiencies, vol. 28. Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press: New York. pp 195-201.


12.       Fiorilli, M, Antonelli, A, Russo, G, Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, and Petrinelli, P (1985). Variant of Ataxia-Telangiectasia with Low-Level Radiosensitivity. Hum Genet 70: 274-277.


13.       Fiorilli, M, Carbonari, M, Crescenzi, M, Ensoli, B, Gaetano, C, and Russo, G (1985). Analisi funzionale in vitro delle popolazioni linfocitarie.  Atti del XVII congresso della Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica. O.I.C. Medical Press: Milan. pp 107-111.


14.       Fiorilli, M, Carbonari, M, Crescenzi, M, Russo, G, and Aiuti, F (1985). T-cell receptor genes and ataxia telangiectasia. Nature 313: 186.


15.       Fiorilli, M, Crescenzi, M, and Aiuti, F (1985). Thymic Hormone Therapy of Viral Infections. EOS 5: 72-73.


16.       Fiorilli, M, Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, Russo, G, Businco, L, and Aiuti, F (1985). Cellular and Molecular Studies on Ataxia-Telangiectasia Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines. In: Gatti, RA and M Swift (eds). Ataxia-Telangiectasia: Genetics, Neuropathology, and Immunology of a Degenerative Disease of Childhood. Alan R. Liss: New York. pp 301-308.


17.       Fiorilli, M, Russo, G, Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, Gaetano, C, Zani, M, and Manzari, V (1985). Protein Synthesis and Oncogene Expression in Ataxia Telangiectasia Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines. Immunol Clin sper 4: 261-267.


18.       Petrinelli, P, Proietti, M, Carbonari, M, Crescenzi, M, Russo, G, and Antonelli, A (1985). Ataxia telangiectasia variants detected through cytogenetic analysis.  Perspectives in Inherited Metabolic Diseases, vol. 6. Edi.Ermes: Milan. pp 313-315.


19.       Bonomo, R, Mezzaroma, I, Crescenzi, M, Scarpati, B, D'Offizi, G, Cherchi, M, Fiorilli, M, and Luzi, G (1986). Esperienze cliniche ed immunologiche con immunoglobuline a molecola intera per via endovenosa in pazienti affetti da deficit primitivo dell'immunità umorale. EOS 6: 145-151.


20.       Fiorilli, M, Carbonari, M, Crescenzi, M, Gaetano, C, and Russo, G (1986). Terapia con ormoni timici delle sindromi da deficit primitivo della immunità cellulo-mediata. Farmaci (Suppl) 2: 8-10.


21.       Fiorilli, M, Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, Tedesco, L, Russo, G, Gaetano, C, and Aiuti, F (1986). Phenotypically Immature IgG-Bearing B Cells in Patients with Hypogammaglobulinemia. J Clin Immunol 6: 21-25.


22.       Fiorilli, M, Russo, G, Paganelli, R, Papetti, C, Carbonari, M, Crescenzi, M, Calvani, M, Quinti, I, and Aiuti, F (1986). Hypogammaglobulinemia with hyper-IgM, severe T-cell defect and abnormal recirculation of OKT4 lymphocytes in a girl with chronic lymphadenopathy. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 38: 256-264.


23.       Pandolfi, F, Cafaro, A, Crescenzi, M, and Fiorilli, M (1986). Surface Markers of Human Lymphocytes in Leukemias and Primary  Immunodeficiencies. Immunol Clin Sper 5: 47-51.


24.       Russo, G, Carbonari, M, Crescenzi, M, Scano, G, Scarpati, B, Fiorilli, M, and Aiuti, F (1986). Immature B Cells in Primary Hypogammaglobulinemia. In: Eibl, MM and FS Rosen (eds). Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. Elsevier Science. pp 113-117.


25.       Aiuti, F, Crescenzi, M, Paganelli, R, D'Offizi, G, Papetti, C, and Fiorilli, M (1987). Developmental immunodeficiencies. In: Good, RA and E Lindenlaub (eds). The nature, cellular, and biochemical basis and management of immunodeficiencies. F. K. Schattauer Verlag: Stuttgart - New York. pp 23-33.


26.       Aiuti, F, Paganelli, R, Ensoli, B, Crescenzi, M, Carbonari, M, and Fiorilli, M (1987). T-cell development and function: relationship to immunodeficiencies. In: Burgio, Hanson and Ugazio (eds). Immunology of the neonate. Springer-Verlag: Berlin - Heidelberg. pp 94-99.


27.       Avella, A, Crescenzi, M, and Fiorilli, M (1988). Note diagnostiche e terapeutiche su un caso di ipogammaglobulinemia comune variabile. Ann Ital Med Int 3: 137-140.


28.       Crescenzi, M, Napolitano, M, Carbonari, M, Antonelli, A, Petrinelli, P, Gaetano, C, and Fiorilli, M (1988). Establishment of a new Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized cell line from chronic lymphocytic leukemia with trisomy of chromosome 12 that produces monoclonal IgM against a sheep RBC antigen. Blood 71: 9-12.


29.       Crescenzi, M, Seto, M, Herzig, GP, Weiss, PD, Griffith, RC, and Korsmeyer, SJ (1988). Thermostable DNA Polymerase Chain Amplification of t(14;18) Chromosome Breakpoints and Detection of Minimal Residual Disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85: 4869-4873.


30.       Fiorilli, M, Crescenzi, M, Gaetano, C, Giannini, G, and Russo, G (1988). Immunomodulaciò amb hormones timiques. Ann Med (Barc) 74: 267-268.


31.       Fiorilli, M, Crescenzi, M, Gaetano, C, Giannini, G, and Russo, G (1988). Immunomodulazione con ormoni timici. In: Balbo, G and EC Farina (eds). Chirurgia e immunità. Masson: Milan. pp 131-135.


32.       Crescenzi, M (1990). B-cell lymphoma: t(14;18) chromosome rearrangement. In: Innis, MA, DH Gelfand, JJ Sninsky and TJ White (eds). PCR protocols: a guide to methods and applications. Academic Press: New York. pp 392-398.


33.       Crescenzi, M, Fleming, TP, Lassar, AB, Weintraub, H, and Aaronson, SA (1990). MyoD induces growth arrest independent of differentiation in normal and transformed cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87: 8442-8446.


34.       Miki, T, Fleming, TP, Crescenzi, M, Molloy, CJ, Blam, SB, Reynolds, SH, and Aaronson, SA (1991). Development of a highly efficient expression cDNA cloning system: Application to oncogene isolation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88: 5167-5171.


35.       Pontecorvi, A, Mariani-Costantini, R, Rossi, P, Crescenzi, M, and Frati, L (1991). Recombinant DNA technology in disease diagnosis.  Encyclopedia of Human Biology, vol. 6. Academic Press: New York. pp 523-531.


36.       Marti, GE, Zenger, V, Brown, M, Marti, DM, Melo, JV, Crescenzi, M, Dadey, B, Han, T, Bertin, P, Caporaso, NE, and Noguchi, P (1992). Antigenic expression of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemic cell lines. Leuk Lymphoma 7: 497-504.


37.       Crescenzi, M, Crouch, D, and Tatò, F (1993). Effects of myc expression on mouse myoblasts are reversed in mixed culture with normal cells. In: Rifkind, RA (ed). The pharmacology of cell differentiation. Elsevier Science Publishers: Amsterdam. pp 157-166.


38.       Crescenzi, M, Crouch, DH, and Tatò, F (1994). Transformation by myc prevents fusion but not biochemical differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts: mechanisms of phenotypic correction in mixed culture with normal cells. J Cell Biol 125: 1137-1145.


39.       Blandino, G, Scardigli, R, Rizzo, MG, Crescenzi, M, Soddu, S, and Sacchi, A (1995). Wild-type p53 modulates apoptosis of normal, IL-3 deprived, hematopoietic cells. Oncogene 10: 731-737.


40.       Crescenzi, M, Soddu, S, Sacchi, A, and Tatò, F (1995). Adenovirus infection induces reentry into the cell cycle of terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci 752: 9-18.


41.       Crescenzi, M, Soddu, S, and Tatò, F (1995). Mitotic cycle reactivation in terminally differentiated cells by adenovirus infection. J Cell Physiol 162: 26-35.


42.       Farina, A, Gaetano, C, Crescenzi, M, Puccini, F, Manni, I, Sacchi, A, and Piaggio, G (1996). The inhibition of cyclin B1 gene transcription in quiescent NIH3T3 cells is mediated by an E-box. Oncogene 13: 1287-1296.


43.       Scardigli, R, Soddu, S, Falcioni, R, Crescenzi, M, Cimino, L, and Sacchi, A (1996). The beta 4 integrin subunit is expressed in mouse fibroblasts and modulated by transforming growth factor-beta 1. Exp Cell Res 227: 223-229.


44.       Soddu, S, Blandino, G, Scardigli, R, Martinelli, R, Rizzo, MG, Crescenzi, M, and Sacchi, A (1996). Wild-type p53 induces diverse effects in 32D cells expressing different oncogenes. Mol Cell Biol 16: 487-495.


45.       Soddu, S, Blandino, G, Scardigli, R, Rizzo, MG, Coen, S, Bossi, G, Crescenzi, M, and Sacchi, A (1996). Interference with p53 protein inhibits hematopoietic and muscle differentiation. J Cell Biol 134: 193-204.


46.       Tiainen, M, Pajalunga, D, Ferrantelli, F, Soddu, S, Salvatori, G, Sacchi, A, and Crescenzi, M (1996). Terminally differentiated skeletal myotubes are not confined in G0, but can enter G1 upon growth factor stimulation. Cell Growth Diff 7: 1039-1050.


47.       Tiainen, M, Spitkovsky, D, Jansen-Dürr, P, Sacchi, A, and Crescenzi, M (1996). Expression of E1A in terminally differentiated muscle cells reactivates the cell cycle and suppresses tissue-specific genes by separable mechanisms. Mol Cell Biol 16: 5302-5312.


48.       Falcioni, R, Antonini, A, Nisticò, P, Di Stefano, S, Crescenzi, M, Natali, PG, and Sacchi, A (1997). a6b4 and a6b1 integrins associate with ErbB-2 in human carcinoma cell lines. Exp Cell Res 236: 76-85.


49.       Martinelli, R, Blandino, G, Scardigli, R, Crescenzi, M, Lombardi, D, Sacchi, A, and Soddu, S (1997). Oncogenes belonging to the CSF-1 transduction pathway direct p53 tumor suppressor effects to monocytic differentiation in 32D cells. Oncogene 15: 607-611.


50.       Moretti, F, Farsetti, A, Soddu, S, Misiti, S, Crescenzi, M, Filetti, S, and Andreoli, M (1997). p53 re-expression inhibits proliferation and restores differentiation of human thyroid anaplastic carcinoma cells. Oncogene 14: 729-740.


51.       Scardigli, R, Bossi, G, Blandino, G, Crescenzi, M, Soddu, S, and Sacchi, A (1997). Expression of exogenous wt-p53 does not affect normal hematopoiesis: implications for bone marrow purging. Gene Therapy 4: 1371-1378.


52.       Lattanzi, L, Salvatori, G, Coletta, M, Sonnino, C, Cusella De Angelis, MG, Gioglio, L, Murry, CE, Kelly, R, Ferrari, G, Molinaro, M, Crescenzi, M, Mavilio, F, and Cossu, G (1998). High efficiency myogenic conversion of human fibroblasts by adenoviral vector-mediated MyoD gene transfer. J Clin Invest 101: 2119-2128.


53.       Rizzo, MG, Zepparoni, A, Cristofanelli, B, Scardigli, R, Crescenzi, M, Blandino, G, Giuliacci, S, Ferrari, S, Soddu, S, and Sacchi, A (1998). Wt-p53 action in human leukaemia cell lines corresponding to different stages of differentiation. Brit J Cancer 77: 1429-1438.


54.       Aquilina, G, Crescenzi, M, and Bignami, M (1999). Mismatch repair, G(2)/M cell cycle arrest and lethality after DNA damage. Carcinogenesis 20: 2317-2326.


55.       Giannini, G, Di Marcotullio, L, Ristori, E, Zani, M, Crescenzi, M, Scarpa, S, Piaggio, G, Vacca, A, Peverali, FA, Diana, F, Screpanti, I, Frati, L, and Gulino, A (1999). HMGI(Y) and HMGI-C genes are expressed in neuroblastoma cell lines and tumors and affect retinoic acid responsiveness. Cancer Res 59: 2484-2492.


56.       Pajalunga, D, Tognozzi, D, Tiainen, M, D'Angelo, M, Ferrantelli, F, Helin, K, Sacchi, A, and Crescenzi, M (1999). E2F activates late-G1 events but cannot replace E1A in inducing S phase in terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells. Oncogene 18: 5054-5062.


57.       Aquilina, G, Ceccotti, S, Martinelli, S, Soddu, S, Crescenzi, M, Branch, P, Karran, P, and Bignami, M (2000). Mismatch repair and p53 independently affect sensitivity to N-(2- chloroethyl)-N'-cyclohexyl-N-nitrosourea. Clin Cancer Res 6: 671-680.


58.       D'Orazi, G, Marchetti, A, Crescenzi, M, Coen, S, Sacchi, A, and Soddu, S (2000). Exogenous wt-p53 protein is active in transformed cells but not in their non-transformed counterparts: implications for cancer gene therapy without tumor targeting. J Gene Med 2: 11-21.


59.       Fiorentino, L, Pertica, C, Fiorini, M, Talora, C, Crescenzi, M, Castellani, L, Alema, S, Benedetti, P, and Segatto, O (2000). Inhibition of ErbB-2 mitogenic and transforming activity by RALT, a mitogen-induced signal transducer which binds to the ErbB-2 kinase domain. Mol Cell Biol 20: 7735-7750.


60.       Fiumicino, S, Martinelli, S, Colussi, C, Aquilina, G, Leonetti, C, Crescenzi, M, and Bignami, M (2000). Sensitivity to DNA cross-linking chemotherapeutic agents in mismatch repair-defective cells in vitro and in xenografts. Int J Cancer 85: 590-596.


61.       Latella, L, Sacchi, A, and Crescenzi, M (2000). Long-term fate of terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells following E1A-initiated cell cycle reactivation. Cell Death Diff 7: 145-154.


62.       Moretti, F, Nanni, S, Farsetti, A, Narducci, M, Crescenzi, M, Giuliacci, S, Sacchi, A, and Pontecorvi, A (2000). Effects of exogenous p53 transduction in thyroid tumor cells with different p53 status. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85: 302-308.


63.       Colussi, C, Fiumicino, S, Giuliani, A, Rosini, S, Musiani, P, Macri, C, Potten, CS, Crescenzi, M, and Bignami, M (2001). 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Colon Carcinoma and Lymphoma in msh2(-/-) Mice. J Natl Cancer Inst 93: 1534-1540.


64.       Crescenzi, M, and Giuliani, A (2001). The main biological determinants of tumor line taxonomy elucidated by a principal component analysis of microarray data. FEBS Letters 507: 114-118.


65.       Latella, L, Sacco, A, Pajalunga, D, Tiainen, M, Macera, D, D'Angelo, M, Felici, A, Sacchi, A, and Crescenzi, M (2001). Reconstitution of cyclin D1-associated kinase activity drives terminally differentiated cells into the cell cycle. Mol Cell Biol 21: 5631-5643.


66.       Bonapace, IM, Latella, L, Papait, R, Nicassio, F, Sacco, A, Muto, M, Crescenzi, M, and Di Fiore, PP (2002). Np95 is regulated by E1A during mitotic reactivation of terminally differentiated cells and is essential for S phase entry. J Cell Biol 157: 909-914.


67.       Colussi, C, Parlanti, E, Degan, P, Aquilina, G, Barnes, D, Macpherson, P, Karran, P, Crescenzi, M, Dogliotti, E, and Bignami, M (2002). The Mammalian Mismatch Repair Pathway Removes DNA 8-oxodGMP Incorporated from the Oxidized dNTP Pool. Curr Biol 12: 912-918.


68.       Giannini, G, Ristori, E, Cerignoli, F, Rinaldi, C, Zani, M, Viel, A, Ottini, L, Crescenzi, M, Martinotti, S, Bignami, M, Frati, L, Screpanti, I, and Gulino, A (2002). Human MRE11 is inactivated in mismatch repair-deficient cancers. EMBO Rep 3: 248-254.


69.       Sacco, A, Pajalunga, D, Latella, L, Siepi, F, Rufini, A, and Crescenzi, M (2002). Cell cycle reactivation in skeletal muscle and other terminally differentiated cells. In: Crescenzi, M (ed). Reactivation of the cell cycle in terminally differentiated cells. Kluwer Academic: New York, New York. pp 45-61.


70.       Franchitto, A, Pichierri, P, Piergentili, R, Crescenzi, M, Bignami, M, and Palitti, F (2003). The mammalian mismatch repair protein MSH2 is required for correct MRE11 and RAD51 relocalization and for efficient cell cycle arrest induced by ionizing radiation in G2 phase. Oncogene 22: 2110-2120.


71.       Sacco, A, Siepi, F, and Crescenzi, M (2003). HPV E7 expression in skeletal muscle cells distinguishes initiation of the postmitotic state from its maintenance. Oncogene 22: 4027-4034.


72.       Bossi, G, Mazzaro, G, Porrello, A, Crescenzi, M, Soddu, S, and Sacchi, A (2004). Wild-type p53 gene transfer is not detrimental to normal cells in vivo: implications for tumor gene therapy. Oncogene 23: 418-425.


73.       Camarda, G, Siepi, F, Pajalunga, D, Bernardini, C, Rossi, R, Montecucco, A, Meccia, E, and Crescenzi, M (2004). A pRb-independent mechanism preserves the postmitotic state in terminally differentiated skeletal muscle cells. J Cell Biol 167: 417-423.


74.       Marchetti, A, Cecchinelli, B, D'Angelo, M, D'Orazi, G, Crescenzi, M, Sacchi, A, and Soddu, S (2004). p53 can inhibit cell proliferation through caspase-mediated cleavage of ERK2/MAPK. Cell Death Differ 11: 596-607.


75.       Pajalunga, D, and Crescenzi, M (2004). Regulation of cyclin E protein levels through E2F-mediated inhibition of degradation. Cell Cycle 3: 1572-1578.


76.       Porrello, A, Soddu, S, Zbilut, JP, Crescenzi, M, and Giuliani, A (2004). Discrimination of single amino acid mutations of the p53 protein by means of deterministic singularities of recurrence quantification analysis. Proteins 55: 743-755.


77.       Nicassio, F, Bianchi, F, Capra, M, Vecchi, M, Confalonieri, S, Bianchi, M, Pajalunga, D, Crescenzi, M, Bonapace, IM, and Di Fiore, PP (2005). A cancer-specific transcriptional signature in human neoplasia. J Clin Invest 115: 3015-3025.


78.       Pascucci, B, Russo, MT, Crescenzi, M, Bignami, M, and Dogliotti, E (2005). The accumulation of MMS-induced single strand breaks in G1 phase is recombinogenic in DNA polymerase {beta} defective mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res 33: 280-288.


79.       Salzano, AM, and Crescenzi, M (2005). Mass spectrometry for protein identification and the study of post translational modifications. Ann Ist Super Sanita 41: 443-450.


80.       Bruno, T, De Nicola, F, Iezzi, S, Lecis, D, D'Angelo, C, Di Padova, M, Corbi, N, Dimiziani, L, Zannini, L, Jekimovs, C, Scarsella, M, Porrello, A, Chersi, A, Crescenzi, M, Leonetti, C, Khanna, KK, Soddu, S, Floridi, A, Passananti, C, Delia, D, and Fanciulli, M (2006). Che-1 phosphorylation by ATM/ATR and Chk2 kinases activates p53 transcription and the G2/M checkpoint. Cancer Cell 10: 473-486.


81.       Casorelli, I, Tenedini, E, Tagliafico, E, Blasi, MF, Giuliani, A, Crescenzi, M, Pelosi, E, Testa, U, Peschle, C, Mele, L, Diverio, D, Breccia, M, Lo-Coco, F, Ferrari, S, and Bignami, M (2006). Identification of a molecular signature for leukemic promyelocytes and their normal counterparts: Focus on DNA repair genes. Leukemia 20: 1978-1988.


82.       D'Errico, M, Parlanti, E, Teson, M, de Jesus, BM, Degan, P, Calcagnile, A, Jaruga, P, Bjoras, M, Crescenzi, M, Pedrini, AM, Egly, JM, Zambruno, G, Stefanini, M, Dizdaroglu, M, and Dogliotti, E (2006). New functions of XPC in the protection of human skin cells from oxidative damage. Embo J 25: 4305-4315.


83.       Lalle, M, Salzano, AM, Crescenzi, M, and Pozio, E (2006). The Giardia duodenalis 14-3-3 protein is post-translationally modified by phosphorylation and polyglycylation of the C-terminal tail. J Biol Chem 281: 5137-5148.


84.       Pajalunga, D, Camarda, G, and Crescenzi, M (2006). pRb in the differentiation of normal and neoplastic cells. In: Fanciulli, M (ed). Rb and tumorigenesis. Landes Bioscience/ Georgetown, Texas. pp 11-19.


85.       Narciso, L, Fortini, P, Pajalunga, D, Franchitto, A, Liu, P, Degan, P, Frechet, M, Demple, B, Crescenzi, M, and Dogliotti, E (2007). Terminally differentiated muscle cells are defective in base excision DNA repair and hypersensitive to oxygen injury. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104: 17010-17015.


86.       Pajalunga, D, Mazzola, A, Puggioni, E, and Crescenzi, M (2007). Non-proliferation as an active state: conceptual and practical implications. Cell Cycle 6: 1415-1418.


87.       Pajalunga, D, Mazzola, A, Salzano, AM, Biferi, MG, De Luca, G, and Crescenzi, M (2007). Critical requirement for cell cycle inhibitors in sustaining nonproliferative states. J Cell Biol 176: 807-818.


88.       Tsuchyia, M, Wong, ST, Yeo, ZX, Colosimo, A, Palumbo, MC, Farina, L, Crescenzi, M, Mazzola, A, Negri, R, Bianchi, MM, Selvarajoo, K, Tomita, M, and Giuliani, A (2007). Gene expression waves. Cell cycle independent collective dynamics in cultured cells. The FEBS journal 274: 2878-2886.


89.       De Luca, G, Russo, MT, Degan, P, Tiveron, C, Zijno, A, Meccia, E, Ventura, I, Mattei, E, Nakabeppu, Y, Crescenzi, M, Pepponi, R, Pezzola, A, Popoli, P, and Bignami, M (2008). A role for oxidized DNA precursors in Huntington's disease-like striatal neurodegeneration. PLoS genetics 4: e1000266.


90.       Pajalunga, D, Mazzola, A, Franchitto, A, Puggioni, E, and Crescenzi, M (2008). Molecular and Cellular Basis of Regeneration and Tissue Repair: The logic and regulation of cell cycle exit and reentry. Cell Mol Life Sci 65: 8-15.


91.       Pietraforte, D, Brambilla, G, Camerini, S, Scorza, G, Peri, L, Loizzo, A, Crescenzi, M, and Minetti, M (2008). Formation of an adduct by clenbuterol, a beta-adrenoceptor agonist drug, and serum albumin in human saliva at the acidic pH of the stomach: Evidence for an aryl radical-based process. Free radical biology & medicine 45: 124-135.


92.       Mallozzi, C, Ceccarini, M, Camerini, S, Macchia, G, Crescenzi, M, Petrucci, TC, and Di Stasi, AM (2009). Peroxynitrite induces tyrosine residue modifications in synaptophysin C-terminal domain, affecting its interaction with src. J Neurochem 111: 859-869.


93.       Di Girolamo, F, Ponzi, M, Crescenzi, M, Alessandroni, J, and Guadagni, F (2010). A simple and effective method to analyze membrane proteins by SDS-PAGE and MALDI mass spectrometry. Anticancer Res 30: 1121-1129.


94.       Lalle, M, Bavassano, C, Fratini, F, Cecchetti, S, Boisguerin, P, Crescenzi, M, and Pozio, E (2010). Involvement of 14-3-3 protein post-translational modifications in Giardia duodenalis encystation. Int J Parasitol 40: 201-213.


95.       Lanciotti, A, Brignone, MS, Camerini, S, Serafini, B, Macchia, G, Raggi, C, Molinari, P, Crescenzi, M, Musumeci, M, Sargiacomo, M, Aloisi, F, Petrucci, TC, and Ambrosini, E (2010). MLC1 trafficking and membrane expression in astrocytes: role of caveolin-1 and phosphorylation. Neurobiol Dis 37: 581-595.


96.       Melchionna, R, Di Carlo, A, De Mori, R, Cappuzzello, C, Barberi, L, Musaro, A, Cencioni, C, Fujii, N, Tamamura, H, Crescenzi, M, Capogrossi, MC, Napolitano, M, and Germani, A (2010). Induction of myogenic differentiation by SDF-1 via CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors. Muscle Nerve 41: 828-835.


97.       Pajalunga, D, Puggioni, EM, Mazzola, A, Leva, V, Montecucco, A, and Crescenzi, M (2010). DNA replication is intrinsically hindered in terminally differentiated myotubes. PLoS ONE 5: e11559.


98.       Di Stefano, V, Giacca, M, Capogrossi, MC, Crescenzi, M, and Martelli, F (2011). Knockdown of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors induces cardiomyocyte re-entry in the cell cycle. J Biol Chem 286: 8644-8654.


99.       Lalle, M, Camerini, S, Cecchetti, S, Fantauzzi, CB, Crescenzi, M, and Pozio, E (2011). Giardia duodenalis 14-3-3 protein is polyglycylated by a tubulin tyrosine ligase-like member and deglycylated by two metallocarboxypeptidases. J Biol Chem 286: 4471-4484.


100.     Motta, M, Tatti, M, Martinelli, S, Camerini, S, Scarpa, S, Crescenzi, M, Tartaglia, M, and Salvioli, R (2011). Efficient one-step chromatographic purification and functional characterization of recombinant human Saposin C. Protein Expr Purif 78: 209-215.


101.     Romagnoli, G, Cundari, E, Negri, R, Crescenzi, M, Farina, L, Giuliani, A, and Bianchi, MM (2011). Synchronous protein cycling in batch cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae at log growth phase. Exp Cell Res 317: 2958-2968.


102.     Fortini, P, Ferretti, C, Pascucci, B, Narciso, L, Pajalunga, D, Puggioni, EM, Castino, R, Isidoro, C, Crescenzi, M, and Dogliotti, E (2012). DNA damage response by single-strand breaks in terminally differentiated muscle cells and the control of muscle integrity. Cell Death Differ 19: 1741-1749.


103.     Fratini, F, Macchia, G, Torreri, P, Matteucci, A, Salzano, AM, Crescenzi, M, Macioce, P, Petrucci, TC, and Ceccarini, M (2012). Phosphorylation on threonine 11 of beta-dystrobrevin alters its interaction with kinesin heavy chain. The FEBS journal 279: 4131-4144.


104.     Fratini, F, Principe, S, Puopolo, M, Ladogana, A, Poleggi, A, Piscopo, P, Bruno, G, Castrechini, S, Pascone, R, Confaloni, A, Minghetti, L, Cardone, F, Pocchiari, M, and Crescenzi, M (2012). Increased levels of acute-phase inflammatory proteins in plasma of patients with sporadic CJD. Neurology 79: 1012-1018.


105.     Giuliano, S, Iadarola, P, Leva, V, Montecucco, A, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, Salvini, R, and Bardoni, A (2012). An insight into the abundant proteome of 46BR.1G1 fibroblasts deficient of DNA ligase I. Electrophoresis 33: 307-315.


106.     Lalle, M, Camerini, S, Cecchetti, S, Sayadi, A, Crescenzi, M, and Pozio, E (2012). Interaction network of the 14-3-3 protein in the ancient protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis. J Proteome Res 11: 2666-2683.


107.     Leva, V, Giuliano, S, Bardoni, A, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, Lisa, A, Biamonti, G, and Montecucco, A (2012). Phosphorylation of SRSF1 is modulated by replicational stress. Nucleic Acids Res 40: 1106-1117.


108.     Marzi, MJ, Puggioni, EM, Dall'olio, V, Bucci, G, Bernard, L, Bianchi, F, Crescenzi, M, Di Fiore, PP, and Nicassio, F (2012). Differentiation-associated microRNAs antagonize the Rb-E2F pathway to restrict proliferation. J Cell Biol 199: 77-95.


109.     Reiter, S, Crescenzi, M, Galliot, B, and Buzgariu, W (2012). Hydra, a versatile model to study the homeostatic and developmental functions of cell death. Int J Dev Biol 56: 593-604.


110.     Crescenzi, M (2013). Levels matter: miR-206 and cyclin D1. Cell Cycle 12: 3715.


111.     De Luca, G, Ventura, I, Sanghez, V, Russo, MT, Ajmone-Cat, MA, Cacci, E, Martire, A, Popoli, P, Falcone, G, Michelini, F, Crescenzi, M, Degan, P, Minghetti, L, Bignami, M, and Calamandrei, G (2013). Prolonged lifespan with enhanced exploratory behavior in mice overexpressing the oxidized nucleoside triphosphatase hMTH1. Aging Cell 12: 695-705.


112.     Delunardo, F, Scalzi, V, Capozzi, A, Camerini, S, Misasi, R, Pierdominici, M, Pendolino, M, Crescenzi, M, Sorice, M, Valesini, G, Ortona, E, and Alessandri, C (2013). Streptococcal-vimentin cross-reactive antibodies induce microvascular cardiac endothelial proinflammatory phenotype in rheumatic heart disease. Clin Exp Immunol 173: 419-429.


113.     Falcone, G, Mazzola, A, Michelini, F, Bossi, G, Censi, F, Biferi, MG, Minghetti, L, Floridia, G, Federico, M, Musio, A, and Crescenzi, M (2013). Cytogenetic analysis of human cells reveals specific patterns of DNA damage in replicative and oncogene-induced senescence. Aging Cell 12: 312-315.


114.     Mallozzi, C, D'Amore, C, Camerini, S, Macchia, G, Crescenzi, M, Petrucci, TC, and Di Stasi, AM (2013). Phosphorylation and nitration of tyrosine residues affect functional properties of Synaptophysin and Dynamin I, two proteins involved in exo-endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. Biochim Biophys Acta 1833: 110-121.


115.     Murfuni, I, Nicolai, S, Baldari, S, Crescenzi, M, Bignami, M, Franchitto, A, and Pichierri, P (2013). The WRN and MUS81 proteins limit cell death and genome instability following oncogene activation. Oncogene 32: 610-620.


116.     Siepi, F, Gatti, V, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, and Soddu, S (2013). HIPK2 catalytic activity and subcellular localization are regulated by activation-loop Y354 autophosphorylation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1833: 1443-1453.


117.     Simonelli, V, Camerini, S, Mazzei, F, Van Loon, B, Allione, A, D'Errico, M, Barone, F, Minoprio, A, Ricceri, F, Guarrera, S, Russo, A, Dalhus, B, Crescenzi, M, Hubscher, U, Bjoras, M, Matullo, G, and Dogliotti, E (2013). Genotype-phenotype analysis of S326C OGG1 polymorphism: a risk factor for oxidative pathologies. Free radical biology & medicine 63: 401-409.


118.     Yamamoto, DL, Vitiello, C, Zhang, J, Gokhin, DS, Castaldi, A, Coulis, G, Piaser, F, Filomena, MC, Eggenhuizen, PJ, Kunderfranco, P, Camerini, S, Takano, K, Endo, T, Crescenzi, M, Luther, PK, Lieber, RL, Chen, J, and Bang, ML (2013). The nebulin SH3 domain is dispensable for normal skeletal muscle structure but is required for effective active load bearing in mouse. J Cell Sci 126: 5477-5489.


119.     Brignone, MS, Lanciotti, A, Visentin, S, De Nuccio, C, Molinari, P, Camerini, S, Diociaiuti, M, Petrini, S, Minnone, G, Crescenzi, M, Laudiero, LB, Bertini, E, Petrucci, TC, and Ambrosini, E (2014). Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts protein-1 modulates endosomal pH and protein trafficking in astrocytes: relevance to MLC disease pathogenesis. Neurobiol Dis 66: 1-18.


120.     Buzgariu, W, Crescenzi, M, and Galliot, B (2014). Robust G2 pausing of adult stem cells in Hydra. Differentiation; research in biological diversity 87: 83-99.


121.     De Nicola, F, Catena, V, Rinaldo, C, Bruno, T, Iezzi, S, Sorino, C, Desantis, A, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, Floridi, A, Passananti, C, Soddu, S, and Fanciulli, M (2014). HIPK2 sustains apoptotic response by phosphorylating Che-1/AATF and promoting its degradation. Cell death & disease 5: e1414.


122.     Metere, A, Iorio, E, Scorza, G, Camerini, S, Casella, M, Crescenzi, M, Minetti, M, and Pietraforte, D (2014). Carbon monoxide signaling in human red blood cells: evidence for pentose phosphate pathway activation and protein deglutathionylation. Antioxid Redox Signal 20: 403-416.


123.     Motta, M, Camerini, S, Tatti, M, Casella, M, Torreri, P, Crescenzi, M, Tartaglia, M, and Salvioli, R (2014). Gaucher disease due to saposin C deficiency is an inherited lysosomal disease caused by rapidly degraded mutant proteins. Human molecular genetics 23: 5814-5826.


124.     Barbati, C, Alessandri, C, Vomero, M, Vona, R, Colasanti, T, Vacirca, D, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, Pendolino, M, Truglia, S, Conti, F, Garofalo, T, Sorice, M, Pierdominici, M, Valesini, G, Malorni, W, and Ortona, E (2015). Autoantibodies specific to D4GDI modulate Rho GTPase mediated cytoskeleton remodeling and induce autophagy in T lymphocytes. J Autoimmun 58: 78-89.


125.     Biferi, MG, Nicoletti, C, Falcone, G, Puggioni, EM, Passaro, N, Mazzola, A, Pajalunga, D, Zaccagnini, G, Rizzuto, E, Auricchio, A, Zentilin, L, De Luca, G, Giacca, M, Martelli, F, Musio, A, Musaro, A, and Crescenzi, M (2015). Proliferation of Multiple Cell Types in the Skeletal Muscle Tissue Elicited by Acute p21 Suppression. Molecular therapy: the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 23: 885-895.


126.     Cherubini, F, Serio, D, Guccini, I, Fortuni, S, Arcuri, G, Condo, I, Rufini, A, Moiz, S, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, Testi, R, and Malisan, F (2015). Src inhibitors modulate frataxin protein levels. Human molecular genetics 24: 4296-4305.


127.     Burla, R, Carcuro, M, Torre, ML, Fratini, F, Crescenzi, M, D'Apice, MR, Spitalieri, P, Raffa, GD, Astrologo, L, Lattanzi, G, Cundari, E, Raimondo, D, Biroccio, A, Gatti, M, and Saggio, I (2016). The telomeric protein AKTIP interacts with A- and B-type lamins and is involved in regulation of cellular senescence. Open Biol 6.


128.     Camerini, S, Montepeloso, E, Casella, M, Crescenzi, M, Marianella, RM, and Fuselli, F (2016). Mass spectrometry detection of fraudulent use of cow whey in water buffalo, sheep, or goat Italian ricotta cheese. Food Chem 197 Pt B: 1240-1248.


129.     Delunardo, F, Soldati, D, Bellisario, V, Berry, A, Camerini, S, Crescenzi, M, Alessandri, C, Conti, F, Ceccarelli, F, Francia, A, Valesini, G, Cirulli, F, Siracusano, A, Siracusano, A, Niolu, C, Alex Rubino, I, Ortona, E, and Margutti, P (2016). Anti-GAPDH autoantibodies as a pathogenic determinant and potential biomarker of neuropsychiatric diseases. Arthritis Rheumatol.


130.     Emanuele, M, Esposito, A, Camerini, S, Antonucci, F, Ferrara, S, Seghezza, S, Catelani, T, Crescenzi, M, Marotta, R, Canale, C, Matteoli, M, Menna, E, and Chieregatti, E (2016). Exogenous Alpha-Synuclein Alters Pre- and Post-Synaptic Activity by Fragmenting Lipid Rafts. EBioMedicine 7: 191-204.


131.     Fosso, B, Santamaria, M, D'Antonio, M, Lovero, D, Corrado, G, Vizza, E, Passaro, N, Garbuglia, AR, Capobianchi, MR, Crescenzi, M, Valiente, G, and Pesole, G (2017). MetaShot: an accurate workflow for taxon classification of host-associated microbiome from shotgun metagenomic data. Bioinformatics.


132.     Galliot, B, Crescenzi, M, Jacinto, A, and Tajbakhsh, S (2017). Trends in tissue repair and regeneration. Development 144: 357-364.


133.     Pajalunga, D, Franzolin, E, Stevanoni, M, Zribi, S, Passaro, N, Gurtner, A, Donsante, S, Loffredo, D, Losanno, L, Bianchi, V, Russo, A, Rampazzo, C, and Crescenzi, M. A defective dNTP pool hinders DNA replication in cell cycle-reactivated terminally differentiated muscle cells. Cell Death Differ 24:774-784, 2017.


134.     Teveroni, E, Pellegrino, M, Sacconi, S, Calandra, P, Cascino, I, Farioli-Vecchioli, S, Puma, A, Garibaldi, M, Morosetti, R, Tasca, G, Ricci, E, Trevisan, CP, Galluzzi, G, Pontecorvi, A, Crescenzi, M, Deidda, G, and Moretti, F. Estrogens enhance myoblast differentiation in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy by antagonizing DUX4 activity. J Clin Invest 127:1531-1545, 2017.


135.     Cucco, F, Palumbo, E, Camerini, S, D'Alessio, B, Quarantotti, V, Casella, ML, Rizzo, IM, Cukrov, D, Delia, D, Russo, A, Crescenzi, M, and Musio, A. Separase prevents genomic instability by controlling replication fork speed. Nucleic Acids Res 46:267-278, 2018.


136.     Monteonofrio, L, Valente, D, Ferrara, M, Camerini, S, Miscione, R, Crescenzi, M, Rinaldo, C, and Soddu, S. HIPK2 and extrachromosomal histone H2B are separately recruited by Aurora-B for cytokinesis. Oncogene, 2018.


137.     Gioia M, Fasciglione GF, Sbardella D, Sciandra F, Casella M, Camerini S, Crescenzi M, Gori A, Tarantino U, Cozza P, Brancaccio A, Coletta M, Bozzi M (2018) The enzymatic processing of alpha-dystroglycan by MMP-2 is controlled by two anchoring sites distinct from the active site. PLoS One 13: e0192651.


138.     Camerini S, Marcocci L, Picarazzi L, Iorio E, Ruspantini I, Pietrangeli P, Crescenzi M, Franciosa G (2019) Type E Botulinum Neurotoxin-Producing Clostridium butyricum Strains Are Aerotolerant during Vegetative Growth. mSystems 4.


139.     Pisciottani A, Biancolillo L, Ferrara M, Valente D, Sardina F, Monteonofrio L, Camerini S, Crescenzi M, Soddu S, Rinaldo C (2019) HIPK2 Phosphorylates the Microtubule-Severing Enzyme Spastin at S268 for Abscission. Cells 8.


140.     Passaro, N., A. Casagrande, M. Chiara, B. Fosso, C. Manzari, A.M. D'Erchia, S. Iesari, F. Pisani, A. Famulari, P. Tulissi, S. Mastrosimone, M.C. Maresca, G. Mercante, G. Spriano, G. Corrado, E. Vizza, A.R. Garbuglia, M.R. Capobianchi, C. Mottini, A. Cenci, M. Tartaglia, A.N. Costa, G. Pesole, M. Crescenzi (2019) No metagenomic evidence of tumorigenic viruses in cancers from a selected cohort of immunosuppressed subjects. Sci Rep. 9:19815.


141.     Sardina, F., A. Pisciottani, M. Ferrara, D. Valente, M. Casella, M. Crescenzi, A. Peschiaroli, C. Casali, S. Soddu, A.J. Grierson, and C. Rinaldo. 2020. Spastin recovery in hereditary spastic paraplegia by preventing neddylation-dependent degradation. Life science alliance. 3.


142.     Chiarini, V., A. Fiorillo, S. Camerini, M. Crescenzi, S. Nakamura, T. Battista, L. Guidoni, G. Colotti, and A. Ilari. 2021. Structural basis of ubiquitination mediated by protein splicing in early Eukarya. Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects. 1865:129844.


143.     Pajalunga, D., and M. Crescenzi. 2021. Restoring the Cell Cycle and Proliferation Competence in Terminally Differentiated Skeletal Muscle Myotubes. Cells 10.

















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