PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Donatella Di Cesare
co-supervisor: Elettra Stimilli

Research: Utopia in Walter Benjamin's political reflection: between destruction and construction

Although Walter Benjamin is not a utopian thinker tout court, the research aims to trace a peculiar utopian dimension in his theoretical-political reflection, rooted around that singular alchemical combination that indissolubly connects utopia, anarchy, revolution and messianism. Benjamin rethinks utopia: far from being configured in the metaphysical terms of an ahistorical design constructivism, the possibility of its emergence is not only given in historical time, but in its interruption. It is not a return to a mythical past, nor is it a tension towards the future realisation of the perfect society, nor is it situated in another time or space, but in the time-now, which has never been given and possesses its utopian potential. Utopia is a messianic arrest of the historical happening in the dialectical image that can be given in every moment - in every Jetztzeit - and carries with it its revolutionary chance. Miguel Abensour deserves credit for explicitly linking Benjamin's reflection to what he calls the «new utopian spirit», but for the point of view that we intend to assume in this investigation, the limitation of the French philosopher's work results above all in exclusively recognising the utopian dimension of Benjamin's thought in his final production, in particular with regard to the work on the Paris Passages. The purpose of the research is to enter this fertile field of study and, if possible, go beyond Abensour, tracing a not insignificant utopian dimension in the young Benjamin's thought, so as to make manifest the thesis that utopia is not only discernible at the end of Benjamin's production, but instead finds its point of grafting in his early writings, thus playing a key role from the beginning to the end of his sui generis reflection, which is articulated in continuous tension, only at first glance antinomian, between destruction and construction, i.e. between the  «destructive character» and its creation of space for the organisation of pessimism, revolt and revolution, anarchism and historical materialism - which takes theology at its service -, between fragment and Tikkun.

parole chiave
Utopia, anarchy, revolt, revolution, messianism, interruption, Jetztzeit, dialectical image, destruction, construction

Research products

11573/1734601 - 2024 - Babelonline print. Vol. 11: Postmoderno o ipermoderno? Naufragi e speranze dopo la modernità
Picchi, Ludovica - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: B@BELONLINE (Roma : RomaTrE-press ; Università degli studi Roma Tre) pp. 155-163 - issn: 2531-8624 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1712862 - 2023 - Fredric Jameson, Dossier Benjamin, a cura di Massimo Palma, Roma, Treccani Libri, 2022, pp. 352.
Picchi, Ludovica - 01d Recensione
paper: LINKS (Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, pisa roma) pp. 116-119 - issn: 1594-5359 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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