PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
building: RM031 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Materiali e Ambiente, secondo piano
room: 302

supervisor: Filippo Berto

Research: Data-Driven Bioinspired Design of Fatigue Super-Resistant Structures: Learning by Nature and Flying into the future (ButterFly)

Marcello Laurenti (Rome, 1998) received a bachelor's degree in "Chemical Engineering" from "Sapienza" University of Rome with the thesis titled "Study of cellulase enzyme cocktails by DSC analysis" (2020, Vote: 110).
At the same university, he received his master's degree in "Chemical Engineering of Materials" with the thesis titled "Development of Constitutive Relationships in Materials Science by Artificial Intelligences" (2023, Vote: 110 summa cum laude).
During the year 2022-2023, thanks to a double scholarship bestowed by AIDIC (Italian Association of Chemical Engineering) and ENI S.p.a. , he did a 7-month internship at the PSFC of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), under the supervision of Professor Ju Li (MIT) and Jacopo Tirillò (Sapienza). During this period he developed an Artificial Intelligences applicable to Materials Science and robust to non-uniform data distributions.

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