Affiliation: University of Rome Sapienza, Department of Psychology
Total number of publications in peer-review journals = 257 (also 25 national peer-reviewed journals)
H index ISI=51
Google Scholar=70
01/11/1992–31/10/2001 Full Professor at the Department of Psychology - University of Rome Sapienza
Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology - University of Rome Sapienza
Professor at the European University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
Reasearch Assistant Department of Psychology - University of Rome Sapienza, Rome (Italy)
01/01/1990–31/12/1991 Research Fellow: National Institute of Health, Rome (Italy)
01/11/1987–31/10/1990 Doctorate in Psychology (PhD) University of Rome Sapienza, Rome (Italy)
01/11/1978–31/03/1981 Degree in Experimental Psychology University of Rome Sapienza, Rome (Italy)
Awards Travel Award, World Sleep Federation– September 15-19, 1991 – Cannes, France
Travel Award, 11th European Congress on Sleep Research, Helsinki, Finland, 5-10 July 1992
Editorial activity • Editor in Chief of Brain Sciences (section Behavioral Neuroscience)
• Associate Editor of Journal of Sleep Research
• Associate Editor of Journal of Integrative Neuroscience
• Associate Editor of Nature and Science of Sleep
• Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychiatry (specialty section Sleep Disorders)
• Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Neurogenomics (specialty section of Frontiers in Neuroscience Frontiers in Neurology Frontiers in Genetics )
• Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Psychopathology (specialty section of Frontiers in Psychology Frontiers in Psychiatry )
• Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Aging Psychiatry (specialty section of Frontiers in Psychiatry)
• Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (specialty section of Frontiers in Neuroscience)
Major invited presentations
• ICOSS - International COVID Sleep Study, Helsinky, july 2021
• Laboratoire de Sommeil, Département de Psychiatrie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Genève, Switzerland, 13 sept 2015
Grants • Italian Ministry of Health RF-2018-12365682 (2018) STANDALONE: "STand AND wALk". OptimiziNg the Embodiment and agency of the exoskeleton (EXO) in spinal cord injury patients (SCIp). (450.000,00)
• "Medie Attrezzature Sapienza" 2017 High-density EEG (hd-EEG) of sleep across the "STand AND wALk" project. OptimiziNg agency of Exoskeleton in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients and the impact of prosthetic learning on hd-EEG of sleep (30.000,00)
• FISR 2020 "Covid and Health: Re-OrganizatioN Of School start time – CHRONOS-" -FISR2020IP_02204 (45.923,20)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Reviewer for national and international agencies:
• Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
• Sêr Cymru II - Welsh Government
• Ministry of Science, Technology & Space – Israel
• Austrian Doctoral Program
• Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French ANR)
• The Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR)
• Projects of National Interest (PRIN)
• Committee of Privat-Docents of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva
Board of scientific societies
• Board of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology (2003-2006)
• Board of the Italian Society of Sleep Reasearch (2012-2014)
• Board of Italian Association of Sleep Medicine (2014-present)
• Secretary of Italian Association of Sleep Medicine (2018-present)
Peer reviewer
Serving as reviewer for tens of international journals. Among them, there are the following ones: Annals of Neurology, Nature Communications, Cerebral Cortex, Biological Psychiatry, Journal of Neuroscience, eLife, Alzheimer's & Dementia, Science
Public engagement
• Blogger Huffington Post Italy (2013-present)" The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why", National Geographic magazine
• “La pandemia puede provoca suenos similares a los que tiene un veterano de guerra”, El Mercurio, Chile
• " Sleep talk: what does it mean?", Independent, Ireland
• " Sterren maken in het lab", De Standaard. Belgium
• Tens of interviews for the major italian newspapers (La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, Messaggero...; partially reported here:
• Interviews for all main broadcasters (Superquark, RaiScuola, Tg1, Rai1, Rai3, Nautilus, TG5, TG4...; partially reported here:
• Radio and web interviews (partially reported here:
Key Topics and Expertize in Sleep Research:
• Cortical and subcortical circuits in human sleep
• Cortical EEG topography during sleep
• Sleep fragmentation
• Cortico-Hippocampal networks
• Corpus callosum
• Sleep and neural plasticity
• Sleep-associated diseases (a. Sleep disorders; b. Depression; c. Alzheimer Disease)
• Neurobiology of dream recall
• Sleep onset
• Sleep inertia
• Sleepiness
• Sleep deprivation
• Shiftwork
• Sleepiness and driving
• Circadian Rhythms
• Chronobiology
• EEG Analysis
• Sleep, memory and learning
• Neurophysiology (Heritability, Excitability of motor cortex)
• Cortical EEG connectivity at sleep onset
• Placebo effect
• Chronobiological Influence on school learning
(please, consider that I.F. is related to the publication's year)
B1. Violani C., De Gennaro L., Capogna M. EEG and EOG indices of hemispheric asymmetries during sleep. Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavior 1984; 9: 95-107
B2. Violani C., De Gennaro L., Solano L. Hemispheric differentiation and dream recall: subjective estimates of sleep and dreams in different handedness groups. International Journal of Neuroscience 1988; 39: 9-14.
B3. De Gennaro L., Violani C. Reflective lateral eye movements: individual styles, cognitive and lateralization effects. Neuropsychologia 1988; 26: 727-736. I.F.= 2.267
B4. Longoni A., De Gennaro L. Reliability of some items of a handedness performance test: differences between right and left handers. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1992; 33: 771-778. I.F.= 2.782
B5. San Martini P., De Gennaro L., Filetti F., Lombardo C. & Violani C. Prevalent direction of reflective lateral eye movements and ear asymmetries in a dichotic test of musical chords. Neuropsychologia 1994; 32: 1515-1522. I.F.= 2.267
B6. De Gennaro L., Casagrande M., Di Giovanni M., Violani C., Herman J., Bertini M. The complementary relationship between wake and REM sleep in the oculomotor system: an increase of rightward saccades during wake causes a decrease of rightward eye movements during REM sleep. EEG Clinical Neurophysiology (now Clinical Neurophysiology) 1995; 95: 252-256. I.F.= 2.400
B7. De Gennaro L., Violani C., Ferrara M., Casagrande M., Bertini M. Increase of REM duration and decrease of REM latency after a prolonged test of visual attention. International Journal Neuroscience 1995; 82: 163-168. I.F.= 0.607
B8. Casagrande M., Violani C., De Gennaro L., Braibanti P., Bertini M. Which hemisphere falls asleep first? Neuropsychologia 1995; 33: 815-822. I.F.= 2.267
B9. Violani C., Lombardo C., De Gennaro L., Devoto A. Left movers advantage in heartbeat discrimination: a replication and extension. Psychophysiology 1996; 33: 234-238. I.F.= 2.774
B10. Lucidi F., Devoto A., Violani C., De Gennaro L., Mastracci P., Bertini M. Rapid eye movemets density as a measure of sleep need: REM density decreases linearly with the reduction of prior sleep duration. EEG Clinical Neurophysiology (now Clinical Neurophysiology) 1996; 99: 556-561. I.F.= 2.400
B11. Casagrande M., De Gennaro L., Violani C., Braibanti P., Bertini M. A finger tapping task and a reaction time task as behavioral measures of the transition from wakefulness to sleep: which task interferes less with the sleep onset process? Sleep 1997; 20: 301-312. I.F.= 1.678
B12. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Bertini M. Selective slow-wave sleep (SWS) deprivation and SWS rebound: do we need a fixed SWS amount per night? Sleep Research Online 1999; 2: 15-19
B13. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Bertini M. Slow-wave sleep (SWS) deprivation and time-of-night effects on behavioral performance upon awakening. Physiology and Behavior 1999; 68: 55-61. I.F.= 1.285
B14. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Casagrande M., Bertini M. Auditory arousal thresholds after selective slow-wave sleep deprivation. Clinical Neurophysiology 1999; 110: 2148-2152. I.F.= 1.672
B15. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Bertini Time course of sleep inertia upon awakening from nighttime sleep with different sleep homeostasis conditions. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 2000; 71: 225-229. I.F.= 0.658
B16. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Sleep deprivation and phasic activity of REM sleep: a dissociation between rapid eye movements and middle-ear muscle activity. Sleep 2000; 23: 81-85. I.F.= 3.168
B17. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Casagrande M., Bertini M. Selective slow-wave sleep deprivation and time-of-night effects on cognitive performance upon awakening. Psychophysiology 2000; 37: 440-446. I.F.= 3.106
B18. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Urbani L. Bertini M. A complementary relationship between wake and REM sleep in the auditory system. Experimental Brain Research 2000; 130: 105-112. I.F.=2.137
B19. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. The effect of a presleep optokinetic stimulation on rapid eye movements during REM sleep. Physiology and Behavior 2000; 69: 471-475. I.F.= 1.419
B20. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. The relationship between rapid eye movements frequency and slow-wave sleep rebound. Journal of Sleep Research 2000; 9: 155-159. I.F.= 2.022
B21. Morelli G., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Dondero F., Lenzi A., Lombardo F., Gandini L. Psychosocial factors and male seminal parameters. Biological Psychology 2000; 53: 1-11. I.F.= 1.500
B22. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. The sleep inertia phenomenon during the sleep-wake transition: theoretical and operational issues. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 2000; 71: 843-848. I.F.= 0.658
B23. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. Effect of slow-wave sleep deprivation on topographical distribution of spindles. Behavioral Brain Research 2000; 116: 55-59. I.F.= 2.263
B24. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. Topographical distribution of spindles: variations between and within NREM sleep cycles. Sleep Research Online 2000; 3: 155-160
B25. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. Muscle twitch activity during REM sleep: effect of sleep deprivation and relation with rapid eye movement activity. Psychobiology (now Cognitive, Affective & Behavioural Neuroscience) 2000; 37: 440-446. I.F.= 1.194
B26. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Bertini M. Voluntary oculomotor performance upon awakening after total sleep deprivation. Sleep 2000; 23: 801-811. I.F.= 3.168
B27. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Urbani L., Bertini M. Oculomotor impairment after one night of total sleep deprivation: a dissociation between measures of speed and accuracy. Clinical Neurophysiology 2000; 111: 1771-1778. I.F.= 1.672
B28. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. The spontaneous K-complex during stage 2 sleep: is it the "forerunner" of delta waves? Neuroscience Letters 2000; 291: 41-43. I.F= 2.091
B29. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Ferlazzo F., Bertini M. Slow eye movements and EEG power spectra during wake-sleep transition. Clinical Neurophysiology 2000; 111: 2007-2015. I.F.= 1.672
B30. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. How much sleep do we need? Sleep Medicine Review 2001; 5: 155-179. I.F.= 1.917
B31. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. EEG arousals in normal sleep: variations induced by total and selective slow-wave sleep deprivation. Sleep 24: 673-679, 2001. I.F.= 4.240
B32. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Curcio G., Bertini M. Visual search performance across 40 h of continuous wakefulness: measures of speed and accuracy and relation with oculomotor performance. Physiology and Behavior 2001; 74: 197-204. I.F.= 1.328
B33. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Ferlazzo F., Curcio G., Barattucci M., Bertini M. Auditory evoked responses upon awakening from sleep. Neuroscience Letters 2001; 310: 145-148. I.F= 2.021
B34. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Curcio G., Cristiani R. Antero-posterior EEG changes during the wakefulness-sleep transition. Clinical Neurophysiology 2001; 112: 1901-1911. I.F.= 1.922
B35. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Bertini M. The boundary between wakefulness and sleep: Quantitative electroencephalographic changes during the sleep onset period. Neuroscience 2001; 107: 1-11. I.F.= 3.219
B36. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Spadini V., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Bertini M. The cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) decreases as a consequence of total sleep deprivation and correlates with EEG arousals. Neuropsychobiology 2002; 45: 95-98. I.F.= 2.065
B37. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Lombardo C., Bertini M. Are polysomnographic measures of sleep correlated to alexithymia? A study on laboratory adapted sleepers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2002; 53: 1091-1095. I.F.= 1.809
B38. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Bertini M. Cortical topography of REM onset: The posterior dominance of middle and high EEG frequencies. Clinical Neurophysiology 2002; 113: 561-570. I.F.= 2.120
B39. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Bertini M. Regional differences of the human sleep electroencephalogram in response to selective slow-wave sleep deprivation. Cerebral Cortex 2002; 12: 737-748. I.F.= 6.118
B40. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Ferlazzo F., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Bertini M. Topographical changes in the auditory evoked potentials upon awakening following an increase of Slow-Wave Sleep amount. Clinical Neurophysiology 2002; 113: 1183-1190. I.F.= 2.120
B41. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Bertini M. Regional differences of the temporal EEG dynamics during the first 30 minutes of human sleep. Neuroscience Research 2002; 44: 83-89. I.F.= 1.812
B42. Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Bertini M. Interhemispheric asymmetry of human sleep EEG in response to selective Slow-Wave Sleep deprivation. Behavioral Neuroscience 2002; 116: 976-981. I.F.= 2.757
B43. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Cristiani R., Curcio G., Martiradonna V., Bertini M. Alexithymia and dream recall upon spontaneous morning awakening. Psychosomatic Medicine 2003; 65: 301-306. I.F.= 3.867
B44. De Gennaro L., Balistreri S., Lenzi A. Lombardo F., Ferrara M., Gandini L. Psychosocial factors discriminate oligozoospermic from normozoospermic subjects. Fertility and Sterility 2003; 79S3: 1571 - 1576. I.F.= 3.483
B45. De Gennaro L., Bertini M., Pauri F., Cristiani R., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Romei V., Fratello F., Rossini P.M. Reproducibility of callosal effects of trancranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with interhemispheric paired pulses. Neuroscience Research 2003; 46: 219-227. I.F.= 2.200
B46. Farrace S., Ferrara M., De Angelis C., Trezza R., Cenni P., Peri A., Casagrande M., De Gennaro L. Reduced sympathetic outflow and adrenal secretory activity during a 40-days stay in the Antarctic. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2003; 49: 17-27. I.F.= 2.014
B47. Pietrantonio F., De Gennaro L., Di Paolo M.C., Solano L. The Impact of Event Scale (IES): validation of an Italian version. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2003; 55: 389-393. I.F.= 2.019
B48. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Sleep spindles: An overview. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2003; 7,423-440. I.F.= 1.774
B49. Curcio G., Cristiani R., Ferrara M., Pellicciari M.C., De Gennaro L. Effect of total sleep deprivation on the landmarks of stage 2 sleep. Clinical Neurophysiology , 2003; 114: 2279-2285. I.F.= 2.485
B50. Curcio G., Cristiani R., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., D’Inzeo G., Bertini M. Time-course of electromagnetic field effects on human performance and tympanic temperature. Neuroreport 2004; 15: 161-164. I.F.= 2.351
B51. De Gennaro L., Bertini M., Pauri F., Cristiani R., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Rossini P.M. Callosal effects of trancranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): The influence of gender and stimulus parameter. Neuroscience Research 2004; 48: 129-137. I.F.= 2.155
B52. Curcio G., Ferrara M., Piergianni A., Fratello F., De Gennaro L. Paradoxes of the first night effect: a quantitative analysis of antero-posterior topography. Clinical Neurophysiology 2004; 115: 1178-1188. I.F.= 2.538
B53. De Gennaro L., Cristiani R., Bertini M., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Fratello F., Romei V., Rossini P.M. Handedness is associated with an asymmetry of corticospinal excitability and not of transcallosal inhibition. Clinical Neurophysiology 2004; 115: 1305-1312. I.F.= 2.538
B54. Bertini M., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Curcio G., Fratello F., Romei V., Pauri F., Rossini P.M. Cortical excitability and sleep: a motor threshold assessment by transcranial magnetic stimulation after awakenings from REM and NREM sleep. Journal of Sleep Research 2004; 13: 31-36. I.F.= 3.400
B55. Bertini M., De Gennaro L., FerraraM., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Romei V., Fratello F., Pauri F., Rossini P.M. Reduction of transcallosal inhibition upon awakening from REM sleep as assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Sleep 2004; 27: 875-882. I.F.= 4.940
B56. De Gennaro L., Bertini M., FerraraM., Curcio G., Cristiani R., Romei V., Fratello F., Pauri F., Rossini P.M. Intracortical inhibition and facilitation during sleep: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Eur J Neurosci 2004; 19: 3099-3104. I.F.= 3.820
B57. De Gennaro L., Vecchio F., Ferrara M., Curcio G., Rossini P.M., Babiloni C. Changes in fronto-posterior functional coupling during sleep onset in humans. Journal of Sleep Research 2004; 13: 209-218. I.F.= 3.400
B58. De Gennaro L., Martina M., Curcio G., Ferrara M. The relationship between alexithymia, depression and sleep complaints. Psychiatry Research 2004; 128: 253-258. I.F.= 1.989
B59. De Gennaro L., Vecchio F., Ferrara M., Curcio G., Rossini P.M., Babiloni C. Antero-posterior functional coupling at sleep onset: changes as a function of increased sleep pressure. Brain Research Bulletin 2005; 65: 133-140. I.F.= 2.481
B60. De Gennaro L., Devoto A., Lucidi F., Violani C. Oculomotor measures predict daytime sleepiness at Multiple Sleep Latency Test. Journal of Sleep Research 2005; 14: 107-112. I.F.= 3.329
B61. De Gennaro L., Ferrara M., Vecchio F., Curcio G., Bertini M. An electroencephalographic fingerprint of human sleep. Neuroimage 2005; 26: 114-122. I.F.= 5.288
B62. Fratello F., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Marzano C., Couyoumdjian A., Petrillo G., Bertini M., De Gennaro L. Can an inert sleeping pill affect sleep? Effects on polysomnographic, behavioral and subjective measures. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2005; 181: 761-770. I.F.=3.994
B63. Curcio G., Ferrara M., Moroni F., D’Inzeo G., Bertini M., De Gennaro L. Is the brain really influenced by a phone call? An EEG study of resting wakefulness. Neuroscience Research 2005; 53: 265-270. I.F.= 2.184
B64. Ferrara M., Curcio G., Fratello F., Moroni F., Marzano C., Pellicciari M.C., De Gennaro L. The electroencephalographic substratum of the awakening process. Behav Brain Res 2006; 167: 237-44. I.F.= 2.591
B65. Curcio G., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Sleep loss, learning capacity and academic performance. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2006; 10: 323-337. I.F.= 5.803
B66. Ferreri F., Curcio G., Pasqualetti P., De Gennaro L., Fini R., Rossini, P.M. Mobile phone emissions and human brain excitability. Annals of Neurology 2006; 60: 188-96. I.F.= 8.051
B67. Ferrara M., Iaria G., De Gennaro L., Guariglia C., Curcio G., Bertini M. The role of sleep in the consolidation of route learning in humans: a behavioural study. Brain Res Bull. 2006; 71: 4-9. I.F.= 1.684
B68. Fratello F., Veniero D. , Curcio G., Ferrara M., Marzano C., Moroni F., Pellicciari M.C., Bertini M., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Modulation of corticospinal excitability by paired associative stimulation: reproducibility of effects and intraindividual reliability. Clin Neurophysiol 2006; 117: 2667-2674 I.F.= 2.718
B69. Bertini M., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Curcio G., Moroni F., Vecchio F., De Gasperis M., Rossini MP., Babiloni C. Directional information flows between hemispheres during pre-sleep and early sleep stages. Cerebral Cortex 2007;17:1970-1978 I.F.= 6.519
B70. Marzano C., Fratello F., Moroni F., Pellicciari M.C., Curcio G., Ferrara M, Ferlazzo F., De Gennaro L. Slow eye movements and subjective estimates of sleepiness predict EEG power changes during sleep deprivation. Sleep 2007; 30:610-616 I.F.= 4.342
B71. Valentini E., Curcio G., Moroni F., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Bertini M. Neurophysiological effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on humans: a comprehensive review. Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28: 415-32 I.F.= 1.799
B72. De Gennaro L., Marzano C., Veniero D., Moroni F., Fratello F., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Ferlazzo F., Novelli L., Pellicciari M.C., Bertini M., Rossini P.M. Neurophysiological correlates of sleepiness: a combined TMS and EEG study. Neuroimage 2007; 36: 1277-87 I.F.= 5.457
B73. Moroni F., Nobili L., Curcio G., De Carli F., Fratello F., Marzano C., De Gennaro L., Lorusso G., Bertini M., Ferrara M. Sleep in the human hippocampus: a stereo-EEG study. PLoS ONE 2007 2(9):e867 I.F.= 2.234
B74. Capozzi F., Casini M.P., De Gennaro L., Nicolais G.P., Solano L. Psychiatric comorbidity in learning disorder: Analysis of family variables. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2008; 39: 101-110. I.F.= 1.123
B75. Tecchio F., Zappasodi F., Pasqualetti P., De Gennaro L., Pellicciari M.C., Ercolani M., Rossini P.M. Age dependence of primary motor cortex plasticity induced by Paired Associative Stimulation Clinical Neurophysiology 2008; 119: 675–682 I.F.= 2.972
B76. Romei V., De Gennaro L., Fratello F., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Pascual-Leone A., Bertini M. Interhemispheric transfer deficit in alexithymia: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2008; 77:175-181 I.F.= 4.209
B77. Curcio G., Valentini E., Moroni F., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Bertini M. Psychomotor performance is not influenced by brief repeated exposures to mobile phones psychomotor performance not influenced by brief repeated exposures to mobile phones. Bioelectromagnetics 2008; 29: 237-241 I.F.= 2.062
B78. Ferrara M., Iaria G., Tempesta D., Curcio G., Moroni F., Marzano C., De Gennaro L., Pacitti C. Sleep to find your way: The role of sleep in the consolidation of memory for navigation in humans. Hippocampus 2008, 18: 844-851 I.F.= 5.230
B79. De Gennaro L., Marzano C., Fratello F., Moroni F., Pellicciari M.C., Ferlazzo F., Costa S., Couyoumdjian A., Curcio G., Sforza E., Malafosse A., Finelli L., Pasqualetti P., Ferrara M., Bertini M., Rossini P.M. The electroencephalographic fingerprint of sleep is genetically determined: A twin study. Annals of Neurology 2008, 64: 455-460 I.F.= 9.935
B80. De Gennaro L., Fratello F., Marzano C., Moroni F., Curcio G., Tempesta D., Pellicciari M.C., Pirulli C. Ferrara M., Rossini P.M. Cortical plasticity induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) during wakefulness affects EEG activity during sleep. PLoS ONE 2008 3(6): e2483 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002483 I.F.= 4.351
B81. Moroni F., Nobili L., Curcio G., De Carli F., Tempesta D., Marzano C., De Gennaro L., Cossu M., Francione S., Lorusso G., Ferrara M. Procedural learning and sleep hippocampal low frequencies in humans. Neuroimage 2008 42:911-8. I.F.= 5.694
B82. De Gennaro L. Neurobiology wakes up for research on sleep disorders: An integration of basic and clinical research. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2008; 14: 3384-3385. I.F.= 4.399
B83. Marzano C, Ferrara M, Sforza E, De Gennaro L. Quantitative EEG and sleep disorders: a new window on pathophysiological mechanisms. Current Pharmaceutical Design 2008; 14: 3446-3455. I.F.= 4.399
B84. Siebner H.R., Bergmann T.O., Bestmann S., Massimini M., Johansen-Berg H., Mochizuki H., Bohning D.E., Boorman E.D., Groppa S., Miniussi C., Pascual-Leone A., Huber R., Taylor P.C.J., Ilmoniemi R.J., De Gennaro L., Strafella A., Kähkönen S., Klöppel S., Frisoni G.B., George M.S., Hallett M., Brandt S.A., Rushworth M.F., Ziemann U., Rothwell J.C., Ward N., Cohen L.G., Baudewig J., Paus T., Ugawa Y., Rossini P.M. Consensus paper: Combining transcranial stimulation with neuroimaging. Brain Stimulation 2009; 2: 58-80. I.F.= 3.000
B85. Bertini M., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Curcio G., Moroni F., Vecchio F., Infarinato F., Rossini MP., Babiloni C. Directional information flows between brain hemispheres across waking, non-REM and REM sleep states: An EEG study. Brain Res Bull. 2009; 78:270-5. I.F.= 2.184
B86. Curcio G., Ferrara M., Limongi T., Tempesta D., Di Sante G., De Gennaro L., Quaresima V., Ferrari M. Acute mobile phones exposure affects frontal cortex hemodynamics as evidenced by functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. 2009; 29: 903-910. I.F.= 5.457
B87. Couyoumdjian A., Sdoia S., Tempesta D., Curcio G., Rastellini E., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. The effects of sleep and sleep deprivation on task switching performance. Journal of Sleep Research 2010; 19: 64-70. I.F.= 3.361
B88. Marzano C., Ferrara M., Curcio G., De Gennaro L. The effects of sleep deprivation in humans: Topographical electroencephalographic changes in NREM versus REM sleep. Journal of Sleep Research 2010; 19: 260-268 I.F.= 3.361
B89. Pellicciari M.C., Rosato M., Miniussi C., P.M. Rossini, De Gennaro L. Physiological aging and plasticity in the somatosensory cortex. Neuroscience 2009 163: 266-76 I.F.= 3.292
B90. Pellicciari M.C., Veniero D., Marzano C., Moroni F., Pirulli C., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Miniussi C., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Heritability of intracortical inhibition and facilitation. Journal of Neuroscience 2009; 29: 8897-900. I.F.= 7.178
B91. De Gennaro L., Marzano C., Moroni F., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Cipolli C. Recovery sleep after sleep deprivation almost completely abolish dream recall. Behav Brain Res 2010; 206: 293-298 I.F.= 3.393
B92. Tempesta D., Couyoumdjian A., Curcio G., Moroni F., Marzano C., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Lack of sleep affects emotion evaluation. Brain Res Bull. 2010; 82: 104-108 I.F.= 2.498
B93. Valentini E., Ferrara M., Presaghi F., De Gennaro L., Curcio G. Systematic review and meta-analysis of psychomotor effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields: human health implications? Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2010;67:708-716 doi:10.1136/oem.2009.047027 I.F.= 3.494
B94. Marzano C, de Simoni E, Tempesta D, Ferrara M, De Gennaro L. Sleep deprivation suppresses the increase of rapid eye movement density across sleep cycles. J Sleep Res. 2011 2011; 20(3):386-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2010.00886.x I.F.= 3.157
B95. De Gennaro L. Cipolli C., Cherubini A., Assogna F., Cacciari C., Marzano C., Curcio G., Ferrara M., Caltagirone C., Spalletta G. Amygdala and hippocampus volumetry and diffusivity in relation to dreaming. Human Brain Mapping 2011 32(9):1458-70. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21120. I.F.= 5.880
B96. Marzano C, Ferrara M, Moroni F, De Gennaro L. Electroencephalographic sleep inertia of the awakening brain. Neuroscience. 2011, 176. 308-317 I.F.= 3.380
B97. Ferrara M, De Gennaro L. Going local: Insights from EEG and stereo-EEG studies of the human sleep-wake cycle. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, Invited Review, 2011; 11(19): 2423-2437. I.F.= 4.174
B98 Marzano C, Ferrara M, Mauro F, Moroni F, Gorgoni M, Tempesta D, Cipolli C, De Gennaro L. Recalling and forgetting dreams: Theta and alpha oscillations during sleep predict subsequent dream recall. Journal of Neuroscience 2011;3: 6674-83. I.F.= 7.115
B99. Tempesta D, Mazza M, Iaria G, De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. A specific deficit in spatial memory acquisition in post-traumatic stress disorder and the role of sleep in its consolidation. Hippocampus 2012; 22:1154–1163 doi: 10.1002/hipo.20961. I.F.= 5.492
B100. Nobili L., Ferrara M., Moroni F., De Gennaro L., Lo Russo G., Campus C., Cardinale F., De Carli F. Dissociated wake-like and sleep-like electro-cortical activity during sleep. Neuroimage 2011; 58: 612-9. I.F.= 5.895
B101. Tempesta D., Couyoumdjian A., Moroni F., Marzano C., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. The impact of one night of sleep deprivation on moral judgments. Social Neuroscience 7 (3): 292-300, 2012. DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2011.614002 I.F.= 2.785
B102. Valentini E, Ferrara M, Presaghi F, De Gennaro L, Curcio G. Republished review: Systematic review and meta-analysis of psychomotor effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields. Postgrad Med J 2011; 87(1031): 643-51. I.F.= 1.939
B103. De Gennaro L., Marzano C., Cipolli C., Ferrara M. HOW WE REMEMBER THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF: Neurobiological approaches to the brain mechanisms of dream recall. Behav Brain Res 226 (2012) 592– 596. Doi 10.1016/j.bbr.2011.10.017 I.F.= 3.327
B104. Curcio G., Tempesta D., Scarlata S., Marzano C., Moroni F., Rossini P-M., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Validity of the Italian version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Neurological Sciences 2013; 34:511–519. I.F.= 1.495
B105. Moroni F., Nobili L., De Carli F., Massimini M., Francione S., Marzano C., Proserpio P., Cipolli C., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Slow EEG rhythms and inter-hemispheric synchronization across sleep and wakefulness in the human hippocampus. Neuroimage 60(1): 497–504 2012. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.11.093 I.F.= 6.252
B106. Nobili L., De Gennaro L., Proserpio P., Moroni F., Sarasso S., Pigorini A., De Carli F., Ferrara M. Local aspects of sleep: observations from intracerebral recordings in humans. Progress Brain Research 2012;199:219-32. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-59427-3.00013-7 I.F.= 4.191
B107. Ferrara M., Moroni F., De Gennaro L., Nobili L. Hippocampal sleep features: relations to human memory function Frontiers in Neurology 2012; 3 (57) DOI=10.3389/fneur.2012.00057 I.F.= 1.758
B108. Tempesta D, Curcio G, De Gennaro L, Ferrara M. Long-term impact of earthquakes on sleep quality. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e55936. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055936. I.F.= 3.534
B109. Tempesta D, Cipolli C., Desideri G., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Can a nap during the night shift counteract the executive skills impairment in residents? Medical Education 47(10):1013-21, 2013 doi: 10.1111/medu.12256 I.F.= 3.617
B110. Gorgoni M., D’Atri A., Lauri G., Rossini P.M., Ferlazzo F., De Gennaro L. Is sleep essential for neural plasticity in humans, and how does it affect motor and cognitive recovery? Neural Plasticity 2013, Article ID 103949, 13 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/103949 I.F.= 3.608
B111. Marzano C., Moroni F., Gorgoni M., Nobili L., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. HOW WE FALL ASLEEP: Regional and temporal differences in EEG synchronization at sleep onset. Sleep Medicine 14 (11) 1112-1122, 2013 doi 10.1016/j.sleep.2013.05.021 . I.F.= 3.100
B112. Pellicciari M.C., Cordone S., Marzano C., Bignotti S., Gazzoli A., Miniussi C., De Gennaro L. Dorsolateral prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with major depression locally affects alpha power of REM sleep. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:433; 2013. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00433. I.F.= 2.895
B.113. Sarasso S., Proserpio P., Pigorini A., Moroni F., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., De Carli F., Russo G.L., Massimini M., Nobili L. Hippocampal sleep spindles preceding neocortical sleep onset in humans. Neuroimage. 86:425-32; 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.10.031 I.F.= 6.357
B114. Gorgoni M., Ferlazzo F., Moroni F., D’Atri A., Donarelli S., Fanelli S., Gizzi Torriglia I., Lauri G., Ferrara M., Marzano C., Rossini P.M., Bramanti P., De Gennaro L. Sleep deprivation affects somatosensory cortex excitability as tested through median nerve stimulation. Brain Stimulation 7 (5), 732–739; 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2014.04.006 I.F.= 4.399
B115. Moroni F., Nobili L., Iaria G., Sartori I., Marzano C., Tempesta D., Proserpio P., Russo G.L., Gozzo F., Cipolli C., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Hippocampal slow EEG frequencies during NREM sleep are involved in spatial memory consolidation in humans. Hippocampus (Cover) 24:1157–1168 2014 doi: 10.1002/hipo.22299. I.F.= 4.162
B116. Tempesta D., De Gennaro L., Presaghi F., Ferrara M. Emotional working memory during sustained wakefulness. Journal of Sleep Research, 23: 646–656, 2014. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12170 I.F.= 3.347
B117. Gorgoni M., Ferlazzo F., Ferrara M., Moroni F., D’Atri A., Fanelli S., Gizzi Torriglia I., Lauri G., Marzano C., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Topographic elctroencephalogram changes associated with psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) performance after sleep deprivation Sleep Medicine 15; 1132–1139, 2014 doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2014.04.022. I.F.= 3.154
B118. Ferrara M., Bottasso A., Tempesta D., Carriera M., De Gennaro L., Ponti G. Gender differences in sleep deprivation effects on risk and inequality aversion: Evidence from an economic experiment. PLoS One. 2015 10(3):e0120029. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120029. I.F=3.057
B119. D’Atri A., De Simoni E., Gorgoni M., Ferrara M., Ferlazzo F., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Frequency-dependent effects of oscillatory-tDCS on EEG oscillations: a study with better oscillation detection method (BOSC) Archives Italiennes de Biologie 153(2-3):134-44, 2015 doi: 10.12871/000398292015237 I.F.= 0.610
B120. Gorgoni M., Ferlazzo F., D’Atri A., Lauri G., Ferrara M., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. The assessment of somatosensory cortex plasticity during sleep deprivation by paired associative stimulation Archives Italiennes de Biologie 153(2-3):120-33, 2015. doi: 10.12871/000398292015236 I.F.= 0.610
B121. Gorgoni M., Ferrara M., D’Atri A., Lauri G., Scarpelli S., Truglia I., De Gennaro L. EEG topography during sleep inertia upon awakening after a period of increased homeostatic sleep pressure. Sleep Medicine 2015; 16 (7): 883-890. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2015.03.009 . I.F.= 3.339
B122. Tempesta D., De Gennaro L., Natale V., Ferrara M. Emotional memory processing is influenced by sleep quality. Sleep Medicine 2015; 16: 862–870 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.01.024 . I.F.= 3.339
B123. Scarpelli S., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. EEG oscillations during sleep and dream recall: state- or trait-like individual differences? Frontiers in Psychology 2015; 6:605. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00605 I.F.= 2.463
B124. Scarpelli S., Marzano C., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. State- or trait-like individual differences in dream recall: Preliminary findings from a within-subjects study of multiple nap REM sleep awakenings. Frontiers in Psychology 2015; 6:928. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00928 I.F.= 2.463
B125. Tempesta D., De Gennaro L., Natale V., Ferrara M. Poor sleep quality influences emotional evaluations even after controlling for depression. Sleep Medicine 2016; 22: 101 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.07.035. I.F.= 3.391
B126. De Carli F., Proserpio P., Morrone E., Sartori I., Ferrara M., Gibbs S.A., De Gennaro L., Lo Russo G., Nobili L. Activation of the Motor cortex during phasic Rapid Eye Movement sleep. Annals of Neurology (Cover) 2016 79 (2), 326–330, doi: 10.1002/ana.24556. I.F.= 9.890
B127. De Gennaro L., Lanteri O., Piras F., Scarpelli S., Assogna F., Ferrara M., Caltagirone C., Spalletta G. DOPAMINERGIC SYSTEM AND DREAM RECALL: An MRI study in Parkinson’s Disease patients. Human Brain Mapping 2016; 37(3):1136-47. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23095 I.F.= 4.530
B128. Novelli L., D’Atri A., Marzano C., Finotti E., Ferrara M., Bruni O., De Gennaro L. Mapping changes in cortical activity during sleep in the first four years of life. Journal of Sleep Research 2016; 25, 381–389. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12390. I.F.= 3.259
B129. Ferrara M., Tempesta D., De Gennaro L. Do exoskeletons dream of plastic sleep? Comment on "The embodiment of assistive devices—from wheelchair to exoskeleton" by Pazzaglia and Molinari. Physics of Life Reviews DOI: 10.1016/j.plrev.2015.12.003 I.F.= 8.615
B130. Gorgoni M., Lauri G., Truglia I., Cordone S., Sarasso S., Scarpelli S., Mangiaruga A., D'Atri A., Tempesta T., Ferrara M., Marra C., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Parietal fast sleep spindle density decrease in Alzheimer’s disease and amnesic mild cognitive impairment. Neural Plasticity vol. 2016, Article ID 8376108, 10 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/8376108 I.F.= 3.054
B131. Grassi D., Socci V., Tempesta D., Ferri C., De Gennaro L., Desideri G., Ferrara M. Flavanol-rich chocolate acutely improves arterial function and working memory performance counteracting the effects of sleep deprivation in healthy subjects. Journal of Hypertension 2016; 34:1298–1308 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000926 I.F.= 4.085
B132. Tempesta D., Socci V., Coppo M., Dello Ioio G., Nepa V., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. The effect of sleep deprivation on the encoding of contextual and non-contextual aspects of emotional memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 131: 9–17; 2016 I.F.= 3.543
B133. D’Atri A., De Simoni E., Gorgoni M., Ferrara M., Ferlazzo F., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Electrical stimulation of the frontal cortex enhances slow-frequency EEG activity and sleepiness Neuroscience 2016;324:119-130. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.03.007. I.F.= 3.277
B134. Cipolli C., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L., Plazzi G. Beyond the neuropsychology of dreaming: insights into the neural basis of dreaming with new techniques of sleep recording and analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2017; 35:8-20. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2016.07.005. I.F.= 10.602
B135. Polini F, Principe R, Scarpelli S, Clementi F, De Gennaro L. Use of varenicline in smokeless tobacco cessation influences sleep quality and dream recall frequency but not dream affect. Sleep Medicine 2017; 30: 1–6 . I.F.= 3.395
B136. De Gennaro L., Gorgoni M., Reda F., Lauri G., Truglia I., Cordone S., Scarpelli S., Mangiaruga A., D’Atri A., Lacidogna G., Ferrara M., Marra C., Rossini P.M. The Fall of Sleep K-Complex in Alzheimer Disease. Scientific Reports 2017; 7, Article number: 39688 DOI: 10.1038/srep39688 I.F.=4.122
B137. Scarpelli S., D’Atri A., Mangiaruga A., Marzano C., Gorgoni M., Schiappa C., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Predicting dream recall: EEG activation during NREM sleep or shared mechanisms with wakefulness? Brain Topography 2017 30(5), 629-638. doi: 10.1007/s10548-017-0563-1. I.F.=2.703
B138. Reda F., Gorgoni M., Lauri G., Truglia I., Cordone S., Scarpelli S., Mangiaruga A., D’Atri A., Ferrara M., Lacidogna G., Marra C., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. In search of sleep biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease: K-complexes do not discriminate between patients with mild cognitive impairment and healthy controls. Brain Sciences 2017, 7(5), 51; doi:10.3390/brainsci7050051 I.F.= 2.786
B139. Socci V., Tempesta D., Desideri G., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Enhancing Human Cognition with Cocoa Flavonoids. Frontiers in Nutrition 2017, 4:19. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2017.00019 I.F.= 2.820
B140. Scarpelli S., De Gennaro L. Electrophysiological pattern of dream experience. Journal of Public Health and Emergency, 2017;1:68 10.21037/jphe.2017.07.03
B141. Vecchio F., Miraglia F., Gorgoni M., Ferrara M., Iberite F., Bramanti P., De Gennaro L., Rossini P.M. Cortical connectivity modulation during sleep onset: A Study via Graph Theory on EEG data. Human Brain Mapping 2017 38:5456–5464 doi: 10.1002/hbm.23736. (cover) I.F.= 4.927
B142. Tempesta D., Socci V., Dello Ioio G., Coppo M., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. The effect of sleep deprivation on retrieval of emotional memory: A behavioral study using film stimuli. Exp. Brain Res. 2017 235(10), 3059-3067. doi: 10.1007/s00221-017-5043-z. I.F.= 1.806
B143. D’Atri A., Romano C., Gorgoni M., Scarpelli S., Alfonsi V., Ferrara M., Ferlazzo F., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Bilateral 5 Hz transcranial alternating current stimulation on fronto-temporal areas modulates resting-state EEG. Scientific Reports 2017 7: 15672 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-16003-2 I.F.=4.122
B144. D’Atri A., Novelli L.a, Ferrara M., Bruni O., De Gennaro L. Different maturational changes of fast and slow sleep spindles in the first four years of life. Sleep Medicine 2018; 42 (2018) 73e82 doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2017.11.1138 . I.F.= 3.360
B145. Mangiaruga A., Scarpelli A., Bartolacci C., De Gennaro L. Spotlight on dream recall: the ages of dreams. Nature and Science of Sleep, 2018, 10:1-12. I.F.= 3.054
B146. Tempesta D., Socci V., Dello Ioio G., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M Sleep and Emotional Processing. Sleep Medicine Reviews (2018) 40 183- 195 doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2017.12.005 I.F.= 10.517
B147. Peretti S., Tempesta D., Socci V., Pino M.C., Mazza M., Valenti M., De Gennaro L., Di Dio C., Marchetti A. Ferrara M. The role of sleep in aesthetic perception and empathy: a mediation analysis. Journal of Sleep Research, 28 (3) e12664, 2019 doi: 10.1111/jsr.12664 I.F.= 3.623
B148. Annarumma L., D’Atri A., Alfonsi V., De Gennaro L. The efficacy of Transcranial Current Stimulation techniques to modulate resting-state EEG, to affect vigilance and to promote sleepiness. Brain Sci. 2018, 8, 137; doi:10.3390/brainsci8070137 I.F.= 2.786
B149. Alfonsi V., D’Atri A., Scarpelli S., Mangiaruga A., De Gennaro L. Sleep talking: A viable access to mental processes during sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2019;44:12-22.
doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2018.12.001. I.F.= 10.517
B150. D’Atri A., Scarpelli S., Schiappa C., Pizza F., Vandi S., Ferrara M., Cipolli C., Plazzi. G., De Gennaro L. Cortical activation during sleep predicts dream experience in narcolepsy. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 2019 9; 6(3): 445–455 I.F.= 3.660
B151. Schiappa C., Scarpelli S., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., De Gennaro L. Narcolepsy and emotional experience: a review of the literature. Behav Brain Funct. 2018, 14:19 I.F.= 2.457
B152. Di Muzio M., Reda F., Diella G., Di Simone E., Novelli L., D’Atri A., Giannini A.M., De Gennaro L. Not only a problem of fatigue and sleepiness: Changes in psychomotor performance in Italian nurses across 8-h rapidly rotating shifts. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019, 8, 47. 10.3390/jcm8010047 I.F.= 3.303
B153. Gorgoni M., Reda F., D’Atri A., Scarpelli S., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. The heritability of the human K-complex: a twin study. Sleep. 2019, 42 (6), zsz053, I.F.= 4.805
B154. Scarpelli S., Bartolacci C., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., De Gennaro L. The Functional Role of Dreaming in Emotional Processes. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019, 10: 459 DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00459 I.F.= 2.067
B155. Gorgoni M., Bartolacci C., D’Atri A., Scarpelli S., Marzano C., Moroni F., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. The spatiotemporal pattern of the human electroencephalogram at sleep onset after a period of prolonged wakefulness. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2019, 13:312. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00312. I.F.= 3.707
B156. Cordone S., Annarumma L., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. Sleep and β-amyloid Deposition in Alzheimer’s Disease: Insights on Mechanisms and Possible Innovative Treatments. Front. Pharmacol., 2019, 10695 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00695 I.F.=4.225
B157. Gorgoni M., D’Atri A., Scarpelli S., Reda F., De Gennaro L. Sleep EEG and brain maturation: developmental trajectories and the relation with cognitive functioning. Sleep Medicine. 2020, 66, 33-50 10.1016/j.sleep.2019.06.025 . I.F.= 3.492
B158. Di Simone E., Di Muzio M., Dionisi S., Giannetta N., Di Muzio F., De Gennaro L., Orsi GB, Fabbian F. Infoedemiological patterns in searching medication errors: relationship with risk management and shift work. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2019; 23 (12): 5522-5529 doi:10.26355/eurrev_201906_18224 I.F.=3.024
B159. Alfonsi V., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., Scarpelli S., Mangiaruga A., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Spatiotemporal dynamics of sleep spindle sources across NREM sleep cycles. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2019, 13, 727 DOI=10.3389/fnins.2019.00727. I.F.= 3.707
B160. Salfi F., Tempesta D., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Cued memory reactivation during motor imagery practice influences early improvement of procedural skill learning. Neuroscience. 2019, 418; 244–253. I.F.= 3.056
B161. Scarpelli S., D’Atri A., Bartolacci C., Mangiaruga A., Gorgoni M., De Gennaro L. Oscillatory EEG activity during REM sleep in elderly people predicts subsequent dream recall after awakenings Frontiers in Neurology. 2019,10:985. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00985. I.F.= 2.889
B162. Lauriola M., Carleton N., Tempesta D., Calanna P., Socci V., Mosca O., Salfi F., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. A correlational analysis of the relationships among Intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety sensitivity, subjective sleep quality, and insomnia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019, 16, 3253; doi:10.3390/ijerph16183253 I.F.= 1.916
B163. Scarpelli S, D’Atri A, Bartolacci C, Mangiaruga A, Gorgoni M, De Gennaro L (2019) Oscillatory EEG Activity During REM Sleep in Elderly People Predicts Subsequent Dream Recall After Awakenings. Front. Neurol. 10:985. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00985 I.F.= 2.889
B164. Scarpelli S., Bartolacci C., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., De Gennaro L. Mental Sleep Activity and Disturbing Dreams in the Lifespan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. - ISSN 1660-4601. - 16:19(2019), p. 3658. I.F.= 1.916
B165. Scarpelli S., Gorgoni M., D’Atri A., Reda F., De Gennaro L. Advances in Understanding the Relationship between Sleep and Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019, 8, 1737. 10.3390/jcm8101737 I.F.= 3.303
B166. Gorgoni M., Scarpelli S., Reda F., De Gennaro L. Sleep EEG oscillations in neurodevelopmental disorders without intellectual disabilities. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2020 49, 101224 DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2019.101224 I.F.= 11.609
B167. D'Atri A, Scarpelli S, Gorgoni M, Alfonsi V, Annarumma L, Giannini AM, Ferrara M, Ferlazzo F, Rossini PM, De Gennaro L. Bilateral Theta Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) Modulates EEG Activity: When tACS Works Awake It Also Works Asleep. Nature and Science of Sleep, 2019, 11, 3434-356. DOI:10.2147/NSS.S229925 I.F.= 4.375
B168. Gorgoni M, D'Atri A, Scarpelli S, Reda F, De Gennaro L. Sleep electroencephalography and brain maturation: developmental trajectories and the relation with cognitive functioning. Sleep Medicine, 2020, 66, 33-50. I.F.= 3.492
B169. Leemhuis E, De Gennaro L, Pazzaglia M. Disconnected body representation: neuroplasticity following spinal cord injury. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, 66, 33-50. I.F.= 3.303
B170. Cordone S., De Gennaro L. Insights from human sleep research on neural mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease. Neural Regeneration Research 2020;15(7):1251-1252. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.272579. I.F.= 5.135
B171. Brunetti V., D'Atri A., Della Marca G., Vollono C., Marra C., Vita M.G., Scarpelli S., De Gennaro L., Rossini P.M., Subclinical epileptiform activity during sleep in Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2020 131 (5), 1011-1018 I.F.= 3.708
B172. Tempesta D., Salfi F., De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. The impact of five nights of sleep restriction on emotional reactivity. Journal of Sleep Research. 2020, 29 (5) e13022 I.F.= 3.981
B173. Alfonsi A., Scarpelli S., D'Atri A., Stella G., De Gennaro L. Later School Start Time: The impact of sleep on academic performance and health in the adolescent population. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(7), 2574; I.F.= 3.411
B174. Gorgoni M, D’Atri A, Scarpelli S, Ferrara M, De Gennaro L. The electroencephalographic features of the sleep onset process and their experimental manipulation with sleep deprivation and transcranial electrical stimulation protocols Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2020, 114, 25-37 I.F.= 8.989
B175. Salfi F, D’Atri A, Tempesta D, De Gennaro L., Ferrara M. Boosting Slow Oscillations during Sleep to Improve Memory Function in Elderly People: A Review of the Literature. Brain Sciences 2020, 10 (5), 300 I.F.= 3.394
B176. Salfi F, Lauriola M, Tempesta D, Calanna P, Socci V, De Gennaro L, Ferrara M. Effects of Total and Partial Sleep Deprivation on Reflection Impulsivity and Risk-Taking in Deliberative Decision-Making. Nat Sci Sleep. 2020;12:309-324 I.F.= 5.346
B177. Bartolacci C., Scarpelli S., D’Atri A., Gorgoni M., Annarumma L., Cloos C., Giannini A.M., De Gennaro L. The Influence of Sleep Quality, Vigilance, and Sleepiness on Driving-Related Cognitive Abilities: A Comparison between Young and Older Adults. Brain Sci. 2020, 10 (6), 327 I.F.= 3.394
B178. Scarpelli S., D’Atri A., Bartolacci C., Gorgoni M., Mangiaruga A., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Dream Recall upon Awakening from Non‐Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Older Adults: Electrophysiological Pattern and Qualitative Features. Brain Sci. 2020, 10 (6), 343 I.F.= 3.394
B179. Zivi P., De Gennaro L., Ferlazzo F. Sleep in Isolated, Confined, and Extreme (ICE): A Review on the Different Factors Affecting Human Sleep in ICE, Front. Neurosci., 2020, 851 | I.F.= 4.677
B180. Di Muzio M., Diella G., Di Simone E., Novelli L., Alfonsi V., Scarpelli S, Annarumma L, Salfi F, Pazzaglia M, Giannini A.M., De Gennaro L. Nurses and Night Shifts: Poor sleep quality exacerbates psychomotor performance Front. Neurosci., 2020, 14, Article 579938 DOI=10.3389/fnins.2020.579938 I.F.= 4.677
B181. Franceschini C., Musetti A., Zenesini C., Palagini L., Scarpelli S., Pelosi A., Quattropani M.C., Lenzo V., Freda m.F., Lemmo D., Vegni E., Borghi L., Saita E., Cattivelli R., De Gennaro L., Plazzi G., Riemann D., Castelnuovo G. Poor sleep quality and its consequences on mental health during the COVID-19. Front. Psychol., 2020, 3072 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.574475 I.F.= 2.988
B182. Scarpelli S., Bartolacci C., D’Atri A., Camaioni M., Annarumma L., Gorgoni M., Cloos C., Ferrara M., De Gennaro L. Electrophysiological correlates of dream recall during REM sleep: evidence from multiple awakenings and within-subjects design. Nat Sci Sleep. 2020;12: 1043-1052 I.F.= 5.346
B183. Miraglia F., Tomino C., Vecchio F., Gorgoni M., De Gennaro L., Rossini P.M., The brain network organization during sleep onset after deprivation. Clinical Neurophysiology 2021; 132 (1), 36-44, I.F.= 4.861
B184. Alfonsi A., Palmizio R., Rubino A., Scarpelli S., Gorgoni M., D'Atri A., Pazzaglia M., Ferrara M., Giuliano S., De Gennaro L. The Association Between School Start Time and Sleep Duration, Sustained Attention, and Academic Performance. Nature Science of Sleep 2020, 12, 1161-1172; 10.2147/NSS.S273875 I.F.=3.384
B185. Reda F, Gorgoni M, D'Atri A, Scarpelli S, Carpi M, Di Cola E, Menghini D, Vicari S, Stella G, De Gennaro L. Sleep-Related Declarative Memory Consolidation in Children and Adolescents with Developmental Dyslexia. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(1):73. I.F.= 3.333
B186. Scarpelli, S, Alfonsi, V, Mangiaruga, A, Musetti A., Quattropani M.C., Lenzo V., Freda M.F., Lemmo D., Vegni E., Borghi L., Saita E., Cattivelli R., Castelnuovo G., Plazzi G., De Gennaro L., Franceschini C. Pandemic nightmares: Effects on dream activity of the COVID‐19 lockdown in Italy. J Sleep Res. 2021; 30, (5) e13300 I.F.= 5.296
B187. Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, Gorgoni M, Giannini AM, De Gennaro L. Investigation on Neurobiological Mechanisms of Dreaming in the New Decade. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(2):220. I.F.= 3.333
B188. Gorgoni M, De Gennaro L. Sleep in the Aging Brain. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(2):229. I.F.= 3.333
B189. Leemhuis E, Esposito RM, De Gennaro L, Pazzaglia M. Go Virtual to Get Real: Virtual Reality as a Resource for Spinal Cord Treatment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(4):1819. I.F.= 4.614
B190. Gorgoni M., Scarpelli S., Alfonsi V., Annarumma L., Cordone S., Stravolo S., De Gennaro L. Pandemic dreams: quantitative and qualitative features of the oneiric activity during the lockdown due to COVID-19 in Italy. Sleep Medicine. 2021,81: 20-32, I.F.= 4.842
B191. Amicucci G., Tempesta D, Salfi F, D'Atri A., Viselli L., De Gennaro L, Ferrara M. The effect of five nights of sleep restriction on empathic propensity. Journal Sleep Res. 2021; 30(5): e13325 10.1111/jsr.13325 I.F.= 5.296
B192. Cordone S, Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, De Gennaro L, Gorgoni M. Sleep-Based Interventions in Alzheimer’s Disease: Promising Approaches from Prevention to Treatment along the Disease Trajectory. Pharmaceuticals. 2021; 14(4):383. I.F.= 5.215
B193. D'Atri A., Scarpelli S., Gorgoni M., Truglia I., Lauri G., Cordone S., Ferrara M., Marra C., Rossini P.M., De Gennaro L. EEG alterations during wake and sleep in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. iScience. 2021, 24 (4),102386, I.F.= 6.107
B194. Chung, F., Waseem, R., Pham, C., Penzel T., Han F., Bjorvatn B., Morin C. M., Holzinger B., Espie C. A., Benedict C., Cedernaes J., Saaresranta T., Wing Y. K., Nadorff M.R., Dauvilliers Y., De Gennaro L., Plazzi G., Merikanto I., Matsui K., Leger D., Sieminski M., Mota-Rolim S., Inoue Y., Partinen M., Chan N.Y., Bolstad C.J., Schneider J., Huang Y., Fernandes A. The association between high risk of sleep apnea, comorbidities, and risk of COVID-19: a population-based international harmonized study. Sleep and Breathing (2021). 25(2):849-860. I.F.= 2.655
B195. Alfonsi, V, Gorgoni, M, Scarpelli, S, Zivi P., Sdoia S., Mari E., Fraschetti A., Ferlazzo F., Giannini, A.M., De Gennaro L. COVID‐19 lockdown and poor sleep quality: Not the whole story. J Sleep Res. 2021; 30: e13368. I.F.= 5.296
B196. Scarpelli S., Alfonsi V., D'Anselmo A., Gorgoni M., Musetti A., Plazzi G., De Gennaro L., Franceschini C. Dream activity in narcoleptic patients during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021, 12, 1907 DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2021.681569 I.F.= 4.232
B197. Camaioni M, Scarpelli S, Gorgoni M, Alfonsi V, De Gennaro L. EEG Patterns Prior to Motor Activations of Parasomnias: A Systematic Review. Nat Sci Sleep. 2021;13:713-728 I.F.= 3.384
B198. Scarpelli S., Gorgoni M., Alfonsi V., Annarumma L., Di Natale V., Pezza E., De Gennaro L. The impact of the end of COVID confinement on pandemic dreams, as assessed by a weekly sleep diary: a longitudinal investigation in Italy. Journal of Sleep Research. 31 (1); e13429, 2022. I.F.= 5.296
B199. Quaglieri A, Lausi G, Fraschetti A, Burrai J, Barchielli B, Pizzo A, Cordellieri P, De Gennaro L, Gorgoni M, Ferlazzo F, Sdoia S, Zivi P, Giannini AM, Mari E. “Stay at Home” in Italy during the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Longitudinal Study on Individual Well-Being among Different Age Groups. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(8):993. I.F.= 3.333
B200. Morin CM, Bjorvatn B, Chung F, Holzinger B, Partinen M, Penzel T, Ivers, Wing YK, Chan NY, Merikanto I, Mota-Rolim S, Macedo T, De Gennaro L, Leger D, Dauvilliers Y, Plazzi G, Nadorff MR, Bolstad CJ, Sieminski M, Benedict C, Cedernaes J, Inoue Y, Han F, Espie CA. Insomnia, anxiety, and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international collaborative study. Sleep Medicine 2021, 87:38-45, I.F.= 4.842
B201. De Gennaro L. The State of Art on Co-Morbid Insomnia and Sleep Apnea (COMISA). Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(8):1079. I.F.= 3.333
B202. Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, Gorgoni M, Camaioni M, Giannini AM, De Gennaro L. Age-Related Effect of Sleepiness on Driving Performance: A Systematic-Review. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(8):1090., I.F.= 3.333
B203. Gorgoni M, Sarasso S, Moroni F, Sartori I, Ferrara M, Nobili L, De Gennaro L. The distinctive sleep pattern of the human calcarine cortex: a stereo-electroencephalographic study. Sleep. 2021 Jul 9;44(7):zsab026. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab026. I.F.= 6.313
B204. D’Atri A, Gorgoni M, Scarpelli S, Cordone S, Alfonsi V, Marra C, Ferrara M, Rossini PM, De Gennaro L. Relationship between Cortical Thickness and EEG Alterations during Sleep in the Alzheimer’s Disease. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(9):1174. I.F.= 3.333
B205. Fränkl E, Scarpelli S, Nadorff MR, Bjorvatn B, Bolstad CJ, Chan NY, Chung F, Dauvilliers Y, Espie CA, Inoue Y, Leger D, Macêdo T, Matsui K, Merikanto I, Morin CM, Mota-Rolim S, Partinen M, Penzel T, Plazzi G, Sieminski M, Wing YK, De Gennaro L, Holzinger B. How our Dreams Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects and Correlates of Dream Recall Frequency - a Multinational Study on 19,355 Adults. Nat Sci Sleep. 2021;13:1573-1591 I.F.= 3.384
B206. Gorgoni M, Scarpelli S, Annarumma L, D’Atri A, Alfonsi V, Ferrara M, De Gennaro L. The Regional EEG Pattern of the Sleep Onset Process in Older Adults. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(10):1261. I.F.= 3.333
B207. Alfonsi, V, Gorgoni, M, Scarpelli, S, Zivi P., Sdoia S., Mari E., Quaglieri A., Ferlazzo F., Giannini, A.M., De Gennaro L. Changes in sleep pattern and dream activity across and after the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: A longitudinal observational study. Journal of Sleep Research. - ISSN 0962-1105. 2022; 31, e13500. I.F.= 5.296
B208. Brandão LEM, Martikainen T, Merikanto I, Holzinger B, Morin CM, Espie CA, Bolstad CJ, Leger D, Chung F, Plazzi G, Dauvilliers Y, Matsui K, De Gennaro L, Sieminski M, Nadorff MR, Chan NY, Wing YK, Mota-Rolim SA, Inoue Y, Partinen M, Benedict C, Bjorvatn B, Cedernaes J. Social Jetlag Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic as a Predictor of Insomnia – A Multi-National Survey Study. Nat Sci Sleep. 2021;13: 1711-1722 I.F.= 3.384
B209. Di Muzio M, Diella G, Di Simone E, Pazzaglia M, Alfonsi A, Novelli L, Cianciulli A, Scarpelli S, Gorgoni M, Giannini A, Ferrara M, De Gennaro L. Comparison of Sleep and Attention Metrics Among Nurses Working Shifts on a Forward- vs Backward-Rotating Schedule. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(10): e2129906. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.29906 I.F=13.366
B210. Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, Gorgoni M, Musetti A, Filosa M, Quattropani MC, Lenzo V, Vegni E, Borghi L, Margherita G, Freda MF, Saita E, Cattivelli R, Castelnuovo G, Manari T, Plazzi G, De Gennaro L, Franceschini C. Dreams and Nightmares during the First and Second Wave of the COVID-19 Infection: A Longitudinal Study. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(11):1375. I.F.= 3.333
B211. Galbiati A, Carli G, Fasiello E, Casoni F, Zucconi M, De Gennaro L, Perani D, Ferini-Strambi L. Exploring the functional role and neural correlates of K-complexes in isolated rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. Cortex 2021, 145, 105-114, I.F.= 4.644
B212. Gorgoni M, Scarpelli S, Mangiaruga A, Alfonsi V, Bonsignore MR, Fanfulla F, Ferini-Strambi F, Nobili L, Plazzi G, De Gennaro L, Editorial Board AIMS Pre-sleep arousal and sleep quality during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy, Sleep Medicine, 2021, 88, 46-57, I.F.= 4.842
B213. Gorgoni M, Scarpelli S, Mangiaruga A, Alfonsi V, Bonsignore MR, Fanfulla F, Ferini-Strambi L, Nobili L, Plazzi G, De Gennaro L., on behalf of the Board of the Italian Association of Sleep Medicine. Persistence of the Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Sleep: A Longitudinal Study. Brain Sciences. 2021; 11(11):1520. I.F.= 3.333
B214. Mangiaruga A., D’Atri A., Scarpelli S., Alfonsi V., Camaioni M., Annarumma L., Gorgoni M., Pazzaglia M., De Gennaro L. Sleep talking vs. sleep moaning: electrophysiological patterns preceding linguistic vocalizations during sleep, Sleep, 2022, 45 (5), zsab284, I.F.= 6.313
B215. Ilona Merikanto, Laura Kortesoja, Christian Benedict, Frances Chung, Jonathan Cedernaes, Colin A Espie, Charles M Morin, Yves Dauvilliers, Markku Partinen, Luigi De Gennaro, Yun Kwok Wing, Ngan Yin Chan, Yuichi Inoue, Kentaro Matsui, Brigitte Holzinger, Giuseppe Plazzi, Sérgio Arthuro Mota-Rolim, Damien Leger, Thomas Penzel, Bjørn Bjorvatn, Evening-types show highest increase of sleep and mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic—multinational study on 19 267 adults, Sleep, 45 (2), 2022, zsab216, I.F.= 6.313
B216. Fasiello E., Gorgoni M., Scarpelli S., Alfonsi V., Ferini Strambi L, De Gennaro L. Functional connectivity changes in insomnia disorder: A systematic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2022, 61, 101569, I.F.= 11.401
B217. Partinen M, Holzinger B, Morin CM, Espie C, Chung F, Penzel T, Benedict C, Bolstad CJ, Cedernaes J, Chan RNY, Yves Dauvilliers Y, De Gennaro L, Han F, Inoue Y, Matsui K, Leger D, Cunha AS, Merikanto I, Mota-Rolim S, Nadorff M, Plazzi G, Schneider J, Sieminski M, Wing Y-K, Bjorvatn B. Sleep and daytime problems during the COVID-19 pandemic and effects of coronavirus infection, confinement and financial suffering: a multinational survey using a harmonised questionnaire BMJ Open 2021;11:e050672. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050672 I.F.= 3.007
B218. Alfonsi V., Scarpelli S., Gorgoni M., Pazzaglia M., Giannini A.M., De Gennaro L. Sleep-related problems in night shift nurses: towards an individualized interventional practice / FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE. - ISSN 1662-5161. - 15(2021). I.F.= 3.473
B219. Merikanto, I., Dauvilliers, Y., Chung, F., Holzinger, B., De Gennaro, L., Wing, Y. K., Korman, M., & Partinen, M. (2021). Disturbances in sleep, circadian rhythms and daytime functioning in relation to coronavirus infection and Long-COVID – A multinational ICOSS study. Journal of Sleep Research, 31(4):e13542.
doi: 10.1111/jsr.13542. I.F.= 5.296
B220. Leemhuis E, Giuffrida V, De Martino ML, Forte G, Pecchinenda A, De Gennaro L, Giannini AM, Pazzaglia M. Rethinking the Body in the Brain after Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(2):388. I.F.= 4.964
B221. Scarpelli S, Nadorff MR, Bjorvatn B, Chung F, Dauvilliers Y, Espie CA, Inoue Y, Matsui K, Merikanto I, Morin CM, Penzel T, Sieminski M, Fang H, Macêdo T, Mota-Rolim SA, Leger D, Plazzi G, Chan NY, Partinen M, Bolstad CJ, Holzinger B, De Gennaro L. Nightmares in People with COVID-19: Did Coronavirus Infect Our Dreams? Nat Sci Sleep. 2022;14:93-108 I.F.= 3.384
B222. Baglioni C., De Gennaro L., Riemann D., Dimitriou D., Franceschini C. Editorial: Psychological Sleep Studies: New Insights to Support and Integrate Clinical Practice Within the Healthcare System. Frontiers in Psychology 2022, 13; DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2022.857433 I.F.= 4.232
B223. Forte G, Leemhuis E, Favieri F, Casagrande M, Giannini AM, De Gennaro L, Pazzaglia M. Exoskeletons for Mobility after Spinal Cord Injury: A Personalized Embodied Approach. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022; 12(3):380. (cover) I.F.= 3.508
B224. Gorgoni M, Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, Annarumma L, Pellegrini E, Fasiello E, Cordone S, D’Atri A, Salfi F, Amicucci G, Ferrara M, Pazzaglia M, De Gennaro L. The Oneiric Activity during and after the COVID-19 Total Lockdown in Italy: A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(7):3857. I.F.= 4.614
B225. Scarpelli, S., Alfonsi, V., Gorgoni, M., & De Gennaro, L. (2022). What about dreams? State of the art and open questions. Journal of Sleep Research, 31(4):e13609. doi: 10.1111/jsr.13609. I.F.= 5.296
B226. Liu, Y., Partinen, E., Chan, N. Y., Dauvilliers, Y., Inoue, Y., De Gennaro, L., Plazzi, G., Bolstad, C. J., Nadorff, M. R., Merikanto, I., Bjorvatn, B., Han, F., Zhang, B., Cunha, A. S., Mota-Rolim, S., Léger, D., Matsui, K., Espie, C. A., Chung, F., Morin, C. M., Sieminski, M., Thomas, P., Holzinger, B., Partinen, M., & Wing, Y. K. (2023). Dream-enactment behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international COVID-19 sleep study. Journal of Sleep Research, 32( 1), e13613.
I.F.= 5.296
B227. Gorgoni M, Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, De Gennaro L. Dreaming During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Review. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2022:138; 104710. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104710. I.F.= 9.052
B228. Holzinger B, Nierwetberg F, Chung F, Bolstad CJ, Bjorvatn B, Chan NY, Dauvilliers Y, Espie CA, Han F, Inoue Y, Leger D, Macêdo T, Matsui K, Merikanto I, Morin CM, Mota-Rolim SA, Partinen M, Plazzi G, Penzel T, Sieminski M, Wing YK, Scarpelli S, Nadorff MR, De Gennaro L. Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Traumatized Us Collectively? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Sleep Factors via Traumatization: A Multinational Survey. Nat Sci Sleep. 2022;14:1469-1483 I.F.=3.384
B229. Merikanto, I., Dauvilliers, Y., Chung, F., Wing, Y. K., De Gennaro, L., Holzinger, B., Bjorvatn, B., Morin, C. M., Penzel, T., Benedict, C., Koscec Bjelajac, A., Chan, N. Y., Espie, C. A., Hrubos-Strøm, H., Inoue, Y., Korman, M., Landtblom, A.-M., Léger, D., Matsui, K., … Partinen, M. (2023). Sleep symptoms are essential features of long-COVID – Comparing healthy controls with COVID-19 cases of different severity in the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS-II). Journal of Sleep Research, 32( 1), e13754. I.F.= 5.296
B230. Alfonsi, V., Varallo, G., Scarpelli, S., Gorgoni, M., Filosa, M., De Gennaro, L., Musetti, A., & Franceschini, C. (2023). ‘This is the last episode’: the association between problematic binge-watching and loneliness, emotion regulation, and sleep-related factors in poor sleepers. Journal of Sleep Research, 32( 1), e13747. I.F.= 5.296
B231. Fasiello E, Scarpelli S, Gorgoni M, Alfonsi V, De Gennaro L. Dreaming in Parasomnias: REM Sleep Behavior Disorder as a Model. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(21):6379. I.F.= 4.964
B232. Fasiello, E., Scarpelli, S., Gorgoni, M., Alfonsi, V., Galbiati, A., & De Gennaro, L. (2022). A systematic review of dreams and nightmares recall in patients with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder. Journal of Sleep Research, e13768. I.F.= 5.296
B233. Camaioni M, Scarpelli S, Alfonsi V, Gorgoni M, De Bartolo M, Calzolari R, De Gennaro L. The Influence of Sleep Talking on Nocturnal Sleep and Sleep-Dependent Cognitive Processes. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(21):6489. I.F.=4.964
B234 De Gennaro L, Scarpelli S, Gorgoni M. The Effect of COVID-19 on Sleep Quality and Mental Health: Adolescents Are More at Risk Than the Elderly. Brain Sciences. 2022; 12(11):1543. I.F.= 3.333
B235. Scarpelli, S., De Santis, A., Alfonsi, V., Gorgoni, M., Morin, C. M., Espie, C., Merikanto, I., Chung, F., Penzel, T., Bjorvatn, B., Dauvilliers, Y., Holzinger, B., Wing, Y. K., Partinen, M., Plazzi, G., & De Gennaro, L. (2022). The role of sleep and dreams in long-COVID. Journal of Sleep Research, e13789. I.F.= 5.296
B236. Forte G, Favieri F, Leemhuis E, De Martino ML, Giannini AM, De Gennaro L, Casagrande M, Pazzaglia M. 2022. Ear your heart: transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate variability in healthy young participants. PeerJ 10:e14447 I.F.= 3.06
B237. Bjørn Bjorvatn, Ilona Merikanto, Catia Reis, Maria Korman, Adrijana Koscec Bjelajac, Brigitte Holzinger, Luigi De Gennaro, Yun Kwok Wing, Charles M. Morin, Colin A. Espie, Christian Benedict, Anne-Marie Landtblom, Kentaro Matsui, Harald Hrubos-Strøm, Sérgio Mota-Rolim, Michael R. Nadorff, Giuseppe Plazzi, Rachel Ngan Yin Chan, Markku Partinen, Yves Dauvilliers, Frances Chung & Ingeborg Forthun (2022) Shift workers are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 compared with day workers: Results from the international COVID sleep study (ICOSS) of 7141 workers, Chronobiology International, DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2022.2148182 I.F.= 3.749
B238. Alfonsi V, De Gennaro L. Sleep problems in adults with learning disabilities: the compelling need for objective and methodologically consistent studies. Evidence-Based Nursing Published Online First: 13 December 2022. doi: 10.1136/ebnurs-2022-103590. I.F.= 0.630
B238. Alfonsi, V.; Scarpelli, S.; Gorgoni, M.; Couyoumdjian, A.; Rosiello, F.; Sandroni, C.; Corsi, R.; Pietrantonio, F.; De Gennaro, L. Healthcare Workers after Two Years of COVID-19: The Consequences of the Pandemic on Psychological Health and Sleep among Nurses and Physicians. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 1410. I.F.= 4.614
B239. Xue, P., Merikanto, I., Chung, F., Morin, C.M, Espie, C., Bjorvatn, B., Cedernaes, J., Landtblom, A.-M., Penzel, T., De Gennaro, L., Holzinger, B., Matsui, K., Hrubos-Strom, H., Korman, M., Leger, D., -Rolim, S., Bolstad, C.J., Nadorff, M., Plazzi, G., Reis, C., Chan, R. N. Y., Wing, Y.K.,Yordanova, J., Bjelajac, A., Inoue, Y., Partinen, M., Dauvilliers, Y., Benedict, C. Persistent short nighttime sleep duration is associated with a greater post-COVID risk in fully mRNA-vaccinated individuals. Transl Psychiatry 13, 32 (2023). I.F.= 7.989
B240. Alfonsi, V., D'Atri, A., Scarpelli, S., Gorgoni, M., Giacinti, F., Annarumma, L., Salfi, F., Amicucci, G., Corigliano, D., & De Gennaro, L. (2023). The effects of bifrontal anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on sleepiness and vigilance in partially sleep-deprived subjects: A multidimensional study. Journal of Sleep Research, e13869. I.F.= 5.296