PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: +393273715528
building: Edificio A - Piano 3°
room: 5

supervisor: Prof. Luca Persia

Professional with four years of experience in digital communication and journalism, endowed with high creative skills, strong propensity to teamwork, and full adaptability to required tasks.


- PhD in “Infrastructures and Transport” at Sapienza University of Rome (November 2023-ongoing)
Research project: “The development of smart cities in Europe: an integration model for subjective and objective data in sustainable mobility sector”

- First-level Master in "A18: Teaching of philosophical and humanistic subjects in secondary schools: teaching methodologies" at eCampus University (February 2023-July 2023)

- Master's degree in "Business communication and public communication" at University of Salerno (October 2014-February 2018)
Rating: 110/110 with honors
Experimental thesis in Digital Policies: "Open source, a development opportunity for Italian SMEs"

- Bachelor's degree in "Publishing and Advertising" at University of Salerno (October 2010-November 2013)
Rating: 110/110
Experimental thesis in Literature and Journalism: "From advocacy to new journalism in the Yugoslav wars: secrets and undersecrets"

- High school diploma in linguistics at Liceo Statale "P. E. Imbriani" in Avellino (September 2005-July 2010)
Rating: 100/100


- Enrolled in the Register of Public Journalists
Order of Journalists - Campania Regional Council (April 2022)

- Master in Global Marketing, Communication & Made in Italy
Italy USA Foundation and Centro Studi "Comunicare L'Impresa" (December 2020)

- Samsung Innovation Camp
Samsung and Randstad (November 2018)


- Professional Accredited by the Italy USA Foundation (May 2019)
Recognition achieved as part of the attendance of the "Master in Global Marketing, Communication & Made in Italy" and obtained on the occasion of a ceremony held in the Hall of Parliamentary Groups of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma