Luciano Giromini

Associate professor


Luciano Giromini, Ph.D., is associate professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy. He has taught psychological assessment and psychometrics at two Italian and one Californian universities, and is currently the coordinator of the Evidence-Based Psychological Assessment research team of the University of Turin. His

research studies on the relationship between the human movement response to the Rorschach test and the activity of areas in the brain associated with the mirror neuron system have been published in prestigious scientific journals and have received important international awards (e.g., Mary S. Cerney Award). In addition, Luciano Giromini is co-

author of the Inventory of Problems – 29 (IOP-29; and is collaborating with the authors of the first manual of the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R- PAS; to publish a second edition, for which he will be co-author. Finally, Luciano Giromini has published about hundred articles in high-quality peer-reviewed

scientific journals, and is currently Assessment Section Head and Associate Editor of the journal Psychological Injury and Law, Associate Editor of the journal Rorschachiana, and consulting editor for several assessment journals, including Journal of Personality Assessmentand Psychological Assessment.

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