Full professor, PhD, main field: Psychometrics. Research interests:
Development and validation of psychological measures;
Confirmatory analyses (Structural equation modeling, path analysis, confirmatory factor analysys);
Personality and individual differences;
Affect and motivation (Goals, activation and inhibition, impulsivity, self-concept);
Political psychology (prejudice, political orientation as motivated social cognition, ideology, personality dispositions and political criteria).
1. 1995. Perugini, M., Leone, L. “Costruzione e validazione di una lista di aggettivi per la misura dei Big Five (LABIF).” Rassegna di Psicologia, 12 (1), 103-125.
2. 1995. Perugini, M., Pierro, A., Lauriola, M., Leone, L., Lombardo, I., Fabbri, S. “Big Five e job involvement: un modello di equazioni strutturali a variabili latenti.” Rassegna di Psicologia, 12 (3), 63-84.
3. 1996. Perugini, M., Leone, L. “Construction and validation of a short adjectives checklist to measure the Big Five.” European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 12, 33-42. (IF = 1.971)
4. 1996. Perugini, M., Leone, L. “Analisi statistica delle relazioni moltiplicative: Un esame della validità del modello aspettativa-valore tramite regressioni gerarchiche ed equazioni strutturali”. TPM, 3, 77-96.
5. 1996. Gallucci, M., Leone, L., Perugini, M. “Navigare in SPSS per Windows.” Edizioni Kappa, Roma.
6. 1998. Leone, L., Matarazzo, G. “Use and effectiveness in an office automation system (OAS): A case study. Behaviour & Information Technology, 17 (6), 361-371. (IF = 0.891)
7. 1999. Leone, L., Perugini, M., Ercolani, A. P. “A comparison of three models of attitude-behavior relationships on studying behavior domain”. European Journal of Social Psychology, 29, 161-189. (IF = 1.712)
8. 2000. Leone, L., Perugini, M., “Tentare di studiare” Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 27, 757-788..
9. 2001. Leone, L., Perugini, M., Bagozzi, R. P., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L. “Construct Validity and Generalizability of the Carver-White Behavioural Inhibition System/Behavioural Activation System Scales. European Journal of Personality, 15, 373-390. (IF = 3.347)
10. 2001. Ercolani, A.P., Claes, M., Lacourse, E., Pierro, A., Leone, L., Perucchini, P. "Relazioni familiari, orientamento verso i coetanei e comportamenti devianti in adolescenza" Età Evolutiva, 2001, vol. 70, pagg. 30-44.
11. 2001. Leone, L., “Un’indagine multi-tratto-multi-metodo sulla Self-discrepancy Theory”. TPM vol. 8, 33-54.
12. 2001. Ercolani, A.P., Areni, A., Leone, L. Statistica per la psicologia, Vol I. Fondamenti di psicometria e statistica descrittiva. Il Mulino, Bologna.
13. 2002. Ercolani, A.P., Areni, A., Leone, L. Statistica per la psicologia, Vol II. Statistica inferenziale e analisi dei dati. Il Mulino, Bologna.
14. 2002. Leone, L., Pierro, A., Mannetti, L. “Validità della versione italiana delle scale BIS/BAS di Carver e White (1994): Generalizzabilità della struttura e relazioni con costrutti affini”. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 29, 413-434.
15. 2002. Gori, F., Leone, L. The difference between proportions in small independent samples in sampling with and without replacement. TPM, 9, 77-92.
16. 2002. Presaghi, F., Leone, L., Ercolani, A. P. Una analisi fattoriale confermativa multilivello su dati di tipo cross-sectional, TPM, 9, 171-187.
17. 2003. Bergami, M., Leone, L. Un modello di relazione tra individuo e organizzazione nell’Esercito, in Massimo Bergami La motivazione a Partecipare: ricerche sull’identità organizzativa nell’Esercito Italiano (pagg. 117-191), Il Mulino, Bologna.
18. 2003. Presaghi, F., Leone, L., Ercolani, A.P. Lo studio della stabilità e del cambiamento: Adattamento del modello Simplex ad un test di abilità cognitiva. In Maria Carmen Usai e Mirella Zanobini (a cura di) Psicologia del ciclo di vita (pagg. 25-37). Franco Angeli: Milano.
19. 2003. Bagozzi, R. P., Bergami, M., e Leone, L. “ Hierarchical representation of motives in goal-setting. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 915-943. (IF = 4.799)
20. 2003. Leone, L., Lucidi, F., Ercolani, A.P., e Presaghi, F. “Versione italiana del Multicultural Personality Questionnaire” Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 240, 27-35.
21. 2004. Gori, F., Leone, L. “Difference between proportions and correlations in small paired groups sampled with and without replacement” TPM, 11, 23-46.
22. 2004. Lucidi, F., Grano, C., Leone, L., Lombardo, C., Pesce, C. “Determinants of the intentions to use doping substances: An empirical contribution in a sample of Italian adolescents. Internationa Journal of Sport Psychology, 35, 133-148. (IF = 0.485)
23. 2004. Bagozzi, R.P., Moore, A. H., Leone, L. Self control and the regulation of dieting decisions: The role of prefactual attitudes, subjective norms, and resistance to temptations. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 26, 199-213. (IF = 1.019)
24. 2004. Leone, L., Perugini, M, e Ercolani, A. P. “Testing the Model of Goal-directed Behavior”. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34, 1945-1973. (IF = 0.79)
25. 2004. Lucidi, F., Lauriola, M., Leone, L., Grano, C. Predicting physical activity in older adults: An integrated model considerino health-related dispositions and the theory of planned behavior. Internationa Journal of Sport Psychology, 35, 284-300. (IF = 0.485)
26. 2004. Aiello, A., Chirumbolo, A., e Leone, L. La scala di Autoritarismo di Destra (Altemeyer, 1998): uno studio di adattamento e validazione. Rassegna di Psicologia, 21(2), 73-92.
27. 2005. Leone, L., Van der Zee, K., Van Oudenhoven, J.P., Perugini, M., Ercolani, A. P. The Cross-cultural Generalizability and Validity of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 1449-1462. (IF = 1.951)
28. 2005. Aiello, A., Chirumbolo, A., Leone, L. & Pratto, F. (2005). Uno studio di adattamento e validazione della scala di tendenza alla Dominanza Sociale. Rassegna di Psicologia, 22(2), 81-91.
29. 2005. Aiello, A., Leone, L., Chirumbolo, A. La duplice natura dell’autoritarismo: un contributo empirico. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 22, 331-351.
30. 2005. Leone, L., Perugini, M., Bagozzi, R.P. “Emotions and decision making: Regulatory focus moderates motivational influences of anticipated emotions on attitudes”. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 1175-1198. (IF = 2.201)
31. 2005. Leone, L., Chirumbolo, A., Speranza, M.R. Per una struttura bidimensionale della scala di autoritarismo (De Grada et al. 1975): dimensionalità, attendibilità e validità. TPM, 12, 167-182.
32. 2005. Claes, M., Lacourse, E., Ercolani, A.P., Pierro, A., Leone, L., Presaghi, F. “Parenting, peer orientation, drug use and antisocial behavior in late adolescence: A cross-national study”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34, 401-411. (IF = 2.777)
33. 2006. Leone, L., Chirumbolo, A., Aiello, A. “Un’analisi critica della misura di pregiudizio latente di Pettigrew e Maartens. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 33, 175-198.
34. 2006. Leone, L. Interazioni, regressioni, LISREL: Sviluppi nell’analisi confermativa delle relazioni moltiplicative. TPM, 13, 51-64.
35. 2007. Leone, L.. L’analisi non parametrica dei dati. In A.P. Ercolani (a cura di) Strumenti statistici per la ricerca, la valutazione e la diagnosi in psicologia (pp 283-412). Raffaello Cortina.
36. 2007. Lauriola, M e Leone, L. Disegni di ricerca, validità e uso dei test. In A.P. Ercolani (a cura di) Strumenti statistici per la ricerca, la valutazione e la diagnosi in psicologia (pp 1-70). Raffaello Cortina.
37. 2007. Leone, L., Presaghi, F. Validity of the Need for Affect scales: factorial structure, invariance and validity in Italy. TPM, 14, 117-134.
38. 2008. Chirumbolo, A, e Leone, L. Individual differences in need for closure and voting behaviour. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 1279-1288. (IF = 1.951)
39. 2008. Ercolani, A.P., Areni, A., Leone, L. Elementi di statistica per la psicologia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
40. 2008. Leone, L., Chirumbolo, A. Conservatism as motivated avoidance of affect: Need for affect scales predict conservatism measures. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 755-762. (IF = 2.264)
41. 2008. Russo, P., Leone, L., Lauriola, M., e Lucidi, F. Impulsivity and Behavioral Activation System within the PEN model: A Test of Discriminant Hypotheses. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 624-629. (IF = 1.951)
42. 2009. Leone, L. Testing conceptual distinctions among Carver and White’s (1994) BAS scales: A comment and extension on Smillie, Jackson & Dalgleish (2006). Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 54-59. (IF = 1.951)
43. 2009. Leone, L., & Russo, P.M. Components of the Behavioral Activation System and Functional Impulsivity: A test of discriminant hypotheses. Journal of Research in Personality 43, 1101–1104. (IF = 2.264)
44. 2009. Perugini, M., & Leone, L. Implicit self-concept and moral action. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 747–754. (IF = 2.264)
45. 2010. Chirumbolo, A., Leone, L. Personality and politics: The role of the HEXACO model of personality in predicting ideology and voting. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 43-48. (IF = 1.951)
46. 2011. Russo, P.M., Leone, L., De Pascalis, V. Cross-cultural validity of the I7 impulsiveness-venturesomeness- empathy scales: Evidence from the Italian I7 Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52 (4), pp. 446-452. (IF = 2.252)
47. 2011. Leone, L., Maricchiolo, F., Presaghi, F.Appetitive and impulsive components in the Appetitive Motivation Scale. Journal of Research in Personality, 45 (6), pp. 655-661. (IF = 2.264)
48. 2012. Gallucci, M., Leone. Modelli statistici per le scienze sociali. Milano-Torino, Pearson Italia.
49. 2012. Cini, F., Leone, L., Passafaro, P. Promoting ecotourism among young people: A segmentation strategy. Environment and Behavior, 44 (1), pp. 87-106. (IF = 2.612)
50. 2012. Leone, L., Chirumbolo, A., Desimoni, M. The impact of the HEXACO personality model in predicting socio-political attitudes: The moderating role of interest in politics (2012) Personality and Individual Differences, 52 (3), pp. 416-421. (IF = 1.951)
51. 2012. Penolazzi, B., Natale, V., Leone, L., Russo, P.M. Individual differences affecting caffeine intake. Analysis of consumption behaviours for different times of day and caffeine sources (2012) Appetite, 58 (3), pp. 971-977. (IF = 2.651)
52. 2012. Van Lange, P.A.M., Bekkers, R., Chirumbolo, A., Leone, L. Are Conservatives Less Likely to be Prosocial Than Liberals? From Games to Ideology, Political Preferences and Voting (2012) European Journal of Personality, 26 (5), pp. 461-473. (IF = 3.347)
53. 2012. Russo, P.M., Leone, L., Penolazzi, B., Natale, V. Circadian preference and the big five: The role of impulsivity and sensation seeking (2012) Chronobiology International, 29 (8), pp. 1121-1126. (IF = 3.343)
54. 2012. Coriale, G., Bilotta, E., Leone, L., Cosimi, F., Porrari, R., De Rosa, F., Ceccanti, M. Avoidance coping strategies, alexithymia and alcohol abuse: A mediation analysis (2012) Addictive Behaviors, 37 (11), pp. 1224-1229. (IF = 2.764)
55. 2012. Leone, L., Desimoni, M., Chirumbolo, A. HEXACO, social worldviews and socio-political attitudes: A mediation analysis (2012) Personality and Individual Differences, 53 (8), pp. 995-1001. (IF = 1.951)
56. 2013. Chirumbolo, A., Leone, L. Those who supported and voted for berlusconi: A social-psychological profile of the willing followers of a controversial political leader (2013); in Power, Politics, and Paranoia: Why People are Suspicious of their Leaders, pp. 150-175.
57. 2013. Penolazzi, B., Leone, L., Russo, P.M. Individual Differences and Decision Making: When the Lure Effect of Gain Is a Matter of Size (2013) PLoS ONE, 8 (3), art. no. e58946. (IF = 3.234)
58. 2014. Leone, L., Desimoni, M., Chirumbolo, A. Interest and expertise moderate the relationship between right-wing attitudes, ideological self-placement and voting (2014) European Journal of Personality, 28 (1), pp. 2-13. (IF = 3.347)
59. 2014. Livi, S., Leone, L., Falgares, G., Lombardo, F. Values, ideological attitudes and patriotism (2014) Personality and Individual Differences, 64, pp. 141-146. (IF = 1.951)
60. 2014. Desimoni, M., Leone, L. Openness to Experience, Honesty-Humility and ideological attitudes: A fine-grained analysis (2014) Personality and Individual Differences, 59, pp. 116-119. (IF = 1.951)
61. 2016. Bilotta, E., Giacomantonio, M., Leone, L., Mancini, F., & Coriale, G. (2016). Being alexithymic: Necessity or convenience. Negative emotionality× avoidant coping interactions and alexithymia. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. DOI:10.1111/papt.12079. (IF = 1.441)
62. 2016. Chirumbolo, A., Leone, L., & Desimoni, M. (2016). The interpersonal roots of politics: Social value orientation, socio-political attitudes and prejudice. Personality and Individual Differences, 91, pp. 144-153. (IF = 1.951)
63. 2016. Leone, L., Livi, S., Chirumbolo, A. Political involvement moderates the impact of worldviews and values on SDO and RWA. European Journal of Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2170 (IF = 1.712).
64. 2016. Mosca, O., Dentale, F., Lauriola, M., & Leone, L. (2016). Applying the Implicit Association Test to Measure Intolerance of Uncertainty. Psychological Reports, 119(1).
65. 2017. Williams, R., Leone, L., Faedda, N., Natalucci, G., Bellini, B., Salvi, E., ... & Guidetti, V. (2017). The role of attachment insecurity in the emergence of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with migraine: an empirical study. The journal of headache and pain, 18(1), 62.
66. 2017. Gallucci, M., Leone, L., Berlingeri, M. Modelli statistici per le scienze sociali (2° Ed.). Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino.
67. 2018. Leone, L., Giacomantonio, M., Williams, R., & Michetti, D. (2018). Avoidant attachment style and conspiracy ideation. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 329-336.
68. 2018. Leone, L., & Presaghi, F. (2018). Tea Party Support, Racial Resentment and Evaluations of Obama: A Moderation Analysis. Race and Social Problems, 10(2), 91-100.
69. 2018. Carrus, G., Panno, A., & Leone, L. (2018). The moderating role of interest in politics on the relations between conservative political orientation and denial of climate change. Society & Natural Resources, 1-15.
70. 2019. Leone, L., Giacomantonio, M., & Lauriola, M. (2019). Moral foundations, worldviews, moral absolutism and belief in conspiracy theories. International Journal of Psychology, 54(2), 197-204.
71. 2019. Panno, A., Carrus, G., & Leone, L. (2019). Attitudes towards Trump Policies and Climate Change: The Key Roles of Aversion to Wealth Redistribution and Political Interest. Journal of Social Issues, 75(1), 153-168.
72. 2019. Carcione, A., Riccardi, I., Bilotta, E., Leone, L., Pedone, R., Conti, L., ... & Procacci, M. (2019). Metacognition as a Predictor of Improvements in Personality Disorders. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 170.
73. 2019. Heering, M. S., & Leone, L. (2019). Power Moderates the Effects of Social Dominance Orientation on Punishment: An Experimental Analysis. Psychological reports, 122(1), 201-218.
74. 2019. Pellegrini, V., Leone, L., & Giacomantonio, M. (2019). Dataset about populist attitudes, social world views, socio-political dispositions, conspiracy beliefs, and anti-immigration attitudes in an Italian sample. Data in Brief, 104144.
75. 2019. Thielmann, I., Akrami, N., Babarović, T., Belloch, A., Bergh, R., Chirumbolo, A., ...Leone, L., & Lee, K. (2019). The HEXACO–100 Across 16 Languages: A Large-Scale Test of Measurement Invariance. Journal of personality assessment, 1-13.
76. 2019. Alivernini, F., Cavicchiolo, E., Girelli, L., Lucidi, F., Biasi, V., Leone, L., ... & Manganelli, S. (2019). Relationships between sociocultural factors (gender, immigrant and socioeconomic background), peer relatedness and positive affect in adolescents. Journal of adolescence, 76, 99-108.
77. 2020. Donati, M. A., Primi, C., Mazzarese, M., Sanson, F., & Leone, L. (2020). Immigrant status and problem-gambling severity in adolescents: Evidence for moderation by sensation seeking. Addictive Behaviors, 106395.
78. 2020. Riccardi, I., Bilotta, E., Leone, L., Nicolò, G., Procacci, M., Semerari, A., & Carcione, A. Adverse experiences in childhood: association with metacognition, personality disorders and distress. Trauma: psychopathology, boundaries an treatment, 46.
79. 2021. Pellegrini, V., De Cristofaro, V., Salvati, M., Giacomantonio, M., & Leone, L. (2021). Social Exclusion and Anti-Immigration Attitudes in Europe: The mediating role of Interpersonal Trust. Social Indicators Research, 1-28.
80. 2021. Pellegrini, V., Giacomantonio, M., De Cristofaro, V., Salvati, M., Brasini, M., Carlo, E., ... & Leone, L. (2021). Is Covid-19 a natural event? Covid-19 pandemic and conspiracy beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 111011.
81. 2021. De Cristofaro, V., Giacomantonio, M., Pellegrini, V., Salvati, M., & Leone, L. (2021). Being mindful in the tax context in Italy: Examining whether and how mindfulness relates with tax evasion intentions and support for tax progressivity. PloS one, 16(6), e0253627.
82. Pellegrini, V., Salvati, M., De Cristofaro, V., Giacomantonio, M., & Leone, L. (2022). Psychological bases of anti‐immigration attitudes among populist voters. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(6), 449-458.
83. 2022. Salvati, M., Giacomantonio, M., Pellegrini, V., De Cristofaro, V., & Leone, L. (2022). Conspiracy beliefs of Italian voters for populist parties: The moderated mediational role of political interest and ideological attitudes. Acta Psychologica, 223, 103508.
84. 2022. De Cristofaro, V., Giacomantonio, M., Pellegrini, V., Salvati, M., & Leone, L. (2022). Assessing social dominance orientation and system justification as psychological pathways from practicing meditation to tax evasion intentions and support for tax progressivity. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 32(6), 1077-1086.
85. 2022. Giacomantonio, M., De Cristofaro, V., Panno, A., Pellegrini, V., Salvati, M., & Leone, L. (2022). The mindful way out of materialism: Mindfulness mediates the association between regulatory modes and materialism. Current Psychology, 41(5).
86. 2023. De Cristofaro, V., Pellegrini, V., Salvati, M., Leone, L., & Giacomantonio, M. (2023). Employment, collective action, and satisfaction: the moderating role of acceptance of inequality. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
87. 2023. Panno, A., De Cristofaro, V., Pellegrini, V., Leone, L., Giacomantonio, M., & Anna Donati, M. (2023). Proud to support social equality: investigating the roles of pride, guilt, anger, and disgust in attitudes towards immigrants. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26(5), 985-1009.