Lukasz Bogucki

Associate professor


Łukasz Bogucki has been affiliated with the Institute of English Studies at the University of Łódź since his graduation in 1993; currently, he is Director of the Institute and Head of the Department of Translation Studies. Over the years, he has entered into partnerships with a range of academic institutions in Poland and abroad. In 2014 he was awarded the title of professor by the President of Poland. His academic interests include the theory of audiovisual translation, translation studies as an academic discipline, interpreting, specialised and computer-assisted translation, as well as localisation. His numerous publications have been cited over 200 times. Professor Bogucki has organised over a dozen international translation conferences and taken part in over forty others, many of which by invitation as a keynote speaker. He has considerable teaching experience and has supervised well over a hundred B.A., M.A. and PhD dissertations since 2002. Łukasz Bogucki is a member of the International Communication Association, as well as ŁTN (the Łódź Scientific Association) and the Łódź Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 2014 he has co-edited the Lodz Studies in Language series published by Peter Lang.


Bogucki, Ł., 2004, A Relevance Framework for Constraints on Cinema Subtitling. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Bogucki, Ł., 2007, Teoria i praktyka przekładu. Skrypt dla studentów neofilologii. Łódź: Wyższa Szkoła Studiów Międzynarodowych.
Bogucki, Ł., 2009, Tłumaczenie wspomagane komputerowo. Warszawa: PWN.
Bogucki, Ł., 2013, Areas and Methods of Audiovisual Translation Research. Lodz Studies in Language vol. 30, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. Second edition 2015, third edition 2019.

Edited volumes:

Bogucki, Ł. and K. Kredens (eds.), 2010, Perspectives on Audiovisual Translation. Lodz Studies in Language vol. 20, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Bogucki, Ł. (ed.), 2010, Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Practices. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bogucki, Ł. and M. Deckert (eds.), 2012, Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Advances and Perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bogucki, Ł., Góźdź-Roszkowski, S. and P. Stalmaszczyk (eds.), 2015, Ways to Translation. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
Bogucki, Ł. and M. Deckert (eds.), 2015, Accessing Audiovisual Translation. Lodz Studies in Language vol. 35, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Thelen, M., van Egdom, G-W., Verbeeck, D., Bogucki, Ł. and B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (eds.), 2016), Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 1. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Bogucki, Ł., Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds.), 2016, Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt.1, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Bogucki, Ł., Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds.), 2016, Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt.2, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

“On Translating Neologisms.” In: Thelen, M. and B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (eds), 1995, Translation and Meaning Part 3, Proceedings of the Maastricht Session of the Second International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on ‘Translation and Meaning’, Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht, pp. 344-353. "On Rendering Register.” In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds), 1996, Translation and Meaning Part 4, Proceedings of the Łódź Session of the Second International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning”, Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht, pp. 107-112; artykuł ukazał się także w Vandale, J. (ed), 1999, Translation and the (Re)Location of Meaning: Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Seminars in Translation Studies 1994-1996, Leuven: CETRA: The Leuven Research Centre for Translation, Communication, and Cultures/St. Jerome. “On English Verbs Expressing Natural Phenomena” (Czasowniki opisujące zjawiska naturalne). In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (ed.), 1997, New Trends in Language Studies, Folia Linguistica 36, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, str. 109-133. “Toward Understanding Translation” (Przekład. W poszukiwaniu definicji). In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. (ed.), 1998, Linguistic Theory and Applications, Folia Linguistica Anglica 1, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, str. 233-253. Recenzja: Leszek Berezowski, Dialect in Translation, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 1997. In: Folia Linguistica Anglica 3, 175-176. 2001, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. “A Note on Conventions and Norms in Non-literary Translation” (Konwencje i normy w przekładzie nieliterackim). In: Folia Linguistica Anglica 3, 69-74. 2001, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. “Translating in the Media – Conventions and Norms.” In: Thelen, M. and B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (eds.), 2001, Translation and Meaning Part 5, Proceedings of the Maastricht Session of the Third International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning”, Maastricht: Hogeschool Zuyd/Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting, str. 227-230. „Neologizmy w przekładzie i w słownikach,” conference proceedings (VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Translatoryczna „Leksykografia polska a potrzeby tłumaczy”, Akademia Polonijna Częstochowa, 16-17 maja 2002. "Teaching Translation and Interpreting to Language Students in Łódź" (z Magdaleną Szeflińską i Mariuszem Milczarkiem). In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds.), 2002, Translation and Meaning Part 6, Proceedings of the Łódź Session of the Second International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning”, Maastricht: Universitaire Pers Maastricht “The Pragmatics Of Screen Translating. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring as a case in point.” In: Cap, P. and P. Stalmaszczyk (eds.), 2004, Research in Language II. Lodz: University of Lodz Press. “Aspekty kulturowe przekładu dla potrzeb kina.” Conference proceedings (VIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Translatoryczna „Rzeczywistość kulturowa a przekład”, Akademia Polonijna Częstochowa, 16 maja 2003. “The Constraint of Relevance in Subtitling,” (tłumaczenie artykułu własnego autorstwa). In: Jostrans, Issue 1 (www. jostrans. org) . “Relewancja jako ograniczenie w procesie tworzenia napisów,” Jostrans, Issue 1 (www. jostrans. org). “Pragmatic Considerations in Translating Films.” In: Cap, P. (ed.) (2005). Pragmatics Today. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, str. 255-262. “Subtitled, Dubbed or Voiced-Over? Choices in Audiovisual Translation.” In: Thelen, M. and B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (eds), 2007, Translation and Meaning Part 7, Proceedings of the Maastricht Session of the Fourth International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning’, Maastricht: Hogeschool Zuyd/Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting. "A Polish translator's perspective. An interview with Adam Podstawczyński" Jostrans, Issue 7 (, pp. 195-199. “Beyond the Word. The Unit of Translation.” In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds.), 2008, Translation and Meaning Part 8, Proceedings of the Łódź Session of the Fourth International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on ‘Translation and Meaning’, Maastricht: Hogeschool Zuyd/Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting. “Amateur subtitling on the Internet.” In: Anderman, G. and J. Diaz-Cintas (eds.), 2009, Audiovisual Translation. Language Transfer on Screen, Palgrave Macmillan. “Translating and subtitling wordplay – between domestication and foreignisation” In: Oleksy, W. and P. Stalmaszczyk (eds.), 2009, Cognitive Approaches to Language and Linguistic Data. Peter Lang. "The Demise of Voice-over? Audiovisual Translation in Poland in the 21st Century" in Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds), 2010, Meaning in Translation, Lodz Studies in Language vol. 19, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang “Bariery językowe i kulturowe w przekładzie”. W: Stalmaszczyk, P. i A. Obrębska (red.) 2011 Poznawanie słowa 2. Wykłady inauguracyjne Wydziału Filologicznego UŁ wygłoszone w roku akademickim 2010/2011. Łódź: Primum Verbum. 73-81. “The application of Action Research to audiovisual translation”. In: Incalcaterra McLoughlin, L. et al. (eds.) 2011 Audiovisual Translation. Subtitles and Subtitling. Oxford/Bern/Berlin/Bruxelles/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Wien: Peter Lang. 7-18. Recenzja: Maria Piotrowska, Proces decyzyjny tłumacza. Podstawy metodologii nauczania przekładu pisemnego. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Vol. 6, Number 1, 2012. 131-135. “Taking Stock in Audiovisual Translation.” In: Bednarek, A. (ed.) 2012 Interdisciplinary perspectives in cross-cultural communication. LINCOM Studies in Pragmatics 21. „Kompetencja tłumaczeniowa a proces tworzenia interjęzykowych napisów filmowych” (z Mikołajem Deckertem). In: Piotrowska, M. (red.) 2012 Kompetencje tłumacza. Kraków: Tertium. 103-120. “Action research as a methodology for audivisual translation.” In: Thelen, M. and B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (eds), 2013, Translation and Meaning Part 9, Proceedings of the Maastricht Session of the Fifth International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on ‘Translation and Meaning’, Maastricht: Hogeschool Zuyd/Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting. “Audiovisual transfer: where do we go from here?” In: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds), 2013, Translation and Meaning Part 10, Proceedings of the Łódź Session of the Fifth International Maastricht – Łódź Duo Colloquium on ‘Translation and Meaning’, Maastricht: Hogeschool Zuyd/Maastricht School of Translation and Interpreting, 371-375. “Translation software in audiovisual contexts.” In: Piotrowski, T. and Ł. Grabowski (eds.), 2013, The Translator and the Computer. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej, 35-42. Multimodal communication and multidimensional translation in audiovisual contexts”. In: Bogucki, Ł., Góźdź-Roszkowski, S. and P. Stalmaszczyk (eds.), 2015, Ways to Translation, Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 189-206. „Metodologia badań w przekładzie audiowizualnym.” In: P. Stalmaszczyk (ed.), 2015, Metodologie językoznawstwa. Od dialektologii do dialektyki, 74-96. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. “Volunteer translation, collaborative knowledge acquisition and what is likely to follow,” co-authored with B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. In: Bogucki, Ł., Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B. and M. Thelen (eds.), 2016, Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 2, Pt. 1, 45-54. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang “Rendering otherness in film – techniques for translating multilingual audiovisual material.” In: M. Thelen, G-W. van Egdom, D. Verbeeck and Ł. Bogucki, 2016, Translation and Meaning. New Series, Vol. 1, 183-191. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang „Norma a uzus w przekładzie audiowizualnym: ograniczenia a oczekiwania.” In: A Fimiak-Chwiłkowska, B. Walkiewicz and J. Woroch (eds.), 2016, Norma a uzus w przekładzie tekstów specjalistycznych. Poznań, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM

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